• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 869 Views, 28 Comments

Cadance The Crystal Princess - Sean Tan the Brony

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is not who she said she is, she had no idea WHO she really is

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Storm Preparation and The Talk

Elsewhere, far from Equestria

In a realm far removed from the tranquil borders of Equestria, nestled amidst the tumultuous waters just off the coast of the Slug Troll Swamp and to the north of the imposing Great Iceberg Barrier, lay a formidable rocky island. Its rugged terrain boasted imposing mountains that towered tall and unyielding, while the sandy shores stretched along its jagged perimeter, battered incessantly by the unforgiving waves. Above, the sky raged in perpetual turmoil, with thunderous clouds swirling in an endless dance of lightning and tempest.

Upon this desolate island stood a fortress, its silhouette rising defiantly against the tumultuous backdrop. Though modest in appearance, its architecture was imposing, with a tower adorned by antler-like branches that seemed to reach skyward, defying the relentless assault of the elements.

Within the confines of the Storm Realm's throne room, the Storm King seethed with unbridled fury. His plan to harness the formidable power of his Staff of Sacanas had crumbled before him, thwarted by the unexpected arrival of the crystal creatures and crystal ponies. They had managed to overwhelm his formidable Storm Guards, forcing him and his beleaguered army to retreat to the safety of their stronghold. Adding insult to injury, Tempest Shadow's mission to capture the two princesses had ended in failure; she herself now languished in the dungeon, a bitter reminder of his thwarted ambitions, leaving him seething with rage and bitter disappointment.

A creak from the heavy doors of the throne room drew his attention, and he looked up to see Grubber standing before him, clutching a report in his trembling hands.

"Ah, Grubber..." The Storm King's voice rumbled ominously as he addressed the diminutive hedgehog. "What news do you bring?"

Grubber shuffled forward nervously, his eyes wide with trepidation as he presented the report to his master. "Uh, sir," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he continued. "We've managed to regroup most of our forces, but the losses were... substantial."

The Storm King snatched the report from Grubber's grasp, his eyes scanning the parchment with a scowl. "Substantial losses indeed." he growled, his grip tightening on the edge of the throne as he continued. "But we are not defeated yet. Tell me, Grubber, what of our remaining resources? How soon can we mobilize for another assault?"

Grubber swallowed hard, his gaze dropping to the floor as he spoke. "Our armory is depleted, so it'll take time to replenish our supplies and get most of our troops back in action. Not to mention, we will need to get more troops as we only have like three dozens of them."

The Storm King's expression darkened further at the news, his mind already calculating their next move. "Very well..." He said, rising from his throne with a sense of purpose before continuing. "Gather the generals. We will not rest until Equestria bows before us. Our reign of chaos will not be denied."

With a nod of understanding, Grubber scurried out of the throne room to carry out his orders, leaving the Storm King alone with his thoughts. As the storm outside continued to rage, he turned to the window, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon where Equestria lay. In the swirling tempest, he saw not defeat, but opportunity.

A few minutes later, the heavy doors of the throne room swung open once again, drawing the Storm King's attention away from the window. Standing before him were three generals, their battle-worn armor a testament to their resilience.

"Generals..." The Storm King's voice resonated with authority as he addressed his trusted commanders. "We may have suffered setbacks, but our resolve remains unshaken. It is time to prepare for our next move."

The three generals nodded in solemn agreement, their expressions reflecting the determination in their leader's voice. One of them stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. "Shall I begin preparations for another assault on Equestria, my King?"

The Storm King paused for a moment, considering his options. "Not yet." he replied, his tone measured as he continued. "We still need to reinforce our ranks, replenish our armory and recruit more troops. Our enemy may have momentarily repelled us, but they have not seen the full might of our forces."

The generals exchanged glances, silently acknowledging their orders. "Very well, my King," The first general replied.

Turning his attention to the second general, the Storm King continued. "I want you to send scouts to gather information about Equestria's defenses. We need to know everything about their strengths and vulnerabilities."

The second general nodded, his expression determined. "It will be done, my King." The second general answered.

Finally, the Storm King addressed the third general. "Meanwhile, I want you to expedite the process of rallying our troops, restocking our supplies and recruiting more troops. The time for our next assault will come soon enough."

With a collective affirmation, the generals departed, each with a sense of purpose and determination etched on their faces. Left alone in the throne room once more, the Storm King's eyes glittered with anticipation.

"While my first invasion may have failed, but the second one will be more successful. Once my staff have been powered, Equestria would tremble beneath the might of my wrath!" He sinisterly said as he laughed menacingly which echoed through the throne room.

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Celestia sat alone on her throne in the throne room as the Day Court was finished forty-five minutes ago, her mind was currently on Princess Amore and Princess Cadance.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the doors of the throne room opened and Luna walked in, concern on her face.

"Sister, are you well?" The lunar princess asked.

The solar princess's shoulders sagged as she shook her head slightly. "No, I'm not." She admitted softly as her ears drooped.

Luna closed the distance between them, her concern palpable as she stood before her sister, offering silent support.

"Is it about Princess Amore and Princess Cadance?" The lunar princess inquired.

Celestia sighed to herself before she answered her younger sister's question. "Yes... It's just... we had failed to save Amore and the Crystal Empire one thousand years ago as she was turned into a statue by King Sombra before he destroyed her and scattered her fragment pieces across the world. And now fifteen years later, not only we found out that Cadance, who we adopted after we found her abandoned at the garden, turned out to be our friend's daughter, but also Amore was brought back to life and sent the Crystal Imperial to push the Storm King's kingdom out of Canterlot while she went to her daughter to save her from the effect of that dark magic orb two days ago."

The lunar princess listened intently, her expression reflecting a mix of empathy and understanding as the solar princess poured out her troubled thoughts.

"And I don't know what to do." Celestia confessed with uncertainly in her voice as she continued. "I don't know what to do if we meet Amore again. Will she hate us? Will she forgive us for failing to arrive in time to save the Crystal empire? And what about Cadance? When she learns of our past shortcomings in protecting her mother and their kingdom from a thousand and fifteen years ago, will she turn away from us? "

Luna placed a comforting hoof on her sister's shoulder, offering silent support as her sister wrestled with her emotions.

"We cannot change the past, sister." The lunar princess said, her voice being genuine and sincerely as she continued. "But we can learn from it and strive to make amends for our friend."

The solar princess looked at her younger sister.

"And moreover..." Luna continued, her tone carrying a note of reassurance as she carried on talking. "Cadenza will likely extend her forgiveness and implore her mother to do the same. And as for Amore, her desire to reconnect with us is undeniable. And if she chooses to remain by our side, I have no doubt she will remain a steadfast ally, not only for the good of Equestria but also for the bonds of friendship and family that unite us."

Celestia smiled as she leaned in to nuzzle her sister affectionately before she spoke up. "Thank you, Lulu. I don’t know how I managed without you for so long."

Luna joined in the warmth of the moment, a soft chuckle escaping her. "Neither do I, Tia. Neither do I..." She admitted as she shared in her sister's sentiment.

Author's Note:

Meant to publish yesterday, but I wanted to make sure the story is correct.