• Published 29th Aug 2021
  • 4,411 Views, 566 Comments

First Hoof Account - TCC56

Sunset Shimmer wants to become an alicorn. The newest Princess, Cadance, obviously knows how to become one. There's only one answer: seduction.

  • ...

20 - Time Offender

Now, one would be forgiven for thinking that Cadance attended Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. It only made sense, after all. She was a Princess, Celestia was her adoptive aunt, and it was the best school in Canterlot. But Cadance's attendance was only part-time and mostly theoretical.

Thanks to her provincial education (as Sunset generously thought of it), Cadance was behind on a great many subjects and her role as a princess required a number of classes that weren't taught to the rank and file students at CSGU. Even more so, she had only had a horn for three-ish months and had just recently progressed beyond basic levitation. This rendered much of the School's curriculum inaccessible or impractical. So most of her educational time was taken up by private tutors - of which Sunset technically was one - with only the occasional class at the School. Those, in fact, were only to get Cadance out of the Palace and to ease her into the (semi-)public eye. She certainly didn't need to go to a class about early Reneighssance literature.

Still, Sunset wasn't going to complain. It meant just that much more opportunity to see and spend time with Cadance. (Time that was sparse but rapidly growing. Raven Inkwell's talent for schedule management had magically found at least a little time each day for them - five minutes here, twenty there. And in turn Cadance had been so open with her praise that the young clerk had rapidly jumped from one of the many minor Day Court functionaries to gaining Princess Celestia's personal attention and thanks in only a few days.)

Class itself had been dull: studying Le Morte de Celestia was hardly what Sunset would have called a good use of her time. Literature as a whole held little value for Sunset, despite her recent warming up to the arts in general. Still - the class had Cadance in it and that did markedly improve things.

Her presence meant the time after class was well-spent, too. In the week since the festival, knowledge of Sunset and Cadance's relationship had burned through the city (and by extension, the school) like fire across an angry kirin. Everypony was talking about it and Sunset had played her cards close. Every question was shut down with a simple statement: Wait for Cadance. She would answer nothing without the alicorn's presence, because without her to confirm there was no assurance of truth. And without that assurance, Sunset's comments about the relationship would hold as much weight as Blueblood's empty claims.

Plus it stoked the flames of rumor - not answering was the surest way to increase speculation and curiosity.

None were more curious than the gaggle of sycophants that constantly hovered around Sunset - ponies who hoped to be carried with her when she rose and to shelter in her aura. Most were older than Sunset (unsurprising, given her superior intellect and thus advanced placement in classes) but they never seemed to have anything on their minds beyond trivial things like what bands were popular or the latest makeup trends. Cadance called them Sunset's friends, but that was just the alicorn's naïve nature. Still, Sunset humored her and had actually started to learn their names.

Like the one speaking to Cadance now was Cayenne - a gray mare with a maroon mane - and she was absolutely obsessed with the story behind Sunset's bouquet. One of her friends - a beige-on-beige named Sweet Biscuit - was taking more notes on the flower language than she had taken during class itself.

Sunset, for the most part, ignored what they were saying as she lounged at her desk. They were inconsequential and just using the opportunity to get close to Cadance, after all. (Which was unsurprising and good common sense, admittedly.) The free period would be over in fifteen minutes or so and they would go away again.

She did notice when they all fell into a deep, tense hush, however. All eyes in the room turned to the door - and to Blueblood. Unsurprisingly, his usual sneer of superior disdain was accompanied by a barely concealed layer of fury. That, in turn, made Sunset smile.

"Princess Cadance." He crossed the room at a brisk pace, acknowledging the alicorn with a bow of his head and a terse greeting before he was halfway there. Then his eyes turned and burned into his real target. "Sunset Shimmer."

The crowd backed away a half-step.

Sunset didn't bother to restrain her smugness. "Hey Blueblood."

He responded with a low growl.

Cadance was quick to interpose herself, taking a position to block their fire at each other. "Remember - stay calm." She directed her words towards Sunset, but it was clear she was talking to them both. "I don't think Auntie Celestia would be happy if there was a repeat of last time."

Sunset and Blueblood looked at each other. They glared - but also nodded. Involving Celestia again wasn't something either of them wanted.

After a few more moments of growling, Blueblood restarted the conversation. "Would you care to speak in private, Miss Shimmer?" His eyes darted to Cadance. And as predicted, she took another step forward.

Sunset pre-empted that. "I won't touch him," she promised before the concern could even be raised. "Physically or with magic." And before Cadance could turn her attention to Blueblood, Sunset interrupted again. "He'll be fine, too. It's not like Bluey can hurt me."

The heavy stench of confidence made Cadance frown and Blueblood snarl - but it squashed the alicorn's objections.

Still bathing in the glow of romantic victory and superiority, Sunset sauntered out of the room with Blueblood. She knew how this was going to go: he would lead her to somewhere semi-private, yell impotently about how dare she do this, she would say a few snarky comments and then walk off. It was dull, honestly. Predictable.

The hallways were empty - after all, it was the middle of the day. Everypony was in their classrooms, learning and reading. Blueblood still paused to look around and be sure there were no observers.

Sunset drew up beside him with a smug grin.

The grin vanished as she slammed against the wall with enough force to jostle her teeth. A magical grip, she could have broken in an instant. But Blueblood was using his hooves, with one against her shoulder and the other on her throat. The taut, wiry muscles he had built as captain of the fencing team weren't much, but they overwhelmed Sunset's lackluster physical form that considered lifting anything heavier than a teacup the exclusive work of magic.


Blueblood let up his pressure, just so he could shove her again and rattle Sunset's skull (and demeanor). "How dare you," he hissed. That part of Sunset's evaluation was at least accurate. "It was infuriating enough that you were trying to thwart me, but now that I truly see what you're up to? I had not imagined you capable of such gall."

Squirming, Sunset tried to break his grip - unsuccessfully. Her magic started to shove Blueblood away, but all she got for the trouble was a hoof to the horn that left her head ringing.

"I don't know if you took Princess Cadance away from me as part of some wider plan or if it was just out of jealousy." He pushed harder, managing to slightly lift Sunset off the floor. "I also don't care why. Your actions with her are a slap in the face and an obvious attempt to humiliate me." Blueblood's eyes were familiar to Sunset: she'd seen them in the mirror enough times. Her temper was infamous throughout the Palace and now it was sitting in Blueblood's furious face. "If it was just my own, I would tolerate it. But by flaunting your momentary triumph, you have trod upon my family's honor and name. That means nothing to you, but it means everything to me."

A dozen easy insults sprang to Sunset's mind. The only thing that got past her lips was a helpless gurgle. Her hooves pawed at the wall behind her to try and gain leverage but merely slid off the smooth tiled surface. Unfamiliar panic rose inside her as Sunset realized that for once she had no power over the situation. Her horn lit again in desperation, only for Blueblood to smack it again. (At least it meant her neck was free for a breath-long moment.)

"You will be released once I am finished and not a moment before." Blueblood leaned closer, his face filling her vision. The hot anger he had started with had rapidly cooled to its more dangerous cousin: calculated, calm fury. That level, even tone carried far more power with it for just how much rage it held back. "Normally I would demand you cease your pathetic attempts and get out of my way, but I know you're too petulant for that. So I will simply make three things clear, Miss Shimmer."

He slowly lowered Sunset down, letting her hooves touch the floor again as his strength waned. She didn't fight back further - yet. The thought of another crack to her still swimming head was enough to dissuade her. "Firstly, that your relationship is destined to fall apart. You're intelligent but you are not smart, and that will be your end because you think yourself more clever than you are. In time, both Princesses will see just how flawed their little pet is and will put you in your proper place."

Blueblood's sneer deepened. "Second, once that happens I will be there to lift Princess Cadance back up from where you've dragged her down to. All your struggling against your station can do is delay the moment. We were inequal from birth. That is how the world works and no amount of magical power in your or any horn will change that."

"And third, I wish to make it clear that even after you have lost and I have won, I will not be forgetting this betrayal. Under other circumstances, I would be a gracious winner and let you slip away into the shadows of shame. But your actions have publicly besmirched my family's reputation and the honor of my line, and that is intolerable. So long as you remain within Canterlot, you will not have peace. I will ruin you tomorrow, next month, next year, and as far past that as you are within my reach. I and my children and my children's children will dog you until the day you die - and when you do, we will pay to ensure that whatever grave you are buried in is unmarked and in the poorest pauper's cemetery so that none will ever remember the name of Sunset Shimmer."

He spit it as the most vile curse he could imagine, backed with chill venom. Against a noble of Canterlot, it would have likely struck home. They cared about family and bloodlines and legacy. But Sunset Shimmer knew her destiny - the mirror had shown it to her. There was no substance to Blueblood's threat and it washed over her like a breeze.

He glared at her with hate, waiting for her to break.

She glared back with defiance.

Blueblood gave Sunset one last shove before releasing her. "I hope your next date is enjoyable."

It was tempting to smite him then and there. But Sunset knew the consequences were high and the reward only temporary - blasting Blueblood through the wall would feel amazing, but it wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't get Blueblood out of her life.

And in that moment, Sunset wanted him gone more than being a princess.

Blueblood seemed to anticipate her lashing out - he waited, standing before her, braced for the strike. When it didn't come he slowly backed away, each step growing more nervous. After ten, he turned and walked away as fast as his dignity would allow.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sunset spotted an observer peeking out from the bathrooms: one of her circle of 'friends'. She had learned the pink mare's name earlier that day - Clear Sky - but hadn't bothered with anything more. She hadn't been important. Before.

Closing the distance, Sunset put herself eye to eye with the mare. She was older - a year further along than Sunset was, even before accounting for Sunset's advanced placement. But despite the age, Clear Sky shrank back when CSGU's fiery terror approached her with intense purpose.

"What did you see happen here." Sunset's tone stayed flat and even.

Clear Sky cowered back from Sunset's well-known temper. "Nothing! I--I didn't see anything!"

Sunset shook her head. "No, you saw everything. But you aren't going to tell anypony about it yet." She stepped closer - Clear Sky tried to step away, only to hit the wall. "I can handle Blueblood, and when I do? You're going to tell everypony what happened here and they'll see just how far his threats got him."

The frightened unicorn nodded rapidly - and Sunset left her be.

Cadance - and everypony else in the room - turned towards the door as Sunset returned. The others faded back, giving the alicorn room to approach her marefriend. "Are you okay?" It was a tentative question from the alicorn - both concerned and guarded.

It didn't need to be. Sunset's confirming nod was strong and quick. "Yeah. He made a lot of threats, but it's just Blueblood. There's nothing he can really do, so I let him rant." She gave Cadance a saucy wink. "You should be proud of me. I didn't blast him when he turned his back on me."

Cadance let out a held breath and wrapped her wings around Sunset. (The crowd cooed a quiet "Awwww.") "Thank you for keeping calm. I was worried."

Sunset hugged her back. "No need to be. He's got no power - let him do what ever he wants. He can't stop us."

Author's Note:

And now we're properly moving into Act 2's conflict.