• Published 18th Jul 2021
  • 3,809 Views, 80 Comments

Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

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Chapter Fourteen: A New Day

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Fourteen

A New Day

Morning came to the country of Equestria as the citizens of Ponyville went about their day as if nothing strange happened...well almost like nothing happened as everypony was talking about what happened yesterday with the princesses, the boar, and the strange creatures heading over to the hospital. Almost if not all the citizens of Ponyville were asking questions as to who or what they are, were they from the Everfree Forest, are they here to take over Equestria, or were they invaders from another planet? Questions upon questions were asked as the ponies of Ponyville asked Princess Twilight for answers, but were met with “All will be explained shortly.” or “Meet in front of Town Hall later this afternoon.” Needless to say, some of the ponies went to the town hall, while others were admitted as they continued to follow after Twilight for answers. While Twilight was busy avoiding the citizens of Ponyville while making her way to Mayor Mare’s office. The former Tsars of Russia were currently busy informing Rainbow Dash as to what happened yesterday after being knocked out from colliding into Minotaur.

“Seriously!? Not even a sonic rainboom was enough to take that thing down!?” Rainbow Dash yelled in annoyance.

“If it was a rider, caster, or assassin servant, that might’ve worked. But seeing how we’re dealing with a berserker servant…it’s going to take more than just that to take him down.” Anastasia said as she let out a sigh of disappointment. “Would’ve been nice if my noble phantasm could’ve kept him in ice. That way we might be able to at least move him someplace where it would be difficult for him to escape for a while.”

“Great, so the big guy’s going to keep hunting down more yagas and we’re powerless to do anything about it?”

“The remaining villages know what to do when it comes to the Minotaur. We were able to make shelters where it’ll hide their presence and scent so that he won’t be able to track them. If anything he’ll be going after the bandits that prey on the weak and innocent. That will buy us some time before going back to Russia.”

“Seriously? You’re going to use your subjects as food for that monster?” Rainbow Dash asked in disgust before hearing Anastasia speak up.

“It’s not like we can change the way their mindsets are. Keep in mind that the yaga had the “Only the strong survive” mindset for generations because of how it was before coming here, remember.”

“I mean, yeah…still it’s kind of messed up you would do that.”

“Believe me. I know, but we can’t change their minds. Not even by force.” She said before noticing hearing the pegasus snort in annoyance.

“Fine. I suppose I have no right to judge given what you told us. But I don’t have to like it.” She said before looking at them both. “So what’s the plan? Are we gonna go back and kick that monster’s butt?”

“Not without the assistance of another servant as Anastasia mentioned to your friends yesterday,” Ivan said. “Also you’re still recovering from your injuries, so going there now would be a bit of a problem in your case.”

“Oh please, you think something like this is gonna stop me from-” Just as Rainbow Dash was about to stand up, she felt a surge of pain flowing through her body at her attempt to stand it caused her to wince in pain.

“Determine as you are, your body has its limits. Should you continue to ignore that fact, you might be out of commission for much longer than how the doctor said you’ll be out.” He said as the pegasus huffed in annoyance.

“The plan is to seek help from Atalante. The servant that gave you and your friend's directions to the village of the Yagas?” Anastasia said as Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Yeah, I remember her. But wouldn’t having you two be enough to take him down seeing how you both are fully recovered?”

“If it was a different servant in a different class, then we wouldn’t have a problem. But seeing how he’s the legendary minotaur and he’s a berserker class servant, then he’s going to be hard to take down even at full power.” Ivan answered. “Fighting him is out of the question until we can get the assistance of Atalante. Hence the reason why the princesses will be the ones to do so.”

“Why not you or Anastasia?” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed them both going silent for a few seconds before Ivan spoke up.

“Given our actions as Tsars of Russia, she doesn’t trust us. Especially me seeing how I ended up killing a lot of our subjects. Because of that, we think it would be best for you ponies to be able to talk to her so she can help us in this matter.”

“Though the problem with that is that unicorns still can’t use magic,” Anastasia added. “Might be because the fantasy tree is still trying to coexist with the magic of this world.”

“So we’re going to have to wait until that issue is solved?”

“That or we sneak into Russia and try to find Atalante while keeping ourselves hidden from Minotaur.” She said before looking outside of the window in Rainbow Dash’s room. “Though I think we should wait to think of a proper plan before trying that.”

“Geez, one thing after another. And here I thought things were going to be smooth sailing.” Rainbow Dash said as she leaned back in her bed. “So what's the plan now, seeing how you can’t do much until then?”

“We will learn a bit more about Equestrian culture. Seeing how we’re kind of ambassadors of Russia, it would do us good to know the rules and laws of Equestria so we don’t cause too much trouble.”

“Yeah, that might be hard to do. Especially given how you two aren’t ponies, but magical beings from another world. It also didn’t help that we came here on a giant pig that would give an Ursa Minor a run for its money.” Rainbow Dash said as both Anastasia and Ivan deadpan at her, though it couldn’t be seen on Ivan’s face, the pegasus could feel that he was deadpanning her. The mare flinched upon seeing their expression as she raised her hooves in defense. “Hey, I’m just saying from past experiences. Ponies in Ponyville aren’t exactly chill when it comes to new things like you, Ivan, and wolf boy.”

“Not surprising, but did you have to be so blunt about it?” Ivan asked as Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“Better to hear it now than later.” She said as Anatasia was about to say something, only to be interrupted by the door to the room they’re in. The trio looked over to where the door was as they saw Twilight entering the room.

“Oh good, you’re with Rainbow Dash. I thought you two might’ve wandered off into Ponyville to find me.” She said before closing the door behind her. “How are you all feeling this morning?”

“We’re fine, though Rainbow Dash might not be due to being out of commission due to her injuries,” Anastasia said as the pegasus snorted in annoyance. “So I take it that the meeting you had with Mayor Mare was successful?”

“For the most part, yes. Though she does want to meet you two someplace that doesn’t involve a lot of ponies bombarding her with questions and to make sure you both aren’t dangerous.”

“Anastasia can get by with the whole not being dangerous given how she looks like a human, Ivan not so much given how he’s about the size of Big Mac if he was on steroids and was fused with an elephant.” Rainbow Dash said as Twilight rolled her eyes and made her way over to them.

“Yes, Ivan may look different and a bit threatening looking. But underneath that, he is a nice person.”

“Nice is an understatement. I would go with him “Understand what he did wrong” for once in his life.” Anastasia commented as Twilight shot her a glare, which in turn caused the caster servant to look away while acting innocent as she whistled.

“I’m sure ponies won’t find him that scary. Remember what happened with Zecora and who we thought was evil for being different?” Twilight said as Rainbow Dash grimaced at the memory of that incident. “We just have to remind them about tolerance and acceptance of our new friends' appearances.”

“Not to sound rude or anything, but I have my doubts that they’re easy to win over. I mean it’s not like you have a school that teaches them about that kind of stuff.” Anastasia said.

“There is,” Twilight said as the two servants stared at her as if she was joking.

“You…have a school…that teaches ponies about friendship?” Ivan asked as the lavender alicorn nodded with a smile on her face. “This must be a joke. School isn't meant to be about friendship. It’s a place where you learn about mathematics, English, history, etc. There’s no such thing as a school that teaches friendship.”

“Maybe where you come from, but here in Ponyville, that is a thing. I mean we do have a normal school that teaches stuff like what you said, but the school of friendship teaches ponies and others about the magic of friendship.” Rainbow Dash said as she noticed the two of them still not convinced by what she was saying. “You two don’t believe me, do you?”

“It’s just…very hard to believe that a school would be made for something as ridiculous as that,” Anastasia said. “I mean something like that would only exist in a fairy tale made for children.”

“Maybe we should take you two to the school so we can show you what I mean. It’s also where Mayor Mare wanted to meet you both.” Twilight said as she began to make her way over to the doorway.

“Wait, wouldn’t it be a bad thing for them to be walking around. Especially when everypony is already afraid of them?” Rainbow Dash asked as Ivan spoke up.

“We can turn into our spirit forms if we have to walk about without being noticed,” Ivan said as Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at them in confusion.

“Spirit forms? What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked as she watched the two servants vanish within a blink of an eye. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were taken by surprise by this as they scanned the room to see where they were, only for them to return to their physical forms.

“....Okay how were you able to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked as Anastasia smirked.

“The perks of being a servant. We don’t have a physical form per se, so we can turn into spirits as a means of conserving magic, recover from certain injuries, and go invisible as a means to avoid being seen.”

“T-That can work actually,” Twilight said before hearing Rainbow Dash speak up.

“Wait a minute, why didn't you do that during the time Twilight and the others were making their way through town?”

“Because we didn’t know if Minotaur would be chasing after us, and remember that you guys still can’t use magic to defend yourselves from his attacks,” Ivan answered as Rainbow Dash was about to say something else, but didn’t have anything to come back with. Not like she could, seeing how it was true about Twilight and the Princesses still not having magic. “So we’ll follow you while remaining invisible. Sounds like a plan?”

“Y-Yeah, that can work. That way ponies won’t run around screaming and cause a panic.” Rainbow Dash said before seeing the servants vanish once again. “I’d go with you guys, but I’m still stuck here until the doctors give me the okay sign for me to leave.”

“Try to get better soon, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from us, okay?” Twilight asked as Rainbow Dash nodded. She soon turned her attention in the direction of where she could guess the servants were still sitting in. “You two ready?”

“We’re ready, just lead the way and we’ll follow,” Anastasia said as she and Ivan follow after Twilight to the school of friendship