• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,135 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

  • ...

You remember? (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/30/2023)

Sunset couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Was this real, or was she dreaming? She honestly had no clue at all!

“No. No this has to be a bad dream I’m having and I need to wake up now!”

Sunset slapped herself a few times to try and wake herself up to get out of this nightmare, but nothing happened. Even when Pinkie Pie pinched her to see if she was. But she wasn’t.

Applejack then proceeded to ask her an important question that she didn’t see coming.

“And exactly how is it you were able to see my memories?”

“With my geode,” Sunset said, grabbing a hold of it around her neck.

Rarity soon comments it was likely fake, which made Sunset upset. Her geode wasn’t fake at all, as they had all gotten them together back at Camp Everfree.

Sunset then tried reminding them of certain events that happened over the last year after the Fall Formal. She asked Pinkie Pie about the sleepover they had during the Battle of the Bands, to which she told her that the closest party she’d ever been invited to, was their freshman year party, and what had happened with a fake text message she sent to them.

”Yes, but that was a long time ago. Twilight, you remember right? We’ve been through so much together. Please…”

Sunset was anxious Twilight had been affected too, and hoping there was at least one person who remembered her kinder self. But a part of her wasn’t sure she did. But then, a silver lining occurred.

“Of course I do Sunset. Why would I forget you after everything we’ve been through together.”

This brought a smile to Sunset’s face.

Even Spike remembered as he ran over to Sunset, wagging his tail in excitement.

Sunset was relieved to see that at least one of her friends hadn’t forgotten her, along with Spike as well.

“Girls, if this is some prank, you can stop now. This isn’t funny!!” Replied Twilight.

“It isn’t darling!” Replied Rarity.

“What's wrong with you Twilight? Why would you say that about her? She’s never been nice. And when she does act nice, it's all just an act!” Said Fluttershy, as she continued to shiver in fear behind Applejack.

“You didn’t digest any of that cupcake sunscreen Pinkie brought, did you Twilight?” Questioned Rainbow Dash.

“No, I didn’t and why would I even do that? That stuff is disgusting! Shouted Twilight, which upset Pinkie Pie.

“Girls, Sunset isn’t lying, she's the truth!” Twilight yelled, visibly filled with anger at this point.

“Sunset isn’t our enemy, she's our friend!” Spike added, with a moan.

“Don’t any of you remember that I have changed!” Said Sunset.

“No, you haven’t!” Shouted the five of them.

Sunset was out of ideas at this point. She didn't know how to solve this sudden mystery of what happened to her friends. Telling them what she remembered seemed to just be leading to a dead end. She had to figure out a new solution to fix this, or their Friendship would be in danger of a sour ending!

“Twilight can we talk? In private.”

“Of course. Come on Spike.”

“We’ll be right back,” said Sunset.

But the replies back weren't nice ones.

“You better not be pranking us Twilight! Because if you are, I’ll eat my hat!” Yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t hurry back, Darling. Go back to the hole you crawled out from!” Shouted Rarity.

Sunset, Twilight, and Spike headed over to the Lifeguard Tower to have their private talk. Since the sun was still out about, they decided to have their talk, in the nice cool shade of the tower.

“Twilight, if you're pranking me like our friends were, say it now. The cat is out of the bag if you are too!”

“Sunset, I’m not! Don’t you remember what I told you last night, that I’d be here for you? Spike and I were gonna help you in case Trixie showed up to do her revenge on you today!”

Sunset went silent once again. Twilight knew her best friend was being serious about this one. She saw what their friends had said back there and knew Sunset needed to hear something positive after all the negativity she was given.

“Sunset, I’m telling the truth, why would I-”

Suddenly Sunset collapsed onto the sand and started to shake, startling Twilight!

“Sunset! What’s the matter? Are you ok! What’s wrong?”

“Um Twilight, she’s shaking a lot! What exactly did you tell me again that people often have when they’re really worried?” Questioned Spike.

“Oh no! Sunset’s having a panic attack! Sunset listens to me, you need to calm down, you're having a panic attack, you need to calm down right now!”

Sunset wasn’t sure what to say or do and was still thinking this was a really bad nightmare she so desperately wanted to end!

“Sunset! Look at me, LOOK AT ME!”

Twilight got Sunset’s attention and she did what her mom taught her in case she was ever in a situation like this.

“Breath in, and out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.”

Finally, Sunset had calmed down, making Twilight sigh in relief. Her efforts had paid off and we're gonna make sure to thank her mom about it the next time she sees her.

“You're ok Sunset. You're gonna be ok.”

Sunset looked up at Twilight. She was smiling at her, as well as Spike was sitting near her before she readily began to cry.

Twilight brought her friend into a hug as she stroked Sunset’s red and golden hair very slowly while removing some of the sand that had gotten into her hair.

“Oh, Sunset. It's ok. You're gonna be alright. I’m here. Spike and I aren’t going anywhere.”

Sunset moved away from Twilight a bit to calm herself down and think. This day had taken a completely different turn than she expected it, as all she wanted now, was for her friends to remember she had changed.

“Its… It's just like what I went through during the Anon-A-Miss incident all over again. But instead of the girls losing my trust and hating me again, they don’t remember I changed at all!” Sunset cried, before hiccupping a bit.

“Sunset, I don’t know what could have caused this, but you don’t need to worry. Spike and I remember you, and haven’t forgotten anything you’ve done for us.”

“But if it makes you feel better, it would be nice to have a belly rub right about now. If you don’t mind?”

Sunset gives Spike a belly rub before looking back at her friend.

“Sorry about what happened Twilight. I haven’t had a panic attack since the Anon-A-Miss incident. I haven’t felt this stressed, or had a lot of negativity thrown at me months before I met you. I just needed to release it and get it out of my system. I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve done a lot for me and Spike, it's time we pay back the favor.”

Sunset smiled at her best friend once more, knowing that she was back to her cheerful self. But they still had a lot of ground to cover if they wanted to get their friends back.

“Well, now that I got this over with, there’s only one thing left I’m still not sure what to do about. What could have caused all of this to happen and why?”

“You don’t think-” Spike starts before Twilight interrupts saying.

“Equestrian Magic! That has to be it! There could be no other explanation for what caused this memory crisis. But how do we know what artifacts were up against this time? And who do we tell to help us!” Twilight questioned.

Sunset looked at her bag as she began removing her journal and a pen from it, knowing what she must do. But before she laid her pen on a blank page she stopped, thinking to herself if the princess might've been affected.

“But, what if the Princess doesn’t remember me either? What if the magic somehow affected her too?”

“We have to try. It's the only way we can try and solve this. We'll need her help to get our friends back!”

Sunset knew Twilight was right, knowing they had to press on. They had no other idea what could've caused this but needed serious help.

After signing to herself, gaining whatever faith she had left, Sunset proceeded to write her message in the journal.

Dear Princess Twilight, this is gonna sound crazy, but... are we friends?

“Am I... nice? Please answer…” Said the worried Sunset, as she slouched downward next to Twilight.

After waiting a minute to see if she replied, not a single word appeared on the adjacent page.

“It's no use, she must not have the journal right now. She must've been affected and doesn’t care about it. She might not even be in her castle for all we know!”

“Don’t give up hope Sunset. If we wait a few minutes, maybe she will-”

“Look!” Shouted Spike.

A message was appearing in the journal, meaning that Princess Twilight was sending a message to Sunset!

Of course we’re friends!

The three of them sighed in relief. The Princess hadn’t forgotten Sunset.

Are you ok? What’s going on?

Sunset looked back at her Twilight, who nodded in reply before she wrote back saying it's hard to explain all of this at the moment and she’d come to Equestria to explain the rest.

Sunset closed the journal once she was done, putting it back in her bag before standing back up again.

“I told the Princess I’m coming to Equestria. We’ll see if we can find any clues on what we're up against. We must find a way to fix this!”

“Go. Try and see if you can find anything that’ll help us get our friends back.”

“But what about you and Spike? What will you do while I’m gone trying to find the cause of this mess?” Asked a worried Sunset.

“Spike and I will try to see if the girls can remember anything else that involves you being good. It’ll take a while, but we have to try. Maybe they remember one or two good memories of you. I'm not gonna ignore this. My friend needs help, and that help is not going anywhere.”

This made Sunset smile once more.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll try and find out what caused this.”

“Good luck Sunset. You'll need it.”

Twilight and Spike hugged Sunset, wishing her good luck in her search for clues.

“We can do this if we try. We're gonna find a way to get those memories back, one way or another!”

“Thanks, Twilight. You truly are my best friend.”

Twilight smiled back the biggest smile she had made all morning, as she watched Sunset head on off to CHS.

After Sunset left the beach and changed out of her swimsuit and into her attire, she arrived at Canterlot High to head back to Equestria.

After making sure the coast was clear, Sunset entered the portal, heading back to her old home of Equestria.

She still hadn’t gotten used to the twisting and turning when going through it, but now wasn't the time to be concerned about it.

When she arrived in Equestria, Sunset explained everything to Princess Twilight that happened. They then headed off to Canterlot where Sunset reunited with her former teacher, Princess Celestia, for the first time in many years. Sunset was glad that Celestia had forgiven her. They then found themselves entering a restricted section of the Canterlot Library. The two sisters knew if they wanted to find answers to help Sunset, then that was the best place to start. After several hours of searching, they found the answer they were looking for in a scroll. An Equestrian artifact called the Memory Stone.

The Memory Stone has the power to erase any memory, storing it inside itself. It could also erase any kind of memory from a living creature. Whether it was good, bad, embarrassing, or even a fragment.

Sunset knew she needed to return home to tell Sci Twi and Spike what she found. She knew they might have an advantage at telling their friends they aren’t Sunset’s enemy. And they’d hopefully believe her with the help of Sci Twi that their good memories of Sunset have indeed been erased by someone.

I it didn’t work, Sunset wasn’t sure what she’d do to solve this situation.

Sunset arrives back at the beach soon after where she met up with Twilight and Spike under the Lifeguard Tower.

“Well, what did you find?”

“The Princess and I managed to find out the cause of this are indeed from an Equestrian artifact. An artifact known as the Memory Stone.”

“The Memory Stone?”

“What does it do?” Questioned Spike.

“It has the power to erase any memory. Whether it's good, bad, embarrassing, or even fragments of one. We think that someone here might have found it, and used it so everyone hates me again.”

“But that still leads us back to where we started?” Answered Spike.

“That’s right. We may know now what caused this, but we still don’t know who has the stone and where?” Sunset replied.


“Who could have done this to me/you, and why?” The two girls interrupted Spike, talking in unison.

Sunset and Twilight knew this situation was gonna be tougher than they expected. Even with their friendship and proof to their friends of what caused this, they still needed to find a way so they can believe it, or else the future is in jeopardy.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like this will be quite a tough one for the two even if their friends believe them or not.

We'll see what happens in chapter 3! And all I'll say is that there's a twist coming no one will see coming. :raritywink: