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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:


Twilight Sparkle just ended a long relationship. Fortunately, she has a friend who's willing to listen. Who might, just might, be a keeper.

Sex tag is implication only.

A bit of standalone Flashlight fluff. Written as a present for SuperSonicHeroes.

While no prior knowledge or familiarity is required to enjoy this story, this story is canon to Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake. It takes place at least two years prior to the events of that story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Man... I'm SO torn on this one.
On one hand, Flash and Sci-Twi's interactions were great in this.
On the other, I just CAN'T see Timber being the kind of person he was described as in this fic. Even his behavior in IHT, I can argue fits how his character would be in that situation. But here, I just can't. He just seems like too nice a guy to do that kinda stuff.

However, I'm also one of those people that wish Flash had gotten more to do in the later EQG stuff.
There was this weird pattern with him where, as his personality was fleshed out, it seemed like he got less to do.

Well, keep in mind, the way Timber is presented here is through Twilight's perspective, and she's not exactly being very objective when she describes him. A bit of what she's describing is overemphasized, or overblown compared to what really happened, but when you're in that kind of mood, with that kind of relationship... it can feel like the other person is just plain horrible, even if they weren't. Admittedly I'm drawing from my own relationships for this one, and projecting a little.

Still, I do hear what you're saying, and I can see why you'd feel that way.

Okay that explains a lot.

But it also just makes me want to see a story that tells Timber's side of the story, or at least a sequel that shows how they patch their friendship up

Oh believe you me, I have every intention of doing that. I might not like the guy, but Timber still deserves to be treated well, like any other character. Said sequel will both show his perspective (where we find out a lot of what Twilight took as pushy was Timber trying to be supportive in the wrong way) as well as them becoming friends again.

Alright, I'm definitely looking forward to that

>2.5 year relationship
>3 weeks later

Poor Flash. He's going to be the rebound, isn't he?

Actually... no. They end up staying together.

This was a cute story. The interactions and everything was chef's kiss.

Cute story. Thanks a lot for this. The sheer difference between Sci-Twu’s relationship with Timber and Flash really stands out here. Timber is a jerk while Flash is a true gentleman. Only real downside I can see is it is too bad Sci-Twi didn’t breakup with Timber before losing her virginity to him. But hopefully Flash can at least show he is way better anyway.

So when he dropped her off at her front door, promising to give her a call in a few days for a second date, she cut him off by wrapping her arms around him, then pressing her lips to his. Not for long, not for more than a few seconds, but it was enough. Enough to show her gratitude, her appreciation, and the potential for more.

Yeah! That’s what I like to see as a Flashlight shipper!

Also, may I take a moment to curse the lack of screenshots that work for this pairing? DHX really failed to give them chances to interact.

Personally I think one of the most romantic moments between the two is their interaction in “Pinkie Pie: Snack Psychic”.

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

Only real downside I can see is it is too bad Sci-Twi didn’t breakup with Timber before losing her virginity to him. But hopefully Flash can at least show he is way better anyway.

Ehehehe. :twilightblush: I guess we'll never know.

Personally I think one of the most romantic moments between the two is their interaction in “Pinkie Pie: Snack Psychic”.

Oh, huh, that doesn't ring an immediate bell. But then I couldn't remember most of their interactions outside of the main movies. I'll go take a look. If I find a good one I'll replace the cover art with it.

EDIT: Done. Thank you. :twilightsmile:


Well, Twilight here is blatantly trying to use Flash as a comfort toy and gets offended when he rejects her proposition. Maybe she isn't Miss Perfect after all.

You mean, she has a moment of weakness and makes a mistake, and then is properly called out on it by Flash, who not only shows he's a good person by refusing to take advantage of it, but helps her realize what she's doing?

Sorry but I think her characterization makes perfect sense here. It's the sort of thing people do in this kind of situation. I should know. I've had a lot of relationships. I've been on both sides of this. It happens a lot more than you might think, to a lot of people. The point to it was to help demonstrate why Flash is good for her, by not being the type to take advantage of it.

My friend, you have my respect.

Glad to see you write this Dewdrops (even though we both know where this ends up :fluttercry:).

To be honest, I honestly feel bad for Flash. He honestly is shown to be quite a decent guy in Equestria Girls, but he goes through a lot of shit in the show regardless. He ends up developing a doomed to fail love interest in pony Twilight Sparkle, constantly shows up with no significant appearance (he's always just the random guy nextdoor), and watches the alternate Twilight develop feelings for Timber right in front of him while he is trying to move on. It does get a little better later on for him, but it is still unacceptable. He also still gets a lot hate from the Fandom for stealing their waifu Twilight and being insignificant. I understand that Flashlight isn't for everyone, but people really need to move on. It doesn't even end up working in Equestrian Girls or MLP. So to sum things up, I can understand Flash isn't for everyone. However, I don't believe he deserves what he has gone through.

Sorry for the rant. I can't wait to see more of your work.

Yeah... poor Flash and Sci-Twi... :fluttercry:

But thank you, very much so for your words. They mean a lot to hear. I'll be honest. As I've said elsewhere, back when the first EQG movie came out, I didn't care for Flash very much. He felt like a pointless extra, a love interested forced upon the movie by Hasbro execs who thought that was necessary. But he grew on me as a character, and I realized more and more he was a genuine good guy. That's why I tried to depict him as such here, since this is how I think he genuinely is: a respectful, chill kind of dude who looks out for others. I mean the show even gave him a supporting song, like he was a cheerleader, which is how EQG ended up treating him on the whole.

So yeah. He deserves better.

Ah Flash. You were a drop of water thrown into the river of the MLP universe.
Your splash was tiny but the ripples you made affected everything and everyone.
By introducing you to this place, you sent the brony brigade into overdrive.

Shippers adore you
The pony lovers call you a waifu stealer
But you are so much more.
A breath of fresh air, a generic guard or rocker boy.
But we can all agree that you were...... a wasted potential.

So much could've been done with you. So much romance, comedic moments, and drama!
You were what the MLP universe needed but never truly deserved.

I must say, this is the first time I've ever seen elegant poetry used as a comment on one of my stories! Thank you, hehe. :twilightsmile:

Dunno, I mean, I can see it now that Sci -Twi/Flash pairing wasn't a complete accident. It's just I thought that Flash would be friends with Derpy or Sunset.

I mean, there's nothing stopping him from being friends with them. :unsuresweetie:

Howdy, hi!

A review from the mansion.

Every time she cried her throat ached for hours afterwards unless she applied liberal amounts of honied licorice tea.

that is a very relatable downside to crying! your whole sinus system being all inflamed

After she drained it she unceremoniously allowed it to clatter on the mesh table.

i like this level of detail in what Twilight is sensing here, it really gets us into her skin without overstaying its welcome

There was no way Timber or anyone else would be forcing anything on her. She’d break them in half if they tried.


“Twilight, what are you doing?” he asked, pulling away from her.

this is the correct reaction to have! Sci-Twi is on a flailing rebound here

Sometimes he still seemed baffled after she tried to explain, but he never complained. “I like listening to you talk about your interests,” he said. “They matter to you. They make you happy. That’s important.”

this is a really nice energy from Flash! this kind of supportive openness really makes sense as a continuation of what little we saw of him in the canon

Maybe this time, she’d found someone worth staying with.


taking this as Twilight's internal narration, it's nice to see her keep her caution, especially given how close her breakup with Timber Spruce was (who really was a piece of work! glad he got kicked to the curb).

it's really nice to see Twilight so self-possessed in this fic, taking the first step in regaining that part of her she lost in her self-denying relationship with Timber Spruce by dumping him. and maybe Flash sensed this, which is why he did not "make a move", or maybe it's just the kind of guy he is, treating actually connecting as people as the important thing. either way, a good sign of being someone worth staying with. a nice, straightforward shipfic, redeeming Flash's forced-shipping chess piece status by finding good reasons to ship him instead. thank you for it!

First things first - the characters bounce off each other and interact realllly well. This story really does give me that feel of them being mature and grown up, which endears me to it.

I just have to comment on the opening, like, wow, was that well done.

I feel like this is a really well done story overall - the fact that Flash is taking the matter seriously and giving Twilight her own space is just so nice. I feel like this just resonates with me on a deeper level, and it was a really smooth read from start to the end.

In a way, I can say that this can be a story to read when you're down. It will help you to get those spirits up! I thought this was gonna make me sad - but it actually made me happy. Thanks, Aunt!

As much as Timber Spruce failed as a Sci-Twi romance, I don't like the idea of Sci-Twi ending up with Flash instead, for one reason. Flash had been in a relationship with pony Twilight, yes really. Though the logic behind that reason is that Hasbro has treated Pony Flash and Human Flash interchangeably, so if Human Flash ended with Sci-Twi, it would mean a lot of characters in one world could be substituted for another. As an example despite having the same name and similar interests, Pony Rarity and Human Rarity are different and so would pursue different romances and value different things in a romantic partner same thing with Pony Flash and Human Flash. Pony Flash wanted to be a guard while Human Flash wanted to be a musician they had different values and I'd wish Hasbro actually put more emphasis on those values. So while human Flash could see similar qualities in Sci-Twi as he had seen with Pony Twilight, I don't think they would be a good fit. Honestly, in my opinion, Timber Spruce could have been a great love interest for Sci-Twi if handled with more care.

Plus as a side note. While Timber Spruce, despite being kind of ehhh was less ehhh than Flash was portrayed in the first Equestria Girls and it made sense narratively. Why would Pony Twilight and Sci-Twi end up falling for the same person in two separate worlds?

So your analysis has plenty of merit. I disagree re Timber Spruce--personally I think he's kind of a shitbag and I cannot stop the impression I first got that he was in his early 20s hitting on a high school student, no matter what Hasbro tries to say about his actual age--but apart from that you're not wrong.

However, this story was both a gift for someone who likes this ship and also a followup/prequel of sorts to a longer fic that was written where Flashlight occurred for Reasons. Soooo good analysis, but perhaps not the best place to have dropped it. :raritywink:

As I said Timber Spruce needed to be handled with more care to be an actually good love interest.

Like, have him be a student at Canterlot High who is helping out his sister at the camp she inherited. Not have him be a counselor in his late teens, like don't you need like years of training for that? Yeah, that fix could have saved Timber Spruce's entire character. Note this is not the first time negligence on Hasbro's side caused issues and I doubt it will be the last. An example I personally dislike a lot is Sunset's age. Like she was a mare when she left Equestria yet Twilight is shown to be a filly when she became Celestia's student. Unless there's some time dilation, which is never brought up to my knowledge, Sunset should be like in her late twenties at the First Equestria Girls. I personally believe there was some dilation of time as Sunset had four years of high school while Twilight went through about ten years of learning. Long story short Timber Spruce's age is not the only thing we should question.

Mind you I did read Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake and I did enjoy it for the most part. Though, in my opinion, there is a potential double standard within the story. Why dislike Timber Spruce for being older then Twilight when Adagio's a thousand years old and is being shipped with Sunset? This could just be my values however I am fine with age gaps when the experience and power are an equivilant. Adagio in the relationship was stronger and had a lot more experience then Sunset. Honestly the age of consent should be twenty one but politicians are creepy like that.

Though I do understand why people ship Flash with Sci-Twi. I don't.

Honestly unless its a crack ship like a YouTuber and a character they despise, I'm not going to ship it.

This is a great question, and I see why at first glance it would appear to be a double standard. However, I disagree that it is, for one specific reason:

Twilight Sparkle was not an adult when Timber Spruce was trying to date her at Camp Everfree.

In IHW, however, Sunset Shimmer is an adult of twenty-four. She is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. That said, you do have something of a point that, as it was in IHW, the relationship between her and Adagio had an unhealthy power dynamic. That was the point. It was never a healthy relationship and was never supposed to be one. It was set up to fail the way it ultimately did, on purpose, for the narrative.

That's why I have a problem with Timber Spruce dating Twilight Sparkle but not with Adagio Dazzle dating Sunset Shimmer.

Honestly when it comes to romance in media there's always something wrong I find with it. Honestly forgot to take into account that the unhealthy dynamic was intended. Though in my personal opinion even if a person is an adult I would not put them with someone ten or more years older unless the dynamic is balanced some other way. That's just me though.

Even as someone who can’t help but headcanon Sci-Twi as the gayest gay to ever gay, this is a very sweet take on how SciFlash could come together. There’s a rawness to Twi’s feelings in the first section that makes it potent, and Flash being his usual helpful self makes him an ideal fit for Twi at a moment where she feels deeply vulnerable (even if Flash, of course, decides it’s worth letting a little time pass beforehand). I do wish we could have read some of Twi and Flash’s actual dialogue in the second section, but hey, this is meant to be short and sweet, and it certainly gets the job done. One day hopefully soon, I’ll have to see how this ties in to IHW.

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