• Member Since 8th Dec, 2019
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The Sound of Loneliness

Now, what do you get when one person gets both increadibly unlucky and lucky at the same time? A fanfic writer, apparently.


This story is a sequel to Imperial Revision

Many years passed since the death of the last great ruler in Equestria. Her court scattered, her name remembered with both fear and awe. Vacuum never remains empty for long and as the royal palace stayed empty, so the new ponies ascended to power. Or so it was said. News only travel as far as the travellers will carry them, and there are pitifully few travellers who would travel as far as another continent, much less far enough to reach a small town where a very special orphan makes living on the street. Perhaps the last monarch of Equestria is not entirely gone.

A moment more of your time, if you will. This story is not a dedicated continuation of the previous two, it's more of a collection of all the ideas that didn't find their place in the main two stories. "Non-canon," if you will. There is a story here too, but it is, I won't be afraid to admit, much worse quality. There is a reason why these story points never made it in the previous two.

Got featured on 8/18/23

Chapters (53)
Comments ( 56 )

Here we go again. I'm preparing myself this time.

Geez, NM as colt

Very good interraction between Daybreaker and NM!

Twilight was bad choice from start, what NM want to do with her?
And who rise the moon if not Luna?

Do keep in mind that different characters have different opinions, opinions don't necessarily coincide with reality.

I love it tho I'm a little confused the title says a orphaned pony finds out she is related to a powerful pony but when I read this it says the pony is a colt so im just a little confused if someone can clear some things up Idk applicat it

I promise, she's related. It's just that it's more complicated than usual.

I can understand that I do love this series tho your doing an amazing job

I can't wait for more its soooooo good

Yay also Idk why but this chapter never apeard in my tracking box

Its getting interesting

That will be nice.Twilight will be glad to have her old mentor back!

Well,Celestia suprisingly cold in this chapter. I happy that Daybreaker at least try to reсonnect with her, but Celestia ignore her... again. That is more work to do in future.
Twilight is :facehoof:
She blame others in her errors, that not good thing.

Can you blame her if NMM tells her that the blame isn't hers? Different characters have different views of who carries blames.

Yea ,Isnt hers, but now she blame Celestia for this.
She doesnt even say "hi" for Princess, who was like a second mother for her.

Sometimes people need someone to blame and someone has to draw the short one.

I can't wait for more but please take your time your art is magical

Well.wrong choice, i think Celestia better try talk with Daybreaker and make amends.

Comment posted by Appleody deleted Jan 14th, 2022

I never thought I'd see Flurry like that.
The all knowing oracle.

It seems I have something of a penchant.

Well, hope Tiny can befriend Flurry.
They are good together!

Princess Cadance chose to take no action, opting to apparently simply wait them out.

Really hope things pick up for the changelings.

Well, it seems you will be satisfied then.

Ooo, well I wonder what could happen next.
I await with bated breath. :)

This does make me wonder why Shadow wouldn't want her family to join her mistress.
It's also nice to see Rarity still up to her old sneaky tricks.
Great chapter as always. :)

Really, why Shadow doesnt return to her children after NM dead?

You still having this question bewilders me. I believed I made it abundantly clear exactly why she wouldn't. Well, to begin Shadow is NMM's retainer. She doesn't do it because it's a good life but because of her dedication to NMM. The very reason why she joined NMM is so that other changelings, and her own daughters, wouldn't have to follow Chrysalis. And to doom, indeed many of them went because of a petty grudge. NMM isn't a peaceful leader either, in fact, she is a militarist. It is not even her philosophy, it is her worldview. She sees the world broadly in only three categories. It's allies, enemies and people who can be used. Her belief is that war is eternal and essential, she laments the fact but sees no other way to resolve many of the world's problems. People die in service to her. Noble cause or not, her soldiers always fight for her first and for everything else later, she knows it, Shadow knows it and nearly all her serve her understand this at least on a subconscious level. Shadow merely wants for her daughters to have a better life than she had, as natural a desire as any parent would have.

That is true, but don't the changelings need Shadow to prevent the end of their race? I was under the impression she was meant to be the next Queen. If the bugs went along with her they may be able to eventually recover.
Nightmare has also expressed no desire to continue ruling meaning Shadow's children likely would end up only in Shadow's service once the current disaster is over.
I suppose it probably would be better for them if she left Nightmare's service instead. Sadly due to her loyalty to the spirit, that probably won't happen unless Nightmare ordered it herself.

Changelings are like bees. Being a queen is not a status, it is a biological purpose. Like bees, changelings have male and female drones but they are incapable of having more male drones without their queen.

Stay safe and stay strong, to you and all your loved ones. May Ukraine and her people stand their ground defiantly and fight courageously against Putin’s tyranny and madness. The World has your back, for they’re counting on you. From a fellow European: Слава Україні! Героям слава!

Thanks. We gonna win, don't you worry about that. And Russian murders will enjoy their shallow graves.

In fact, I don't remember who took power at Canterlot. So war against?

Oh, Luna, why you reject Nm?:applecry:

I hope Flurry know what she do. Situation now is quite complicated.

Geez,Cadance really unpredectible.

"Where. Is. Celestia?"

I am missing something? Celestia recruit soldiers in previous chapter.

Damn, This is getting so confusing and interesting...

It seems that they have chosen to deal with it the old fashioned way.

Aye. Nightmare Moon simply can't help but slide back to what she understands the most.

I love Flurry here.

Very glad that this wasn't the last we heard from you. Stay strong!

Flurry, sadly, doesn't get enough attention in the show to determine what her special talent is. If I were to take a guess based on the naming convention in the show, she would have had the ability to control the weather. Like pegasi but on a larger scale and to a finer point.
This may have been interesting in its own right but I opted for something less banal and more esoteric for a change. The show has time travel but does not have any divination, not even in the form of crystal spheres, which is a crying shame because predictions of the future could have been a basis for a great villain. Imagine the Six having to come up with a way to surprise a villain that knows what they will do before even they themselves know. Another time perhaps, Flurry needed a special talent indeed for Flurry was intended to play a vital role in the story but at the same time rarely do anything directly. I settled on farseeing, but a very unreliable one. Flurry sees both the past and the future in great detail, but only her visions of the past are accurate. The future, as it is ever-changing, does not stay the same if anything at all goes against her vision. This allows for Flurry to have a struggle despite her being, arguably, the most powerful alicorn in the story.

Why would it be? I said my goodbyes just so that I do not leave too abruptly, but I never believed I won't get any more chances to be here. Russians and their army are, frankly, pathetic. I never for a day believed that they could win. An army that prides itself on its ability to shatter empty vodka bottles on the foreheads of its men is not going to win anything at all, much less a war. Russians need other people to be capable of something other than marauding and boozing. Their martial glories in the Second World War are not total lies, but they weren't solely Russian. 40% of the entire Red Army were Ukrainians because the war was going on predominantly in Ukraine as far as Eastern Front was concerned.
Do not be concerned over weather or not Ukraine will win. Be concerned about what happens next. Victory in this war frankly gives us very little. We do regain control over our sovereign territory but the war does not really end, just like Arabo-Israeli wars never really ended. Russians will continue launching missiles and drone strikes at civilian targets in Ukraine, as well as attempt further invasions, for as long as Russia is not utterly defeated. That is not possible, at least not until NATO finally does what it was created to do. We are looking towards a very grim future regardless of the outcome of the war. Our refugees will not return, not because it's unsafe but because they are not stupid enough to return back to the third world from the first. Our economy will never recover, because few investors would risk Russians' destroying their factories in their next invasion. There will be no membership in either EU or NATO either. Our enemies in the EU have vested interest in never allowing Ukraine in regardless of what happens in the war, and NATO will always pretend that Ukraine does not meet some arbitrary, ever-changing, conditions; apparently, Western Germany in 1955 was much more ready than Ukraine ever will be. The truth of the matter is that NATO has become so cowardly that it no longer performs its functions, I have large doubts that NATO member-states are even still willing to obey Article 5 even if it ever will be called upon. It is an age-old question: is Hans from Hamburg willing to die for Baltic states?

It seems that the ultimate battle is about to come.

I wonder how this will end up like. I wonder who's in charge of this Equestria.

It's intriguing to read about the changing dynamics in Equestria after the passing of the last great ruler. The idea of new ponies ascending to power and the mystery surrounding the special orphan adds an air of anticipation to the story. Sometimes, the cleaning vacuum left by a ruler's absence can lead to unexpected developments.
Regarding your disclaimer, it's perfectly fine to explore different story ideas and directions, even if they are considered "non-canon." It can provide readers with fresh perspectives and enrich the world you've created.
Looking forward to seeing where this unique tale leads.
Best regards,

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