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The UFO chaser but a Dragon. | Support me on Amazon

Comments ( 361 )

YES!!! I need this!! I will watch this story unfold with Laser Focus

I’m not 100% sure, but I think I know where you got the inspiration of this story from.

I’m sorry to say that no matter what I read I will always think Majima sounds like Mark Hamill.
Love the games, love the idea, look forward to seeing where it goes.

Even though I'm a type of guy that likes "Spike being the Main Character, and a OP Badass" Stories.

What is it with everybody ( Even the Teachers ) being total assholes/bitches to him??!!

This happened before in some "high school or super hero" stories with Spike, for some mess up reason, turns him into a "hate/despise/bully this guy magnet"??!! For nearly everyone to screw with him???!!!

This reminds me of Naruto, Harry Potter, or those OC Characters ( "Y/N" ) DXD High School/RWBY, and other Stories in Fan Fiction/Wattpad!!!!!!! Because, they literally created having " Nearly Everybody become Hateful OOC's and Despise/Hate the " Insert Main Character" ( Spike, Naruto, Harry Potter, Y/N, etc... ).

Besides the Dazzlings ( And Discord, I guess. I'm still pissed that he DOESN'T TRY to help Spike with the bullying/abuse problem???!! Or tell Celestia/Luna this?! ), ISN'T their other Students, the other Teachers, or even Celestia/Luna?! That aren't in the "Hate/Bully Spike" Mob, and actually be more friendly to him??!!

Like have the Young Six show up, and be friends to him??!! Or bring Pipsqueak, Button Mash, Snips and Snails again, or even have Sunset/Fluttershy/or Pinkie Pie be on Spike's "Good List"????!!!!

Anyway, isn't it ironic that they bully him because he doesn't have "magic"??!! Jokes on them, he literally does have the MOST OP Magic ( Fighting Magic) their is!!!!!!!

And that he is also part of a Yakuza Family, and when they FINALLY figure those two out.

They will all F****** REGRET IT!!!!! And beg for mercy, which they will be denied!!!!! ( Especially Gilda, Lightning Dust, those Diamond Dog Crooks, and that Teacher Bitch, and many others!!! ):pinkiecrazy:

Another thing, this is another "Mane Six/Seven being OOC Jerks to Spike for No Reason, thus Spike "rightfully" hates their guts"??!!

Then, WHY the Hell are they part of the "Twelve Girls that are interested in him" in the summary??!! Doesn't he hate them?! And IF they are still the "Elements of Harmony"?! Then, WHY are they "responsible for killing Spike's Mother ( Biological or Adopted )???!!!

They aren't exactly cold blooded killers or anything???!!! And some of them are FRICKIN Students and Teachers for Pete's Sake??!!

So, either Spike is probably delusional; Makes a almost petty excuse to hate them; It was a major misunderstanding/miscommunication that the Mane Six didn't really kill her, or it was a huge accident, but Spike obviously didn't know this fact??!!

Because, you basically making it so "Spike X Mane Six/Seven" DOESN'T happened in here??!! "Spike x Dazzlings" is still in the air. But, what about Starlight, and that other mysterious twelve girl??!!

Because I have counted, Mane Six ( Highly Unlikely ) + Sunset + Starlight + Dazzlings makes 11 Girls! Or you replaced the Mane Six with the Shadowbolts?!

Wonder what would Luna be in this AU there?
Curious on what she thinks of Spike in this.

Actually, you’ve surprised how many stories are like that.

Hold on, dude. It’s only the first chapter. Maybe everything will be revealed over time.

It depends if this is luna before or after nightmare moon.


I already know them! I mean, I did list some of the "important" ones in FIMfiction/Fanfiction/Wattpad all together.


Touche. Personally, are you gonna keep responding to my reactions/comments from this Author's ( Dragon-In-Black ) Stories?! No Offense to it.

You have?

Honestly, I haven’t really noticed until now.


Yes, I have. Clearly, you didn't read the whole thing or something?! I did said it right here:

This happened before in some "high school or super hero" stories with Spike, for some mess up reason, turns him into a "hate/despise/bully this guy magnet"??!! For nearly everyone to screw with him???!!!

This reminds me of Naruto, Harry Potter, or those OC Characters ( "Y/N" ) DXD High School/RWBY, and other Stories in Fan Fiction/Wattpad!!!!!!! Because, they literally created having " Nearly Everybody become Hateful OOC's and Despise/Hate the " Insert Main Character" ( Spike, Naruto, Harry Potter, Y/N, etc... ).

Oh. I didn’t know those were fanfics.


Many of them are in Fanfiction, Wattpad, and even here ( FIMfiction ).


Okay, just want to expand your views on many stories here. ( Even though I didn't like them, because they are just making a OOC Angry Mob Fest against the Main Characters!!!!!! ) 🙄 😒

I know how you feel. I’m tracking a story like that now.

“You cannot pick a fight with someone, and expect to always win,” Spike told himself, thinking about the idiots that tried to fight him. The world is a cruel place, it was not the place for those with faint-hearted. It was for those that knew how to fight their inner demons and win.

He does realize it’s the same with himself, right?

Well, Spike had a lot of inner demons that he had yet to defeat. He still did not like the element bearers and the one’s that believe that they are saints when they go around murdering women and children! Albeit, he was biased now as he did not know the element bearers situation.

Isn’t he Overexaggerating?

“of course! Do you wish to bet on Michelle?” The writer asked, looking at Spike curiously. Michelle was a Griffin that would make any creature female and male want to be her partner. Her body was something that was only described by Goddesses’ and her hair was blonde. She may look and seem like a bimbo, but she anything but that. Spike was never caught by her charms which made a lot of creatures believe that he was either gay or that he was simply more powerful. But the thing was it was neither. He is something called asexual. He was not attracted to any creature.


Fluttershy was swaying to the left and right, looking dizzy. Michelle saw this as an opportunity. She jumped into the air and started spinning, her right foot hitting Fluttershy’s face, Soccer style. Fluttershy felt the impact on her face and fell back to the floor, not getting up this time. The medics arrived and took Fluttershy, being very careful to not touch her in a wrong or foul way.

Soccer style?

Spike felt a pang of sadness as he thought about his past. He then shook his head, he could only move forward not backwards. He could not allow himself to be stuck in the past. If he does so, then he will live to regret it and be made fun of. It is bad enough that the assholes at Canterlot High does it, but he does not need others to do the same. He clenched his fists, almost breaking the whiskey bottle in his right hand. The lights in the room were dimly lit as all the lights were on the fighting arena.

Why would they make fun of his past?

The money that Akiyama Garble-San has is only half. The other half is invested in the major business and he has made way more money there than anyplace else. In fact, Spike is surprised that the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance has not told him to spend his money for being richer than them, then again, Akiyama Garble-San does not exactly throw money around and tells the world.

Tojo-clan and omi-alliance?

“No, I better six million bits, but because I am a regular here, I will get an extra two million. This is one of the many ways I have earned money. I mostly beat creatures up for a good amount of money.” Spike sounded as if he was speaking about the weather. He sounded so casual, not afraid if he even lost all the money he bets. Garble is not surprised, Spike is just like his father: a crazy maniac. He does not care if he losses money, as long as he gets a thrill then it’s good.

So he’s a psychopath.

Spike looked to the arena and indeed saw the cornflower blue haired teen with pale cerulean stripes. Spike grinned as he was planning on doing something. He knew that there were cameras in the arena so he was gonna get footage of Fluttershy and Trixie “Lulamoon” Afify. He was gonna expose them to the internet. He would set it up on the dark web and then to social media platforms.

But, what would that do?

“Trixie will regret the day when she placed me inside a trash bag and Fluttershy will regret the day she helped the ‘Elements of Harmony’ in killing my mother. I do, however, wonder how many other mothers they have killed ‘saving the world?’” Spike muttered to himself. He could be cruel when he wanted to, but he did have a gentle side. Those who were loyal to him would receive his back if anything happens. Spike looked at the azure coated teen and scoffed. She would fail just like boobzilla. She did not stand a chance.

Ok, I need the full story, because as far as we know the elements haven’t been known to kill.

Ooooooo. Can't wait to find out

Are you kidding me? Rainbow Dash and Applejack are supposed to be the tough ones, and even I would do better than them in that fight.

You mean *tough*?

No offense, just want you to double check, and fix your own spelling next time.

And what you mean by this?

and even would do better than them in that fight.

I meant that I would do a better job at fighting spike than they did.


Seriously?! Even though that he is a very good fighter, coming from the Yakuza Family of all criminal families, AND a OP powerful being, due to mastering his "Fighting Magic".

Even though I'm still being on Spike's side ( Most of the time. ). The reason for that is because, I may be starting not to like this story's Spike's questionable decisions on some things. Not all of them, just some of them.

Or that his anger against the Elements/Rainbooms is a little misplaced ( Although, Spike being pissed at them due to mistreating/bully him at school is HIGHLY JUSTIFIED for him!!!! BUT, blaming them for his mother's death, and accused them of also being " Mother/Child Killers" is clearly over exaggerating and a bit absurd, even for him! ) and that it was only a A-c-c-i-d-e-n-t in the end!!!!!!!!!!

Still, I'm no FRICKIN Idiot to try to take on someone that powerful like him. ( Unless, I got Magic Powers myself, and I'm on par with, or even way more stronger/faster/powerful/skillful than him. ).

Even if I'm equal, or more powerful than even him. I actually don't want to recklessly fight him like those two idiots did ( Applejack and Rainbow ). I want to act rational, and have a stern conversation with him.

Mainly that while I agree with him being very pissed with the Elements/Rainbooms, other Students, and Teachers for their unfair, and terribly unjustified mistreatment, neglect, and bullying against him. Just "because" he doesn't have any "Magic Powers" in their eyes. :facehoof:

( Even through he clearly DOES have Magic like everyone else, but keeping it a secret for personal reasons. And that he is also one of the most powerful "Fighting Magic" users in the world. Me included in the "most powerful" and "Fighting Magic" lists, if I'm in the story myself.

If I was personally a Character myself in here?! I'm more of a Super Expert/"Master" of Guns, Blunt Weapons, knives/swords/katanas, magic alchemy/potions, Ninjutsu/Genjutsu/Taijutsu, other Weaponry, and more. And my Hand-to-Hand Combat/"Fighting Magic" is in the high tier level. equal to, or even a little stronger than Spike's. )

I just won't accept that his "other reason" for despising the Elements/Rainbooms themselves. Is because, they ACCIDENTALLY/UNINTENTIONALLY killed his Mother ( Along with him accusing them for being also responsible for the other possible deaths of other mothers and children ??!! )?????!!!!!! :facehoof:

I mean, what??!! Wouldn't it be better IF he blames the real bad guy here ( TIREK himself!!!! ) in this situation?! He caused the untold destruction, and chaos in the first place. And you only blame the Hero ( Twilight and her Friends ) for TRYING to stop the real villain and save the day???!!!

And Spike found them guilty, only for the Collateral Damage ( Even though Tirek himself did MOST of the work!!! ), and accidentally killed/murdered his Mother and possibly others ( Even though Twilight clearly DIDN'T know they were their in the first place!!!!! )

I mean, can you really blame them for not thinking clearly, and think about the potential survivors, when they are in a middle of a WAR ZONE!!!!!!! Or that Twilight wasn't too careful, or double check the surroundings for the hidden civilians. And they are only just highly focused on the real threat here ( Tirek ).

Besides, if Twilight was the one that unintentionally done the horrible deed?! Then, WHY does Spike also hate the other Elements/Rainbooms that didn't even done the deed themselves, or weren't on the scene in the first place ( Especially NOT poor Fluttershy???!!! ).

Dragon-In-Black! Hope that you see this as well, and confirmed that Spike probably has a Major Misjudgment, or being very over exaggerating/dramatic against the Elementss/Rainboom's "crimes" against him ( P.S. ONLY for the accusations and blame for his mothers death, and possibly other mothers/children. NOT for their bullying/neglect/mistreatment of Spike in High School. Because, they are clearly guilty on that part. )


Oh?! Okay, that makes sense. Still, you might be no match, even with magic powers?! Because, Spike clearly trains himself for years, has more magic potential, and comes from the Yamuna Family!!!!!!! Not the kind of people to mess with so easily. Unless you want to be a very strong character yourself?!

Sorry, that I'm not on your side. It's just that I don't like it that you keep trying to pick a fight with the Main Character ( Mainly Spike ) that "probably" didn't deserve it anyway. Instead, of rightfully angry against the haters/"antagonists" like the Students, Teachers, and even the Elements/Rainbooms that bully and trash talk the poor guy.

There has to be a heir to Kazama Kiryu.

I wouldn’t say brutal, but it is close.

Oops, I realized that it wasn't supposed to be "way", it was supposed to be "why".:twilightsheepish:

Is that why there’s a crossover tag?

Are there any differences between this and the game?

Yes. This is most likely set years after Yakuza 7. So there will be a ton of call backs to the older games.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Jun 8th, 2021

So In the game there’s really such thing as fighting magic?

No. There isn't magic in the games. That is just for this story. The games has different fighting styles. (At least in 2 or 3 of the games)

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