• Published 10th Jan 2021
  • 6,422 Views, 497 Comments

A Demon's Second Chance - Perfectly Insane

Humans, monsters, both of which I've spent so much time with. Too much. Eventually, I stopped expecting anything new. Then, there were ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter Eleven: A Moment's Peace.

Author's Note:

Yahallo! Sorry this took so long, it's the holidays and also I've been binging various shows recently. Plus there are some characters in this chapter that I've never really written before, and so I wanted to do my best to get them right. Please tell me if you find any issues with grammar or the story, feel free the leave your thoughts in the comments, thanks for reading, and enjoy!

The inside of their home was...less dilapidated than the outside would suggest. Still bleak and with almost no color that wasn't dull, but still well put together. The floor was nearly spotless, aside from a large carpet in the center of the living room with a circular pattern, sitting in front of a fireplace that was currently inactive. Various knick knacks lined the shelves of cabinets against the walls, along with occasional stands that had rocks, crystals, or even large gems sitting on top of them.

No patterns of any kind on the walls, and the primary light source being older lamps. I noticed another room in the back that might be the kitchen, and stairs leading to the second floor. Everything about this place fit the term ‘old-fashioned’ perfectly, and couldn’t be more of a stark contrast to Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie lives now.

Even Pinkie’s father spoke in an older way, using terms such as ‘Thy’ and ‘Thou’, mentioning his father as he introduced himself to us. His amber eyes and skin fit well with his light gray mane extending into almost shaggy sideburns. Wearing a sleeveless suit with a hammer on it and a gray undershirt, his hat with a gray band along with his black pants and shoes makes him look like he’s always dressed for a funeral.

Her mother gave off the same impression. Cold as ice blue eyes, covered by a pair of reading glasses, connected to her head by two strings of golden beads. Her mane, a duller shade of blue than her eyes, tied up in a perfect bun that I’m admittedly a little jealous of. Wearing a white, buttoned blouse with a plaid black and white collar and a three rock symbol on her chest, matching the skirt she’s wearing. She didn’t say much other than her name, but talked the same way he did.

They sat on a couch that somehow looked older than them, explaining to Twilight what rock farming comprises of because she asked about it. While I understand the curiosity, he quickly delved into a bunch of terms I didn’t understand, not to mention it just completely lost my interest.

Rainbow and Applejack had gone outside, while Pinkie took Rarity and her ridiculously large bag of luggage upstairs, where she said we’d be sleeping. Fluttershy, and so also me, stayed down here to talk to them and learn what happened. I’m certain that Fluttershy wanted to learn what she could about Diamond Dogs, but since the conversation quickly shifted to rock farming, she’s probably as uninterested as I am. However, she’s not showing it. Choosing to instead gently smile and occasionally nod her head as he spoke, which is probably what she does at her spa trips with Rarity if I had to guess.

What I found most odd had to be the pictures on the wall along the stairs. Her parents were in each one, eerily unchanging like they didn’t even age. The first picture had four other ponies in it, one of them obviously Pinkie from the mane and coat color, though her mane was straighter than I’d ever seen. She’s absent from the rest of the pictures, but the other ponies, who I’m guessing were her siblings, were in each one.

The first one had an identical mane to Pinkie when she was younger, but with violet eyes, light gray coat, and darker gray mane that covers half of her face. The second has bright green eyes that bordered on yellow, a blueish gray coat and a more opal mane that’s actually close to mine in style. Longer, especially the bangs, and hanging more to her side, but similar.

The last one somehow looked even more expressionless than the others, her turquoise eyes strikingly bright and full of life despite how bleak she looked. A blue-grey coat and a grayish violet mane that’s bangs are combed downward, but otherwise completely straight. Pinkie mentioned somepony named Marble, so that has to be one of them. Judging from the fact that the parents and at least one of her siblings have a rock themed name, the other two probably do as well.

Pinkie doesn’t, but sticking out in some way was something I’ve come to expect from her.

“That is why the age-old tradition of having rocks as pets persists, and we provideth the tradition to those who still believe it at a generous price.”

I tuned in on the tail end of whatever Igneous was explaining to Twilight, my bouncing knee back, but more out of boredom than anything else. At some point, Cloudy had started knitting. She didn’t get up at all, so I can only assume she already had the needles and yarn either on her or nearby.

“Interesting. You must have plenty of buyers considering how well furnished your home is. I’m sure this plot of land wasn’t cheap either.” Twilight said as she glanced around the room, a floating pencil writing into the floating book hovering beside her head and shrouded in her magic.

“Whilst true that this family does not lack in terms of currency, we have inherited most of our possessions from previous generations as invaluable heirlooms, and kept in pristine condition with our utmost efforts. The Pie family is many things, but avaricious is not one of them.”

“Uhm, Mr. Rock?” Fluttershy spoke up, which she visibly strained to do as she fidgeted uncomfortably. “I-I hate to interrupt you, but can you tell us about the diamond dogs?”

Igneous’ expression remained emotionless as he turned his gaze to her, then briefly at me. I honestly expected that Pinkie’s family would react to me being a human, even to the point of being afraid of me. Luckily, they didn’t seem to care, or didn’t say anything if they did.

“Certainly. Providence has favored this family for generations, but creatures such as them have been a nuisance that will exist as long as we profit. We’ve tried the same methods to remove them as before, yet they persist.”

While I still paid attention, I found watching Cloudy knit strangely soothing. Maybe it’s a mixture of the satisfying sound of the needles and watching her turn a dull ball of yarn into a layer of clothing, with an expertise that showed how many years of experience she actually has with it.

However, I couldn’t ignore the nostalgia it brought up. One of Toriel’s hobbies included knitting, usually by the fireplace while I read something. I couldn’t have asked for better background noise. It had also worked as a constant reminder that she was there to watch over me if I needed anything.

I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I heard it again.

“I suppose it makes sense you’d have dealt with them before, considering your line of work. What’s different this time?” Twilight asked.

“The creatures have remained for much longer than ever before. They have waited on the edges and refuse to come within a certain distance of us, nor have they made any attempts to rob us like expected. Recently, they have begun moving closer to our home, and I fear what their intentions are.”

He bit his lip and grimaced while peering to the side; The first time he’s shown emotion that I’ve seen. Cloudy even stopped knitting for a moment, briefly frowning and closing her eyes before quickly returning to it.

“That almost sounds like they’re waiting for something. Hm.” Twilight paused as she thoughtfully tapped her pencil against her lips. “At least they haven’t hurt anypony. Is there any chance you have a map of the farm and could show me where they’ve been seen? It’s unlikely, but maybe there’s a pattern to what they’re doing. They had high enough cognitive functions to comprehend language and clothing, strategy might not be beyond them.”

Fluttershy’s head dropped, brows knitted in blatant confusion as she muttered something to herself. I could vaguely hear the sound of Rainbow Dash and AJ talking as they returned from whatever they were doing. While I couldn’t make out what they are actually saying, their voices were distinct enough to be unmistakable for anyone else.

“That can be done with ease. This family has traversed the land so often that drawing it out would barely be an afterthought. However, it will soon be time for supper, and you will have to wait until afterwards. Thou are welcome to join us, as soon as thy daughters return fro-”

Hey! Touch Holder’s Boulder again, and I will thrash your flank!”

An ardent and distinctly feminine voice came from outside. Rainbow said something in response, but was more muffled like she’s using a quieter tone than before.

“They have returned. I shall go prepare. Dear, will thou be joining us?”

“Neigh.” Cloudy responded. I tried to hide my smirk at the unintentional horse pun, or maybe it was intentional? It’s hard for me to tell anymore. “I wish to finish this first.”

Her eyes darted up at me for just a moment, then back down to whatever she’s making. It might be halfway done, I can’t tell what it was. Looks like the corner of a blanket or something, but I won’t know until it’s finished or I ask. Interrupting her would be rude, though.

“Oh, that’s fine. I could eat, I guess.” Twilight said dejectedly as she placed the pencil and book back in her satchel.

Fluttershy was about to say something, but was interrupted by the door violently thrashing open as several figures came in. Rainbow and AJ the first two, and the others I recognized from the photos as Pinkie’s sister. One of them was the sister with yellow eyes, wearing clothes strikingly similar to her fathers. The only difference was that she’s not wearing a hat or tie like him, and the symbol on her vest was a lime and two salt rocks rather than a hammer.

The other one’s dark gray mane was as long and straight as Fluttershy’s. Like Fluttershy, she’s doing her best to hide herself behind it; Only one eye was visible. She took more after her mom in terms of clothing; wearing a long black dress that ended in a long skirt just under her ankles. A white blouse underneath.

“I said I was sorry, ok? How was I supposed to know that that rock was more important than all the other rocks?!” Rainbow exclaimed, her arms shooting upward as she got face to face with the yellow-eyed girl.

Holder’s Boulder is not just another fucking rock! It is the most prized damn possession of this family and is our best good luck charm. So ex-fucking-scuse me for getting pissed that some bi-”


She stopped immediately at the sound of his voice, mouth slamming shut in the middle of what she was saying and turning towards him. Her head dropped and eyes fixed to the ground, arms at her side and as still as a statue. He didn’t even raise his voice, saying her name in the same tone he was speaking to us just a moment ago.

It’s a good thing he did, too. Applejack looked like she was about to say something, but was stopped by the other sister by some kind of mumbling noise. I involuntarily flinched in the middle of what she was saying. Something Fluttershy noticed, even if I wish she hadn’t.

“These ponies are guests in our home, having heard our plight through Pinkamena and coming here out of nothing but pure altruism to save all we hold dear. Ignorant of our traditions, yes; But not malevolent.”

“But sh-”

“Didn’t do anything with the intent to harm or destroy.” he interrupted her without a beat, shutting down her response before it even started. “She apologized, and does not intend to do it again. Is Holder’s Boulder damaged?”

“I…” Limestone awkwardly rubbed her shoulder and sighed. “No.”

“Then there is no problem. However, you aggressively insulted one of Pinkamena’s friends despite her admittance that she made a mistake that she bears no will to repeat. Apologize, then we can proceed to supper.”

I couldn’t bring myself to say a single thing; I’m sure that's how everypony else felt. Except for Cloudy, who didn’t even glance up. The tension in the room was close to tangible, yet Igneous’s tone didn’t increase at all. It’s stern parenting through respect, not fear.

“Yes, daddy.” She said reluctantly, her cheeks almost as red as mine as she turned back to Rainbow. “I’m…” Limestone closed her eyes and sharply inhaled. “Sorry I yelled at you.” she said while intensely glaring at her.

Rainbow stared at Limestone’s extended hand, perplexion etched on her face like bold letters on paper. “Dude, that’s literally the worst apology I’ve heard in my life.” her sardonic tone only intensified Limestone’s glare.

She stared at Limestone’s extended hand for a few seconds, letting out a sigh. “But, you are Pinkie’s sister, and I didn’t listen to you the first time and I was being kind of a dick. So, yeah.” she reluctantly shook Limestone’s hand. “We’re cool.”

The handshake lasted about two seconds before Rainbow smirked and then tightened her grip. Limestone smirked back and tightened hers. Almost immediately Rainbow yelped, wincing in pain and yanking her hand out of Limestone’s. She started shaking her hand trying to ease some of the pain.

“Fuck, that hurt. Guess I know how Chara felt now.” she glanced down at her hand, which didn’t appear to be bruised. “Damn, her grip might be stronger than yours, AJ.”

“Pfft, yah right.” Applejack retorted with a scoff. “Ah’ve only met one pony whose grip is stronger than mine, and that’s muh brother.”

“Please, cowpoke.” Limestone chortled sardonically. “You kick trees, I crush rocks. I don’t know what roy g biv over here does other than fly.”

“Roy g-hey!” Rainbow shouted as she pointed at Limestone. “No making fun of the mane! It’s awesome and you’re just jealous it's more colorful than this entire farm.”

“Yeah, ok meathead. I’ve seen rocks mo-”

“Limestone. As entertaining as this banter is, we need to start supper soon. Your mother will not be joining us, so I require your and Marble’s assistance. Please set up the table with our guests in mind while I prepare the food.”

Igneous, sometime during this, walked to the edge of the room where I assume the kitchen is. He left after saying that, the sound of his hoofsteps getting farther.

“Fine. Come on Marble.”


The other sister, who I now know as Marble, followed Limestone into the next room. As she went out, Limestone pointed her fingers at her eyes and then at Rainbow in a ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. Rainbow maturely responded by sticking her tongue out.

“What a piece of work she is. I almost can’t believe she’s Pinkie’s sister.”

Rainbow waited a minute before saying that, crossing her arms and staring at the doorway to the next room.

“Ah kind of get it. Yah really shouldn’ta provoked her, to be fair; We are in their home.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Let’s go see how Rarity and Pinkie are doing. Roy g b…whatever.” Applejack muttered as she casually slapped her on the back.

I turned my head to Fluttershy, who looked a lot more relieved than she was a few moments ago. Twilight had been silently observing, and Cloudy was smiling for some reason.

“Thank Celestia, I thought Rainbow was going to do something…rude. I wish Pinkie’s sister hadn’t been so mean, Dashie doesn’t take well to bullies.”

“My daughter is not a bully.”

Cloudy’s sudden voice caused Fluttershy to jump, probably having forgotten she was there. She turned to Pinkie’s mom with her wings to her side, arms up defensively as she nervously tried to talk.

“I-I didn’t mean t-”

“Limestone and Marble spend much of their time on this farm, socializing with only each other and us. With Maud away on her studies, the responsibility of the farm will fall on her when we pass. Limestone means well, but is very protective of this farm and everything on it. I do not blame thou for mistaking it as cruelty, as long as the mistake is not made again.”

“Yes. Sorry, ma’m.” Fluttershy murmured, lowering her head as her wings retracted.

I pursed my lips as I crossed my arm. Something Limestone said is really bugging me. Like an itch in the back of my mind I can’t scratch.

“Hey Twilight.” I gave up. I couldn’t figure out what she said had to do with Rainbow’s mane. “What does ‘roy g biv’ mean?”

“What, you weren’t…oh yeah, you wouldn’t know.” Twilight trailed off. Awkwardly clearing her throat as she turned to me. “It’s a mnemonic; something that helps a pony remember something. Roy g biv is taught to ponies to help them remember the colors of the rainbow, red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet. Pegasi in particular have to have it ingrained in their memory so they can know if something’s wrong since they manipulate weather.”

“Wait, Pegasi manipulate the weather?”

I’d seen Rainbow napping on a cloud a couple of times, but I just assumed that’s a pony thing. Strangely, nothing like that has been mentioned in the books I’ve read so far. Twilight might have mentioned something about that when I asked her about magic, but a lot of what she said went over my head and I didn't remember it all. Maybe it’s something so widely known and basic that they don’t feel the need to put it in any of the books?

“Yes. It’s ac-”

“Supper is prepared.”

Igneous’ sudden voice startled me, my hand clutching the necklace almost as quickly as my heart skipped a beat.

“Oh. I can tell you about it some other time, Chara. I might have a book on it here, actually.”

Supper was…potentially the worst thing I’ve ever put in my stomach. They called it ‘Rock Soup’, and it’s exactly what the name suggests. Some kind of green, chunky liquid that I don’t think I even want to know what it is, with a large rock in the center. If I pinched my nose and didn’t think about it, I could scarf it down, but the rock? No way.

At first, I thought the rock was complimentary or something. Then I, along with the others that aren’t pie family members, watched in horror as they bit into them like they were bread, and with just as much ease. Limestone, after consuming her stone, gave Rainbow a grin that I can only describe as insidious. Daring her to take a bite.

Obviously, Rainbow couldn’t back down. She picked it up and tried, until she very nearly chipped a tooth and finally gave up. Limestone laughed.

There were a handful of conversations going on at once; Pinkie trying to catch up with her family, which shocked me because I wasn’t sure if Marble could even talk. Twilight, having become increasingly curious after seeing them eat rocks, began trying to learn what she could about their family history. Rarity and Rainbow were talking about something I couldn’t hear, and Fluttershy and Applejack were talking about AJ's dog Winona. Apparently dogs aren’t that common in Equestria and she wanted to get her a boy dog.

I felt growingly more anxious the longer I stayed there. I’ve always been terrible in group settings, barely able to hold a conversation with just one person. On the surface, it looked like it would be easy. So many different conversations to join in on, which is my problem. There were too many options and it’s overwhelming for me, plus I don’t want to interrupt someone’s conversation just because I wanted to join in. I hate being rude.

It didn’t take me long to realize I’d be better off sitting with Cloudy and trying to read some of the books that Dark gave me. Or maybe I just want to sit in a room with a fireplace while reading a book and listening to a mother knit again.

Fluttershy watched me leave with concern. I did my best to word where I was going, but I probably looked almost as stupid as I felt. Cloudy hadn’t made much progress with whatever she’s knitting, and I still can’t make out what it is. When Toriel knit clothes, it’d sometimes take her all night for a glove. Cloudy was faster and more efficient, making more of whatever she’s knitting since she started than Toriel did in half a dozen hours. I’d be surprised if she wasn't done by the morning.

After I got a few pages in, it got harder to read. The light from the windows got progressively duller, followed by a chill as the temperature dropped. It soon got too dark for me to read, forcing me to set it to the side.

I must have been right about winter coming soon. It hasn’t been long since we got here and it’s already getting dark and cold, probably even worse here where the sun was mostly blocked and the sky was full of clouds.

On top of all that, I’m not a fan of the cold either. Figures.

Luckily, the fireplace had everything ready. No ash, so it’s clean. Plenty of wood and a bin beside it full of newspaper that I assume was the tinder, and a pile of twigs for kindling with a poker placed against the wall.

“Do you…” my voice trailed off as I nervously swallowed. “Mind if I use the fireplace?”

Cloudy stopped her knitting, peering up at me and furrowing her brow. “Thou knows how to?”

“Yeah, Fluttershy has one and she showed me how to do it for when it snows.”

A half lie. There was a fireplace in her cottage, but I knew how even before that. Hopefully, I’m not so awful at lying that she’ll catch that.

“Thou may.” Cloudy muttered, dropping her head and returning to her needles.

It’d been so long since I’d actually used a fireplace. Thankfully, I’d done it so many times it was like getting into an old habit. Though it started off weaker than I’d like, I got it started.

I sat down beside it and opened the book again, but this time I barely even got past the first page. That irrational part of my brain kept whispering that I might drop the book in the fire or something, even though I was gripping the book so tightly there’s almost no way that would happen. The paranoia grew so distracting that I could barely remember what I just read, so I gave up and put the book back in the backpack through my inventory.

In the place of paranoia came boredom. I stared at what Cloudy was knitting, once again trying to figure out what it was, but couldn’t. I could ask if I wanted to take all the fun out of it.

“Thou has not been mentioned in Pinkamena’s letters. Can I assume thy have become friends with my daughter recently?”

I raised my head, awkwardly rubbing my hands at the abrupt question. “Yeah, I haven’t even been in Ponyville for a month.”

Silence again as I tried to come up with something to say. She didn’t seem uncomfortable with just me, but she could also be just as hard to read as her husband.

“You haven’t asked what I am. I’m clearly not a pony, yet you treat me like one without even a single question.”

“Does that bother you?”

“I…” It does, but I’m not sure why. Some of the ponies warmed up to me not being a pony pretty quickly, but most of Ponyville took longer not to stare at me, some still do. Part of me expected the same thing to happen here. “A little.”

“Hm.” Cloudy took off her reading glasses, setting them to the side and getting back to the knitting. “We have received a surplus of travelers here. Some look for work, some stricken with wanderlust. Most are ponies. Occasionally, something new. Once a griffin, telling tales about meeting species we have never heard of or thought possible. The Pie family has kept the ways of the old world, but this does not make us ignorant. We are aware that there are many things out there that are new to us, but known widely elsewhere. I am not curious about what thou is simply because I know there are things I do not know, just as I do not know what I do not know.”

Strangely, I could kind of relate to that. I didn’t think monsters were real until I met them, and then I kept meeting ones that got stranger and stranger. I rarely asked each one about what they were or how they worked because they were monsters that could use magic, and it became easier to accept that.

“That…” I stood up and got the poker, moving around some of the firewood. “Make sense.”

“What I find strange is, though thou have said that thee has not been friends with my daughter for even a month, thou has still come here to help her and a family thy does not know. Why risk limbs and life for somepony thou knows so little?”

The fire began to burn much brighter; the warmth irradiating from it making me even forget how cold I had gotten moments ago. As I lay the poker against the wall again, I tried to think of how to respond. I couldn’t tell her what I told Fluttershy, but I couldn’t come up with a lie that would make sense either.



Once again, Fluttershy came to my rescue. Along with the others. Rainbow, AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie went upstairs, Fluttershy standing in the doorway with Twilight, and Igneous and Pinkie’s sisters were probably cleaning up the table.

“Is supper over?” I asked as I stood up, slipping the backpack back on.

“Yes. Uhm, the Pies go to sleep whenever it gets dark out, but Igneous is going to stay up with Twilight to show her where The Diamond Dogs are. I was going to go ahead and go to sleep. You can stay down here if you like.”

At that moment, Igneous walked in with a book that’s probably a journal, and a large piece of paper with a carpenter’s pencil. Twilight’s eyes practically sparkled when he grabbed a small table and sat it in front of the couch, pulling out her own pencil and book with her magic.

Cloudy wasn't getting up, so that probably means she’ll be content to sit there and knit while Twilight and Igneous talk. If I stay, then I’d have to tune out whatever they’re talking about. I’m not sure if I could handle that again.

“I think I’m tired enough to fall asleep.”

There are two beds in the room we’re sleeping in, four since they’re both bunk beds. Not much else other than some gems spread out that irradiated a little light, a nightstand with a lamp on it in between the beds, and a rug identical to the one in the living room.

Rarity had already unloaded her luggage, or as much as she could. Some of her clothes were sticking out from the nightstand, whatever was left is in the bag that she forced under her bed. I didn't envy whoever was going to have to help her get it out.

“So, your sister left a rock farm… to learn more about rocks?”

Rainbow asked as she hovered in the center of the room, laying horizontally and propping her head on her hand.

“Maud is really into rocks. Like, realllyyyyy into rocks! Jokes too. When she was getting her bachelor’s, she also got a minor in comedy.”

“No way. She’s getting a Rocktorate, and she tells jokes about rocks? I’m starting to think you might not be the weirdest one in your family.”

“Thanks! I think.”

Applejack set her hat on one of the bed poles, while Rarity tried her best to fit a sheet she brought onto the corners of the bed. Three of them fit fine, but the fourth one doesn’t want to and the growing frustration was showing, despite her attempts otherwise.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but where are Chara and I supposed to sleep? There’s only four beds.” Fluttershy asked.

I was about to say that I can sleep on the couch out of habit, but then I remembered Twilight is on the couch and stopped myself. Where we’d be sleeping didn’t even cross my mind this morning. I did just rush in and said yes without putting much thought into it.

“Uh…oh! There should be a guest room reserved for travelers. Marble told me they come by enough that dad made it for them. The bed is queen-sized, so it should be big enough for the both of you.”

“Both of…we’d have to share the bed?” Fluttershy squeaked, wings twitching as she noticeably tensed up.

“Yeah, isn’t that normally how you sleep?”

“No.” I blurted out. “I usually sleep on the couch.”

“Wait.” Applejack said as she reached up to Rarity’s bed, Rarity’s magic vanished as soon as she did and casually lifted the entire mattress with Rarity still on it to fit it under. “Yuh’ve been staying with ‘Shy this whole time, and only slept on the couch? That sounds like it’d be awful on yer back.”

It was some mornings, but I’ve slept in much worse conditions. Not that I’m going to say that.

“Geez, Flutters. Are you guys having a fight or something?” Rainbow asked as she searched around in a small bag she brought, pulling out a Q-tip and cleaning out her ears.

“No, nothing like that.” Fluttershy shook her head as she held her hands to her chest. “I’m barely ok with her sleeping on the couch. She just doesn’t want me sleeping on the couch, either. If Chara doesn’t wa-”

“It’s fine.” I interrupted. “It’d be nice to sleep on a bed again. I’m ok with it.”

I tried, and miserably failed, to hide the agitation in my voice. I’ve only ever slept in the same bed with one person, mostly because it requires a level of trust I never thought I could have again.

That was before Fluttershy.

With her, I think I could be ok with sleeping in the same bed. My mind knows she won’t hurt me, though I’m not sure how much sleep I’ll actually get.

“I don’t know about you girls, but I see this as an opportunity!” Rarity exclaimed as she jumped down from the top bunk. “While it could have gone better, the sleepover with Applejack and Twilight was a fantastic bonding experience. I think we should have a sleepover!”

“Oh no! Ah am not wearing a mud mask again!”

“Wait, Rarity got you to put one of those on too?” Rainbow blurted out, eyes widening as she cleaned out her ear. “Did I say that out loud?”

“I love it!” Pinkie zoomed across the room, lifting Rarity’s entire body off the ground in a tight hug. “I haven’t had a sleepover in forever! We can tell ghost stories and do truth or dare, and spin the bottle! Well, maybe not that last one.”

“Ah’m pretty sure the only pony Rainbow wants to play spin the bottle with is Limestone.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow asked as she tossed the Q-tip behind her, landing in a trashcan without even having to look. “You think I like Pinkie’s sister? She’s as dense as the rock she’s named after!”

“Actually, Dashie. Limestone isn’t th-”

“That didn’t stop yah with Gilda. That griffon was the biggest jerk ah’ve ever met, and you two got along like butter on bread until she got too big for her britches.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to retort, little more than a croak coming out as she couldn’t think of one. “Yeah, I got nothing for that.”

“P-pinkie, breathe!” Rarity wheezed out.

“Oh! Sorry.” Pinkie dropped her, bouncing over to me while still facing Rarity. “I’m going to take them to the guest room, then we can start as soon as I get back.”

I waited until we reached halfway down the stairs to tug on Pinkie’s shirt, gesturing for her to lean towards me.

“Pinkie, can you do me a favor and not tell Rarity that I was on a date last night? I know how she’s going to respond and I really don’t want to deal with that right now.”

“Sure!” she whispered.

Pinkie did a poor job of hiding her crossed fingers.

The guest room looked pretty much the same as the other one, with the bed much larger, like the bunk beds fused into one. I’m not sure if the gems also doubled as a heat source, but this room was noticeably colder, and the blankets did little to help.

The awkwardness between Fluttershy and I made it somewhat worse.

Asriel and I always wore ourselves out before bedtime, making falling asleep a breeze. With Fluttershy, even though we’re far enough to not be touching, I can’t pretend she’s not there and I’m not tired enough to fall asleep within seconds. The room’s so quiet I can hear her breathing, the way she shifts around every now and again tells me that she’s not having an easier time falling asleep, either. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s not comfortable sleeping in the same bed as someone else, or if it’s because she wants to say something, or if she even knows I’m still awake.

What’s worse is that the bed was actually really comfortable. The room was almost completely dark other than the gems, and the cold, while annoying, was ignorable. I’m certain she’d already be fast asleep if I wasn’t here and she didn’t have to worry about me.

“Do you know that you sleep talk?”

Her voice was barely above a whisper, but the room was so blaringly silent that I could make out each syllable. I don’t think I’ve ever sleep-talked before, or Toriel never mentioned it if I did. It could be a new thing, and that’s partly what worried me so much. I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do it’s always something I wish I’d forgotten. Whatever I’m mumbling can’t be much better.

“I do?”

“Mhm.” she shifted around again, this time flipping to face me. “I usually have to get up at least once a night to use the bathroom. I make sure to check on you while I’m up, just in case. Sometimes, you curl up like you’re cold, so I bring you a blanket. Every now and again, you’ll say something. Once or twice, it was you thanking me, other times…” Her voice trailed off as it got more quiet.

I always assumed that I had gotten up and grabbed those blankets and just didn’t remember doing it, never would have guessed that was Fluttershy, even though maybe I should have.

“What did I say?” my heart and mind began to race, a list of all the things I could have muttered making it impossible to concentrate on anything else than what she’s going to say next.

“I can’t always make out what is, and it doesn’t always make sense, like that you used to be a ghost. One time, you just…kept apologizing and saying something that sounded like a name. It…” her voice trailed off again, followed by a swallow loud enough for me to hear distinctly.

“Who’s Asriel?”

Of course.

Most of the dreams I remember include him. They also tend to be the more tolerable ones. There hasn’t been a day that passed where I haven’t thought of him once. I’ve been trying to avoid accidentally bringing him up, but I guess my unconscious thinks about him just as often.


I curled up my body under the blankets, pressing my knees against my chest and trying to push my head as deeply into the pillow as I can while still being able to breathe. It’s tempting to just hold my breath until I pass out and not have to deal with this right now, but that’d just make Fluttershy even more worried.

I’m not ready to talk about this. I don’t think I’ll ever be. I can’t even talk about where I’m really from or the humans in my village. The underground is way too far. Lying isn’t an option, either. Not only because I can’t come up with one that would be convincing, but it would be beyond disrespectful to him.

“If you don’t w-”

“He was my brother.”

I froze, every racing thought halting and being immediately replaced with questions of why I’d say that. I could tell her that I’m not ready to talk about it, which would be true and she’d leave me alone. But then we’d be right back to awkward silence and a near inability to fall asleep, and I’d be plagued with another question I know I’d have to deal with at some point.

Maybe I…just don’t want to be afraid of bringing him up anymore.

“Not by blood. We weren’t even the same species. But he was my brother in every way that mattered.”

Fluttershy didn’t make a sound, even her breathing had become quieter and barely noticeable unless I focused on it. I tried to uncoil my body, relax my muscles at all, but it just seemed to make me more rigid. The pendant dug into my chest, the coldness of it sticking out from the growing warmth that encompassed me. It made it easier to ignore the sweat and dryness of my mouth.

“His family took me in without asking even one question. They didn’t see me as an intruder or a threat, just a child that needed a home. Before long, their home became mine, and I had a family. A mother and father who loved us unconditionally, and a brother who was as pure as the snow we sometimes played in.”

I heard a flickering noise as she uncurled one of her wings, the slight sound of the bed creaking as it reached over and wrapped itself over me and the blanket. Even though I expected it, my entire body shook at the contact. A noise coming out of my throat that was something between a wheeze and a groan. Fluttershy sharply inhaled and didn’t move anymore, but didn’t pull her wing away either.

“We spent a lot of time together when I wasn’t reading. He was such a crybaby too; he once cried for over an hour because he scraped his knee. He didn’t care that I was different, barely even asked me anything about myself. I didn’t think I deserved how much he cared about me, still don’t.” the filter that separated my thoughts and what I say is slowly being corroded by the cascade of self-contempt.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, burying my face so deeply into the pillow I can’t tell if my eyes were open or not. I could almost see his face, his soulful smile and adorable little fangs are always the first thing that comes to mind. My hand drifted to the inside of my shirt, gripping the pendant as a hollow chuckle slipped through my lips.

“W-we…got matching necklaces, so we’d never be apart. ‘Best Friends Forever’ is engraved on them both, to solidify the promise we made to each other to be friends forever. But, it’s not really a promise if it isn’t kept, is it?” My voice cracked, despite my best efforts.


“Asriel always trusted me no matter what, and I abused that. I convinced myself that I was doing it to help them, but deep down I knew…I just wanted revenge.” I’ve ruminated over this so many times, and I’ve come to that same conclusion every single time. The shame is just as unbearable now as it was when I first realized my selfishness.

I just got used to it.

“It was so easy for me to just say the right things. I hated it, but I hated them more. After a month, I convinced him to agree and it…I-” I choked on my words, unable to say what I wanted to. Saying it makes it real. More than anything, I don’t want it to be real.

But it was.

“Asriel d-died. I…I ki-”

Her arms slowly wrapped around me, her body pressing into mine. One of her hands came to rest on top of my head, which was so firmly against her chest that I could feel each one of her erratic heartbeats. Fluttershy’s breathing is still so soft, the warmth and comfort she offered making the chill in the room nearly non-existent.

“It’s not your fault.”

I wanted to scream. To break out of her embrace, sit in the corner, and cry. To tell her all the dozens of ways it was my fault, all the things I could have done instead. How I had happiness in the palms of my hands, and ruined it and the perfect family because of who I was, who I still am!

I couldn’t. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t bring myself to move. Fluttershy’s grip was nothing but gentle and reassuring, letting me know that the last thing she wants to do is hurt me.

“Yes it is. You don’t even k-”

“I don’t care.” my breath hitched as she held me tighter. Every inch of me screeched to break away, to thrash out of her hold, but I had no strength left. “It’s not your fault.”

“Fluttershy, he’s dead!” my voice cracked. I wrapped my hand around her forearm as tightly as I can muster, which was very little. I didn’t even realize how much I was shaking until I tried to stop and couldn’t. “I didn’t knock over a vase or poison someone by accident, I killed him. He was innocent and I got him k-killed.”

“And it's not your fault.”

Not once did the tone of her voice waver. Staying softly spoken and never hinting at any disapproval, gentle as her touch. I grit my teeth, sharply inhaling and exhaling through them, the tears getting progressively harder to hold back.

“I could have saved him, or just done nothing and been happy. Instead, I ruined the best thing that happened to me.”

“If you could do something different, then you would. You made a mistake, it’s not your fault.”

“What I did,” I can barely speak, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent another sob coming out. “Was unforgivable.

“Well,” she leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “I forgive you.”

It’s like time itself stopped. I can’t hear the ticking from the clock right outside of the room, or the sound of my own breathing. With that act of kindness, a wave of relief washed over me that forced every muscle in my body to relax. The sheer kindness of her words, the tears streaming down my face, withered away the last shreds of my resolve. I tried to not make any noise, and just let Fluttershy hold me.

For the first time since I’ve come here, I let go.

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