• Published 16th Sep 2020
  • 360 Views, 8 Comments

Story Shuffle (v.ii) MLP Collectable Card Game - abrony-mouse

The pony collectable card game was inspired by the great series we all love. What if there was a way to turn that inspiration back into episodes of MLP? This is CCG story-time!

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Rarity in the sky with Discord

Author's Note:

This isn't an ordinary story - it is a synopsis of an MLP episode based on the pony collectable card game elements using the rules set out in the page introducing this story (where all the chapters are). The words in brackets and the symbols are explained there so you might want to read that first!

1st Mane character, character element, character theme and helpful events: Rarity - Dress maker
Sweetiebelle - just a snag; Heart of the sea; Saphire shores - costume changer; Matilda - full of hope; Photo finish - fashion forward; Magic wings; Saphire shores - glitz and glam* Prince blueblood - loudmouth*; Saphire shores - star of the show; Fashion show*

  • Dilemmas and disruptors

Winter wrap up*; Invasion of the changelings; Cold wave
2nd Mane character, character element, character theme and helpful events: Discord - bending the rules.

cutie mark vault; scope things out; Dream network; Twilight - element of magic; enchanting duet; Truffle - newsworthy; royal guidance;

  • Dilemmas and disruptors

rock, paper, scissors, shoot; Berry punch off balance; ponyville emergency; frozen in ; rarity hoarder; magicite; twittermites; AB Shadow; squizard; cutie pox outbreak;

Problems elements
A stitch in time (Discord); Trading traditions (rarity); deep dark forest (discord);
Misc elements Discord won - fairly close

Rarity in the sky with discord

Rarity wants to publicise a concert headed by her sister (Sweetie-belle just a snag; enchanting duet; Rarity - hoarder). She knows better than to support her sibling directly and reaches out to her friends for help, but unfortunately they are busy (A stitch in time; Rarity - dressmaker) - all, that is, apart from Discord, who seems to be all too ready to help (Discord - bending the rules).

After Discord relates one of Sweetie's particularly chaotic practice performances to Rarity (Berry punch - off balance; Rock, paper, scissors, shoot), Rarity is dubious about Sweetie's success and seeks to help in the way only she can: costume (Saphire shores - costume changer). Rarity asks Discord to suggest a better costume (Magic wings; Fashion show) and he thinks for a while and talks to Sweetie about a radical new direction...

The next day a new exclusive release of the latest band is announced in Ponyville - the Bluesbloods (Prince Blueblood - Loudmouth). Rarity watches in horror as her magically changed (Frozen in magicite; Twilight - element of magic) sister arrives at the venue looking like the lead singer of a Colt Band (think Justin Bieber), with a big diamond hanging by a chain round her now stallionly chest. 'She' appears every bit like a bratty colt band member - down to the luggage 'she' has in toe (Stack of suitcases). Rarity's horror deepens when she sees Sweetie croon like a stallion in front of the mares in ponyville (Saphire shores - star of the show; Photo finish - fashion forward; invasion of the changelings). Rarity storms to Fluttershy's house (Rarity - truly outrageous), where he quips that he was just following Rarity's advice of radically changing Sweetie's costume which incidentally also involved changing her gender and personality. Eventually, with Fluttershy acting appeaser (Enchanting Duet), Discord tells her that to remove the curse she needs to shatter the diamond around Sweetie's neck (Heart of the sea).

Rarity shatters the diamond and the glamour is lifted. Rarity is about to commiserate about Discord's perfidy but Sweetie slaps away her hoof (Cold wave). Sweetie explains that she had not been enchanted by Discord and did not want to appear like a stallion, but was happy with the glamour. Sweetie had hoped that Rarity would see the funny side and not take her singing too seriously (Matilda - full of hope).

"Dear princess celestia... wait what could I, the spirit of Discord, possibly teach a pony about friendship?" Rarity begins to object, but Discord continues. "Well we learned that fantasy is fun (Squizard; Twittermites) but real friendship is better than fun. Rarity's real sister isn't anything like the fun fantasy sister in Rarity's head (Invasion of the changelings; AB - shadow) - even ponies need to be careful not to let their fun fantasy replace the real ponies they have in front of them." He drops an imaginary mic (Winter wrap up).

Comments ( 6 )

What happened to the first version?

Hey :pinkiesmile: It wasn't close enough to the game for me so I got bored of it. I only posted this one on here because I've been doing it a while on another site and enjoyed it 5 months or so running now.

Unless you mean Fanofmosteverything's story shuffle, which is a thousand times better than mine :P , and which inspired both my attempts at a Pony CCG version... in which case that is here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/469652/story-shuffle-2-double-masters

Always nice to see someone inspired by my work! (To truly come full circle, you'd have to write MtG fanfics based on MLP cards, but that might be a bit much. :raritywink:)

That said, trying to tell a story through an entire game rather than jut a few cards seems tremendously limiting. And writing the stories out as summaries rather than fleshing them out isn't helping. Consider just drawing on a few cards and seeing what more complete stories you can make given the characters and situations those cards present.

yaaay :) Fanofmosteverthing comment. was great to see you earlier in the Discord.

I know what you mean and I wish I wanted to make stories more naturally... but at the risk of sounding like a Griffon festival (which I just learned about) it's be once in a... well you know :P

Hi, This collectable card game is really amazing, I am also gonna try this. I also love to play online gambling games, And I am looking for site where I can get gambling bonuses, If anyone here knows any site where I can get this then please let me know.

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