• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,764 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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Pressing Matters Pt 2

Twilight plodded over to the former sheriff’s shack, her new companions walking alongside her the entire way. Though they said nothing, Twilight could tell that all three of them were eying Janey carefully, silently sizing the courier up. Not like Twilight could blame them, as the other woman had been nothing but rude, or even outright hostile to them.

I wonder what happened to make her so jaded? Twilight thought to herself. We are going to have to have another very personal conversation about her past if we are going to keep traveling together.

Pushing that thought aside for now, Twilight noted that the person that was supposed to be guarding the impromptu jail was missing. Before Twilight could worry about the individual who had vanished, he appeared from around the corner a yawn spreading across his lips. Wearing the heavy leathers of a trader, the male plunked a dented combat helmet on his head, and moved towards the door.

“What were you doing over there?” Janey demanded.

“Me? Oh I was uh… just…” the male’s features twisted as he scrambled to come up with an excuse, only to shrug. “I took a nap. Noone came to relieve me this morning.”

Janey ran a hand down her face. “Whatever. At least they didn't break out or nothing.”

“So you’re taking them all away now right?” asked the man, a hand resting on the sawed off shotgun hanging from his hip.

Twilight nodded.

“Well that's a relief. I can't say I like having a bunch of psychos locked up a block away from my house,” he added.

“Alright you three. Get yer guns out and watch the door while the princess here opens ‘er up,” Janey barked, withdrawing her revolver.

Layla glanced from the barricaded entrance to Janey and back again. “Wait, what's going on?”

“I think the shack is fulla raiders,” exclaimed the taller of the two males. “And we gotta make sure they don't bum rush us.”

Twilight nodded eagerly.

“Alright then. Were ready when you lot are,” Layla replied.

“Then go on, princess. Oh and don't worry. I still got those handcuffs,” Janey replied, patting a pocket on her jacket.

Trundling over to the entrance, Twilight gently pushed aside the barricade, and pulled open the door. With a claw ready to cut down any who attacked them, Twilight peered into the dimly lit shack. There she saw that the former raiders were standing silently, with little having changed save for the fact that a few sported several more bruises than they had the night before.

“It's about time you showed up,” barked one of the men. “It reeks in here.”

“I’m fucking starving,” added another.

“Please tell me you brought some water,” pleaded a third.

“Alright shut up already,” Janey interrupted, raising her revolver. “I don't wanna hear any whining from you. Not now, and certainly not during the walk over to the NCR outpost.”

“And how exactly do you plan on transporting us all?” sneered a short, greasy male.

“Simple,” Janey replied. “I’ll handcuff you, then tie the cuffs together in a line.”

Twilight stomped her foot, gaining everyone’s attention. “Before that happens we will allow you to relieve yourselves and get a bit of water,” Twilight tapped out on the discarded stack of filing cabinets.

“Here,” Janey declared, tossing a bottle of dirty water at the closest former raider. “Ration it out between the lot of you. Or don't, and kill each other over it. See if I care.”

The man who caught the bottle hastily opened the lid only to slow down the second he realized everyone was looking at him. After taking a small, tentative sip, he passed the container to the next man, who repeated the action before stepping out into the open air. Within a few minutes they had assembled into a long line, allowing Janey to enter and unlock the cell.

“Damn. You really did a number on this guy,” Janey muttered.

Twilight peeked her head inside to find that the rather evangelical raider had been tied up in a corner. He also had a split lip and a gash on his forehead, though his eyes were every bit as fiery as they were the last time she had seen them.

“Yeah well. It's hard enough to sleep when were packed in here like sardines and he wasn't making it any easier,” remarked the closest prisoner.

“Untie him. We got placed to be,” Janey barked.

“But he’s so loud,” whined one of the few female raiders.

“Don't worry. I’ll make sure he's quiet,” Janey replied.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, backing out of the shack once more.

“So do we let them go in privacy or what?” Layla asked the second Twilight had returned.

The deathclaw turned to the prisoners, and pointed from Steve, to the first in the line, and then towards the edge of the shack.

“Right. You heard the princess. Take whoever needs to go around the corner one at a time,” Layla commanded.

“Augh fine. Just hurry up already. Were burning daylight here,” remarked the short, balding ex soldier.

“I don't like this much more than you do,” muttered the former raider.

Twilight stood watching over the convicts, her attention occasionally drifting to the shack as the new arrivals joined the line. Janey was quick to follow after them, a pair of cuffs already retreived from some unseen pocket in her jacket. As time passed the various raiders were cuffed, and then tied together with a long section of rope.

Throughout it all, the preacher of the bunch remained hesitantly silent, waiting patiently as he was tied to the end of the line. With their chain gang now created, and everyone having relieved themselves after getting a bit of water, they were ready.

“Steve and whatever your name is on the right side. Layla, and I on the left, and Twilight, you take up the rear,” Janey exclaimed.

“You got it,” Layla replied.

“The name’s Matt Walsh by the way,” remarked the taller of the two males.

“I don't care. Just get into position,” Janey retorted.

“Wow, rude,” Steve muttered.

“Alright, everyone ready?” Janey exclaimed, ignoring the hushed conversation about her happening only a few feet away. “Let's head towards the outpost then.”

As one, the column began to move towards their distant destination, their pace slow until they got used to being tied together. After speeding up to a brisk walking speed, the group swiftly crossed the cratered parking lot and around the destroyed gas station. At that time Twilight’s initial sharp vigilance over the group began to wane as no new problems cropped up.

“I knew you wouldn't let her just kill us,” whispered a male voice.

Twilight perked up and glanced over to where the man at the back of the line had turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the deathclaw.

“Are you really going to send us back to the NCR?” he asked in a low tone.

Twilight nodded.

The male seemed disappointed by this statement, as a deep frown crossed his face. “That's unfortunate. I had hope that you were starting some kind of gang of your own.”

Twilight snorted, her eyes narrowing.

The man winced. “Sorry. Poor choice of words. I was thinking of more like a militia or something along those lines.”

That could be… interesting. Twilight thought to herself, only to shake her head. Hes also a lot more… cognizant now.

“Just think about it. You can't be everywhere, and the wasteland is a big place. If you had a whole bunch of us guys following your orders we could guard multiple towns, or even take on the fiends,” he whispered. “Something I doubt even you could do alone.”

Twilight couldn't help but contemplate that possibility as the group grew close to the bridge separating the two sides of Primm.

“You don't have to make a decision right away,” he hastily added. “Just keep it at the back of your mind and in the meantime I’ll get everyone else on board with my plan.”

Twilight chuckled. Good luck with that. She thought.

“You laugh, but I’ve already begun the work. I’ll have the rest of them singing your praises by the time you need us,” he finished.

“Stop!” shouted a voice.

Twilight looked up to find that the same ncr soldier that had let them across the night before was still guarding the same entrance to the town. Though clearly surprised, he wore a wide smile on his face and his weapon had yet to be raised towards them.

“Well I’ll be damned. You really captured them all,” he remarked.

“Well not quite all of them,” Janey exclaimed, snickering to herself.

“Really? Damn. It's a good thing they didn't have us go in there then. We would've gotten slaughtered. Wait a second, whose that?” he asked, pointing towards Layla.

“It's a long story,” replied the woman. “I’ll fill your commanding officer in once we get across this bridge.”

“Err right. Just a sec while I disarm the mines,” he replied.

“Don't bother. I already got them,” Janey interrupted, gesturing towards the lead convict. “Just keep it moving. Once were all inside, you can stop.”

The train began to move a few seconds later, with the group weaving across the bombed out bridge and into the ncr camp. Shocked looks, and confused expressions greeted their entrance, and though there was a good amount of fear in the air, no one was hostile. That was until Twilight noticed the bridge guard suddenly smash the butt of his rifle into the gut of a man wearing a welding mask.

Doubling over, the guard then delivered several brutal kicks to the masked individual’s midsection. “Thats for shooting me in the fucking leg you goddamn pyschopath,” he spat.

“Hey hey, what's going on here?” Layla demanded.

“Nothing. Just a little payback is all,” replied the guard, who gave the convict one last boot to the gut. “Carry on.”

Twilight couldn't help but growl irritably as she watched the show of violence, and though she said nothing, she sure wanted to. The most she did was shoot the ncr soldier a glare as they passed him by, though he barely seemed to care. Fuming silently to herself, Twilight merely fell into line at the back of the train as they wound into the small camp.

A minute later and the motley assortment of convicts, raiders and desperate wasteland survivors had assembled outside the command tent. Where Sergeant Mc Gee and Lieutenant Hayes waited, their weapons hanging slack in their grip as they observed the new arrivals. Without a word having to be spoken, Layla and her men rounded up the group while Janey and Twilight walked over to the waiting soldiers.

“Well would ya look at that,” Hayes exclaimed. “You really did it.”

Janey snorted. “Of course we did. We said we would, didn't we?”

“Still,” Mc Gee murmured. “I didn't think this bunch would give up without one helluva fight.”

Twilight snorted, and tapped out her response on the picnic table. “Oh there was a big fight alright. But thankfully we werent hurt too badly.”

“That's good to hear,” Hayes remarked, holstering his pistol and crossing his arms over his chest. “Now I suppose you want us to take them back huh?”

“Either that or dig them a mass grave,” Janey replied with a shrug. “I don't rightly care which at this point.”

The covincts began muttering amongst themselves, eying the courier, and the NCR nervously. Twilight put a stop to this by stomping her foot, and after getting everyone’s attention, tapping out her response on the table.

“We won't be doing that. If you won't take them then I will think of something else,” Twilight replied.

“Oh we’ll take them alright. It's just the logistics of it all that has me worried,” Hayes quickly replied.

“What do you mean?” Janey demanded.

“We don't have the manpower to keep the traders safe between here and the Mojave outpost further south. As such, a bunch of ants moved in, along with a few vipers we spotted taking refuge in an old police station down the road,” Mc Gee explained, using his rifle to point to where he was talking about.

“So unless you wanna clear them out yourself, you’ll have to wait until we get some back up,” Hayes continued.

“How long would that take?” Janey inquired.

The lieutenant shrugged. “No idea. We were supposed to have gotten relieved three days ago, but obviously that hasn't happened.”

Janey sighed, and ran a hand down her face. “Great, just fuckin great.”

“And if we helped you out then there would be a reward, right?” Twilight asked.

Hayes nodded immediately. “The boys at the Mojave outpost already got a pool going for whoever clears the place out and makes our jobs easier.”

“What about all these guys? Surely getting a whole new chain gang is worth something to the NCR, right?” Janey pressed.

“I don't know if I have the authority to make such a call,” Hayes replied.

“Oh come on. There has to be a bounty on at least a few of those psychos, right?” Janey exclaimed, gesturing back to the line of convicts.

“What do you think, Sergeant, do any of these guys match the posters?” Hayes offered.

Sergeant Mc Gee hummed as he eyed the row of prisoners carefully. “Yeah, there might be a few, but the guys up at the outpost would know for sure.”

“I suppose that will have to do. You better wish some of you are worth something,” Janey muttered.

“Now, how much exactly is this reward for clearing out the highway?” Janey pressed.

Twilight sighed, and silently ignored the continued conversation playing out before her. The deathclaw didn't care about the fine details, or the long winded arguments over a handful of caps that she had little use for. Even just sitting there and listening was enough to make Twilight’s stomach turn a little.

It was like she was a part of a slave trade, and not for the first time Twilight wondered what other options she really had. Just letting them go clearly wasn't the correct action, yet the NCR werent exactly turning out to be the beacon of civilization Twilight had hoped they were. She couldn't just start her own gang either, though that option certainly was becoming more and more appealing by the second.

At least the legion didn't get them. Twilight thought to herself. That certainly wouldn't have ended well for any party involved.

With such bitter thoughts rolling around in her mind, Twilight barely even noticed Janey talking until the courier spoke up.

“Hey princess, ya with us?” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight shook her head and looked down to the woman expectantly.

“We’re all set here,” Janey replied, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. “The three cowards are just chatting with the commander at the moment.”

Twilight looked over to find that Layla and her men were missing, and that the convicts had yet to move. The mood had clearly soured, and a few of their prisoners eyed both Janey and the NCR soldiers with naked contempt. That wasn't Twilight’s concern however, at least not at the moment, as she couldn't help but worry about their three newest companions.

The deathclaw strained, yet couldn't hear anything from inside the tent no matter how hard she tried. Thankfully she wasn't left without answers for long, as Layla’s men, followed by Layla herself emerged several minutes later. Though they wore smiles, Twilight could tell that they were slightly strained, and an air of nervousness hung over them.

“Good luck,” was all Hayes said before closing the flap on his tent behind them.

Twilight lifted her hand, palm up.

Layla cleared her throat, and pushed her barrett back up her head. “We’ve been given a second chance. Provided we help you guys clear out the highway, and safely get the prisoners to the outpost.”

“After that we’ll be on shit detail for a whole goddamn month,” Matt muttered.

“At least we’ll be sleeping inside tonight,” added Steve.

“Speaking of which. We better get moving if we don't want to spend all day out in this sun,” Layla remarked.

Twilight blinked, and glanced up at the sun, only now aware of just how bright it was. The deathclaw hadn't noticed earlier, as it felt rather pleasant, its powerful rays warming the former pony’s now cold cold blood. She also felt something strange at the back of her head, like the beginning of a spell, though it was so distant that it may have been a headache.

“Good thinking. We got everything we need anyway so let's get moving,” Janey barked. “Same positions as last time, but now we’ll be going out of town, under the bridge and taking the highway to the outpost.”

Their prisoners grumbled, but said nothing loud enough for them to hear.

I just hope we can keep it together until we reach this outpost place. I don't know how much more abuse these poor ex cons can take. Twilight thought to herself.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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