• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 30: The times are a changelings.

My life had been a simple, and structured affair back in Canterlot until the wedding of two very close friends of mine. Ever since that eventful day, there had been a constant injection of excitement not only in my life, but that of my promised mate to be Topaz, and our adopted nymph- a future queen. Harmony help us.

‘How did it all come to this?’

That is a question I’ve grown to accept will never properly be answered, and as a show of growing maturity decided it best remain so.

I never thought I would survive long enough to amount to anything useful, and never gave my wants any consideration beyond the immediate need to be useful. How could a lone exile conclude he would one day ascend to one of the highest ranks in the Pony’s Royal Guards, become friends with several of their rulers, be promised to a wonderful mare, and adopt the only changeling not affected by the Hive Orders placed upon all exiles? I couldn’t have, but that is what made conversations about Harmony’s plan more noteworthy in my later years.

Even now as I approach what ponies would describe as my ‘midlife stage’, I still find myself sitting here watching the sun set over the Empire wondering if what I’ve done to deserve my life? Maybe in my maturing years I have become too sentimental, and risk becoming one of those colored freaks like Thorax, but I can’t help but reflect and appreciate everything I have…

“Well hello, somepony’s feeling emotional.”

I blinked. Took a breath of air, and turned to face Topaz.

“I might be.” Was all I said as my mind came back to me.

“Idol, you grabbed my hoof..in public.” To emphasize this, I felt a hoof shape appendage squeeze my own hoof. Embarrassed, I tried removing my hoof from her grip only for the pegasus to squeeze harder. “Nice try dear, but you grabbed my hoof, and now the entire city shall learn of your debauchery.”

“Indeed. My career is forever ruined, and I shall be forced back into exile. I heard the Canterlot Public Works could use sewer workers.” It was all in good jest of course, and to reiterate my affection for the mare I did something past Idol would have scuffed at- I nuzzled her. In public no-less!

“I love you, Topaz. Thank you for everything.” It’s one thing to say the words, and another thing to actually taste it. I was able to do both, and still couldn’t fathom how fortunate I was to have found somepony willing to give me this wondrous experience.

She giggled, and I admired the red tint of her cheeks just before she returned the nuzzle and eventually placed a chaste kiss on the very tip of my muzzle.

“I know, but it's still wonderful to hear it.”

We drifted off once more into that comfortable silence as we sat on one of the benches in front of Topaz’s University, watching the growing student body as they moved between the two buildings. Cersus was back in the castle with Luna and Mothchaser(the thestral insisted), and with myself temporarily ousted decided to spend the day with Topaz until her next class starts.

This quickly transitioned to having lunch on said bench with a small assortment of her favorite foods- some having been imported from Equestria.

The little spread consisted of a standard diet: almonds, havarti & dill cheese slices, an apple, with a single blue orchid. The flower bulb having been procured by the pony/changeling couple, Well Water and Ambient Noise, we met during my brief paid time off in the marketplace; my surprise evident when they mentioned cross pollination of different orchid species to produce the blue flower serving as the centerpiece of our lunch. Topaz was already won over by its scent and colors, but the unorthodox couple claims it's supposed to be eaten after a meal to produce the pleasant cooling effect.

“Just like mint gum!” The stallion had claimed.

So we sat enjoying each other’s presence, and the calming nature of the day after the building tension of the past couple of weeks. Most of the snowfall from earlier in the week had melted, but unexpectedly the impromptu snow storm had left the inhabitants clamoring for more resulting in an additional flurry yesterday. Only enough to coat the ground and houses to last until the end of the day, leaving us taking advantage of this early Hearths Warming weather as well.

The silence between us wasn’t exactly void of any sound, because as we ate the provided lunch, Topaz and I were talking in our own way.

Developed from years of living together, we have come to read the other’s intended thoughts, or actions through a plethora of details; many of these were the ponycentric way of using subtle body postures, while a few were created just for us based of the changeling way of identifying other changelings (thanks to Cersus). We held hooves, fed each other using magic and wings, said no word, yet spoke well enough in interpet a great many things…

In what was becoming too common for my liking, I was about to shatter the blissful moment between us by asking a single question I knew neither of us had an answer for.

“Have you spoken to Thorax since the Guard’s Gala?”

“I have Idol, just last month after Thorax came by on orders from Cersus. She wanted permission to leave the castle with Flurry Heart, and Unstoppable, but couldn’t ask because she was still watching Flurry.” Topaz popped another slice of cheese into her mouth as she gave me a sideway’s glance. I was thankful she was still feeling the effects of our kiss, else she might have wanted to have this conversation in her office.

“I’ve been privy to some knowledge I couldn’t confirm or deny to be true, and decided to shelve it until later. That later became early this week when Cersus spoke to me over the Hive Mind.” I made sure to whisper that last sentence in the chance that any passerbyers understood what it meant. ”I’m now sure our little nymph is growing into queenhood.”

Another sign of my aging maturity was that I didn’t immediately prepare to administer mouth to mouth on Topaz. During my first years in the Equestrian Guard, many gaurdstallions, and guardmares would recount stories of having to use this method during one of their patrols. The distressed pony in question would make a quick recovery, but I had always found it strange the guards it often happened to were deemed very attractive by pony standards…

Instead, I prepared to grab Topaz from behind as the pegasus began aggressively coughing. She waved me off, and reluctantly took a seat once more as she fought to control the coughing fit by repeatedly smacking her chest.

“She what!?” The pegasus hissed, and I was now worried we would be overheard.

“I’ll explain everything, but for the nymph’s privacy let us move this inside. Preferably in your office.” Somehow we always end up in her office.

That was all I said before she was already packing up the leftovers for the move. Besides her Highness Luna, Topaz will be the second pony to know what might be in store for Cersus’s future, and after that we could move forward with another issue weighing me down- a proper survey of the entire Changeling Population in the Crystal Empire.

“Celestia Idol! You can’t keep doing that, and expect me not to choke.”

“I’ll strive harder to pick a more appropriate time going forward.” I would try of course, yet it always seems to happen at the worst opportune times. Harmony and Order willing of course.

“Please do. The last thing we need is you telling somempony the wrong thing, or a secret meant to remain a secret. Like telling my mother about Cersus, or your fear of spiders.”

“Cave spiders are no laughing matter, Topaz. Maybe worse than Cave mites. Please refrain from mentioning them around the nymph.”

“Noted.” Topaz chuckled, the source of her amusement was concerning given the severity of our conversation. “I guess dust bunnies are a problem too?”

I shook my head.

“I’ve yet to encounter one that matched the Element of Kindness’ own pet, and that reason alone is why they’re allowed to stay.”

“Wait a minute. Are you calling our room dirty?”

“Nothing of the sort, just stating the cleanliness of our pet Leporids.”

“Our what? I thought you were talking about dust bunnies?” I nodded, realizing Topaz’s expertise was Entomology, and not mammals.

“Rabbits. I don’t know what species they’re a part of, so I used their family name: Leporids.”

“Idol I…no. No distracting me. We’re going to finish our discussion in my office first.”

“Yes ma’am.” I conceded to her demands, making sure to grab the packed leftovers as Topaz led us toward the building on our right.

Topaz’s office was unique when compared to the other assigned duty centers of her peers, which by tradition of school were kept isolated from the classrooms. This was waived for her as part of the university’s effort to modernize their entire curriculum. Because of how the building was designed, this meant converting an existing room to meet this change…

“Has the Board disclosed when the janitor will have his closet back?”

“Actually they have. We had a meeting about this several weeks back, and it was agreed it was easier to give him a new room instead of me moving out. To sweeten the deal, we agreed to install a sink in the room- he took the generous offer.”

“Ah, and you are ok with this arrangement?” I asked while Topaz was gathering all the loose paperwork, and a few books on her desk into a single disheveled pile that was quickly banished into the largest drawer her desk could spare.

“This storage room was chosen because of its location to the rest of the lecture rooms, and I chose it because of the privacy.” Topaz took her seat behind her desk, offering me the only other seat that could fit in this cramped, but comfortable room in front of her desk- I took it of course.

“Princess Luna offered to take Cersus under her tutelage should we agree, citing she should train Cersus in her expected duties.” I laid my metaphorical cards on the table, watching as Topaz reeled back in her chair far enough to reach the wall behind her.

“THE PRINCESS…!?” She need not say more for me to understand what she was trying to say, and nodded.”

“Her highness was the one to suggest the change before our departure from Canterlot. I never took her claims seriously before, and declined her offer. Princess Luna’s recent visit, furthered by my own admissions, has re-extended the offer believing Cersus will need proper guidance in the approaching years. I of course declined until we could reach a decision.”

Topaz’s silence was welcoming as it was expected given the nature of this weighted truth, and what it could hold for our young charge should we accept the offer. I wasn’t counting the time, but the clock ticking away on the wall to my left suggested it’d only been several minutes before she could collect herself to form a proper response.

Her emotions were fleeting as each attempt to assess her mood was stifled with a wave from the good wing, the action either passive or active didn’t matter, and respectively retreated.

“Would this require another relocation?” She asked, her tone muted under some unknown weight. I shook my head.

“Neither party. While relocation would greatly benefit Cersus, it would be detrimental to the progress we’ve made over the past two years. The suggestion of Cersus returning to Canterlot had been brought up once before, but was turned down when Luna admitted to knowing little of raising foals let alone nymphs.”

Topaz didn’t have to say anything for me to feel the amusement working its way up through the cracks of her trepidation. It gave me some comfort hearing the warming expression, even if the act was half hearted.

“I appreciate her insightfulness. Cersus isn’t the kind of foal to lock herself in a room until called upon. I’m thankful there aren’t any conventional sewers here. Celestia forbid there are, and she found an entrance. Cersus might become feral once more, and all of our work would have been wasted.”

“Not entirely false, but not necessarily true either.” I interjected “ Cersus wouldn’t completely revert to her previous Canterlotian state, but would have found a comfortable spot in between feral and civilized. Her heritage demands she incorporate any new knowledge deemed necessary to exploit the environment around her. This would compel the nymph to further test the limits of her territory to better refine these skills and knowledge until they can be proven as true. As long as we keep introducing a new unknown, Cersus would have to keep seeking us out for answers. Then when she least expects we hit her with the bug paper.”

“Idol…” The golden pegasus started but stopped, her mouth opened and quickly closed once more.

I was practically beaming as my little joke made proper contact, and took the opportunity to sit and watch Topaz try to compose herself. Her mouth opened once more, and this time what composure she had was swept away as a contagious condition known as ‘belly laughter’ took over her, and the poor mare nearly fell to the ground. I caught her with my magic before she could become acquainted with the floor, and pulled her back onto her seat where Topaz found herself lecturing why we couldn’t use sticky paper as a proper punishment.

“Id..idol..” She stopped, taking a generous intake of air. “...we can’t use the nymph burrito to keep scaring Cersus. Eventually, she’ll realize it's just smoke.”

“And where there’s smoke, the possibility of arson. I would step out of line to suggest she enjoys the mild threats. It gives her assurance we care for her with our consistent worrying for her behavior, and how others would perceive her.”

Topaz’s laughing fit flitted out at that proposition. The early joy plastered on her muzzle shifted into a look I’ve seen many times before back in Canterlot whenever the court attendees would request an escort or pass me during a patrol. It was a look of somepony ‘lost in the deepwoods’ the saying went, most often used to describe a pony saddled with problems or a burden of some kind.

Touching her hoof seemed to point her towards a way out of those woods, and soon enough that spark returned to her eyes.

“Do you think we’re doing enough for her? I understand our departure from Canterlot was so sudden, but now I’m wondering if the two of us should have stayed longer before following you here?”

It is true.

My abrupt departure was sudden upheaval for the three of us, especially little Cersus after discovering her own gang of cave mites to terrorize the underbelly of Canterlot. It had taken much prodding to get the nymph to accept the reality of the situation enough to give this new experience a chance, with the condition she not forget her friends back in Canterlot- this has been somewhat successful. The letters were slow in the beginning as she taught herself proper writing edict, and to my knowledge has written a letter to them at least once a month with the thestral filly being the exception.

“Change is the inevitable factor of life that will be subtly, or under the hardened hooves of an inexperienced labor pony. It will either be a welcome embrace, or a bad time, and to be blunt, a normal changeling won’t be compelled to seek this upheaval. Cersus’s growing nature should override that natural instinct else she would be incapable of adaptation. A hive that can’t adapt is doomed to fail, and the nymph’s unique upbringing, though questionable at best, is her greatest strength. So, yes. The move was difficult for most ponies under similar conditions, but we’re not exactly normal are we?”

“No. I guess we’re not.” Her worry was still present enough to bother the pegasus, yet pushing up from the discomfort was Topaz’s endearing optimism. “Maybe we should write a book or something in the future? A romance comedy between a lonely mare and an unorthodox stallion who adopts an equally strange foal?”

“Too obvious. Perhaps it's told through the point of view of the foal?”

Topaz shook her head, her mood already improving as the traces of doubt could be sensed less and less as she was defending her mock story. Excited for this return, I indulged her with my own suggestions for a Daring Do style book, but from the perspective of a guard. She found the idea novel at best, before spinning her pitch for one set among Luna’s Stars; the Canterlot Houses fighting among the Stars for control over Equis did intrigue me…

“I might write that one down.” She declared as she looked around her desk for a spare quill and parchment.

“I might follow your example, it would be a good lesson for Cersus to consider.”

“What lesson?” Topaz looked up from her acquired parchment with evident interest in her eyes- the look of a scholar.

“Inspiration can’t be predicted, so one should be prepared to capture the moment it should appear. Cersus would benefit from writing her own experiences, and ideas down pending future review.”

“Oh, you mean a journal? That might be a good idea…” Topaz leaned back into her chair as her wing rubbed the bottom of her chin.

“It would pair well with the several I’ve written. The combined knowledge would serve her well during the rest of her adolescence years until she deems the information obsolete, or in need of an update.”

“You wrote journals!? When did you do this, and where have you been keeping them?”

“To answer your questions in order. I did. I started during the first three years living under your roof, but resumed once the nymph arrived. Once it became apparent of the nymph’s urgent need of guidance, I left them in her care to read at her discretion.”

“Cersus still has these journals with her?” I nodded.

“Without the hivemind to store the knowledge, they’ve become a physical reminder of the dos and don’ts of pony culture. Before Cersus’s arrival, I'd had enough experience to function well enough, and told the nymph she should read the material to be a better pony. Her interest in ponykind provided enough motivation for her to keep the journals.”

“And why haven’t I seen these journals Idol? Celestia knows I would have discovered them earlier than now.”

“Negative Topaz. Journals are protected under the Canterlotian Privacy Act during the Fourth Division of Sun Court. Under these protections I sought the Royal Library to scribe my thoughts in relative peace, surrounded under the watchful tutelage of scholars past. Once finished, I had them sorted in the self-help section.”

“Of course you would..does the librarian know?” Topaz’s smile grew wider when I confirmed her involvement. “ Idol? Don’t change, please?”

“For a changeling, that request would be impossible to fulfill. But for you? I’ll do my best.”

Scooting the chair around the desk in the cramped storage turned office required some additional maneuvering, only to have the both of us awkwardly angled to make it work. Despite the overcrowding of leg: pony, changelings, and chair legs, we made it work.

“... a flight?”

“It’s simpler when you describe it to another pegasus, but the gist is there are very small, and fine strands of fur that covers the membrane. Not as good as feathers, but it's enough to repel moisture buildup long enough to not weigh the wing down. Granted the lack of feathers are a great boon when flying recon since the membrane is more flexible making thestrals like myself to be more agile. This makes turning quickly possible, but at the cost of speed.”

Mothchaser peered over to her partner in crime for the day as he studied the membrane of her left wing. Sure there had been other stallions that’d shown interest in her since joining the Night Guard, but none ever sparked her interest than Idol, or more importantly expressed an interest in her wings like he did. A secret among her kind for a number of reasons that their pegasi cousins might understand given the entire taboo involving their wings.

In lame mare terms, watching his eyes map out each vein running the entire length of the membrane had invoked long dormant emotions- the kind that golem could only stir.

“Very interesting Sergeant. Never in my lifetime would I ever imagine seeing a Child of the Night, let alone have a conversation with one. The Empire before the reign of the current Monarchy wouldn’t have allowed one of your kind in without chains- even my mother was barely tolerated, me even less.”

“That doesn’t match what I heard of the late Princess Amore. You know? An alicorn Princess that needs to spread good cheer and rainbows to keep that crystal heart thingy running?”

Mothchaser angled her head to the left, and then to the right trying to pop her neck. Movements a modern pony wouldn’t blink twice at, yet for one ushered from a place and time so distant a pony needs a book to recall it, the twitching was unnatural. The colossal stallion even took a step away from her, as the released tension made the urge to clatter her teeth all the more compelling.

“I.. well it's…” the stallion stuttered as his gaze was aimed on the path before them. “...it’s a little more complicated, esteemed sergeant. Princess Amore’s rule while radiant wasn’t the promised realm you portray. The Empire had its moments, yet it was a mortal kingdom after all, just shinier. My mother herald from deserts of a faraway land, and was treated accordingly.”

“Accordingly? Like with the staring or name calling? We thestrals get that lot, even now I’ve noticed it more than usual since our arrival, but you get used to it, big guy.” Mothchaser admitted with the belief it would comfort the large stallion some, yet it only encouraged him to shatter more of the lies she had been fed about this strange city.

“Ah, so you have been chained and sold to the local stable before?”

Early into her career, Mothchaser might have lashed out at the hybrid for suggesting she was associated with a stable, let alone worked at one; Maybe it was her cumulative experience as a guard, or her finally accepting her actions had far reaching consequences that affected more ponies then just herself, but the thestral literally bit her tongue to keep from speaking. Even as the thick coppery taste warmed her mouth, Mothchaser kept her mouth shut, and forced herself looking straight ahead.

Her companion noticed the change immediately, and began adjusting his stance to compensate for her sudden withdrawal by once more treading closer to her side, and matching her stride. His hope was to make the pair seem focused on their duties to normal citizenry, then an angry thestral being escorted by the Empire’s biggest mystery. This was the image projected for several blocks as they entered the district they were destined for, and where they would find their first objective for the day- Unstoppable made a choice.

Without warning he made a sudden turn into one of the back alleys that connected two main streets behind the cluster of shops and homes, and just like he hoped Mothchaser swiftly reacted and followed him with a look of indignation. He slowed his stride until he was sure no pony save themselves would be present for what he was about to reveal.

“I apologize for the brazen comment, commander. It was never meant to be an accusation of your character, then it was to convey my struggles. I remember little of that period because I was no older than last year's snow drop, yet I recall the scents. That has never faded with time.”

The reveal was sudden, and left the thestral nearly speechless as the implication of confession filtered through the cracks of her anger.

“Whoa.. Luna, that’s a lot..you ok there?” Mothchaser asked as she forced herself to look up at her accompanying escort unsure what to do or ask after hearing something like that.

For his part, Unstoppable nodded. His ears would flicker or rotate at the faintest sounds, but Moth’s ears were already doing their job and she knew they were the only ponies in this little forgotten alley under the shadow of the castle.

“Indeed. That was all in the past, perhaps even more so given his spell, but that might be for the best. Save for the pony that took me in after my mother’s passing, I would have left this city many moons ago. The very same mare we are about to pay our respects to.”

“I’m sorry, what? Aren’t we supposed to be looking for certain ponies that smell better than fresh coffee? No offense, bub. Sad story, like really depressing stuff, but we’re supposed to be following orders and not visiting family.”

“Why not both Commander Mothchaser? I can visit my second mother as we catechize her assistant, who by mother’s admittance, isn’t a true pony.” Unstoppable raised his large neck, and quickly scanned both entrances to the alley before flicking his head toward the back of the building next to them. “Mother’s reputation, though improved since the Esteemed Colonel and his family’s patronage, has not recovered enough to have myself seen entering her abode.”

“That’s a terrible deal you got there buddy.” Mothchaser fluttered her wings unsure how to properly vent her feelings of this stallion’s life. Unable to come up with anything more productive than repeating her sympathies, the thestral watched the overgrown stallion approaching the back wall of the building, focusing on a selection of crystal near the ground.

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. What pony can claim to know the wills of gods like Faust or their emissaries? Certainly not me, for I would make for a terrible acolyte…” The stallion left the statement floating in the air as he began pawing at the ground, but with intent then from agitation.

Mothchaser kept her silent eyes watching the stallion while her ears kept watch, almost mesmerized by his drive until a sharp click, followed by a shimmer of the crystal wall ended her trance.

“This way Commander.” Unstoppable gestured to the wall, and before she could question him, the stallion vanished before her very eyes.

“Damn him.” Moth hissed as she finally understood what he’d been searching for- a magic switch.

Even with her heightened eyesight, the reflective nature of the crystal and the unnatural sunlight failed to produce any recognizable markers, yet her sensitive hearing could hear the near inaudible humming of magic now that the switch had been flicked. Another follow up check of the alley proved Mothchaser was all alone, and with nothing say an order from Luna herself would keep the thestral from preventing her assigned duties; with hesitation, Mothchaser extended her hoof toward the faint humming she could hear until her eyes finally had something to focus on- a door.

“Class C Magic, and no other protections? This stallion…” She muttered in silent awe seeing rare levels of magics casted in a literal alleyway.

Pressing her hoof against the door, the thestral barely felt the tingle running down her spine before being dropped into a literal storage room.

Thankfully she landed on her hooves, and not upon the many small crates, shelves, or ponequins in various states of dress because her armor would have caused too much damage to the business’s stock. A commotion could be heard through the cracked door, which through the gap Mothchaser could distinguish the tailor’s show floor dotted with dressed ponequins displaying mostly dresses, and a few stallion coat’s. Her sensitive hearing already zeroed in on Unstoppable Force conversing with a mare she assumed was his adoptive mother based solely by the mare’s pitch, yet the far younger sounding voice that found it necessary to act as a mediator greatly piqued the thestral's interest.

While slinking around in the shadows of this storage appealed to her heritage, her position as Luna’s Personal Guard commanded her presence be known- so she did just that.

“Ready or not, here I come!” Mothchaser declared with a stomp of her armored hooves, before forcing herself through the gap, and into the light.

When her eyes adjusted, she was greeted with three ponies staring back at her against a modest showroom with Unstoppable’s imposing stature, and his dirty opal coat a stark contrast to the colorful gowns, and accessories. To his immediate right were two mares, an older crystal pony (who Moth assumed was his mother), and a younger earth pony that might be the assistant.

“This is the mare, the Commander of Princess Luna’s Guard?”

“Indeed. Commandant Mothchaser is not only her highness’s personal guard, but a close friend of the Esteemed Colonel Hooves. Motchaser…” Unstoppable raised his right hoof and gestured to the crystal pony now looking expectantly at the thestral. “..this is Silk String. The mare that raised me after my mother’s passing, and the one reason I stayed after our City’s return.”

“Hey! This is all a bit sudden ma’am, but hello all the same. Force here just told me shortly before our arrival. Didn’t even offer dinner before he brought me here.. You have a nice shop.” Mothchaser was deflecting when she noticed the intense staring from the strange crystal mare.

“OH? The colt forgetz iz manner?” Her accent was strong, and her Equestrian appearance definitely meant it wasn’t a local dialect, but an imported one. Her long mane moving as one as her slim body cut through the distance between them until the thestral’s hoof was firmly enclosed between the mare’s. “I tried me best, yet our custemz are strange when courting.”



“Should I alert the clientele of this development, Madam?” The ruby furred earth pony asked while gesturing to a small sheet of paper hidden by the clipboard in her hooves, but was waved off.

“And wastz their time? No. Time iz scarce, and precious like foals! The Empire needz more, so We move the wedding forward!”

“Great idea ma’am.”


“AH! AH! Hold your reins in check there! You can’t be saying things like that whenever the mood strikes you! We barely met more than a few days ago!” Moth was trying to regain control of the situation, but only found her hoof once again.

“And he talz me naw? Shamefu!” Silk String gasped, whirling around to her assistant for confirmation.

“Indeed it is ma’am. Troubling times we live in when family treats each other so casually.”

“Right!?” The crystal mare agreed with her assistant, her head snapping sharply to the giant stallion. “What de has to zay!”

“Mother, this accusation is nothing more than a passing blizzard. Mothchaser is my superior, and current partner for today’s patrol schedule. We’re at best acquaintances.”

“That can change! Ze world is dangerous, and having a mare take command won’t hinder you. Ya ready uz za iz!”

“It’s true, sir. You never know what the day will bring, and leaving no heirs to continue your family line will be a great loss to Ponykind.” His mother’s assistant rattled off, earning another nod of approval from the crystal mare.

“And the joy little treasures could bring to everypony…”

Mothchaser tuned the mare out as her mind struggled to process this sudden projection of her own mother, even going as far to pin her ears against her head to keep from hearing this embarrassing talk. Her crush on Idol hadn’t been lost to the thestrals in Canterlot, and when her mother found out things became less stable back home. It had taken years for her mother to accept the possibility of half bred thestrals, and eventually became an almost demand on her part to produce these foals once it became clear her brother was too invested in running his coffee shop, The Grindhouse.

That all came to halt when Idol and his wife finally made their relationship official, and surprisingly the announcement didn’t bother her like she’d assumed- deep down she knew they weren’t meant to be.

A period of emptiness greeted her as she focused on her career to escape the void, and her mother’s shrieks of despair accompanied with the ‘I told you so’. If Princess Luna hadn’t offered her the job, Moth couldn't even guess where she’ll be right now…

‘Certainly not in the Crystal Empire listening to a strange mare critiquing my love life.’

“By the one Mare of the Moon, Lady String! You remind me too much of my mother, and she just finished telling me how right she’d been about the last stallion in my life. The big guy and I were just stopping by before continuing with our patrol. Absolutely no fraternization of the immoral kind.” Moth felt good setting the record straight, and nearly beamed (fangs and all) until the strange mare began laughing behind her raised hoof.

“The Good Queen above, you are a delight! I’m sorry son, but you don’t visit like a good son should, and when you finally do it's in the company of an exoitc mare! Spinel! Be a dear and put on some tea for our guests.”

The crystal mare clopped her front hooves together, and with a silent ‘yes’ the rust tinted mare departed for a set of curtains to their left, next to a Celestia Sized Mirror, leaving Mothchaser alone with her tall limbed companion and his mother. One that not only reminded the thestral of her own mother, making this encounter one of the stranger ones.

“Spinel is a wonderful apprentice…”

“Mother. We’re not here to take her away from your service. Those days belong to a different Empire, a different ruler.” Lady Silk String flinched at the last part, and Mothchaser didn’t miss that.

‘Save that for later.’ She thought while silently watching the interaction…’She lost the accent!’

“Certainly hope not dear, that would be a shocking end to an otherwise wondrous rule so far. So far, mind you. It wouldn’t be the first time the coat was pulled over our eyes.” The crystal pony prattled on, but given the City’s history the thestral couldn’t fault the cautious mare. “You were too young to remember, and you, my guest, weren’t even born to know how it started, so count your blessings. It always starts off with the questions, but quickly becomes a reason to spirit them away for good.”

“Wow. I thought us thestrals had it bad.” Moth didn’t even bother telling the mare of Unstoppable’s admittance, listening as the mare continued to vent.

“I can’t say I ever saw your kind in the pony before Mothchaser, yet your kind’s reputation was well known to us in the City; Literal nightstalkers in service of the Royal Highness, The Lady Mare of the Moon- that sort of thing ligers in the mind. Yet, that fear kept us blind to Sombra’s motives until it was too late, and by the late Queen’s Graces I was worried for Spinel's safety.”

“Wait so you’re saying…” Mothchaser asked, finally putting the pieces together when Unstoppable spoke up.

“I believe Spinel is one of the few we seek, isn’t that correct mother?”

“Speaking of my assistant behind her back is unbecoming of a proper Gentlecolt, and you know that son. Why not ask the mare herself?” Silk String nodded toward the curtain, where the earth mare had departed a few moments ago…


Moth didn’t even wait for her partner, or the Lady Silk String before darting toward the curtain that likely held the kitchen only to discover another storage room not unlike the first one she’d teleported in. The stark difference was the many wood crates stacked nearly to the ceiling…

“...with enough space to squeeze through.” Moth immediately took flight, but found the space limiting for anything more than assisting with her jumping when she leaped straight into one of the crates. The impact knocked the wind out of her lungs, and nearly toppled one of the crates over if it weren’t for two hooves catching her.

“Find your breath Commander, and quick.” Before Mothchaser could even respond, Unstoppable Force used his height advantage to good use, and lobbed the good Commander up and over the crates. “I’ll make for the streets!”

His aim was mostly true, and did clear the gap between the crates, but not without her back, and wings scraping the ceiling; the thestral’s saving grace was the crystal’s smooth surface, yet it still hurt like Tartarus enough to nearly sink her fangs into her bottom lip(again). Training spurred her into action, and on reflex spun herself in time to meet the floor, pivot to burn off the extra momentum, and bring her forehoof up across her head just as her rear legs hit the floor- a perfect guard standing at attention.

Mothchaser blinked, collapsing onto the floor while gasping for air, and from some minor back pain.

As she collected herself, she couldn’t help but mentally curse as the distinct humming of runic magic touched her fluffy ears. Locating the intense humming proved easy enough, and once her hoof connected with the afflicted area, Moth found the appendage being dragged through; with no time to waste she took the plunge and dove into the wall, her senses muted for a moment before returning all at once. Her hearing was the first to return followed by the feeling of her legs before her sensitive eyesight reworked itself enough to use, and once so, the overstimulated thestral began working where she’d ended up…

“The bucking alley way?” She turned around to discover the same wall she’d entered earlier, figuring it acted like the entrance and exit. “Stars above, Luna will hear about this.”

Mothchaser gave herself a good shake(not like a dog) hoping to clear her senses when the unmistakable hard impact of Unstoppable Force galloping caught her attention. The mare’s scent still hung in the air, but even if they followed the uniquely changeling scent it would be lost amongst the crowds after leaving the back alley. The thestral couldn’t help but to whip her tail from side to side angrily.

“I apologize Commander for my failure.” The giant hybrid immediately led with as he came to an abrupt stop next to her. “It has been some time since my last visit, and I failed to predict mother might have installed another exit during the lapse in time.”

“It’s aggravating, but it happens. She didn’t do anything illegal save the running away, and that at best wouldn't stand because we were visiting your mother.” The thestral shrugged with her wings, and pointed with a hoof toward the end of the alley. “Besides, she's likely long gone and any other changelings in the area would know of this. Luna be praised and all, but our task is finished.”

Reading her tall limbed companion wasn’t easier than most ponies because of his reserved nature, yet Mothchaser had picked up on a couple of surefire ways to gauge his mood: tenseness of his stance, and if his eyes held that gleam or not. Currently his stance appeared normal not including the aggressive snorting he was doing, but when looking up at his eyes…

“You’re taking this better than I am Force.”


“Alright big guy, spill it. What’s the matter?” His reply was anything but accepting, and you didn’t need sensitive senses to pick that up. Their personalities may differ, but having practically raised her brother for years had left Mothchaser with the motherly instinct to know when a colt was moping.

Unstoppable Force at first resisted the thestral’s stern gaze to great effect using his height, yet either out of loyalty to the Night Princess, and by extension her entourage found his resolve weakening the longer he kept his gaze reflected. In a moment of weakness, his eyes glance over to (by his standards), the miniature thestral with her fur puffing out, and exposed fangs peering over her lips impaired her projection of command.

His own stoicism kept his thoughts in check, and likely saved the stallion further targeted harassment from the easily embarrassed mare. Saving face, Unstoppable relaxed his stance for a more casual ‘on patrol’ look by easing his own hardened features- he nickered. Rough was the sound, but the impact properly ended the tension for now.

“Mother has seen a lot, knows more than most. She worries we’re following the same terrible path as the Mad King.”


“We’re armored guards looking for a tribe known to cause Equestria strife. This visit wasn’t a son wanting to see his mother, but to confirm if the assistant was who they were.”

“What else can we do? Ask them to form a single file line at the castle and sign up for the census?” Moth knew her suggestion was stupid, yet found the stallion’s assessment sound. Replace Changelings with Thestrals and she would have bolted to.

“Of course not, Commander. But I fear we’ll only cause more harm than good if we continue this. Would it be undermining your authority to suggest a new approach?”

“This ain’t Old Equestria buddy. What do you have in mind?”

“For starters, I should apologize to my mother first? Ease her fears, and let her know why we sought Miss Spinel’s cooperation. After that, we should report the incident to Sergeant Shifting Sands.”

“Uhhmmmmm.” Moth hummed, using the tips of her wings to scratch the spot underneath her chin. An action she did for the flair of her position. “Sure why not.”

“I understand…excuse me?” Unstoppable had prepared himself for the rejection when the thestral’s words settled in his mind. He looked up from the half bow he’d often performed as his birth mother taught him. Even now the reasoning for the display was lost to most of his peers save a few more well traveled, but habit demanded it be done.

“I mean your argument is sound…”

“Commander Mothchaser, I wasn’t…”

“You’re doing it again!” She gleefully chuckled. “ Besides you didn’t properly introduce me, and it's a bad omen in my tribe to leave on a bad note.”

‘Maam, I..I appreciate the gesture. Please allow me to correct my mistakes at this very moment.” The bow this time was firm, and purposeful. The stallion gestured toward the wall once more. ”Ladies first.”

“HA! Tail-chasing won’t get you far in the guard there bud, but it will help you elsewhere. Now, your mother promised us a cup of tea, and as guests it's rude for us to turn down such generosity.”

With a smile exposing her fanged grin, Mothchaser confidently strolled up to the wall where they’d entered the shop from; Unstoppable nodded, and upon receiving a winged salute clicked the button with his hoof with an audible click. Thestral, and stallion disappeared from the alley with no creature the wiser.

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