• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,556 Views, 97 Comments

Blink Again: Long Shadows - Amarandream

Following the events in the pocket dimension, the survivors must cope with radically changed lives as they search for answers and face new perils.

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4 - Party and a Quest

Ponyville was abuzz with activity, not for the first time because of a particular pink party pony. Banners hung from one building to another; streamers, ribbons, and balloons filled the air; and tables throughout the town square were stacked with every manner of confection one could imagine. In all, almost every resident of Ponyville was present, along with a few non-residents. There were even a total of four crusaders running about the place—including two Sweetie Belles—causing every kind of chaos.

This was the so-called “First Annual Ponyville All Ponies Get-together and Coalminers Appreciation Celebration.” Given that Ponyville had no coalminers, this was generally understood to be a celebration of Light, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle’s return. Pinkie had correctly anticipated their desire to not have a spotlight shined directly on them so soon, even if her solution was quite transparent to most.

And so that was how Rarity found herself at a table stacked high with cupcakes, scones, cookies, and ever other sort of confection, trying to make polite conversation with Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings. The former of the two was the picture of social grace, showing concern without prying or pitying, whilst the latter smashed through such worries like Discord at a fashion show.

“So what does pony taste like?” Lyra blurted out, prompting a horrified gasp from Bon Bon and a sprayed drink from Rarity. This mare was worse than Apple Bloom! If she hadn’t helped the princesses with the spell to get them out of the pocket dimension, Rarity would have scolded her even in front of her marefriend.

As it was, Rarity simply replied, “Horrid. Believe me, you'd have no taste for it at all."

"Good princesses, I hope not," muttered Bon Bon even as Lyra leaned in closer, curiosity written into her features.

"I never saw the place. Minuette went in to help, but they said too many hooves would just get in the way so they had me and Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts wait outside. Minnie came back with this look on her face though…” Lyra paused just a moment to consider before adding, “Was everything rotten? Did anypony ever count the bodies?”

“Not quite as much as you’d expect, and no, we did not. Now if you are quite satisfied with darkening the occasion, your marefriend is beginning to look ill.”

“Please, Lyra, that’s enough,” Bon Bon groaned, patting the mint unicorn’s hoof pleadingly.

“Sorry, Bonnie. You too, Rarity.” Lyra gulped, suddenly contrite. “It’s just… not to be selfish or anything, but that could’ve been me.”

She sunk down in her chair, an almost comical position given the strange way she sat. “During our final year at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, Princess Celestia offered a reward to anypony who could teleport across the room. I was at it for months, trying to figure it out. Never could get it. In the end, only three did: Twilight Sparkle, Moondancer, and Minuette—and that last just barely. I’ve never been so glad to fail at something in my life. I guess I just wanted to know what it was like, what I almost did to myself for a few extra points on a report card.”

“Oh, honey.” Bon Bon wrapped her hooves around Lyra.

“I see.” Rarity smiled sympathetically. “In that case, you need not let your imagination run wild. Had you succeeded the one time, you’d have found nothing of the sort. It would be horrible, of course, but not quite so graphic. I daresay nopony teleported as often as dear Twilight. Though I’m sure that makes for little comfort.

“I’m also concerned for Moondancer and Minuette. Has anypony thought to check up on them? From experience, I can say finding out you’re not the original version of yourself can be a dreadful experience. Existential crises are rarely pleasant.”

“Well, Moondancer hasn’t been seen since this started,” Lyra said, idly passing one of the cupcakes from hoof to hoof, smearing herself with bits of frosting in the process. “Twinkleshine found a note on her door though. Apparently, she’s been away working on some special project. Pretty typical behavior for Moondancer really.

"As for Minuette, she left back for Canterlot the very day we got you out of that place. Didn’t talk much to me before she left, but sounded kinda hollow. You know what I mean? Anyway, Lemon Hearts offered to stay with her for a bit, make sure she’s okay. I haven’t heard anything else since.”

“Then I shall make it my mission to check on the both of them at least once,” Rarity said as she picked a pink streamer that had been launched from somewhere out of her mane.

“And this,” Bon Bon said, amazed, “is why you bear the element of generosity. By all rights the rest of us should be looking after you, not the other way around!”

“Nonsense.” Rarity rolled her eyes dramatically. “I’ve done next to nothing. Lyra and her friends, however, helped power the spells to get us out of that wretched place. That deserves repayment.”

Just then, Rarity noticed Light and Rainbow Dash huddled together at one of the tables, serious looks on their faces. "I'm sorry," Rarity began, "but I was hoping to speak with Light. I hope the two of you will excuse me for the time being."

They both nodded their assent and Rarity left them to their treats, making her way through the crowd and giving polite greetings whenever somepony addressed her.

Balloons and streamers filled the air, ponies chattering about the day’s happenings around mouthfuls of party food. Rarity caught mention of Light or herself, or teleportation in general, more than once. It seemed that while the specifics of the perils of teleportation were not widely known outside Ponyville, here it was the talk of the town. Inevitable, really, once the likes of Lyra Heartstrings and Minuette got involved.

A small band played music in front of Sugarcube Corner, led by a fiddle player who just so happened to be some distant relation of Applejack’s. Fiddlesticks, Rarity believed her name was. Somepony had even convinced Big Mac and Toe-Tapper to sing, though the tune was more country than she’d expected of the latter.

“Oh you can do it at a trot,
You can do it at a gallop,
You can do it real slow so your heart won’t palpitate.
Just don’t be late!
Do the Puygallop.

All the ponies and the animals down at the fair,
They do the Puygallop like they didn’t have a care
And it looks like so much fun to do
I think I’m gonna learn how to do it too.

I saw a duck and a chicken down by the farm,
A kickn' up the hay and a raisn' such a storm,
That I asked the farmer what they were up to
and he said ‘Puygallop, That's what they do!’”

Rarity wasn’t sure where Puygallop was, but it was a catchy enough tune. She didn’t have time to stop and listen though. She needed to know what Light had found.

Rainbow Dash was the first to notice Rarity’s approach, calling out to her, “hey, Rares, you coming to join us?”

“Why, of course,” Rarity smiled, taking her seat. “I wouldn’t dare miss a conversation with the great Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow scrunched up her muzzle. “Okay, very funny. You’re here for Twi—I mean Light—aren’t you?”

“I can be here for more than one pony.” Rarity settled back, looking between them. “Any news?”

“Yes, but none good,” Light grimaced. “Other me and I checked the hospital but found no evidence. She seems to think it was some sort of hallucination, but I disagree. We also met a Canterlot detective there. She seemed to think it was related to a case in Canterlot. She also requested our assistance and said we'd soon be called to go to Canterlot, where she'd see us again. I’ll fill you in with more detail once we have privacy.”

“Aw, come on, Twi—Light, ponyfeathers!—you don’t trust me anymore?” Rainbow Dash started. “I have no idea what this is all about, but you know I got your back. Just point me at the bad guys and I’ll give them a taste of my sonic justice!”

“Which is appreciated, Rainbow,” Light said, “but it’s not that simple. Besides, I’m not hiding anything from you. I’ll tell you later too. It’s just that we’re in the middle of town square, and I’m pretty sure Golden Harvest and Berryshine over there are eavesdropping.”

Twin gasps could just barely be heard, followed by the two aforementioned ponies studiously looking anywhere but at them.

“Well, you can hardly fault them a bit of curiosity,” Rarity said. “I'm sure the rumor mill is running wild after all that activity here to save us. As for Twilight, her response is disappointing but not surprising. You never were quick to accept that which seemed impossible. Remember when you learned about Pinkie’s ‘Pinkie Sense?’”

“That was years ago! She should’ve learned to take it on faith! Ugh.” Light pressed a hoof to her forehead, only to pull it away in a brief moment of surprise at not feeling her horn. “This doesn’t even matter right now. Arguing with myself just makes me feel like an idiot.”

“Well, let’s not be too hard on yourself,” Rarity said. “Everypony’s been under a lot of stress. I’ll talk to her later, see if I can’t bring her around. In the meanwhile, was there any other news? You two seemed to be discussing something earlier.”

“Right, that.” Light turned to Rainbow Dash. “You want to tell her?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow leaned in close, glancing briefly toward the nearby ponies. “Yearling’s missing! I mean, maybe she’s off on one of her things, but I’ve got a bad feeling. I should’ve heard from her by now. Even sent a letter when Secrets of Brodfeld came out, but nothing. Luckily, I’ve got a plan. I got leave from the wonderbolts. Tomorrow morning, I head to Seaddle and find out where she went. And if she needs my help kicking some baddie flank, then I’ll be right there to do it.”

“Hold on,” Rarity said, keeping her voice low, “please tell me you spent more than ten seconds thinking this through. I mean, who are you bringing for backup? Do you have a way to get help if something goes wrong? Do the others even know what you’re doing?”

“Relax, Rares.” Rainbow’s foreleg made a dismissive gesture. “I’ll tell them before I leave. And if I need help, I’ll just zoom right back here and get it. Fastest flyer in Equestria, remember? Besides, the others are busy. I don’t want to disturb them for what might be nothing.”

“Please disturb them,” Rarity pressed. “I should think the lesson on not charging in alone should have penetrated through even your thick skull by now.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest. “They don’t call me Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash for nothing!”

“Nopony calls you that! Except yourself. And maybe Scootaloo.”

“Ugh, fine,” Rainbow groaned. “I know Applejack and your doubles have stuff this week, so I’ll try Pinkie. Maybe she’ll want to come.”

“I’d love to come!” the pink blur announced as she burst out of the center of their huddle, nearly knocking all three over in shock. “Wait, where are we going? Is it somewhere fun?”

"Gah! Pinkie!" Light exclaimed. "Where'd you come from?"

“Well, I was talking to Fluttershy about trying out my new cakes for snakes idea, but then I started feeling the tinglies and I just knew somepony needed my help! So here I am!”

“Makes as much sense as ever,” Light deadpanned. “Rainbow, you want to fill her in too?”

Rainbow groaned, then started again. For the third time. Except by this point she was growing bored with explaining herself and so was a tad less careful of who heard. That A. K. Yearling had disappeared and Rainbow Dash was going to find her would no doubt soon become the talk of the town. By this point, more than one of them were realizing they had chosen the worst possible spot to have a sensitive conversation.

This didn't matter to Pinkie though. For her part, she nodded along until Rainbow was finished then whipped a pair of night vision goggles out from her mane and slipped them on. “Ooh, secret mission!” she practically yelled. “Don’t you worry, Dashie; Special Agent Pinkie Pie’s got your tail!”

Rainbow facehoofed. “Thanks… Anyway, it might be nothing. Just gotta make sure she's actually off doing her job and wasn't foalnapped or something.”

"Foalnapped?" Pinkie said. "Oh, maybe that's why that detective was in town! Looking for foalnappers, like the ones that might, possibly, conceivably, probably have taken Dari—"

"Dairy cows!" Rainbow finished for her as she stuffed a hoof in Pinkie's mouth to prevent her accidentally spilling a big secret.

"Heh, heh. Right." Pinkie flushed in embarrassment. "That's what I meant. Super-duper sorry."

"Wait a moment," Light added. "Pinkie, you know about Detective Gray? I thought she was only here for one night. When did you see her?"

"Last night!" the pink mare chirped. "She was walking around town super late! Or maybe it was super early? Yeah, that's it. Super early, and she was wearing all black and never went into the light. I think she was trying be all sneaky, and it mostly worked because I'm the only pony that saw her! Oh, and she kept looking into ponies' windows too!"

"That's... alarmingly creepy," Rarity muttered. "Did you, perchance, see which buildings she was looking into?"

"Yepperoni! Let's see... it was Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy's Cottage, Rarity's parent's house, and she even tried at the Castle of Friendship—though I don't think she got a good look there. The windows are very high."

Rarity's parent's house? Rarity could feel her heart quicken in terror at the very idea, even if they were out of town since before all this started. "If you saw her doing this, why didn't you stop her? Why not raise an alarm?"

"But that's what I was doing, silly!" Pinkie answered happily. "At first I thought, 'oh looksie, a new pony in town! I should invite her to the party!' but then she got all super weird. I followed her to make sure she didn't do anything mean, and to stop her if she did. She didn't do anything though. Just looked around, then walked out of town. In the pitch black. So she was probably just curious!"

"Or maybe," Light began, still bothering to speak quietly even if Pinkie wasn't doing the same, "she was trying to learn more about us, the element bearers. All of the places you mentioned have something to do with at least one of us. I'll have to press the truth out of her when I see her in Canterlot. She didn't see you following her, did she?"

"Nope! I was wearing my ninja costume at the time, so I was sneaky as a yak!"

"I'm sorry, 'sneaky as a yak?'"

"Yeah, yak's are the best at sneaking, because they're the best at everything!"

Light's eye twitched. "I'm going to pretend that made sense. I'm also not going to bother asking why you were out in the middle of the night in a ninja costume."


"Well," Rarity said, "I for one would like to thank you, Pinkie, for assisting Rainbow. It eases my worries a great deal to know my friends will be looking out for each other. I would volunteer my own services on this mission, but it seems Light and I will soon be required elsewhere. Oh, and thank you for the party as well. You don't know how dearly I've missed this."

"No problemo!" Pinkie grinned. "If you wait another half hour, there's even a magic show. Make sure not to miss it!"

"A magic show?" Light asked. "Wait, who's performing?"

"Trixie! She's setting up now over at the mane stage."

"I see." Light abruptly stood up. "It was good to see you girls, but Trixie and I are due for a chat. There's a bit of an issue we need to work out."

"Ah, yes." Rarity stood to join her. "This would be about the snake then? I shall accompany you."

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash shared a confused look, with the latter mouthing "snake?" Neither Light nor Rarity made to fill them in though. It was too much to explain and they still didn't know why it happened.

As the two ponies approached the stage, they found it mostly set up for the show already. A purple curtain bespeckled with shining silver stars hung across as a backdrop, a table upon which sat a chest and a number of bits and baubles common to most stage magicians was at stage left, and a sign hung overhead which proudly displayed Trixie's cutie mark along with the words, "The Great and Powerful Trixie!" As for the showmare herself, she was nearly fifty yards from the front of the stage loading a giant purple cannon.

"Trixie, we need to talk!" Light called out as they approached. "It's important."

"Yes, yes," Trixie started without turning from her work. "All conversations with The Great and Powerful Trixie are important. What is it this time?"

"Some time ago, you asked another version of me to teleport a strange black snake for an act that you were practicing. Do you remember it?"

Trixie turned to eye Light and Rarity. "Oh, yes, that. Er, The Great and Powerful Trixie decided not to use it. Turns out it was dangerous or something. Who knew? And Trixie always makes safety her number one priority." She turned the cannon, adjusting its sights to aim directly at her own stage. "Besides, since Starlight went to Canterlot to see some crazy version of herself they pulled out of her pocket thingy, Trixie doesn't have anypony here to assist her with such things."

"And while we feel for Starlight," Rarity said. "I'm afraid I must insist we remain on topic. The Snake, Trixie. Where did you get it? You told the Twilight we spoke to you got it from a thestral merchant from Tzinacatlia. I spoke to some ponies earlier though, and they told me that no such merchant entered town, yet you were here the whole time."

"Hmm," Trixie rubbed her chin with a hoof. "That's strange, because The Great and Powerful Trixie definitely met him. The townsfolk must simply be mistaken. He wasn't in town very long, so perhaps they missed him."

"All of the townsfolk missed him? Everypony except you?"

"Um... yes?"

"And what, pray tell, was his name?"

"Oh, uh..." Trixie bit her lip, sweat forming on her brow as she searched her surroundings, "it was... Cannon Ball. Yes, Cannon Ball was his name!"

"Cannon Ball?" Light's eyebrows furrowed. "That would be highly unusual given the unique naming conventions of Tzinacatlia."


"Trixie," Light stamped her hoof, "just stop. We know it didn't come from Tzinacatlia."

"Besides," Rarity added, "you, my dear, are a terrible liar. You should have simply said you didn't remember his name, or that he never he said it."

"I don't remember his name!"

"Too late." Rarity smiled, trying to exude the confidence of somepony who already knew everything. "Now, you get one more chance at telling the truth. Just one, mind you."

Trixie licked her lips, shifting her gaze rapidly from Rarity to Light and back again. "Fine. Fine! It was that Canterlot friend of yours, Twilight. The one with the glasses. Um, what was her name? Moondancer! Yes, that was it! I was up late practicing a trick when Moondancer came up out of nowhere, said she had to speak with me. I thought she wanted an autograph or something, but then she pulled me into an alley and threatened me! She pulled this black serpent out of a box she was carrying and said she'd sic it on me if I didn't get Twilight, you, to teleport it. Please, please don't tell anypony I told you that. She said bad things would happen to me if I said anything!"

Light stepped back in shock, only to step forward again a moment later, her nostrils flaring with rage. "I can't believe you! That you would lie about a merchant is one thing, but about one of my own friends? Moondancer would never do any of that. It's just not in her character, and you're despicable for saying so."

"Light, darling," Rarity breathed, "I don't think she's lying. Look at her, she's terrified. Any will to resist is already broken."

Trixie nodded along to that statement rapidly, pleading with her eyes to be believed.

“But… but…” Light’s lip trembled, “it doesn’t make sense. Why?”

“I don’t know,” Trixie said softly. “She looked scared too. Kept looking over her shoulder. I still don’t know why it happened or what she was hoping to gain, but I swear on my own hat and wagon that’s the truth.”

“Lyra Heartstrings also mentioned Moondancer,” Rarity said. “Apparently, your friend Twinkleshine found a note on her door saying that she was away working on a special project. Perhaps this is related? She might even have anticipated Trixie spilling the proverbial beans and is laying low.”

“I suppose.” Light sighed. “Okay, if I accept what you say, then I have to believe Moondancer had other reasons for doing what she did. Maybe she was made to do it by somepony else, just as Trixie here was forced into this by her. Or maybe it was somepony else using illusion magic to look like Moondancer, thereby throwing us off the trail. Either way, I guess we’ll just have to find her.”

“Which means going to Canterlot,” Rarity nodded. “It seems our suspicious detective was right.”

“Well,” Trixie gave a slight bow, having gotten over her fright, “in that case, The Great and Powerful Trixie is very pleased to have assisted in your endeavors. She still has a show to do though, so you will allow her the space and time to prepare. Oh, and do remember: speak none of this to anypony. Trixie would very much like her heart to keep beating and lungs to remain breathing.”

"Naturally," Rarity said. "You were never involved in any of this."

Trixie nodded her agreement then turned back to the cannon she'd probably almost kill herself with later.

Light turned to walk away from said cannon, prompting Rarity to follow. “I’ll tell everypony where I’m going by day’s end, then head out tomorrow morning. Do you… want to come with me? I mean, I can check on this myself. You might be best served to stay here, get some much needed rest alongside our friends.”

Rarity gave Light a withering look. “And here I thought you were smarter than Rainbow Dash, when clearly you are birds of a feather. Nopony goes charging off alone. I’m coming. I didn’t think that was even in question.”

“Right. Thank you—“

“Delivery!” A great crashing sound disrupted the cheer of the party as Light was sent tumbling end over end in a swirl of gray feathers and loose envelopes. Ponies standing all around turned in shock from their conversations to gawk at the strange sight of Light and Derpy laying in a heap, a trail of destruction leading from where they now lay to where they collided almost ten paces away.

Derpy picked herself up first, even as tiny birds still flew circles over Light’s head. “Oh my goodness, Twilight! I’m so sorry about that. The ground just came at me so fast! Here, let me help.” She offered a wing which Light took, slowly rising to her hooves.

“Again, very sorry,” the mailmare continued. “Here, priority mail. It’s from Princess Luna!” She fished into her bag before pulling out a black envelope graced with the most beautiful silver script. That the envelope was bent nearly in half only slightly ruined the effect.

“Thanks,” Light managed, still trying to get her bearings. “Does it say which Twilight it’s addressed to? If one of us can be of use to Luna, it’s probably the one who still has her magic.”

“Um…” Derpy scanned the names on a list with one eye. “Yep, right here. It says ‘deliver to Twilight Sparkle (the hornless one).’ By the looks of it, that’s you!”

Light glowered at her. “Yep, that’s me. Hornless Twilight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Derpy cringed guiltily. “I said something rude, didn’t I? Bad Derpy. Want a muffin?” She pulled a blueberry muffin wrapped in plastic from her bag. “They’re better than they look!”

“No,” Light shook her head, “that’s alright. You don’t deserve my ire. Thank you though. I’ll take that letter now. Oh, and it’s good to see you, Derpy.”

“You betcha!” Derpy made a salute with her wing then took off, abruptly veering to the side after a few seconds and passing behind a nearby building.

"Well," Rarity said, "what does it say? The anticipation is simply killing me."

Light glanced back at her, then clumsily opened the letter with a wing, holding it such that both of them could see.

Dear Light,

I realize the last few weeks (months?) have been especially trying for you. You suffered through the horrors inflicted by one of the most famous spells in Equestria, and in so doing have discovered something that may yet change the way we think about magic forever. Moreover, your suffering and your ingenuity in getting out of it has certainly saved the lives of almost everypony who knows that profane spell many times over, myself included. For that, you have my utmost thanks as well as my sincerest apologies for the emotional, physical, and spiritual injuries you received under a spell that our teachings perpetuated.

That I myself have died many times to this spell is a topic that troubles me still, as I am sure it does for you and all your friends. There is one pony I suspect it troubles most of all however: my own sister, Princess Celestia. She taught many generations of especially gifted students this spell within the walls of her school or in their time as her apprentices. Guilt wracks her mind and she has shut herself off from the world, even going so far as to raise the sun not from her balcony but from her bedroom window. As a result, I have taken over any necessary affairs of state she might normally be burdened with.

Light, she blames herself for everything. I have tried to show her that it is not her fault, that she could not have known, but I fear my words ring hollow to her ear. And so, I have come to you. I do not know whether you blame her in any part for your experience, but if you do not, then I beseech you: come to Canterlot and tell her. You alone, as her most recent prized pupil and the one most harmed, can offer the forgiveness and affirmation she needs. Or at least, that is my hope.

If any part of you does lay this tragedy at her hooves, then I understand. I would only urge you to stay away should you carry such a sentiment. I can offer you any reparations you require, but she does not need more pain. Our sun is more fragile than she looks, and I would not be the cause of another crack. I also understand if you are not feeling sufficiently sound of mind or body to make the trip. Should that be the case, I will make do. You deserve to rest and I am not in a position to demand anything of you.

Whether you come or not, please remember that Equestria has always and will always need Celestia shining at her brightest. Our support is more important to that end than most ponies know, and I intend on making sure she has it.

Your friend,
Princess Luna

“Well," Rarity said at last, "rather convenient that we were going there already, no? It seems all roads truly do lead to Canterlot."

"Indeed." Light paused, taking in the laughter and cheer of the partygoers around them. Almost as if saving the memory, Rarity thought. As if she didn't expect to see it again for some time. "I'll purchase the train tickets. Be ready to leave by mid-morning. Oh, and you may want to find a more permanent place for Sweetie Belle to stay."

"Naturally," Rarity agreed, "but Luna's question remains unanswered. Do you harbor any ill will toward Celestia for teaching you and the others that spell? Any at all?"

Light hesitated just a moment, eyeing Rarity, her expression briefly becoming impossible to read. "Of course not. That would be unreasonable of me. She had no way of knowing, and she did help save us."

"How very logical," Rarity mused. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. You should stay here and enjoy the party for a bit. I'm going to go talk to Twilight, gather some emergency supplies, that kind of thing. Never hurts to be prepared."

"If you say so, darling," Rarity muttered, watching Light trot off like she was already on a mission. "If you say so."