• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 2,764 Views, 125 Comments

Out of This World - Mouse-Deer

All Sunset wants is to follow her simple plan to achieve total domination of Equestria. It's a shame she jumped into the game too late.

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Interlude: If My Friends Could See Me Now

Queen Chrysalis was infuriated. The second she realized that Princess Celestia was alive and had the arrogance to walk right into her school, she sent every single drone she had at the alicorn and forced them to not return until they had brought back the last member of royalty to her.

And yet, for some inexplicable reason, her troops came back empty handed. None of them bothered to mention that the Sirens had hobbled right out the door, either.

This anger tormented her throughout the next day, forced to play high-school while her plans were falling apart left and right. What was worse was that being stuck in Sunset’s body portrayed her righteous anger like it was a child’s bratty fit. She scowled and ignored the drones around her, buzzing up their lunches like they actually enjoyed human cafeteria food.

“Desynchronize yourselves,” she commanded. “Take some breaths in between, at least.”

The drones began slowing down their consumption, meekly chewing as if they were embarrassed to consuming the food in the first place. Chrysalis continued to glare at them.

“I didn’t whip this nation into shape for you all to eat like you’re the ones who got conquered,” she spat. “How goddamn hard is it for you to act normal?” She paused. “And to do what you’re goddamn told?!”

She glanced around the lunchroom, checking to see if anyone had overheard her outburst. On the contrary, almost every student was on their phone, showing their friends whatever new social media post was all the rage, or something. Pony, ape, whatever, they’re all still animals.

She let out a disgusted sigh and went over all the ways she could be doing something productive in her head. Normally, she would have been off trying to sway as much favor for the Fall Formal as possible, but she had taken the morning off. A visitor would be soon to arrive, and hopefully an answer on her proposition would follow.

She glanced at the clock, noting that it was almost twelve. She better get over here soon. Just as Chrysalis had wished for, the doors of the cafeteria swung open in a thundering display.

Sunset Shimmer strolled through the cafeteria, scanning the area with a haughty smirk on her face. Amid Chrysalis’s confusion at the girl’s strange confidence, Sunset beelined for her old table, meeting Chrysalis’s eyes. The Queen flashed green, turning herself into her natural form. She skittered under the table, making sure that no students saw two doppelganger Sunset’s right next to each other.

“Did you bring the girl?” She hissed from below.

Sunset let out a cocky chuckle. “I’m afraid not.”


A litany of emotions rushed through Chrysalis’s head; fortunately, the body of a wasp did wonders on hiding what she was feeling. She watched in disgust as Sunset stood tall, acting as if she finally had the secret to saving the world. You foolish girl. You must think that you have finally found the right path. A well of anger filled up inside her. You failed to understand what I tried to tell you. You fool!

Sunset leaned down, meeting eyes with the creature, an almost manic grin coming across her face.

“I refuse.”

The bug violently twitched before recomposing itself. “Then you may leave. If you are able to.”

Despite Chrysalis’s threat, Sunset only responded with a devilish grin, an expression of triumph on her face. The girl was shaking with anticipation, like some euphoria she had been clawing at for years was finally within her reach. Suddenly, she ran over to another table and hopped on top, spilling the trays and cartons the kids had just been eating out of.

“Students of Canterlot High School!” She announced. The bustling cafeteria quieted down as it noticed the scene Sunset was making.

“It is with great honor that I stand before you today. I would like to remind every student that today is the first day that voting for the Fall Formal Princess begins. Please vote for who you believes deserves the crown!”

A silence pervaded the room. Chrysalis twitched underneath her table.

“But let’s be honest,” she quieted down a little, that smirk on her face glowing with satisfaction, “You’re all going to vote for me anyways. Do I even need to make a case for myself?”

She paused, taking in the confused looks throughout the lunchroom. What is she doing? thought Chrysalis.

“Very well then! Hear my plea, students of CHS! Vote for me, for your own self-respect! Vote for me, who doesn’t want this title because it will be the peak of a short, miserable life, but because it will be the means to the end of a far greater destiny! You waste your vote by placing it in the ballot of a vain, self-absorbed girl with no self-esteem! She does not deserve to win. She does not deserve that validation. She is tainted by evil secrets, by vices that she wishes will never see the light of day. But they will! Sooner or later, it will all come out in the open. That is that fate of us all: true character will always be revealed! Am I wrong?”

She shrugged her shoulders, daring anyone to speak up. No one responded, and after a pause, she pointed a finger at herself.

“But I do not hold any blemishes! There are no secrets of mine that will infest this school. Instead, let me be the exterminator, here to weed out those who do not deserve to hold the title of a Wondercolt. For there is nothing more important than sticking to our morals; as hard as it may be, I know that a true Wondercolt can do so. The first step you Wondercolts can take into proving that you stand for a school of integrity, decency, and honor, is the simplest one, and the one that I will repeat to you until our dream is reached: vote for me! Show the students who you wish to set your standard, to instill your morals, and to be your Princess!”

She took a deep breath, an golden aura of importance enveloping her. Chrysalis was worried that the girl had gone insane or reached enlightenment. Which one would be worse? The raised her arms, sprawling them out to face the student body.

“I will win the crown! I will be your Princess! And most of all, I will be your savior!”

In grandiose fashion, she practically flew down from the table and over to the cafeteria doors, all eyes focused on her. Before she stepped through, she turned back to all the kids who witnessed her spectacle. Yet she only met the eyes of a single wasp, seething underneath a cafeteria table.

“And I will let nothing stand in my way.”

She pushed through doors, leaving everyone in the lunchroom behind. No one dared speak, too shocked to simply ignore the events that had just transpired.

Slowly, Chrysalis noticed, the students picked up their phones again, this time checking them with brows furrowed, all coming to a similar worrisome conclusion. They all showed their screens to each other, rapidly whispering about some topic that Chrysalis was regretfully too far away to make out.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, the emotions of everyone in the cafeteria shifted. The pool of friendship, love and admiration became tainted with a few small drops of anger, mistrust, and vitriol. Even the small amount began to worry Chrysalis, and she felt her drones at the table become significantly more nervous. She realized, to her dismay, that Sunset was suddenly far less popular among the students. Chrysalis spat underneath the table, trying to empty her body of the sudden influx of terrible emotions that were beginning to simmer in the hearts of the students of CHS.

What the hell did she just do?

Author's Note:

I hope you liked this little interlude. (Is it really an interlude if it still is necessary for the main story? Eh . . .) I was originally going to put this at the end of last chapter, but decided to switch up the POV to Chrysalis for fun.

Thanks for reading!