• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
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Anything can be awesome when it's made of Lego.



This story is a sequel to LEGO Equestria Girls 8

In an alternate world where everything and everyone is made of Lego, the Equestria Girls make another attempt to simply enjoy themselves without worrying about fighting any evil or otherworldly magic by attending the Starswirled Music Festival.

While everyone has their own plans to have a good time at this music festival, Sunset's involve spending the first day with Pinkie Pie for their one and only opportunity to watch a live performance of their favorite band, PostCrush. But things get weird when Sunset finds herself repeating that first day over and over again.

Caught in a time loop with seemingly no one else to share her experiences, Sunset Shimmer must try to figure out what caused it and how to stop it, and hopefully not go completely crazy in the process.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 44 )

A mare has fallen into the river in Lego City!

Pinkie was written to be really freindship broken in this show. Getting distracted is all well and good with Pinkie being Pinkie, but thats when she is Pinking by herself, or if she has someone else she is mindful of them. this show was hey look, lets have Pinkie have no care what happens to anyone with her as why should she consider freinds as much as even Dazzlings sisterhood?

The novel adaptation showed a lot more possibilities...and bad endings.

Start a new rescue helicopter!

Well the start are the same as the original, not surprised anymore. Though honestly I expected that Pinkie will detach Sunset's hand or arm when she dragged her toward snacks. And of course you going along with official designs of the girls, fine by me but I really don't like Sunset's new hairstyle, it's looks like she forgot to dry her hair after a shower.

:twilightoops: How long are you planning on leaving her stuck in the time loop?

10264704 Is everyone really gonna do this with every new entry in my series? :ajbemused: It was amusing the first time because I had somehow never heard of that meme prior to then, but now it's starting to get a little annoying. (I'm starting to miss the early years when everyone simply thought it was cool that I came up with a story that told of an alternate world where the pony characters were portrayed as Lego minifigures.)

10264969 I never read the novelization, and what little I know about it comes from secondhand sources like the MLP Wiki. I'm going to assume most readers will have a similar familiarity, so don't expect to see many references (though perhaps there might be a few, depending on how things go as I write).

10265483 Let me put it this way. The TV special had Sunset stuck in the time loop for three weeks. The novelization had Sunset stuck in the time loop for one year. For this story, I'm going with somewhere in between the two, long enough that she'll have plenty of chances to familiarize herself with everything around her, but not so long that she ends up losing her sanity.

10264825 I suppose one could see it that way due to the fact that we see the exact same day over and over again, meaning Pinkie doesn't change at all, no matter how many times Sunset goes through the time loop. I think the key thing to keep in mind is that Pinkie just wants to enjoy as many fun activities as she can in one day, while Sunset is often focused on achieving just one specific goal.

10264921 A little too soon for that. Save it for the part when that actually happens.

10265342 Personally, I'm glad this will be the last of my stories to be based mostly on the official content (although that'll also apply to some of the upcoming holiday shorts, it won't be the case for all of them). While following the official content has admittedly allowed me to more easily overcome the occasional writer's block (especially helpful with how far behind schedule I've been this year), I can understand how dull it might seem after a while.

The reason the origional show lasted so long was with Sunset being stuffed with the idiot ball and not the Celestias personal evil genius, realising at most the second time theres a loop, so the Third time making notes all the way not only of what occurs but what she can see at that time so next time theres a chance of interacting to narrow ranges? Or even spend one loop leave Pinkie and check out whe Entire area as best she can in detail for planning?

Yeah, it's too bad the time loop keeps Pinkie from remembering what she did in the days prior because if she did this story would have turned out better. It's not that I didn't enjoy this special. I mean, it was much better than the last two that preceded it. However, it definitely could have used a bit more care in the writing department.

10287024 That's the unfortunate reality of being in a time loop. Those who can't share the experience are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over, and its only up to whoever happens to be aware of the time loop to do something to prevent those mistakes. Hopefully, some of the additional things I have in mind for this story will make it a little more interesting.

10288731 Yeah, I've begun to notice how, much like with the previous story, the early half of this story seems to go by a little slow. All I can really say is that I hope you'll find the later chapters more interesting (especially with what I have in mind for chapter 4).

Delay due to shock due to nonalteration of situation from expected completion? Sunset was Really delayed afte getting through that gate. Thought she wouldve got to the stage first, then worked backwards, that way she always had a good idea of how long it took her to get there, and so get back?

Rewatching the movie again got me thinking, the time loop lasted for 3 weeks at the camp grounds and mostly likely rewind day 1 over and over but what if the time loop only effect everyone in that camp ground (except for post crush and sunset) the time loop doesn't effect the rest of the world. An idea for your after story? End of the story? Sunset never did leave the camp grounds in the movie.

Still good, still waiting :pinkiehappy:

The idea is interesting but I don't think it's possible, someone should've noticed that festival is repeating the same day over and over, especially those who arrived at day 2 for example and that would raise some questions. Then one of the lego teams would be send to investigate and that's a completely different story.

You know, Groundhog Day loops are much more repetitive to read than they are to watch. :applejackunsure:

10308757 I did once consider the idea of the time loop affecting only the Lego universe, meaning that Equestria and Princess Twilight would not be affected (much like what happened with the Memory Stone), and as a result she would eventually get concerned over Sunset not sending her any messages for a while, at least until Sunset finally gets around to inform her of the time loop. Not being affected by the time loop would allow Princess Twilight more than a single day to do the research to find out about the Time Twirler, allowing Sunset to not have to worry about never being able to get a response. I've since scrapped this idea, though the reasoning behind it will be addressed in a future chapter.

10309079 Oh, so you're actually still interested in this story? Thank goodness, because to be honest, your comment on the previous chapter gave me the impression you were feeling rather bored with this story so far. Hopefully, you'll find more to comment on in the upcoming chapters.

10309268 Yeah, I'll confess, as much as I loved watching the official version, I've been really struggling to write this story lately, despite my hopes that deliberately repeating certain paragraphs word for word for the sake of emphasizing the time loops would make things a little easier. I sure hope this won't be a sign of further struggles once I eventually get to write completely original content in my upcoming stories.

Loop de Lop De Loop De Loop.

Wonder what would break if they tried pushing her along the road on the upside down hood of a squad car as a solid slab sled?:pinkiecrazy:

At least its only 4 months off the age of the universe.

Hard Reset was nightmare for that. :twilightoops:

1. I see you brought back the wheel gag.
2. Rainbow Dash, you idiot! :flutterrage:
3. The rocket car is another MythBusters reference, isn't it?
4. Out of all the loops Sunset has gone through, that last one was the first time Pinkie suggested the journal? Seriously? Then again, that last loop might have been the first time Sunset was desperate enough to listen to Pinkie's advice.

Oh boy, Sunset better not to tell about all the crazy stuff she's done during this groundhog Day when this is over or she'll join Cinch in the jail.

That was really fun, much MUCH better than the original, though I have to ask how many times she's died over here?

And the best duo of the series strikes back only to fail over 120 times in a row, we really need a separate story about those two.

1. The wheel gag hasn't gone anywhere there just was no wheels in previous story or two.
2. No she's done everything just in a right way.
3. Now that I think about it, yeah it definitely looks like a mythbusters reference.

10331965 The last time I had used the runaway wheel catchphrase (back in the fifth main story) felt a little too forced for my liking, so I decided to stop trying to include it in every single main story (I've also done the same with Rainbow Dash's "Awesome! We've got ______ on our side!" catchphrase, seeing as I haven't really sent the girls on any truly epic adventures lately (though that might change once I get to the tenth main story next year)), but this story presented such a perfect opportunity that I decided to just go ahead and throw it in for laughs. Yeah, of course it had to be Rainbow Dash who encouraged Sunset to start exploiting the advantages of a time loop, as no one else could be that shameless about such an idea. And I'll admit that when I want to include something a little crazy in a somewhat awesome way, Mythbusters tends to be one of my preferred sources of inspiration (though quite unfortunate that I ended up posting this chapter right on the same day we found out Grant had passed away :fluttercry: ). Finally, that last loop was when Sunset finally got so burnt out on doing crazy stuff that she decided to just stop and assess her full experiences thus far and share them with her friends, providing the opportunity for Pinkie to suggest the journal due to learning that so many other things have not worked out for Sunset.

10332022 How much of Sunset's experiences in the time loops will be shared with her friends after it ends will be addressed in the epilogue. As for what exactly she did in all of those hundred plus days, well, I'm leaving that up to the readers, as I honestly can't come up with that many different series of wacky activities, so what you see in this chapter could be considered as more of a brief list of highlights. And yes, the obligatory inclusion of Rocky and Mugsy was intended in this case to provide Sunset with a source for some of her crazy antics throughout the time loops.

Now, I'm curious about what the rest of the Redeemables are up to.

Hope the Dazzlings can appear one more time in this story. Maybe watching Sunset and Postcrush perform True Original.

A slowdown after the fun coaster, at least you showed a bit more about dazzlings and explained where the hell Sunset got this kitty from.

Now that I think about it post crush have a hell of a patience to replay the same day for months.

Im just suprised that after months, Sunset still doesnt take a minute extra to get up in teh morning just to avoid Dash?

Nice trick with the kitten, and at least Sunset now knows first thing to do in the morning is write to Twilicorn about the Time Twirler in the REstricted section, to get the information and set first delays?

Every day teh paint colour changes, that due to Crush changing their mistake, the universe shuffling the loop slightly each time to try and solve the problem?

10355256 I'm planning to cover them in some of the side stories intended to go alongside the future main stories, so it might be a while before you hear anything more about them.

10355586 I do have some ideas to include them in some future stories, but for this story, this is pretty much all you're going to get.

10355851 More like stubborn persistence, to be honest. As you might recall from the official version, they were obsessed with absolute perfection, which we all know is impossible to achieve. Who knows how long PostCrush could've kept going without any interference? It's possible they could've even gone on for years before eventually driving each other completely insane. (Now that I think about it, I'd actually like to see someone try to write a fanfic about that.)

Oh okay. I'm a little disappointed that the Dazzlings chapter will be the only time we see them, but I'm pleased to know we will be seeing them again in future stories. :twilightsmile:

What curse was that guy talking about? I thought the time loops only activate after you push the button at the end of the day. Was he somehow cursed to keep pushing the button over and over again? :applejackunsure: Is there some other curse that's going to be revealed in a later fanfic?

*knock knock*
Who is there?
The Final!!!

Nice break before (hopefully) epic final showdown and as usually great explanations and improvements of original stuff.

“She brought along, like, a dozen different varieties,” Sunset pointed out. “What are the odds that she’ll want to use this one in particular?”

Now that you said it

“Good enough for me,” noted Sunset as she secured her helmet atop her head. “C’mon, Pinkie! Let’s ride!”

The Churro stand survived.

The Cult of the Cabbage Cart, which does not exist, is satisfied with this temporal erasure event? :pinkiegasp:

Thats Pinkie, using her head, or rather, her hair.

At least she didnt pull Marge Simpsons hair first, then put it back. :pinkiehappy:

First completion attempt done. Sunset can now head directly for Twirler next time?

10379203 The "curse" will be partially explained near the end of the next chapter, while the complete answer won't be revealed until a much later story in this series.

Good thing teh clear LEGO peices, for gems etc, are a weaker material than the bricks themselves. .or at least a far more brittle material.

Now that the Loop is out the way, the girls can actually enjoy what teh festival is all about. and Kitty. :yay:

Wait, if that guy was cursed to keep using the Time Twirler over and over again, how did selling it to K-Lo break the curse? :applejackunsure: Also, this was a good ending. I'm looking forward to the epilogue. By the way, Sunset and Pinkie are going to hook Max up with that cat, aren't they?

And another story almost done, what gonna be next by the way? I already kinda forgot eqg timeline.

Well you still need to activate it by pressing a button or something since he don't have it anymore he can't do this and the day won't repeat itself so the curse is also broken.

The next one will likely be Holidays Unwrapped since it's the next one after Backstage Pass.

10401686 I did say the "curse" of the Time Twirler would be only partially explained. The full explanation won't be revealed until much later on in the series. Most likely, it'll be one of the "side stories" I plan on writing alongside the last three remaining main stories. (Interestingly, somewhat thanks to you pointing this out, I've just recently started coming up with ideas for how that particular short story might be written. No spoilers for now, of course.)

10402346 If you need a reminder of my full plans for the rest of this fanfiction series, just take a look at my recent blog posts. (Specifically, the one I wrote back in November last year. The plans I outlined there still remain unchanged.)

At least this time the Waffle maker didnt explode or try and form the Temple Of Silicon Heaven, devotees to take over the world. :moustache:

I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing your original ideas. The next few stories should be fun.

And now we wait.

After all, it’s like the old me used to say — it’s not illegal if you never get caught.

D'Arby: that's my girl.

10413104 Part of the reason why some of the holiday short stories I'll be writing soon will be original ideas is because I just couldn't think of a good way to adapt some of the official ones into the setting of this fanfic series. Some of the other official holiday shorts, on the other hand, were good enough that adapting them into short stories was relatively easy. I would've had some difficulty coming up with six different completely original ideas, while the ones I did come up with are so good that I just have to write them, so I guess you could say that I was lucky enough to end up with a perfect balance between original and inspired ideas. As for which of the official holiday shorts I'll be adapting and which ones I'll replace with original stories, you'll just have to wait and find out.

when is Lego equestria girls 10 coming out?

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