• Member Since 13th Mar, 2017
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AKA Le Durgen, a novice horse writer


Not long after Equestria managed to discover and contact the faraway continent of Foenum, Princess Celestia received a visit from six individuals said to be 'Champions of Foenum'. After telling their intentions, the princess allows them to explore Equestria.

Though, when these champions meet certain ponies, they realize that they share something in common, even though they never meet each other.

Edit (27/03/2021): Featured!? Holy smokes!

Edit (01/04/2021): Featured again!? That's not even a lie!

There are surprisingly not many pictures of the mane six and the TFH characters together.

Keep in mind that the story of TFH's main six may not be accurate to their original source, as with the state of the game at the current time, not all the information of the champions are revealed yet, so I kinda have to make my own version of their story.

Also, the mane six's story is also slightly altered to fit some of the settings of Fighting is Magic, where their main enemies are changelings.

Cover art source: https://pembrokewkorgi.tumblr.com/post/131805131444/thems-fightin-magic

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 75 )

Excellent job on the start of this story. Love the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Loved how Luna's crew was the one that found Foenum (and the fact that this is apparently set shortly after "Party Pooped" is a wonderful detail in mentioning the timeline). The introductions to the main champions of Foenum was quite spot on as far as I can tell.

I am guessing that one of the AU details is that the six champions DID eventually realize they would have a much better chance of success by working together (since I doubt the actual game is going to go THAT route unfortunately), which is another welcome detail.

Yeah, I could EASILY see Rarity trying to provide Velvet with the gift of a top quality hat, cloak and boots (all ice blue, of course) simply because she thinks Velvet would like them AND they would look great on her (and, to be fair, she wouldn't be wrong on the latter point).

Another possibility could be Fred having a meeting with Discord with the two giving an elaborate greeting suggesting that the two already know each other AND are glad to see each other (given Fred is basically a hybrid of Discord and Spike [Discord's power and personality, Spike's role as Twilight's {or rather, Oleander's} sidekick])

And, I could see Pinkie pulling an Actor Allusion by wondering if Arizona reminds her more of Applejack or Twilight doing a VERY good Applejack impression.

And Applejack finding out Arizona's parents are still alive would probably lead to some beautifully bittersweet stuff.

And I could also see Tianhou teaching Spike some fighting moves while also dealing with Rainbow being ridiculously competitive.

All in all, immense potential and I am definitely looking forward to more of this.

I like this story.... I hope to see more

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ahem... Please, excuse my exuberance. I was hoping to find a story like this. While I have encounted other crossover stories of these two worlds, I do not believe I have come across one with this level of quality. All the characters act and sound like themselves, and the tone that you have struck is perfect.

I look forward to seeing where you take this.

I like it so far! Have been waiting for a real Equestria/Foenum crossover :)

A couple of things:

* It's spelled "Prologue". You should correct that - it's one of the first things a reader will see and they'll immediately think that you can't write.
* Don't write in present tense - it's difficult to maintain. I can already see some places where you slipped into past tense. Using past tense will work absolutely fine for this story.

Other observations:

"I'm sure this one... doesn't smash things Luna." Celestia chuckled.

You say that, but you haven't met Arizona yet.

It has characteristics of a dragon, except it's a quadpedal and having hooves.

Equestrian dragons are not exclusively bipedal. They seem to be able to switch between two and four legs, at least when smaller. Large dragons, like Crackle and Torch, tend to be quadrupedal, so seeing a dragon that walks on four legs shouldn't be that much of a surprise.

The main thing that caught the princess' eyes, though, is a rather tall figure, probably as tall as Celestia, that looks like some kind of dark eldritch horror. The only thing about it's form that's comprehensible is it's head, shaped like a goat's skull with four horns.

I have to admire the Princess' restraint. I'd probably have blasted the thing to Tartarus and asked questions later.

The body looks like a dark fire with purple outlines, forming two forelimbs to cradle two more creatures in it's embrace.

Small nitpick: "fire" in this context is a substance, not an object. (For example, you wouldn't say that something "looks like a water"; you'd say it "looks like water". The same is true here).

However, I really liked the way this was done, having Fred inexplicably restraining two of the Champions. It made me immediately curious as to what the situation was.

"I'm afraid that our alpaca companion did frighten some of your guards, princess." Tianhuo admitted. "As much as it shames us, we need the demon to restrain her."

To reiterate, the royal guards are more frightened of an affectionate, floofy alpaca than a eldritch shadow demon.

That is awesome.

Princess Celestia took a mental note to make sure none of her guards are too mentally scarred to do their jobs properly

Well, that's what memory-erasing spells are for.

Looking forward to more!

I'm really excited to see this crossover. :pinkiehappy: I'm looking forward to seeing how the characters interact with the Mane 6.

Ah, thanks for the heads up! I fixed some of the things you mentioned, glad you take the time to comment on multiple parts of the story, I really appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:




Thanks a bunch! Of course, more will come. I might not be the fastest writer, but next chapter shouldn't be too far off!

Take the time you need to make sure you like it first.
This is a variation of the advice i give every author despite not being one myself.
The advice is, take as long as you need to make sure it sure it is up to YOUR quality standards.
You will be the first to see the finished product, so if you like it then you can be reasonably confident a majority of your readers will as well. And those that don't like it as much will either be satisfied by having something they like updated or just move on

In regards to the walking death by infinite hugs bearing the name Paprika scaring the guards more than the literal demon that lives in a book (keep Twilight away from it) who's to say Fred was out before Paprika scared the guards?
I also like how Fred doesn't see it as restraining Paprika but as keeping her company

Excellent job on the exchange between Pom and Fluttershy here. Quite in character for both of them as far as I can tell. I can definitely understand the difficulty concerning the accent. But, yeah, adored Fluttershy gushing over Pom's pups and Pom's first meetings with Angel and Harry. The passing mentions of their adventures is another splendid detail. And, yeah, I have absolutely no problem with Fluttershy and Pom bypassing the usual "misunderstanding-based fight" in these sort of crossovers and getting straight to the friendship. As is expected with these two, the cuteness is downright through the roof.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this. Particularly the first meetings of the rest of the Mane Six and the rest of Foenum's champions.

Fluttershy is a great character. The literal example of it's always the shy ones and Pom, who was created based on her follows the same line.

If I am being honest I am more interested in Twilight vs Oleander, not sure if it's going to be a battle of wits or magical strength, but I am sure it will be epic

Velvet vs Rarity is going to be a lot of fun. For all that Rarity tries to be generous to a fault and act like a noble, she isn't one and has a surprisingly low tolerance for individuals with a way too high an opinion of themselves. I am certain Raritys breakdown with Velvet will be epic and lead to an amazing fight. After all Velvet is the literal stereotype that Rarity is said to be, but completely subverts by being generous at heart.

Arizona vs Applejack will be more of a competition than a fight. Unless there is a deep divide in their world views, Applejack and Arizona should become fast friends and only end up fighting because of their competitive nature's.

Finally Rainbow Dash and Tianhuo. While Rainbow is more of a prankster than straight up evil, Rainbow has no self control and keeps escalating situations until someone is forced to intervene and bring her down several pegs.
Tianhuo is everything Rainbow could be if she had self control. Strong, empathetic and understanding, losing none of her strength yet being humble.
I am certain that Rainbow and Tianhuo will become fast friends, but Rainbow being Rainbow will do something or continue to do something way past the limits of tolerance, forcing Tianhuo to fight Rainbow to make her see the mistake she is making or has made.

I'm waiting for Pinkie to meet Paprika. :pinkiecrazy:

This chapter has so much cute, I can't handle it.

Out of the seven, only the dragon and the unicorn reacts in time.

Tianhuo is called a Longma – Chinese mythical half-horse, half-dragon creature.

Wow, someone did a good job of capturing Pom's Scottish accent in words. And of course, both she and Fluttershy really hit it off. Of course, they had a few hiccups, one of them being Harry the Bear, who is by default a Predator. But it's a good thing he's not like the ones the Champions had to contend with, back in Foenum.

Now the question is, how will the other champions interact with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike?

Ye, I know, but I wrote it in the Princess' perspective. They don't know exactly what Tianhuo is, they just know that she looks like a dragon~

Ah friendship via punching someone in the face and laughing about it 10 minutes later.

loved this chapter, and yeah in an actual fight, rather than a spar......Tianhuo is the superior fighter. Sorry RD but your now trained experienced fighter, anyone can throw a decent punch and fight, but you are only a pegasus that does stunt flying and occasional fighting when bad guys show up.

i'm mostly looking forward to Twilight vs. Oleander & Rarity vs. Velvet

VERY good job on this latest chapter. Took a while, but DEFINITELY worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are ALL really well done. Yeah, really logical for Spike to act as Tianhuo's guide taking her to see Rainbow Dash. Of course, I'm guessing that one of the alternate universe details in this universe is that Spike got his wings a year sooner than in canon (since the canon cut-off point was just after Season Six and Spike didn't get his wings until early Season 8). But, yeah, enjoyed the compare and contrast between not just Tianhuo and Spike, but also Tianhuo and Rainbow.

VERY certainly looking forward to seeing which meeting is coming next (as well as more of the story in general).

Well, I didn't exactly pinpoint when this happened, the only reference of the timeline is this happened after Party Pooper, and the fact that Celestia and Luna are still in charge. So it can be anywhere between Season 6 and The Ending of the End in Season 9 :rainbowwild:

Goat ungulate is pirate.
And i find that interesting.
Dev preview stream of the character this friday.

Yep, I know~
If my lazy butt doesn't finish this fic before she's released, who knows if I'll decide to include her in this story somehow :derpytongue2:

Wonder what Arizona thinks of the cows and sheep tenants in the Sweet Apple Acres.

Excellent job on this latest chapter. Took a while, but was well worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all quite well done in all the right places. Yeah, I can definitely understand why Arizona could be weirded out by Pinkie in the latter's cameo (she hasn't been around Ponyville long enough to learn "It's Pinkie Pie; don't question it."), though Pinkie at least set her in the right direction. Absolutely loved the chat between Applejack and Arizona (especially them discussing their families and Arizona trying her hoof at some of Applejack's favorite activities). Yeah, I don't blame you for that reaction to what happened to AJ's parents, Arizona.

Three meetings down, three to go.

DEFINITELY looking forward to the rest of this.

Why are we all posting our Arizona chapters at the same time?

I really enjoyed this chapter. Arizona and Applejack would either be on the exact same wavelength, like you depicted, or but heads at every turn, no in between.

I would guess that she will ask about it at least, like a young girl just learning of different cultures in different lands~

Definitely won't stomp on the fence and cause a stampede, nope :derpytongue2:

“Good luck, Apple-- I mean, Arizona! You know, you really reminded me of Applejack! Or is it Twilight? Something about your voice sounds familiar!”

I hope you were going for what I think you're going for considering who Arizona is voiced by.

Knowing it's Pinkie who said it, I definitely did :pinkiehappy:

loving this fic! can't wait for Twilight and Rarity's chapters. and see where this fic goes after the Heroes and Champions meet.

interesting. I knew Velvet would be difficult to deal with, but I didn't think Rarity would go through all that. but in the end, nice chapter. still waiting to see Twilight and Oleander have their turn.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I definitely loved Sassy's (lack of) reaction to Velvet's arrival at the shop as well as Rarity's attempts to maintain a friendly conversation with Velvet. I felt bad for Coco considering she showed up at the wrong moment, but I DO appreciate how it added to how Velvet was rubbing Rarity the wrong way. Glad to see Rarity and Velvet getting in some evenly matched sparring before Velvet agreed to accompany Rarity on a trip into the mines. All in all, really good way of showing both their differences AND their similarities.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

FInally got around to reading this, was not dissappointed.

Well, originally no, but the champions are from a fighting game, so I gotta put something to make it interesting~
I can say that I already got Pinkie's chapter down, just need to finish writing it, which is admittedly a tricky thing to do :twilightsheepish:

You'll have to wait :pinkiesmile:
Unfortunately I can't guarantee when I'll publish it, but it's coming~

Oh, I really hope so too. Unfortunately my dying keyboard slows by writing to an almost complete stop, but I will try my best :twilightsheepish:

Very little I can say other than excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I admit, I felt bad for Muffins considering her confusion about Paprika, but I REALLY enjoyed Pinkie and Paprika's actual meeting (including Paprika being surprised Pinkie can actually understand her, the two exchanging hugs AND helping each other out in the kitchen and Pinkie even translating the end of the chapter).

Definitely looking forward to more of this (particularly Twilight meeting Oleander as well as Discord and/or Spike meeting Fred).

Pinkie. You’ve done it.

You have taught Paprika how to restrain her affection.


I never got notified about this.
I have this in my favorites.

I'm gonna be honest, I was expecting a goof off

REALLY loved this chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up are all, naturally, quite well done in all the right places. Absolutely superb work on Twilight and Oleander's meeting (especially with Oleander's sparring session with Starlight, both Twilight AND Starlight's curiosity concerning Fred and Oleander's reflections on her fellow champions). And, yeah, you make some great points in the author's notes too (especially with the reason Twilight and Starlight are evenly matched). And, yeah, Oleander's magic might be somewhat stronger than Twilight's, but Twilight has greater versatility (i.e. having Earth pony strength and stamina and Pegasus flight in addition to unicorn magic) and, as you said, Twilight only shows her true power when she has her friends backing her up.

Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

Some part of me wants to see an interaction between Fred and Discord.

It survived a meeting between Pinkie and Paprika.

Only if they're in Discord's pocket home, less damage that way ...

As for Starlight vs Twilight, Star can think outside the box more than Twi and will start at a higher power level :twilightblush:

Twi's potential is way up there (Tirek with four alicorn power and only minor side effects), as for her shielding ability, remember her brother had a city wide snowglobe shield and she has more power (placed into less volume) ... :facehoof:

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