• Member Since 8th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago




It could be quite awkward; to wake up somewhere, one has never seen or even heard about before.

To realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, could be equally awkward; as you realize, how she is just as intelligent and sentient as you are.

What will happen next; as you realize, you can’t just erase her, as you could have erased any drawing in your sketch-book?

Of course; this is not just any doodled character you had dreamed up; it is Twilight, and she is clearly a very special Pony.

Unless, of course; this is just one of these dreams or daydreams? Though it could as easily turn into a complete disaster, and a nightmare.

--- --- ---

Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 25 )

Very interesting story.

Very very interesting story

Okay you lost me here. This makes no sense what is happening to her and how she is just chill with the sudden changes.


Okay you lost me here.

Care to elaborate further?

10225304 10226303 10226490
Thank you.

I wrote something like this about two or three years ago, even the cover art made by me looks similar:

Don't you hate it when your comments don't get a response? Is this based off of another story?

Sorry, if I have not responded earlier.
I just could not come up with, what to say.
The story is loosely based on the image I use for the Ilustration of the story.
Since you mentioned it, which of these is yours?
There are a few similarities, like the Tiny Twilight.
There are a few clips on this these on Youtube as well, if I am not mistaken and they are still up.

Is ah using a 3d printer for the rendering or something like a digitizer?

I think you forgot half through the chapter that they haven't met yet and... did tiny rendered house appeared in her room? I mean, in previous chapter you clearly made it look like tiny Twi appeared in her room, but now it's like she's still in the picture. And she's completely chill with everything that's going on.

Digitalizing the items, then printing them with the 3D printer sounds like the deal in this instant. (based on the chapter you commented on)

The sketches and drawings will remain saved as files on the Stylus, even after the item or Pony has been rendered.
It started, in the situation, and Twilight did take the step as to not scare her. Though I chose to follow the girl, who has the personality and is not easily scared by these particular items. (hope this makes sense)

The Start is interesting. I will read further ^^

I think you have a bad habit of putting more commas than are strictly necessary. unless you are rattling off a list of things, using a conjunction, or bracketing an isolated statement, you don't need them.

I am intrigued. I shall continue reading.

I hope you will continue, to enjoy where this is going. :twilightsmile:

I will have to go over the commas from time to time..
Now I will just have to strive to maintain the entertainment ..

nice story can't wait to see more soon:twilightsmile:

If you are still interested, I just published a new chapter.
I had left it unfinished, but felt inspired to continue the story and complete this chapter.
Now, I just hope you enjoy the latest instalment and the rest of the story as it unfolds.

There is quite the over abundance of commas. Since Twilight is speaking, I wonder why so many paragraphs are needed to convey her thoughts and words. Although, I find this story (judging by the first chapter) very adorable and charming :twilightsmile:


I still don't understand where exactly is Twilight


I light my horn, before I lift up the basket containing the Apple Juice. Now I step inside, watching her carrying the basket of carrots towards my kitchen. Being Twilight Sparkle, carrying the carrots is evidently quite effortless on her part.

Basket? Not bucket?

when will this story get an update we all want to see more chapters soon?:heart::twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:

How about now?
I have more material, but I need to do some work before the next installation can be published.
Just hope you enjoy, what I put forth.

I like how this story is going. I would love to be able to render things into existence. Still you need to give the ponies a vehicle that they can fly around to do some shopping aka raid the kitchen...

Still you need to give the ponies a vehicle that they can fly around to do some shopping aka raid the kitchen...

I like how this story is going.

Then you just may enjoy what is coming next.
I'm currently working on the next installment.

I would love to be able to render things into existence.

I'm all with you, there. Just a matter of how this would be possible in real life.

Still you need to give the ponies a vehicle that they can fly around to do some shopping aka raid the kitchen...

May come true, either in this story, or a future Sequel.


when will this story get an update we all want to see more chapters soon?:heart::twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:

I am working on the next installment, in the hopes of being able to publish it shortly.

Yo yo just wanna say that when replying to a comment but replying to it in a different chapter will have them not receive a notification of your reply I think.

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