• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
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A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).


This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

When Flash Sentry and Carrot Top visit Appleoosa, a routine survey mission takes a turn for the worse once Flash finds himself going up against a gang of ruthless, poison-slinging outlaws. But that sort of thing is all in a day's work for a Hero of Equestria, isn't it?

Volume 8 of the Flash Sentry Papers

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 54 )

Sidewinders indeed

So glad to see more of these adventures.

I should have known better.

You really should have.

Don't you mean "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!"? I certainly do!

Another Flash Sentry paper. This is gonna be good!

Showdown at high noon.


Nice idea with the Sideswinder to replace a gun! And Kid Cobra is obviously a reference to Billy the Kid.

Either Braeburn and the rest of the Appleoosans are stone cold. Celebrating Flash’s victory when one of their own’s body is still cooling in front of them. Or they know that the bite wasn’t lethal and the bartender is being overly dramatic with the cloth.

I'd love for there to be a crazy blacksmith/farrier in town whose passion is weather experiments and whose nickname is Doc.

I can be very distracting, when I put my mind to it.

Indeed. However, three rounds and 45 bits later, Flash was forced to concede that Golden was a better Parcheesi player than him.


Celebrating Flash’s victory when one of their own’s body is still cooling in front of them.

eh. It was probably Silverstar's turn on "dead body in the saloon" duty rotation. You have have to maintain the proper "Wild, Lawless Frontier" ambiance for the tourists after all. Doubly so for such a celebrated, grizzled veteran like Sentry.

So excited to see another volume of The Papers.

Thanks, Tumbleweed.

And here I was, thinking the sidewinder was a firearm. Well-played.

To be honest, I've shed blood (however unwillingly) in just about every locale or kingdom most ponies can think of off the top of their heads, and a few more besides.

And one that I'm still half-convinced was a wormwood-induced hallucination.

Though I suppose if you're still reading my rambings at this point, you probably enjoy watching (or, well, reading) me suffer too, you sadist.

No comment.

That, or Fancy Pants and the other maniacs at the Equestrian Intelligence Office would decide the best way to solve some horrible new political imbroglio would be “Throw Sentry at it.”

To be fair, the kingdom's stance on most of the magic-mad fiends is "Throw Sparkle at it," so at least he's in good company.

Sadly, it was too early for fishnet and feather-clad dancing-mares to be prancing about, but that was probably for the best.

I later learned the Bearer of Laughter had rather ruined the whole concept for the town. To be fair, the idea of her trying to seduce anypony is too terrifying to contemplate, so I fully understood.

:facehoof: Dang it, Silverstar. Well, time to clean up this town, whether Flash likes it or not. Looking forward to it.

Heartbreak in Ponyville? Oh no :fluttercry:

I turned away from the window. “The townsponies, that is. If somepony had gotten murdered like that in Ponyville, the whole town would be in a panic.”

Most likely.

“Of course.” My stomach churned as an all too familiar feeling of impending doom set in. “And now that he's dead--”

Nobody's holding them back.

“Passing through? Hah!” Boss Hiss slapped his denim-clad thigh. “I think we're on the same page there, pardner. So I'll tell you what-- you just set my brother loose, and then I'll forget any of this ever happened.”

You know, I somehow doubt that's true.

If you're not yellow, that is.”

He's more orange than yellow.

That just got the earth ponies laughing.

Never a good sign, that.

Not with your luck.

This is an Appleoosa Pie.*

Quite a weapon.

“This train's the fastest route back to Canterlot-- the only route back to Canterlot, if you're not carrying enough water. Because if you stay in town--” Carrot Top's stern, special agent voice faltered, just for a moment. “Boss Hiss will kill you.”

Par for the coure.

“I'm going to sneak into Boss Hiss' camp and kill him in his sleep.”

She's somehow gonna get caught and Sentry's gonna be involved in saving her, isn't he?

It wasn't until she was out of sight I realized she hadn't promised me a damn thing.

She's very good at that.

Eventually, I thought to compare the train schedule to the town clock-- and sure enough, the train was late.

Oh, brilliant.

Which meant I'd have to fight Boss Hiss after all.


though this in turn raises certain concerns when one factors in the accounts that the Appleoosans started providing the local Buffalo tribes with 'pies' as part of their peace treaty.

Well, there's pies and then there's pies. And then there's Pies, who are one of the reasons why there needed to be a peace treaty in the first place.

Ah, the risks of an agent falling in love. Less than professional priorities start to make themselves known.

and Discord'ed

There's a story...

Excellent grim interlude. Looking forward to the showdown.

- Cut off escape routes from the Town.
- Raze the town to the ground.
- Loot and gain notoriety.
- Move to another target.
- Profit???

Did I get it right?

This was great and well worth the wait... However, please update soon! :fluttershysad:

This is an Appleoosa Pie.

A contemporary of Sentry had this to say about the infamous Appeloosan Assault Pastries:

The baker of the pie had clearly not been instructed to beat about the bush. "Make it intimidating," she'd been told. "Make it totally clear that this pie has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going Badly (with a capital 'B') for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over the pastry then so be it. This is not a pie for nibbling on for elevenses or slicing up for dessert with friends, it is a pie for going out and making people miserable with.

I'm looking forward to seeing where this is going - Sentry is (and Carrot Top) are awesome as usual.

Additionally, she assured me that “it can't be any crazier than what happened with the mirror.”

Which is apparently still classified even in G.M.F.'s time.

Five minutes may seem quick, but in combat, it's a lifetime.
(Not that I've been in a fight outside of that time in fifth grade when someone insulted my mother. I'm basing this off of D&D combat time.)

Applied splint and improvised frontier antiseptic (rye whiskey) and anesthetic (rye whiskey).


Applied more anesthetic.

Less heh given the context. Carrot's not happy about this either. And as far as Flash can tell, she failed in her mission. Permanently so. The next chapter should be a very interesting case of dramatic irony.

The final "applied more anesthetic" nearly killed me. Nicely done. The writing, not the killing part.

5 min, an oncoming train, a shovel, 30 bodies and some rye whiskey.

That's the main action scene of a Jackie Chan movie.

Applied more anesthetic.

Yeah, "the pony I love is going to die in agony and I can't do Jack about it" certainly's a reason to apply more anesthetic :fluttershyouch:

Flash is going to be on that train, rescuing it. :rainbowlaugh:

I hope Carrot doesn't get herself killed. :fluttercry:

Oh. I was wrong about who was saving the train.

Carrot and Flash are not having a good time today.

Hmmm. Imagine if the local whisky had blood-thinning tendencies and would have some antivenin properties. And Flash's bloodstream is usually half alcohol anyways...


Hey, any fight you can wake up from could've gone worse. I can only imagine what the Appleoosans made of the pegasus who wouldn't die.

“You noticed the mail train didn't come through, huh?” One of the passing Appleoosans apparently didn't notice my bleary-eyed hangover. “Hope them Rattlers ain't got anythin' to do with it.”

Doubt it.

“It's him!” Somepony said from outside. “It's Boss Hiss! He's comin'!”

Huh? Isn't he dead?

“If I kill you, you'll be dead.”


I straightened myself out in midair, then chanced a look at my wound. And, sure enough, there was Boss Hiss' sidewinder clamped onto my rump, fangs pumping deadly venom into me.

That is unfortunate.

Under normal circumstances, I would've been thrilled to see Carrot Top swinging in to dispense justice (and roundhouse kicks) at the last moment, as she'd made something of a habit of doing.

Oh cool, she's alive.

“Ah.” I patted Carrot Top on her un-slung shoulder. “You ... didn't suck the sidewinder poison out, did you?”

That's a terrible idea. From the moment the heart beats, the venom is already going into your system. At BEST, the other guy ends up with a mouth full of venom.

“I know.” Carrot Top sighed, and pulled me closer with her good front leg. “The Rattler Gang were going to hijack the train, massacre the ponies onboard. I didn't have time to stop them and get Boss Hiss, so ... I made a decision.” She sniffled again, then pushed away from me. “I'm sorry, Flash. I--”

Right, that's what happened.

I can't stop laughing 😂!!! Alcohol as a blood thinner?! This idiot's bad habits saved his life!

“As best as anyone can figure, there was so much alcohol in your system that it acted as a kind of blood thinner, which diluted the effect of the venom. ”

I'm serious. This broke me.


Also, for the record, I had this plot point planned BEFORE you commented, so consider yourself a predictor, I guess?

Yay! It's not marked complete, so maybe there's more?

Boss Hiss forgot that a shovel to the back of the head beats a sidewinder every time.

This feels like the end of a story, hospital visit and all.
Not to mention the fade to black :heart:.

Greater scope problem inbound?

:pinkiecrazy: I credit/blame it on the same background that let me recognize your Golden Harvest productions symbol on Five Friendly Venoms. Happy that I called it though!
Hopefully an epilogue with some commentary from either Twilight or Lovely Lancet.

Surely, by now, Carrot Top has to realize that if she needs to save civilians, she should prioritize them over Flash. His special talent is for survival, and someday, when the compilation of the Flash Sentry Papers has finished and military historians can cross-reference them with known records of his actions, someone's going to write a book (or at least a paper) analyzing how to inculcate some of Flash's improvisational abilities into the Guard.

From a d20 perspective, most Guards are probably warriors with a minority of the better ones being fighters. Most agents like Carrot Top seem to be a fighter/rogue multiclass. Flash is a spoony bard who has a pile of luck-based feats.

Soooo... his worst wound he talked about was the snake bite right? I thought it was something that left a scar of health problems later on the way he wrote about it.

Still, that pie throw wasn't really good... wonder what is the opinion of Appleloosa citizens on Flash now with him getting downed by Boss Hiss.

And there may or may not be a future installment where a young, but tousled Flash Sentry has shown up in the historian's home, puts up his hooves and asks for a Brandy while explaining there was a time-travel mishap. Golden Harvest was separated in the kerfuffle and he would very much like to know what he should do next, so he naturally sought out his older self, little realizing how much further in the future he ended up, so he was directed on the greatest living on authority on Flash Sentry... at least, that would be an interesting future chapter in the Flash Sentry Papers.

No, he'll be known for standing up to Boss Hiss, and for surviving a sidewinder missile! This can only inflate his reputation further.

Honestly, was as if the mare could just flip a switch between 'background pony' and 'deadly operative.'

PRetty sure half of Ponyville can pull of that trick.

And the ending certainly wasn't what I expected. On the one hand, fewer chances to get thrown into the meat grinder. On the other, greater responsibilities. We'll see how Flash handles it. In any case, thank you for another entry in one of my favorite series on the site.

Major Sentry huh.

Well, Clauswitz did consider a "clever and lazy soldier," to make the perfect officer and Flash is definitely both.

Edit: After a quick lookup the quote's origin is complicated and disputed.

One version attributed to Kurt Gebhard Adolf Philipp Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord is:

I divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities. Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous.

A promotion huh? I wonder how that will turn out for him. Probably Deadly with a side of danger.

What will happen next? Where will they travel? Who knows! (I vote for the Hypogriph kingdom via Kludge Town.)

Oh no. How will Flash survive this promotion?

Flash Sentry vs. his greatest foe yet: Responsibility.

n fact, I'm halfway tempted to claim credit for subtly sculpting the Princess of Friendship's character, except that I'm sure if I did, somepony would use it as an excuse to send me somewhere horrible.

Sounds about right.

“That's right.” Princess Twilight said, and drew herself up to some semblance of regal bearing. Her horn glowed, and an official-looking scroll snapped into glowy purple existence next to her head. “Normally, I'm not one for formality, but in this instance, it is my royal privilege to be the first to congratulate you on your promotion, Major Sentry.”

Ohoho! Interesting.

In fact, I'm halfway tempted to claim credit for subtly sculpting the Princess of Friendship's character, except that I'm sure if I did, somepony would use it as an excuse to send me somewhere horrible.

Flash, don't be fully. You'll be sent somewhere horrible either way! :pinkiehappy:

I wonder how Twiggles feels about reading this, all this time after the fact. Probably bittersweet and facehooving in equal measures.

A promotion will just mean more time trying to stay behind a desk and failing.

At this point I’m assuming that Discord is responsible for at least some of this success.

Discord is definitely involved.


Deadly with a side of danger.

That sounds like an excellent title for volume 9

So it would be a story about a restaurant or involve a lunch of some sort?


So how long until he becomes Supreme General of the Armed Forces?

Every one of these stories has been absolutely fantastic, thank you.

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