• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 36 minutes ago

Silent Wing

A Pony that loves to read, to write, and is obsessed with video games


You are a Colt (I thing around the age of ten to twelve) that has no easy live. You decided to end it all and find yourself at Ghastly Gorge, willing to end your life, but you can't and everything comes down to one single question.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )
Comment posted by Silent Wing deleted Mar 9th, 2020


It's okay at the moment, even if it isn't easy for me, it never was.

Keep fighting you'll get through this. I know I might be some random guy but if you ever need to talk hit me up.

You could really use some help with proofreading and editing.

If you actually read what later written this story was probably written by a child. Seems more like a call for help than an actual story. Perhaps you author should seek that.


I admit that this one lacks the quality, I try to hold up by now.
It was written in a rush and when I didn't feel very well. I try to give it a once over at the WE, but for now I want to focus on my main prohect again.

Me, a child? It certanly would be nice, if this would be the truth.

I know the feeling. Sometimes I want to write something quickly just to get it out there without thinking too much about editing and such. Inspiration takes us all sometimes, right? :twilightsmile: And sometimes putting heavy thoughts into writing can help a lot with dealing them. I've done it a few times as well, even as part of psychotherapy that I went to a few years back... though I'm not brave enough to publish stuff like those to other people.


Yeah, I thought about it for a long time and I just had to publish it. At least it helped me and I am actually feeling better now. So it fullfilled the main purpose.

Thanks for your honest comment and the good advice.

I give my best and try to improve with my next few Chapters on Crushed (should still edit the first few Chapters:twilightblush:) and the second story I am preparing.

And don't worry I am feeling great at the moment.

Stories like this one attract us, because we all feel this way. We are all trapped in the same world, surrounded by the same kind of people, who all treat others the same hideous way. And we wonder, Why am I different? Why am I surrounded by monsters.

One of my favorite kind of stories here are very rare. Almost no one writes them, but those that do, come up with some interesting tales. Its the "Floor Bored" stories, like Floored By Kind Of Brony and Reasons To Live By Nosfrat. Floor Bored is very much "US". or at least many of us here on Fim. Like "Anon" no one owns the rites to her, so anyone can write her stories.

You know, I just sat here trying to think about what Im trying to say.

I guess, it boils down to, "Isn't it odd how we all live in a world so alien to who we are as a people, that a great number of us feel like we don't belong in it? I think that says so much about our world. After all, its not just the US, because the Europeans have the same experiences. And its not just the west, because the Japanese go through the same things too. They even have a word for people who feel outcast.

Hum......, Perhaps its not our culture, perhaps its who we are as a people in our very souls?

I think thats why we are so attracted to FIM and Equestria. Its the world that we wished we really lived in.

The Monk
“Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!” -Reykan


Hum......, Perhaps its not our culture, perhaps its who we are as a people in our very souls?

I think thats why we are so attracted to FIM and Equestria. Its the world that we wished we really lived in.

Probably one of the reasons why I am here and why I am so much into HiE stories.

I was hoping one of the main 6 or one of the princesses, but I guess his mother is ok.

Sorry, not with me.

I think there are already enough stories with the main six, so I only plan to include tem as little as possible.

Ohh. I guess that makes sense.

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