
Comments ( 899 )

Interesting start. Though with what I've seen, as they say in the game....I got a bad feeling about this.

New mission: find Carrie, stop the man with the gun and save another dimension!

Ah, the Far Cry 5 characters will finally start to come into play…

This story is brought to you by Carrie's Pizzeria where the pizza is to die for

Does anyone mind if I skip this one? Great, thanks, I'll be hiding under my bed, see ya! *runs away*

Luna would never admit it to him, or Celestia, or even herself for that matter but she always secretly harbored a crush on Supernova. She’d been working with him for years now, with him acting as her second-in-command, and in all those years she couldn’t help but grow quite fond of him. The way he soared through the air with ease during patrols, how he maintained authority and composure even during the toughest situations, not to mention a voice that could charm a cockatrice… perhaps even a whole flock.

I love this shipping a lot with Luna. I seen lots of fanart with them I always find it so cute and adorable

don't jump to conclusions dude

“That’s absolutely positively right” Pinkie smiled. “Besides, what’s the worst that it could be anyway. A crazy axe wielding maniac? An evil child eating clown? Or even a haunted room that makes anyone commit suicide?”

Pinkie.. you’re one of my favorites and all. But that is not helping

Amazing start! Looking forward to seeing what’s to come next chapter.

I wish Twi and her friends luck

We begin our latest installment of the C.A. series with a dream... or perhaps a premonition even. Either way, we see Luna getting ready to turn in after a very busy shift in the Night Court. We also learned that she has secret feelings concerning her captain of the night guard, Supernova, who has been the subject of various fan relating shipping involving Luna. Just when it seems she's going to have a more restful night, we soon see that she has a nightmare plaguing her mind. Nothing like that the Tentabus would bring but something 'far' worse: A city on fire, a girl drenched in blood, and a sadistic mad man who seems to be at the center of it all (At least for 'this' rendition of Carrie).

A dream so horrifying that she could feel the pain of being shot in the head (Thankfully nothing too fatal, just a bruise). Realizing that this could mean something serious plaguing the multiverse she enlists the aid of Twilight and her friends to investigate this mystery to determine just what's happening. Of course, they'll need a less 'conventional' method of getting there and just leave it to Pinkie to come up with some hairbrained scheme of using Luna's magic in connection to the wavelengths to the T.V. to determine the whereabouts of where this vision is going to take place.

Buckle your seatbelts faithful readers, this is going to be a wild ride.

It's not so much a 'video game' adaptation (That's what the other series is for). We're merely just 'including' these antagonists for this rendition of the movie. But yes, you 'should' have a bad feeling. It's not often Mr. Enigma and I cover horror movies. But we 'can' when we feel like it.

Yes... way to dumb it down for us.

At least for now. We don't know how active they are going to be. But their presence will be felt during this course of the season at least.

The door is always open. Stories like this are far too intense for readers like yourself. Only the 'bravest' readers can enjoy stories like this from start to finish.

We've got plenty more chapters to come with this project. Don't know how long it's going to take. But we got some ideas.


Also not gonna lie. When I first saw the cover for the book. I thought for sure this was gonna involved the EQG cast

Gee are you in for a big disappointment... because we are. We just merely opened with the cast as ponies. If that's just too much for you to handle, the door's always open.

No no. I’m not disappointed at all.

I love both pony and EQG cast equally. I was just surprised is all. I will always respect the choice of cast in the series

Well, unfortunately I'm some mix of a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff, mostly Puff, i.e a coward and a wimp. So...see ya in the next story, have fun with this!

Who read the book first then the movie or vice versa?
I watched the 1976 movie first than read the book

Good luck, girls. You’re gonna need it.

And so the horror will begin.

“Hello there.”


The two continued to walk through the many halls of Canterlot Castle, with Luna sneaking glances at Supernova the whole way. Thankfully she kept control of her blushing, yet she couldn’t help the butterflies that were going crazy in her stomach every time she looked at him. Thankfully, they finally made it to her room. She turned to offer her gratitude to him.

Watching the scenes invisibly, are two certain Force Ghosts.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: (To Anakin) "She certainly has your fluster."

Anakin Skywalker: (To Obi-Wan) "Oh shut up..."

Good luck, guys. You're gonna need it.

Luna remained frozen in her spot for a moment, wondering if that really just happened.

Though invisible, Anakin made his presence known to Princess Luna, as his teasing feeling towards her.

Anakin Skywalker: (Teasing) "Hmmmm."

Princess Luna: (To Anakin) "Oh, what are you looking at?"

Luna stood staring in horror, wide eyed of the carnage surrounding her. All she could see was fire spread out as far as the eye could see and blood everywhere. Everything was pure chaos and destruction. She’d not see such carnage since she became Nightmare Moon, destroying the Castle of the Two Sisters attempting to destroy her sister. Not only this, but when she looked down she also noticed she was standing on a giant symbol of what looked like some type of cross.

Luna looked over and noticed what looked like a young human girl in a pink dress and completely drenched in blood. She knelt down on the ground with her head bowed seemingly in prayer. Behind her stood a man holding her arms stretched out wide, looking towards the heavens. Looking closer, Luna noticed on his bare torso that he was marked with tattoos and scars of several varieties. She could not see his face; it was shrouded in darkness. The man then snapped his head in her direction, slowly walking towards the Princess of the Night. Luna wanted to run away like crazy but found herself glued to her spot and couldn’t move a muscle. The man reached behind himself and pulled out, to Luna’s horror, a revolver. The man chuckled deeply as he aimed the gun toward her head.

“May God have mercy on your soul…”



Luna snapped right up from bed with a terrified scream. She started breathing heavily as though she raced a marathon all across Equestria and she was sweating profusely. Not only that but her head hurt massively as she held a roofhoof to her now aching head. It was so weird because in the nightmare she just had she’d been short directly in the head. She’s had her fair share of nightmares in the past, but none made her feel as helpless and scared as this one had. So many questions rushed through her mind as she tried to regain her composure.

What was that dream all about? Who was that young girl and that man?

Anakin Skywalker: (Making himself known to Luna) "Bad dream?"

Princess Luna: "Ani. You of all, besides Tia, know that it's no dream. It's a premonition, just like the one we've had before Shmi's death."

Anakin Skywalker: "...Yes. And the second one I had, with...Padmé." (Looks back up to Luna) "What are you going to do now?"

The very next day, the sun shone brightly over the town of Ponyville. The denizens walked about town partaking in their everyday lives. On the outskirts of town, a large gathering of ponies and an assortment of other creatures gathered around the newly constructed Discord’s theatre. Outside the theatre, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and the rest of the Mane Six stood at a podium on stage as Twilight addressed the gathered crowd.

AND...watching from the crowd – like I don't have a choice – is me! Phantom-Dragon, or PhD, PD, and Doc (But I'm still not a doctor).

Future G5

And watching this recorded historical moment, in the future, are Sunny Starscout and friends.

“Good day every creature and thank you all for coming today,” Twilight announced. “As you all know, for over a year now myself and my friends have been going on these epic quests into different universes to spread peace and friendship. We have battled numerous foes, made new friends, and even brought a whole new meaning of peace.”

Everyone clapped and cheered in response before allowing Twilight to proceed.

“As a means of allowing all of you, our friends and family across Equestria to partake in our adventures, Discord created a magical theatre in which all manner of creatures could come and see us embark on our quest for peace. However, a recent event took place in which the theatre was set on fire by an unknown source trying to spread carnage and chaos. What that mysterious force failed to realized, however, is that the power of positivity and friendship can weather any sort of chaos thrown at us.

Discord: "Except my patented brand of chaos."

“That’s why, as of today, we’re proud to present you all the combination of hours of all the hours of hard work and friendship has helped us to achieve. Today, we present to you all the new and improved… Discord’s Theatre!”

Everyone clapped and cheered once more as Spike used a giant pair of scissors to cut the ribbon for the grand reopening.

The Audience: "HOORAY!!!"

CA staffs: "We got our job back!"

Bulk Biceps: "YEAH!"

Crazy Steve: "YEAH!!!"

Future G5

Pipp Petals: "Pipp Pipp HOORAY!"

PippSqueaks: "PIPP PIPP HOORAY!"

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, what brings you both here?” Twilight asked.

“It seems Twilight that another threat to the Multiverse has come to light!” Celestia responded. “Tell them what you’ve told me sister.”

Luna nodded to her older sister and stepped forward to tell the others what she had experienced.

“Last night, I had a terrible nightmare,” Luna informed. “A premonition of terrible events to come!”

“My goodness!” Fluttershy gasped.

“So what happened?” Rainbow asked.

“I dreamt of a landscape engulfed in flames and littered with blow. I saw a young girl drenched in blood kneeling at the feet of a mad man.

I happened to be overhearing this conversation, and my eyes went wide with fear.

Me: "Uh oh..."

When he noticed my presence, he held a gun to my head and fired.”

“Dear Faust!” Rarity gasped loudly.

“Is there anythin’ ya’ll can tell us about this here dream princess?” Applejack asked. “Ya know ‘bout where it all happened?”

“I’m afraid not dearest Applejack,” Luna shook her head. “All I know for certain is that I sensed great pain and suffering from this dream. Whatever’s to come, there will be much death and despair if not tended to immediately.”

“But how exactly are we going to get to this place if we don’t even know where it is?” Spike asked.

It was then Pinkie Pie threw her hoof in the air and started bouncing around eagerly.

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I know, I know! Pick me! Pick me!”

Me: "No, no, no! Please, don't pick, Pinkie Pie! PLEASE! DON'T PICK HER! DON'T PICK HER!"

Everyone sighed with a shake of their heads before Twilight faced her enthusiastic friend.

“Yes Pinkie?” She asked.

“What if we just tried hooking up the T.V. thingy with Luna’s head?” She asked with glee. “We could channel the energy emanating between the television set and the wavelengths with Luna’s magic, thereby generating enough power to open the big, whirly, portal thingy and thereby giving us enough time to go in before it closes.”

“Pinkie, that’s… actually not a bad idea!” Twilight spoke, amazed.

“It is?!” Everyone asked.

Me: "NO!"

“Aw, come on guys!” Pinkie giggled. “I have my smarty-pants moments sometimes. There’s more in my head than just candy floss and airheads.”

“Then there’s no time to waste!” Twilight declared. “Let’s get everything set up so we can investigate this phenomenon!”

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow smiled, clapping her hooves. “The girls and Spike on another whirlwind adventure!”

“Yea…” Fluttershy uttered feebly.

Me: "Oh...I hope note..."

With no time to lose, the entire gang made their way into the new theatre and up to the big screen where the magical television was hooked up. Twilight quickly worked her technical magic and got everything necessary for the portal all set up before turning to Luna with a few wires in her magical grip.

“Okay Princess, I’m going to need to attach one of these wires to your horn and a few to your frontal lobes” Twilight informed her.

Twilight quickly attached the wires exactly as she had described with one on her horn and the other to the two sides of her forehead.

“This won’t hurt you at all. All we need is for you to remember the events of your nightmare again and it will power the television so that it may open the portal to wherever it is that your nightmare was taking place.”

“I understand Twilight Sparkle” Luna nodded.

Me: "Oh...I can't watch this..."

Luna then closed her eyes and dug back into her memory of the the nightmare. Her horn sparked as she did so and the surge of power ignited the television to life and the giant screen of the theatre then turned into the very portal that they needed. Twilight and the others gathered at the portal and looked on inside.

Me: " worked? That's it. I'm dead. I'm totally dead! I haven't even tied the knot yet, and I'm going to die as I relive my childhood PTSD! I'm not exaggerating!"

“So where do you think that this thing will take us to now?” Rainbow asked.

“No idea sugarcube” Applejack responded uncertain. “But if it’s enough tah give Princess Luna nightmares, we best be ready fer anything.”

“Oh I just hope that we live to regret this” Fluttershy said frightened,

“Worry not Fluttershy” Rarity assured her. “No matter what we may encounter in this world, nothing will be able to break us”

“That’s absolutely positively right” Pinkie smiled. “Besides, what’s the worst that it could be anyway.

Me: "Pinkie. Don't–"

"...A crazy axe wielding maniac?..."

Me: "No!"

An evil child eating clown?

Me: "SHUSH!!!"

"...Or even a haunted room that makes anyone commit suicide?”

Me: (Giving up) "I'M DEAD!"

Every pony turns and looks at Pinkie with wide eyes and horrified expressions.

Future G5

Sheriff Hitch: "That pink pony is very specific..."

With that, the Mane Six and Spike all stepped forward and through the portal to wherever the Multiverse would take them. Had they known the true horror that they would be getting themselves into, they would have turned right around and walked away.

Anakin Skywalker: (Appears besides Luna) "You're not going with them?"

Princess Luna: (To Luna) "I wish I could, but...I'm already on a date."

Storm Shield: "Hey! What did I miss?"

Discord: (To Storm Shield) "I'll tell you what you've missed. It's...MOVIE TIME!!!"

And so, doing as he always does, Discord alerted all of his loyal customers, in different time and space, of the next Cinematic Adventure!

0:03 Everyone all got Discord's message, near and far.

0:06 And with that, everyone all took their leave for the nearest Discord Theater.

0:15 Every creatures arrived at the new and improved Discord Theater(s).

0:20 Crazy Steve: "QUIET!"

Silver Shill: "Hey...where's the Doctor?"

*Cuts to me, hiding in a pillow fort*

Me: (Huddling up into a ball) "There's no Stephen King Cinematic Adventure. There's no Stephen King Cinematic Adventure. There's no Stephen King Cinematic Adventure. There's no Stephen King Cinematic Adventure..."

URRRRY~ Bat ponies, huh? Neat. Noticing a trend of the princesses being closely involved with the horror installments.

You got room for one more in that pillow fort? Hide me!

The Mane Six are going to (unfortunately) find out that sometimes, you can’t always save everybody. Not even from themselves.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow smiled, clapping her hooves. “The girls and Spike on another whirlwind adventure!”

Shrek 2 reference that man who i think it is

is is that joseph seed on the cover and in woonas nightmare

In the short descrip, you've got a typo: "Telechenesis" should be "Telekinesis".

"It all"
There’s something in the air
Out of the silence
There’s something in the air
And I can’t fight it
There’s something coming out
I feel it rising
Something out the dark
It’s just beginning

It all starts now

"Tonight, my children....we dine...on blood!"

It all starts here
It all starts now

It all starts now
It all starts now

It all starts now

I hear it in the sound
Like thunder coming
I feel it shake the ground
A storm surrounding
There’s something in the sky
Cuts are forming
I feel it come alive
Like a siren

It all starts now
It all starts here
It all starts now

There’s something in the air
I love the silence
There’s something in the air
And I can’t fight it

It all starts now
It all starts now

And so it begins with the group ready to embark on another adventure, but like the Conjuring this will be one of their darkest ones yet.

And so it begins……oh dear, I’m not sure if I’m ready for this, I’m nervouscited, I got goosebumps…… know what………..BRING IT ON!!! Awesome first chapter 👏👏👏🥰

I'm afraid so, but at least it's not the 1976 version.

I don't need it at the moment, but save me a place for later 😰.

Behind the Scenes 1

In May 2011, representatives from MGM and Screen Gems announced that the two companies were producing a film remake of Carrie. The two studios hired Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark playwright Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa to write a screenplay that delivered "a more faithful adaptation" of Stephen King's novel—Aguirre-Sacasa previously adapted King's work The Stand into a comic book in 2008.

Reshoots were ordered, as the screenplay was re-written by Lawrence D. Cohen, who also wrote the original film.

If I'm being honest I do like horror but not when I'm the one getting scared so I'm just going to sit this one out

Why is it, that after a fun and enjoyable adventure, comes a terrifying one?

I know that drawing, it's from kianamai, from DeviantArt. Draw very well; and I remember that, in her channel, Luna and Supernova had a daughter. I leave you the image:,h_848,q_70,strp/princess_of_slumber_by_kianamai_d7qr1yp-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTIyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjVmYWUyMWYtZGRmNy00NGEyLTlkOTktNTE5NmJlM2E1NDNhXC9kN3FyMXlwLWNkOTk3YmE3LTE2NmQtNDE3Mi1hZWQ4LTIwMWMxMzhlNWFhZS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.s_crnP1azQTurzd_39De6qHRP3TJX_PtPOZp8w9DqYk

Similar to what happened to Celestia in The Conjuring, Luna has a terrifying vision (to put it mildly). Luckily this coincides with the restoration of the Discord Theater, so the girls can embark on a new adventure that we hope they will come back ... alive. I say this because every fan, or at least connoisseur, of Far Cry knows what that symbol is and what it means.

Good idea, Pinkie. A pity that Luna does not accompany them, but surely she will do so in a future adventure. The films that Pinkie talks are The Shining, IT and 1408? For now, make yourself comfortable, grab some popcorn and drinks, and enjoy the adventure... if you enjoy the horror.

today is a very special day cuase it’s MY BRITHDAY 🎊

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