• Member Since 18th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Liquid Truth

Life's still pretty great


Dr. Caballeron had once again taken hold of an artifact of evil darkness, and it's up to Daring Do to stop him and return the artifact to their daughter.

Contains DaringXCaballeron. Daballeron. It's now the official shipping portmanteau and you can do nothing to make me think otherwise.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Fidget spinners... Now there’s a fad that died out quick.

Oh, my God. This was incredibly sweet! Great job!

Dabelleron was one of the weird ships I picked up during season 9, like Chrysalik.
This story was absolutely adorable.

Contains DaringXCaballeron. Daballeron. It's now the official shipping acronym and you can do nothing to make me think otherwise.

I have to dispute this.

It's the official shipping portmanteau.

Marigold swept her hooves from side to side while saying, "Daring Do and the Fidget Spinner. In short: Dr. Caballeron steals Daring Do's fidget spinner and she tries to get it back through solving Rubik's cubes and Twister floors."

And somewhere in Equestria, Quibble Pants senses that somepony stole one of his fanfic ideas.

Yearling smirked. "Before you were born, this was our lives."

Ah, technical truths.

Groom scratched his chin. "Well, I mean, the guys at the black market would. Don't ask me why; they just do."

"There was always somepony who would offer me a seven-digit payday for just about anything dusty and worn."
"You mean they'd offer Caballeron a seven-digit payday for it."
"Yes, of course."

Adorable from start to finish. I especially love the idea of Caballeron taking his talent for berating foolish minions and applying it to story editing (or are those term papers?) Thank you for this.

Ah, yes, portmanteau. That's the word I was looking for. Thanks for the heads up!

Nice. :D

I can't believe rose's fucking dead

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