• Published 11th Feb 2020
  • 4,001 Views, 342 Comments

The Phantom Filly - Lucar

Scootaloo finds a mysterious ruby with the power to manipulate reality. She will have to learn to use its power to save Equestria from a mad scientist from another dimension.

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Chapter 20: Phantom

Scootaloo stared up at the mountainous centaur, and couldn't stop herself from gulping. Tirek now possessed the magic of everyone in the world. She didn't know how much it was, but she didn't doubt that it was enough to overpower anything she could throw with the measly 50% that she controlled of the Phantom Ruby. Discord was already a close call, and Tirek was at least one thousand time more powerful now. And she was almost out of energy, and she wasn't sure that Infinite recovered enough.

The situation was definitively not in her favor, and she could count on nobody to help her. Everyone lost their magic, and all the Phantom Ruby Copies were destroyed because of Discord. Their armada of airships would be wiped out in an instant, and any weapon would be simple insect bites against him.

"Uh... Any idea, Infinite?"

... He probably doesn't control his new powers yet, so we may have a chance... A very small chance... If only we had full control of the Phantom Ruby...

"You aren't thinking that we should...?"


While they talked, Tirek lowered himself like someone lowered themselves to look at an ant, still smirking.

"Hello there. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time we're facing off each other in battle. All the other times, it was against at least one of the Elements or the princesses."

"Uh... Well, Discord always made sure that I couldn't ruin your fun."

"He did. But now, here we are..." He looked around, seeing that they were now among the frozen mountains of the North, "in the Frozen North, me possessing everyone's magic and about to conquer the world." He looked back at Scootaloo. "You know what, I'm in a good mood, so I'll let you go if you decide to not try to stop me. As powerful as you are thanks to your ruby, you can't expect to win against me now."

"And let everypony down? Like hay!"

Tirek gave a resigned shrug. "As you wish."

He rose back to his full length, rose his right arm, and attacked.

Scootaloo quickly flew away, and the giant fist impacted the ground without hitting her. However, the force of the blow caused strong winds that almost swept her, and cracks spread all around as the area shook, avalanches beginning and mountains crumbling!

Scootaloo flew along the arm to Tirek's shoulder, then sent a wave of Phantom Energy to get Tirek in her power before she materialized one of her lightning spears, then threw the spear at Tirek's head. The spear pierced the right cheek, and electricity spread in Tirek's body, but the centaur barely felt it and fired a huge magical beam in return. Scootaloo teleported to avoid it, the beam leveling an entire mountain.

When she reappeared, Scootaloo sent some Phantom Cubes at Tirek, sending him in a reality where dozens of laser cannons continuously fired at him, but again, the cannons were too small to do any real damage and he made it known by smashing Scootaloo as soon as the alternate reality disappeared, sending her crashing at his hooves. He then rose a hoof to crush her, and Scootaloo, coughing blood, quickly let herself pass through the ground like a ghost.

She then came out of the ground behind Tirek and rose dozens of giant spikes of rock under his lower body's belly. This had an effect on Tirek, but only a small one. The centaur just let escape a small groan of pain before he recovered and sent a magical shockwave that destroyed the spikes and sent Scootaloo into a mountain. Tirek then tore off a huge piece of ground and threw it after the filly.

Let me in control! Quickly ordered Infinite when they saw the mountainous boulder coming at them, and Scootaloo wordlessly accepted, Infinite's mask covering their head as he took control. Infinite then charged toward the boulder and drilled through it as the boulder hit the mountain in a huge crash that caused tons of rock to fly in all directions. Once out of the boulder, Infinite continued charging toward Tirek who levitated more giant boulders before throwing them one by one. Infinite also drilled through them, then quickly teleported to avoid a surprise beam from Tirek. Reappearing, Infinite continued his charge, and hit Tirek in his upper body's belly, giving in enough power to actually get the breath out of the centaur. Infinite then sent Phantom Cubes to transport Tirek to a reality where dozens of seesaws cut him a little everywhere and even threatened to cut their way to his brain and his heart, but Tirek destroyed all of them with another magical shockwave that even destroyed the reality created by the Phantom Ruby.

Caught off guard, Infinite couldn't avoid the beam that followed, and it was only thanks to the Phantom Ruby that he wasn't totally disintegrated, and after some glitching, he was totally healed. He fired back his own beam at Tirek using a lot of energy from the ruby, and it was powerful enough to force the centaur to take a step back, grunting in pain before he came back and kicked him toward another mountain. Tirek then fired another beam at the mountain, totally destroying it.

But just as Tirek laughed in victory, he saw a group of six familiar ponies approaching from the air, surrounded by a rainbow aura. It wasn't just that; the ponies had changed, gaining colors in their manes and tails, and even in their feathers for the ones possessing wings. Some of them even had actual longer manes and tails.

"What? How is this possible? I absorbed everyone's magic!"

"Maybe, Tirek," answered Twilight, "but there's one magic that you couldn't absorb, and it's the most powerful of all: the Magic of Friendship!"

At this, the six mares fired a powerful rainbow beam at the centaur who immediately fired his own beam. While at first, the two beams clashed without any winner, Tirek eventually smirked and put more magic in his beam, beginning to overpower the beam from the mares. The Bearers gasped at this, then put more magic into their beam, only for Tirek to put even more magic into his beam. The mares were forced to disperse.

"Ah! As powerful as it is, your Magic of Friendship can't hope to overpower the magic of all the beings in the world!" shouted Tirek.

Twilight growled, not able to stop sweating in worry. "Speaking of," she started, "how could Eggman let you have it? I'm sure that he knew that you would use it against him! He's not stupid! Did you sneak in the Death Egg?"

"Not at all," answered Tirek with a shrug. "As unbelievable as it sounds, he actually let me have it. Maybe he's really that stupid but, hey, I'm not one to look at a gift horse in the mouth."

The ponies looked at each other. This was weird. Something was going on.

Whatever, they now had to deal with Tirek, and it wasn't looking good for them.

"What do we do?" asked Rarity.

"We don't give up," answered Twilight. "We must defeat Tirek, for Equus."

"Where's Scootaloo? Shouldn't she be there?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"There was a big explosion earlier. I hope she's alright," said Fluttershy in worry.

"Don't worry! I'm sure that if we fight long enough, she will come back with a power up and kick Tirek's butt!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"It doesn't mean we won't try to kick his butt before," said Applejack.

"Of course! We will do our best!" replied Pinkie.

The six ponies then attacked Tirek, circling him and doing what they could, using magic, charging at him, throwing stuff at him as strongly as they could, and so on.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo and Infinite were in a really bad shape. Their unconscious body was constantly glitching, trying to repair itself with the little Phantom Energy that remained.

Infinite destroyed one of the burning buildings with an explosive beam.

"I can't believe I was defeated that easily!" he yelled.

"What did you expect?" asked Scootaloo. "The guy has the magic of everyone in the world, and we only have 50% of the Phantom Ruby at our disposition. It's like asking a bee to fight a full-grown stallion. Yes, the bee will sting, but the stallion will easily crush it in the end. And again, we weren't in top form after our fight against Discord."

Infinite glared at her, then destroyed another building. Comparing him to a bee! The nerve! And the worst was that she was right!

Scootaloo watched Infinite as he let out his frustration, then sighed. Slowly, she walked toward him, then sat beside him, the jackal looking at her.

"Infinite... I don't think we will be able to win this one... Not in our actual situation..." she said.


"You know I'm right."


She sighed again. "We... We need to..." She took a big breath. "We must defeat Tirek! But he's too powerful! We must merge!"

"....... Yes... We must merge," finally replied Infinite after a small sigh. "But you know what this means..."

Scootaloo nodded. "We will become one, forever."

"Are you sure you want this?"

"No... I don't want this... I don't want to lose myself and become a part of you, or you a part of me. But we aren't really given a choice, are we?"

"We have. We could simply forget about Tirek, your friends, the world, everything, and just go live our life without care."

"Is this what you want?"

Infinite chuckled. "No. This would mean giving up, and I never give up. But I don't want to lose myself too..."

"But you prefer kicking his ass," said Scootaloo with a smirk.

"And get him down from his pedestal."

"Well, I think this settles this. I want to save everyone, and you want to show Tirek who's the boss and beat him back to Tartarus." She presented her hoof to Infinite with a determined expression. "Let's do this, partner."

After staring at the hoof for a few seconds, Infinite took it.

Scootaloo closed her eyes as Infinite's memories entered her mind.

Sorry everyone... I will not come back... kinda. I hope the new me will be ok.

Twilight teleported to avoid being slapped like a fly and immediately countered with a magical beam that hit Tirek in the left eye. The centaur yelled in pain, putting a hand to cover his eye, then rained thousands of powerful lightning bolts all over the area as retaliation. The ponies tried to avoid them, but it was like trying to dodge rain drops, and one by one, they were hit.

Rainbow Dash, despite this, did a Sonic Rainboom (she stopped counting how many times she did one today, especially since the fight started) and hit Tirek in the back of the head. Pinkie followed it by hitting Tirek on the cheek with her hammer, and the others all charged at him one after another. In return, Tirek sent a storm of magical balls in all directions, forcing the ponies to back away to better dodge them.

"I-I don't know how long I can keep up..." said Rarity.

"Me too," said Rainbow Dash. "My wings are killing me. But... But we can't give up!"

Suddenly, a wave of Phantom Energy spread everywhere and hit everyone, ponies and centaur, sending them in a reality where the frozen mountains were replaced by volcanoes, rivers and lakes of lava appearing everywhere on the ground. One of those rivers appeared around Tirek's back legs, and he quickly moved them to stop the burn.

"What the...?!"



The earth then shook, and giant boulders to rise from the ground. Then, a vast quantity of lava rose too and gathered above a lake before separating to form a tunnel, and out of the tunnel came... someone who looked like Scootaloo, but had the body shape of Infinite.

The being was a bipedal orange furred, purple maned/tailed pony possessing black-gloved hands and feet covered by black shoes. She seemed female, and had her arms crossed, slowly floating forward, eyes closed. She had a similar mane style than Scootaloo, but her hairs were the same length as the ones she possessed as Zero. She possessed no wings, however.

Then, she opened her eyes, revealing that the left one had a yellow iris while the right one had a blue iris.

"Scoot?" said Rainbow Dash in wonder.

"Mph! So you survived. What is with the new appearance?" asked Tirek.

"The one that I decided to best suited me," answered Scootaloo (?) with a shrug. With a wave of her right arm, she then sent the lava toward Tirek, and the centaur quickly put on a shield to protect himself. But then, Scootaloo (?) teleported just in front of his face. "Call me Phantom," she said before causing an explosion of energy in Tirek's face, forcing him to take a step back, causing one of his back hooves to step into a river of lava. Burned, he quickly got it out with a growl.

"Phantom?" asked Twilight, gaining Phantom's attention, who nodded at her. Where before Zero was a little taller than Twilight, Phantom just reached her muzzle.

"Scootaloo and Infinite merged to be able to use the full potential of the Phantom Ruby. I'm the result. I'm Scootaloo, but also Infinite, and yet, I am none of them, not really." She gave the ponies a small smile. "I decided to call myself Phantom. I thought that it was a really appropriate name for me, and it sounds cool."

Pinkie Pie waved at her. "Nice meeting you, Phantom who's also Scootaloo and Infinite but not really!" She then looked at Phantom's thighs and gasped. "Oh my gosh! Look!" she shouted while pointing at them.

Phantom looked down at her thighs, then gave a small gasp. On the side of both thighs was now the image of the Phantom Ruby. "Is that my Cutie Mark? O-oh my gosh! It is! I have my Cutie Mark! I have my Cutie Mark!"

Just as it seemed that Phantom was about to fly in all directions in joy, she saw a huge magical beam come at them, and she quickly used her power to teleport everyone out of the way, and they reappeared behind a boulder further away.

She cleared her throat, calming herself. "As awesome as it is, the celebration will have to wait. Let's deal with Tirek first. By the way, how did you get... like this?" she asked while waving at the mares, referencing to their new appearances.

"A power that we got from the Tree of Harmony after opening a chest," answered Twilight. "It would be too long to explain, but to make it short, we had to collect six keys, and Discord gave the last one when he finally accepted Friendship, just after you... Erh... Infinite left. Gosh, this will be awkward..."

"And yet, that darn centaur's still more powerful than us," said Applejack.

"So, you can, like, send a rainbow beam?" asked Phantom.

"Yes. We could use it on Tirek to force everyone's magic out of him and send him back to Tartarus," said Rarity.

"But he totally overpowered us!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"But if you could hit him, then it could work, right?" asked Phantom.

"Yes," answered Twilight. "No matter how powerful whoever we target is, as long as our beam hits, it's over for them."

"Alright then. You wait out of the way and fire the beam when you have the occasion, I will gain Tirek's attention," said Phantom.

Without giving time for the ponies to reply, she teleported and reappeared behind Tirek. She then created a column of lava and sent it at his back, badly burning him. Tirek immediately turned around and caught Phantom in his magic, immobilizing her. He then fired another beam, only for Phantom to teleport again despite the magic, freeing herself. Phantom then materialized a meteorite that Tirek punched into dust before sending more lava toward him from his sides.

Tirek had enough of the lava and used his magic to lower the temperature, turning all the lava in the area into stone, only for Phantom to finally send all the floating giant boulders. After getting hit by a few of them, Tirek quickly surrounded himself in a shield, then formed two walls from the ground at both sides of Phantom. He tried to crush her between them, only for Phantom to destroy them.

Then, reality changed, and the chain of volcanoes turned into a desert, the mountains replaced by mountainous dunes. Phantom then created a giant quicksand under Tirek, and the centaur sank, but Tirek quickly levitated himself out of it. He then blew strong winds, creating a huge sandstorm hoping to blind Phantom, but she used this at her advantage and used the sand to create a huge sand fist that she used to punch Tirek.

Tirek easily destroyed the sand fist with a swing of his arm, then he manipulated the sand like tentacles to try to hit Phantom. One of them slapped her, but she quickly recovered and sent a huge wave of sand at Tirek like a tsunami, sweeping him. With a roar, Tirek used a magical shockwave to free himself from the sand, then moved the Sun and the Moon so the Moon faced the Sun, firing Celestia and Luna's Eclipse Cannon at Phantom. The anthropomorphic filly didn't stop moving to escape the powerful beam that easily turned the sand into glass and she created more sand fists that she used to punch Tirek in return.

Seeing that Tirek wasn't stopping his Eclipse Cannon, Phantom changed tactic, and the following moment, water suddenly flooded the desert coming from nowhere, the only thing remaining out being the dunes that turned back into mountains. Then, out of the water came a creature made of water almost as tall as Tirek! The creature resembled a giant snake of water with its head, back and sides covered in dark blue reptilian skin with liquid spikes protruding from its back. Despite its liquid nature, the thing possessed green slit eyes, green sharp teeth, and even a long green tongue and green horns on its head and green arteries along its back. They could also see an organic brain inside a 'fin' on the head.

Around the creature, several tentacles of water rose from the newly formed ocean and wrapped themselves around Tirek.

"What is that thing?!" asked the centaur as he struggled against the tentacles of water.

Phantom appeared above the snake thing and landed on its head. "Meet Perfect Chaos. Or rather, a replica. It's not as powerful as the original, but..." She snapped her fingers, and Perfect Chaos fired a powerful energy beam at Tirek that sent the giant centaur flying. "It's still good enough to hurt you."

Now would be a good time, girls, she thought. She used a lot of energy to create that powerful replica, and she wasn't sure if it would last long against Tirek.

Well, as long as Tirek didn't understand Chaos' only weakness, it should be ok.

Tirek got up, then fired at Perfect Chaos with his own powerful beam. Phantom quickly teleported away as the beam hit Chaos, and its water body exploded. However, it quickly reformed as if it was nothing and fired green energy bullets from the spikes on its back while also sending its water tentacles to attack the centaur. Tirek put on a shield to protect himself, then fired back dozens of magical bullets that turned Chaos' body into swiss cheese, but again, it quickly reformed. However, one of the bullets managed to hit the brain in the 'fin', and Chaos shrieked in pain as its body crumbled a little before recovering.

Tirek saw it, because he targeted the brain more precisely.

"Crap," said Phantom at this.

Chaos immersed himself in the ocean, avoiding the many bullets targeting his brain, and came out of the water directly in front of Tirek, biting his right arm with its sharp teeth while firing more energy bullets. Tirek tried to hit it with his other arm, but a water tentacle wrapped itself around it. Tirek growled as more energy bullets and clusters of energy balls hit him, and more tentacles wrapped around his body, and he sent a magical shockwave that destroyed Chaos' body, sending the water composing it far away.

Chaos reformed out of the ocean again and fired another beam that Tirek dodged before firing a beam too, targeting the brain. Chaos dodged it too, and fired a second beam at the same time as Tirek, the two beams clashing. But then, in the middle of the clash, Tirek teleported just beside Perfect Chaos, taking it by surprise. Tirek then punched the brain out of the 'fin' and immediately fired a beam at it, disintegrating it. Perfect Chaos' body crumbled, disappearing in the ocean, never reforming.

Tirek then charged a vast quantity of magic and expelled all of it, breaking the reality formed by the Phantom Ruby, returning him and everyone else in the frozen mountains.

Recovering his breath, he said "Not bad. I don't know what was that thing, but it gave me quite the workout."He turned to face Phantom, who was growling. "That Phantom Ruby really is an amazing artifact. Too bad I have to destroy it to ensure my supremacy."

Girls! Where are you?!

Tirek formed a new beam, and Phantom prepared herself to use the Phantom Ruby again.

But then, several little orbs possessing glowing green cores came from nowhere and impacted here and there Tirek's body. From where they impacted, obsidian began to spread and cover Tirek's body.

"What the...?! The Storm King's obsidian grenades?!" exclaimed Tirek before he panicked. He tried to stop the obsidian from spreading, but failed, and could only repeat "No!" as he was turned into a giant obsidian statue.

"What happened?!" asked Phantom to nobody in particular.


"That laugh. Eggman! Show yourself!"

"With pleasure!"

A huge robot suddenly appeared beside Phantom, and before she could act, she was slapped hard and sent crashing into a mountain. She quickly came out of the crater she formed and looked at Eggman's new robot.

It looked like a Death Egg Robot, but at least five stories tall and less bulky. It actually resembled more Eggman himself, with a round body with a spherical head possessing the features of Eggman's head, two arms finishing in sharp claws, and two long legs finishing in clawed feet. The robot possessed also wings similar to the ones that the Egg Dragoon possessed to let it fly. However, on the head, there was a big golden crown possessing eight protrusions, including one three times bigger than the others at the front. Each of the protrusions possessed a slot excepted the big one, which possessed three slots one above another in decreasing size. The middle slot, of medium size, already possessed an object, some kind of staff with a crystal.

"Mouahahahaha! Surprised?" asked Eggman, spreading the arms of his robot.

"Not really. I knew that you were preparing something."

"But you didn't know what! Ah!"

Phantom huffed. "How could I? With you, everything is possible."

"Why! Thank you! I do my best! That colossal idiot certainly didn't see this coming! He really thought that he had gotten the upper hand on me when I had actually planned it! He took me for a fool! But seriously, who would be stupid enough to send a potential backstabber to take all the power without a plan? What an idiot! And now, the magic he absorbed will be mine!"

"And how? Last I know, you have no way to absorb magic."

"I have one! See?" He pointed at the staff in the crown. "The Staff of Sacanas! A little gift that I got from the Storm King along with the obsidian grenades. Thanks to it, I will be able to absorb all the magic and make it mine!"

Phantom frowned. "And you think that I will let you?"

"Yes, because you will be too busy trying to catch them," said Eggman before he teleported the obsidian statues of six familiar ponies beside the robot, making Phantom gasp. The statues were then thrown far away in the sky, and Phantom quickly teleported among them. She caught them in her telekinesis, then teleported all of them on the ground where she slowly dropped them. Finally, she used her power to return them back to normal, the ponies still in their rainbow form.

"Are you alright, girls?" she asked.

As the ponies hugged each other, recovering, Twilight answered. "Yes, we are alright. I'm so sorry, Sc-Phantom. He got us by surprise."

"I know. Okay, now that you're alright, I must return. He's absorbing all the magic from Tirek."

"What?!" shouted everypony.

"No time to explain."

"We're coming!" shouted Rainbow Dash, the others nodding.

"Very well."

Phantom teleported all of them back toward Eggman and Tirek, only to see Eggman just finishing absorbing the magic.

"MOUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU'RE TOO LATE!" he shouted before he fired a powerful magical beam at the obsidian statue of Tirek, destroying it and making the ponies gasp. "You did your job well, Tirek! Now you can rest... IN PIECES! AHAHAHAHAH!!"

"You monster!" yelled Fluttershy.

Eggman turned toward them. "Come on! I get you rid of a monster, and this is how I'm treated? I'm hurt! Anyway, I would like to start our little dance right now, but I'm not finished powering up. I need to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that I will win! And for this..." Using the magic he absorbed, he opened a portal. "I need to return home! See you quickly once I conquered my homeworld!" He flew through the portal.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted Phantom before she flew after the robot.

"Wait for us!" shouted Twilight as the six ponies followed her, and together, they passed the portal before it closed.

They came out of the portal in the sky not far of a huge floating island, and as they chased Eggman, the robot suddenly teleported. The ponies stopped and looked around, expecting to see the robot reappear, but it didn't.

"Where did it go?" asked Applejack.

Phantom looked toward the floating island and growled. "Angel Island... He's on that island! I know what he's after! Quick!"

Again, she teleported all of them toward the island, and they appeared above an altar surrounded by seven pillars. On the altar was a giant green gem, and seven smaller gems, each of different colors, green, red, white, yellow, purple, blue, and turquoise, were on the pillars. At the base of the altar was a strange red bipedal creature knocked out, and beside the altar was Eggman's robot.

Phantom quickly acted and fired an energy beam, but the robot dodged it, and all eight gems levitated toward the crown, the seven slots in the small protrusions and the big slot under the one containing the Staff of Sacanas opening. Just as Phantom and the ponies charged to stop Eggman, the robot teleported again, this time with the gems, and it appeared far in the sky.

As the island fell from the sky, the gems entered the slots.

"I suppose that this is bad news that he got those gems?" asked Twilight.

"Very bad news," answered a very sweating Phantom. "The small gems are called Chaos Emeralds, and the big one is the Master Emerald. To put it simply, anyone possessing the seven Chaos Emeralds becomes nearly invincible. Add in the Master Emerald, and we could compare the being possessing them to a God. Normally, the Phantom Ruby is powerful enough to deal with the emeralds, but with the magic of everyone from Equus added in..."

"We're bucked up," concluded Rainbow Dash.

"This is quite the understatement!" shouted Eggman as he returned to them. "But I still have an empty slot in my crown, and I think that you guess what it is for."

Phantom teleported away with the ponies.

"Ah! You can try to escape! But I will eventually find you!" shouted Eggman.

The group reappeared back near the altar of the emeralds on the now crashed island, Phantom thinking that Eggman will not expect them to teleport there.

Twilight immediately began pacing while muttering how much they were doomed. The others weren't really much better.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," said Phantom.

"Really?" asked Twilight hopefully.

"Yes. However, the Infinite part of me hates it. But it doesn't matter. The problem is that I have to leave you in this place while I go search for... new allies."

"What? You can't leave us in those... ruins," said Rarity worriedly.

"I won't be long. Give me a few minutes. Meanwhile, how about you help the knocked out echidna over here?" she said as she pointed at the unconscious red animal near the base of the altar.

Fluttershy immediately moved to help him.

Phantom then teleported, leaving the ponies. Making some quick teleports around the world, it didn't take her long to find her first target: a blue blur that was actually a blue hedgehog running at the speed of sound in an area she knew was called the Green Hills. Phantom teleported in his way, and the hedgehog who was actually the Sonic of this world, seeing her, immediately stopped in front of her.

"Sorry to stop your run, but we have an emergency," she began. "Eggman got the seven Chaos Emeralds AND the Master Emerald. More than that, he now possesses powerful magic. Come with me."

Sonic immediately turned serious and nodded before Phantom opened a portal and flew the both of them through it.

They appeared in an exact similar world, but a few years in the future, and Phantom immediately explored it in search of her two targets. She quickly found the first one: Sonic, again.

She found him outside of what was known as Sonic's home in the Green Hills, relaxing on a chair while eating a chili dog. This Sonic differed slightly from the other. The past Sonic was smaller and rounder.

When the filly suddenly appeared beside him with his counterpart from the past/another dimension, he was so startled that he bounced out of his chair and dropped his chili dog.

"Aw man!" wailed the hedgehog before he looked at Phantom annoyed. "Good job, you made me waste a good chili dog!" He then saw the other Sonic beside her who waved at him. "Hey! That's you! Already back?"

"Listen, I don't have much time," began Phantom. "My name is Phantom, and I need your help. The Eggman from this Sonic's world has gained too much power, and we need you and the Chaos Emeralds of this world to deal with him. Do you know where they are? Oh, and could you tell me where is your friend the red cat? He could be a good asset against Eggman."

Sonic crossed his arms in thought. "Uh... Tails may know where they are, both the Emeralds and Leo, but the problem is that Leo stopped the fighting after the end of the war. I'm sure he would accept if we asked him to join us, but I feel guilty to take him away of his peaceful life that he deserves after what he went through. I would suggest that we take Shadow instead."

"Shadow, uh?" asked Phantom in an annoyed tone. "Is there anyone else?"

Sonic shrugged. "He's the most powerful that I know that's available. Silver is back in his time."

Phantom groaned.

"You seem to have a problem against Shadow."

"You can say that. One of the two beings I'm formed of hated him with all his guts."

"What do you mean? You are... two persons who merged together?"

"Yes," answered Phantom with a smirk before she materialized a certain mask on her head. "Remind you of something, Blue Buffoon?"

The two Sonic gasped and immediately put themselves into position to attack.

"Infinite! You survived?"

Phantom dematerialized the mask. "Hey, remember what I said, Infinite is a part of me, but I have another part who was much nicer. You have nothing to fear from me. Trust me, if I was Infinite, I would never lower myself to ask for YOUR help, even if it meant becoming a power source for Eggman."

"Uh. True. Well, let's go search Shadow and the emeralds. Meanwhile, you can tell me what happened. Looks like quite the story. But it's nice to have you in my side."

A few minutes later, a portal opened beside the altar of Angel Island, back in the other Sonic's world. Out of it came Phantom, the two Sonic, a black hedgehog with red strips on his quills, and seven emeralds exactly like the ones that Eggman took.

"Woo! The Altar of the Emeralds! It's been a long time!" said the taller Sonic as he looked at where they were.

"Sonic!" shouted someone, gaining the attention of the group toward an approaching two tailed bipedal fox. The fox hugged the smaller Sonic and spoke rapidly. "I couldn't find you! I thought that Eggman had gotten you!"

The younger Sonic patted the fox's back reassuringly.

"You are back," said Twilight as the ponies approached behind the fox. "Those are the allies you talked about?"

"Yeah," answered Phantom before she presented the three hedgehogs. "Sonic, Sonic, and Shadow."

Young Sonic waved at them, Shadow gave a nod, and the older Sonic said "Sup?"

"The first Sonic is from this world, and the second Sonic and Shadow are from the same world that Infinite came from," explained Phantom.

"You can go to other worlds?!" asked Twilight in shock.

“Of course. Reality bending power, I can open portals,” answered Phantom. “Anyway. Sonic, Sonic, Shadow, those are the ponies I talked to you about. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.”

The ponies greeted the hedgehogs and talked to them.

"So you're Sonic? I heard that you were fast!" said Rainbow Dash.

"And you must be Rainbow Dash. Phantom told me about you. Apparently, you are quick too."

"Fastest flier in the world!"

"Fastest runner in many worlds!"

"Not in mine!"

"Alright! We will have to see this in a race once this is over!"

"Eh! I will totally beat you!"

"In your dreams!"

The two stared at each other, then smirked before shaking hand/hoof.

"Ya aren't big talkers, are ya?" asked Applejack to Young Sonic and Shadow.

Older Sonic put an arm around the back of his younger self. "Yeah, I was more the kind to let my actions speak for me when I was young. I got better with time. As for Shadow, he's just shy."

"I'm not," shouted back the black hedgehog.

Phantom rolled her eyes and whispered to the ponies "He's an edgelord, like Infinite."

They understood.

"So, what is Tails doing here?" she then asked, pointing at the fox.

"He came in panic with his flying vehicle... Uh... A plane, I think he called it," explained Twilight. "He arrived just a few minutes ago. He expected to find his friend there."

"I thought that Sonic would have gone for the Chaos Emeralds to stop Eggman," said the fox.

"Speaking of, what is the situation with the rotten egg?" asked Older Sonic.

"He's devastating everything in his path to force the world into submission! Nothing can stop him! Entire cities already fell!" told Tails.

"Well, that sucks. But now, thanks to Phantom, we're here, and we have Chaos Emeralds." He looked at the other hedgehogs. "What are we waiting for? Let's take our Super States and stop Eggman!" He turned to face Phantom. "You're in, I suppose?"

Phantom nodded. "I am, as well as those six." She pointed to the ponies. "Eggman ravaged their world, they also want a piece of him."

"Darn right!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"And we will all have a big victory party once we're done!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"A victory party? If there are chili dogs, I'm in," said the older Sonic.


"There's one problem," then said Shadow. "I don't think the emeralds possess enough Chaos Energy for all of us. That times against Metal Sonic was already stretching their power."

"Easy," said Phantom. "I will turn myself into a Super State first, which will enormously boost my Phantom Energy. I will then use my boosted Phantom Energy to give all of you a Super State."

Shadow frowned at her. "If you try anything..."

"You could do nothing," replied Phantom. "You will have to trust me."

After a moment of silence, Shadow huffed. Phantom took this as his sign, and she levitated the Chaos Emeralds around her.

"I will remain behind to keep an eye on Knuckles," said Tails as he stepped back. "Good luck."

"Excuse me to ask just now, but what is exactly the Super State?" asked Rarity.

"The state we used to kick the butts of Gods and god-like beings," simply answered Older Sonic. "As long as we have rings to power it, we are near invincible."

"Speaking of," said Phantom before she materialized six bags in front of the ponies. "Here are rings for you. They possess their own energy, and when you absorb them, their primary use is to protect you from harm, but in our situation, they will fuel the Super State."

"Great!" shouted Rainbow and Pinkie before the ponies opened the bags and took the rings.

Meanwhile, Phantom absorbed the positive Chaos Energy of the emeralds, and with a big flash of light, her body entirely turned golden. Quickly, she then used her Phantom Energy to give the others that same Chaos Energy and turn their bodies golden too, some of them keeping some special features like the red stripes for Shadow and the colors given by the Tree of Harmony for the ponies (in Rainbow's case, her mane and tail remained rainbow colored). The ponies, including Phantom, also kept their Cutie Marks.

"That's awesome!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Yipee! I feel like I could party with the entire world!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Yikes. The gold is terribly clashing," commented Rarity. "But I feel great!"

"Come on girls, we must go. I can already feel the energy of the rings diminishing," said Twilight.

"Yeah, we can't enjoy our Super State unless we have tons of rings. Let's go find Mr. Egghead," said the older Sonic.

It didn't take them long to find Eggman, they just had to follow the explosions. He was destroying a small city of anthropomorphic animals when they reached him. However, he saw them coming, and he turned to face them.

"Well, isn't that a surprise? I was expecting you, Sonic, but not the other you! And in Super State!"

"You have me to thank for this," said Phantom with a smirk.

"You know, I almost forgot how round you were back then, Eggman," said the older Sonic "At least, your future self improved his look."

"And I prefer you when you shut up! So you think you can stop me? You may be ten in your Super States, and you may have the Phantom Ruby in your side, but I have the Chaos Emeralds, the Master Emerald, and the magic of an entire world! I will crush you, then take the Phantom Ruby and make it mine, and I will be truly invincible! And Eggmanland will be an interdimensional empire!"

"Poor guy, you are blind. We clearly have the advantage!" shouted Older Sonic.

Eggman growled, and the slots containing the emeralds and the Staff of Sacanas glowed. The robot then flashed, and before everyone's eyes, it doubled in size, gaining a glowing body that made it look like it was made of pure energy. The wings were now like two giant veils actually made of energy.


"Who has the advantage now?!" shouted Eggman.

Phantom huffed, and her body began to glow red-purple. Then, reality around them disappeared, replaced by a dimension of nothingness, a purple void with floating cubes and net-like grids extending into infinity in all directions.

The Null Space.

"This place is giving me the creep..." commented Rainbow Dash.

"I know..." replied Older Sonic.

"So you think you can still defeat me," said Eggman. "Then... Come at me!" he shouted as he flew backward.

"Alright! Let's go everyone!" shouted the older Sonic as he readied his hand.

Everyone saw what he wanted to do, and while some hesitated, in the end, they all did it.

A fist bump.