• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
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“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb


This story is a sequel to Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally)

Cozy Glow has a bone to pick with a lot of creatures at Twilight's School of Friendship, but six in particular stand out. During a small get-together with the other members of the Legion of Doom, Cozy Glow regales Tirek and Chrysalis with her plans for revenge!

At great length. Whether they want her to or not.

An entry into The Discovery — A Young Six Writing Contest

This story is in-continuity with Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally), but reading that story is not necessary to enjoy this one.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 166 )

Chrysalis is Reformed in this as per the end of Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally), but I decided to keep mentions of that out so as to not bog down the story with unnecessary recapping. The only allusion to it is that her telekinesis is blue.

Oh, also, special thanks to Trinary for helping me with this! I originally had something else planned for the contest, but I was struggling to keep it under the 12K word limit and realized a few days ago that I'd need to re-write it pretty thoroughly to make it any good. So I floated this idea as something else that I knew I could write quickly, and Trinary encouraged it and helped me iron out some of the details.

I love seeing Cozy eternally struggling, bouncing back and forth between trying to be as adorable as possible and be as menacing as possible and usually falling short in both departments. Part of her being a--foal, I guess? I'm actually still not sure about that, I'm convinced she's like Baby Doll from Batman: The Animated Series and is actually in her 20s.

Aww, little Cozy's first revenge schemes. Isn't that pwecious? It sounded like she was on the right track with Yona and even arguably Sandbar. Her Silverstream plan had merit, though the thing about fishbowls and tanks is periodically cleaning them, yuck. I love Chrysalis' insistence that no one takes revenge against changelings but her, even if she has no idea who they are in particular. The Smolder plan needed work. Also, lava sharks with freaking lasers on their heads!

Chrysalis: Even if you could somehow invent these 'lava sharks' you realize that dragons hides are tough. Even shark teeth would likely not be enough. Especially as Smolder can swim through lava.
Tirek: I also find sharks highly over-used in revenge schemes. There was that one fellow who put sharks in parkas, now that was a fresh take on things.
Chrysalis: ...What?
Tirek: He called them 'sharkas.' I think it showed a lot of inventiveness! Which is more than I can say for Cozy...
Cozy: My plan is great! .... do you have the number for the sharkas guy?

Only at the first chapter so far and wondering if this is before or after Tiatara. If this gets answered in story, I suspect I'll find out in Ocellus or Smolder's chapter.

This was the most pleasent surprise I had in a long while. Just finished the first chapter and I already love it.

Chrysalis hummed to herself as she leaned down over the tray of cookies she’d pulled from the oven about ten minutes ago, breathing in deeply. Most changelings lacked nostrils, breathing and scenting through their mouths, though their sense of smell was extremely poor for non-emotional scents. Chrysalis was the exception, having a sense of smell that was about on-par with ponies, and the scent of oatmeal, honey, and chocolate chips with dollops of fresh vanilla frosting was delectable. Continuing her hum, Chrysalis hefted the tray with blue telekinesis, the stick containing her shadowy companion in another mote of her magic, and proceeded out into the commons room of Grogar’s lair.

The fact that Chrysalis is baking now for others besides herself shows that she's slowly but surely becoming a better person since her accidental reformation.

“Oh. There’s a song,” Chrysalis observed as Cozy started flitting through the air, dancing.

I love how musicle numbers are an actual, aknowlaged part of the universe, although I do wonder what you were basing this song off of.

Cozy snapped her yearbook shut, laughing as she did, though she did pause a moment to grab another cookie and scarf it down. Chrysalis observed her glee, then looked to Tirek. “So she sang at you as well?” She asked.

“The practice version, yes,” Tirek confirmed, picking his book back up and opening to where he’d left off. “Rhyming needed a little work. The choreography was quite good already, though, she didn’t need any help there.”

The idea of Cozy practicing her musical numbers in front of Tirek amuses me greatly.


although I do wonder what you were basing this song off of.

Actually nothing, although I did have this in mind to some extent.

Well didn't quite get my answer with those two like I'd predicted, but I did get it at the last chapter! Totally called one detail about Gallus's chapter. This was tons of fun to read!

Tried to imagine the rhythm for Cozy’s song. Couldn’t fit the syllables in as much as I liked.

Closest I could was her lines in “A better way to be bad” while imagining her voice.

What was the lyric pacing for this?

This plan, the way Cozy tells it and the names of this and the subsequent chapters make Cozy out to be delightfully childish. Very cute, despite her intentions.

What happens if she stops rolling halfway down? Are you going to go down and push her again? Look, the point is she’s going to end up in the tank, in the water that’s waiting for her! And then I’ll close down the top! I have a – hang on, where’d the – ha! I drew a picture! Here’s the tank, see? Looks like a giant fish bowl? And that’s all she’ll be from then on is my prisoner! Trapped in a glass prison in my throne room, never able to escape! The tank will be suspended in the ceiling and she’ll never be able to leave! So, what do you think?

I have to say, being locked up in such a small area for that without even being fed is pretty cruel, even for Cozy. Only a true villain could come up with something so heinous.

Well, at least Cozy is making good use out of her future prisinor in this case. The addition of Sandbar's little sister is a surprisingly amusing and sinister idea.

…what’s phase five?

Ghost Rider joins the MCU. Duh.

I think bold is Tirek and italics is Chrysalis. Tirek was likely commenting on his brother, Scorpan, betraying him to side with the ponies.

Comment posted by Trinary deleted Feb 2nd, 2020

I'm seeing a pattern of public humiliation here.

But I’m still not done. Her stomping about and bumping into things and tripping over her own mane once it grows back is going to get old if that’s all she’s doing. So first, of course, there’ll be a steady supply of lemon meringue pies. Pies are always funny, and plus it’ll give her something to eat down there. There’s also going to be seltzer water for gags and she can drink that.

These plans are actually getting better and better. Cozy's even thinking of how to feed them now.

This is obviously the best and the most realistically doable plan out of all of them.

Aww, despite everything Cozy's still willing to give them a chance at "redemption". It's like she's using the heroes own methods against them. Also, is she emphesising with Gallus? Because she is going surprisingly easy on him compared to the others.

But then he turned on me! After the cupcakes I’d made for him and all the help I’d given him and his friends, even stupid Smolder and Yona and Silverstream they were just instantly suspicious of me when I sent Twilight and her friends off to Tartaros and imprisoned Starlight Glimmer! For no reason other than I was being “too nice”. Too nice?! What does that even mean?! If they’d just stayed out of my way I wouldn’t have done anything to them, wouldn’t have even needed to, but nooo , they just had to go digging and discover what I’d done and then stop me!

Shouldn't Tartaros be Tartarus?

Something tells me she just wants to see a cute boy in a maid costume.

She looked down to the purple wooden stick that was her constant companion. “We need a vacation,” she whispered to it.

Nice! Love the continuity. So it’s a prequel to Tiatarta.

The reveal that Cozy totally does not have a crush on Gallus was really funny. Overall the fact that she’s very much still a filly, young and immature, shines through here. Still kinda bummed out that we don’t get to see what she thinks of Ocellus, but ah well.

“You are too young to be ‘crushing’ any creature like that – ”

Tirek’s latent paternal instincts towards Cozy is really interesting too. Looking forward to seeing more of the two of them in your next story!

Cozy had her hoof on the griffin’s picture on her yearbook, and stomped down on it a few times. “Yes! I absolutely want to crush Gallus! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! The way he’s an orphan like me, his sarcasm he thinks is so funny, his stupid big wings and the way the down on his chest looks fluffy and that thing that his head-crest feathers do, how they sweep forward in a way that he thinks is cool but it’s totally not… ”

“You are too young to be ‘crushing’ any creature like that – ”

That is adorable. I love papa Tirek.

Tirek shifted, crossing his arms and looking away. “Cozy Glow and I have been allies since I broke free from Tartaros. It shouldn’t surprise you that I’m concerned for her well-being. She is…dependable.”

Is Tartarus spelled Tartaros in some countries like how Cozy is spelled Cosy in britain?

She looked down to the purple wooden stick that was her constant companion. “We need a vacation,” she whispered to it.

And so it begins.

Overall, I absolutely adored this story. In many ways, it reminded me of it's prequel and I think that is a good thing. A fun, rereadable and cute fic.

Properly speaking there isn’t really a correct way to render it into the Roman alphabet, seeing as it’s a Greek name and there’s a bit of leeway with how to spell things coming in from different writing systems (viz., Czar, Tzar, Tsar; Kiev or Kyiv; Mao Tse Tung or Mao Zedong, etc.). If directly translated from Greek it would most correctly be spelled “-os”, but usually we go with the Latin version of the name.

However in the first episode where Tartaros was mentioned, Twilight consistently pronounced it “tar-tar-OS”, emphasis on the last syllable and with more of an “oh” sound, closer to how it’s said in Greek, instead of “TAR-tar-us”, emphasis on the first syllable and with an “uh” sound. So even though the show started using the more common English pronunciation later on, I’ve always stuck with spelling it “Tartaros” to suggest that everyone is saying it the way they did when it first premiered.

It’s a small thing.

Now in the Featured Box!

I've noticed you talking about languages before, like using Basque for Zaldia. You have a background or interest in languages?

I saw you were going to write something for the Student 6 contest, and I was really excited to see what you'd do. But I never imagined a Cozy story! This is brilliant and I love it.
Cozy wanting revenge on the six makes total sense, and that's something I've taken a look at in my own story. A whole story examining it is super clever, though. Can't wait to read more!

“Step one was pulled off without a hitch,
“Remove Starlight Glimmer, that purple – ”

Cozy was surely going to say "witch", right? There was no way that little filly would swear, would she? :scootangel:
we need a cozy emoticon

Interest, but no background. I'd love to know how to speak or read or write a bunch of languages, but after years of trying the only languages I know are English and Bad English.

Oh man, the thought of a hundred foot high dais to push Silverstream down is :rainbowlaugh:
I'm loving this! It's so great

I saw this and had to bring it up because I'm a grammar stickler:

And she’s waaay to touchy-feely.

This should be "too"

I read about them in this Power Ponies comic, they were fighting ninjas belonging to the Hoof clan.

I LOVE the idea that Cozy has all these nerdy interests deep down!
Another amazing chapter

Also, Cozy wants to see a teenaged stallion in a maid costume? That's a little lewd for her!

I have done nothing to deserve that!

Oh no, what did Cozy say to Chrysalis?

I’m saving the lava sharks for later

She's got lava sharks! :pinkiegasp:

Cozy turned greener, hooves at her mouth. “Eugh. Seriously, you two! Ponies are herbivores! I never should have…that’s going on my list!” Cozy turned back to her book, opening it to the last page and grabbing a pink crayon in her mouth. “Revenge…for…sushi! Oooh, I’ll make you regret ever even teaching me that word, let alone convincing me to try it!”

Ah, now we know what Cozy is, she's a Dwarf! She's already gotten her book of grudges down.

What was Cozy's intended plan for Ocellus? I'm very curious


Hahahaha, Cozy's desire for revenge is driving her crazy

Also, I just noticed that this was the first revenge that ends in death. Or is Phase 5 Cozy saves Smolder and then tosses her in again, repeating until she's bored?

“Oh, Sandbar is right here!” I’ll tell him. I’ll smile and point to Sandbar, and he’ll be off to the side, my new servant. “Yona and Silverstream are in the throne room. I fed Smolder to lava sharks, last I saw her she was disappearing under liquid rock, I’m sure she’s a goner. As for Ocellus, I don’t know, I guess that’s up to Queen Chrysalis.”

I dunno Cozy, that dragon is pretty tough. That seems like the biggest flaw in your plan; what if Smolder beats the lava sharks?

And then he’ll be my friend! The ultimate revenge for a creature who stood against me – getting them to join me! To be beside me!

Does Cozy have a crush on Gallus?

When writing this I wrote Yona's and Silverstream's first and actually both of them ended with death as well, but I decided to revise it because I wanted to keep a degree of "innocence" to her revenge schemes, i.e., they're ridiculous and really more humiliating than anything (falling down stairs in cartoon horse land isn't likely to give permanent injuries). Plus the evidence from the show is that while Cozy talks a big game, she really isn't actually willing to directly kill anyone herself; the closest she comes is a team-effort with Chrysalis and Tirek against Twilight, but conversely during the throne room fight scene she doesn't kill any guards and actually seems like she goes out of her way to avoid causing any permanent harm.

But, at the same time, she is a kid with a lot of issues, so I can see her as having at least one creature that she hates enough that she totally comes up with this plan to kill Smolder because she's soooo awful and deserves it! As for whether or not she'd actually go through with it if she actually somehow managed to get the lava sharks and volcano she wants...eh, I'll leave that up in the air.

Chrysalis was leaning forward on the table, drawn in to this last plot of Cozy Glow’s. Tirek was staring as well, although he looked a good deal more perturbed. The remaining cookies had been forgotten on the table as the two far older beings had listened to the younger one. “It sounds like you have a crush on this Gallus creature,” Tirek intoned.

Cozy had her hoof on the griffin’s picture on her yearbook, and stomped down on it a few times. “Yes! I absolutely want to crush Gallus! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! The way he’s an orphan like me, his sarcasm he thinks is so funny, his stupid big wings and the way the down on his chest looks fluffy and that thing that his head-crest feathers do, how they sweep forward in a way that he thinks is cool but it’s totally not…

“You are too young to be ‘crushing’ any creature like that – ”

“Oh calm down, Tirek,” Chrysalis interrupted, waving a hoof. She licked her lips and turned to look at the centaur, grinning. “It’s nothing to be worried about, it’s just puppy lo – er, hate. Puppy hate.”

I knew it! Cozy DOES have a crush on Gallus!
That's adorable and really creepy

Makes sense. I would say, though, that Cozy nearly killed a bunch of ponies on the field trip to Cloudsdale. Cozy is a brilliantly deadly schemer but she's also a 10 year old, so she probably does have this sort of childlike fantasy revenge idea

The previous story was good but this one, is not as good

Like I said, directly kill. She's certainly callous and uncaring enough to not be particularly bothered by the idea of creatures dying as a result of stuff she plans, but her actual plans themselves won't ever have "X then dies" in them as a step. Except Smolder, for reasons outlined above.

Eh, can't hit home runs all the time. I'm still practicing my Cozy Glow and trying to nail down her character. I do have another story planned for the contest that I hopefully will be able to finish in time, which will also feature Cozy and be a bit less, shall we say, frenetic.

Ahhh, I see. That makes sense.
Cozy's hate-crush on Gallus is creepy and adorable and I am considering headcanoning it

So first on my list is Silverstream. Miss High and Mighty herself. Tallest student in the school, built like a fashion model, and she thinks that just because she’s all beautiful and also she’s actual royalty that it means okay if she acts like a feathery clone of Pinkie Pie! And she’s waaay to touchy-feely. “You did so good on your test! Hug! You got the same lunch as me! Hug! It’s a Tuesday! HUG!”

Me think's the Cozy may protest to much... do you have a crush?


Cozy can SAY it's about the smell or Smolder's early hoarding habits, but we all know it's because Smolder was the one who called out how little sense Cozy's claims about Starlight's vanishing made and how she didn't buy into Cozy's cute act.

We all saw how much Cozy hates it whenever someone doesn't buy into her cute act.



I may end up repeating this for every chapter...

Does Cozy have a crush?

So this plan involves Yona getting naked(er)

Once again, do you have...

No, not me, obviously, I’ll be getting ponies to do this for me, I’m sure I can get the pony power –

Wait till you see what a pony with a volcano cutie mark can do.

Damn that was a quick one to come out , especially that many chapters . You know , in French , there is a saying that states "Vous n'avez pas chaumez !" which means basically that you worked you ass off to make great work in a very short time, sadly it doesn't have a real equivalent (at least that I know of) in English , and I wish it did because , damn vous avez pas chaumez ! I didn't know what to do this afternoon , well now I know exactly what ama do !

“It sounds like you have a crush on this Gallus creature,”

I knew I'd be right, sooner or later!

I , for one moment forgot to what story this one was the sequel of , and I was wondering why she was like this for one drone , then I remembered , and then I laughed , a lot.

Edit: Just read the last chapter and saw that this fic takes place before your earlier fic , oh well . But I guess it kinda still stands ?

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