• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,993 Views, 279 Comments

A Demon In Equestria - Dorath

With her summoner defeated, a demoness finds herself stuck in Equestria, unable to return to her native realm, and forced to adapt to the Land of Harmony.

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Interlude: Discussion of the Divine

Twilight Sparkle loved her study; wall-to-wall bookcases filled with tomes and keepsakes, a massive desk to conduct her research on, a fireplace for cold winter nights, and even a pair of almost sinfully comfy chairs perfect for indulging in a little pleasure reading or chatting with her friends.

Currently, Twilight was using her study to play host to a demon as the unicorn picked her brains over the differences between their native Realms. For his part, Spike had chosen to stay downstairs and watch the library, with said demon’s soulblade along for company.

‘I suppose Spike’s just a bit too young to fully appreciate how momentous this information could be,’ Twilight mused as she jotted a note on her scroll, “Your theories of Planar Cosmology are going to set the academic world on its ear,” she happily informed her guest, “I don’t know that anypony has seriously considered the existence of other, effectively self-contained, mortal Realms before, never mind the possible existence of multiple demonic and heavenly planes.”

HellCaller raised an eyebrow, “Vhere did you think demons came from?”

“Well, from Tartarus, of course, or the Elsewhere,” Twilight replied, “The people of your Realm must have done simply staggering amounts of planar travel to have discovered all of this.”

“Eh, not really,” the demoness demurred, “I think it’s more vhat few planar explorers there are go out of their vay to spread vord around, kind of an obsession vith academic recognition? Add in reports from every oracle or ‘chosen one’ or vhatever that has ever been summoned before one of gods, and that’s probably vhere most of it came from.”

Twilight's ears shot up, “Your divines don’t actually dwell on your Realm? How can that even work? How do they perform their duties?”

“They just do, I guess,” ‘Caller shrugged, “You’d have to ask one of them for details. Vait, are you saying that your gods are here, on mortal Realm, at all times?”

“Well, yes, of course they are.”

“I honestly half thought vhole ‘Princess of Sun and Moon’ thing vas metaphorical, even after meeting Luna,” 'Caller admitted, leaning forward in her chair, “Explain, please.”

Twilight smiled widely, while learning was as much her passion as fashion was Rarity’s, helping others learn was a close second, “Well, the divines are … a diverse group, really, ranging from embodiments of concepts, such as love or knowledge, to avatars of natural phenomena, like storms or the night, to cultural or racial archetypes, although many of the divines have multiple, or even overlapping, areas of interest, like all of the Princesses are exemplars of both ponykind itself and equine beauty, for example, but Celestia is also the divine of the Sun, diplomacy and rulership, and a patron divine of teachers and bakers.”

“Things are much same in my Realm,” nodded ‘Caller, "But vhat are other Princesses' dominions?"

"Well, Luna is the divine of the Moon, arts, dreams, and scientific discovery, as well as the Protector of Ponykind, while Cadance, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, is the divine of romance, love, fertility and compassion, and a divine protector of foals," Twilight explained, “Now, despite their variety, all divines share some traits in common; agelessness, and tremendous physical and magical might, especially when dealing with something that involves their area of divine interest. They are also physical beings, who must sleep, breathe, and eat, although I know from firsthand experience that Princess Celestia can go for weeks without rest. The divines can even be injured or affected by mortal magics if confronted by a sufficiently skilled pony. Actually, according to some salacious, and highly suspect, stories, they can even have foals, although such tales are contradictory on whether the resulting foals are also divines or not,” seeing the demoness’ lecherous grin, she quickly added, “I’ve never confirmed the truth of such rumors with any of the Princesses … I’ve never really felt comfortable asking them about it.”

Anyway,” Twilight said, eager to move the discussion on to less awkward matters, “Due to this physicality, divines have been imprisoned, banished, or even killed, although I understand that the last is exceedingly rare. They are also not omniscient, and, despite their vast knowledge and experience, the divines can be tricked, or simply just not know something.”

“So far this is much like vhat I already know, except for your gods subjecting themselves to needless risks by remaining on mortal Realm,” 'Caller observed.

“Perhaps our divines are simply more closely connected to the Realm than your gods are?” Twilight suggested, “Now that we have gone over the basics, it’s time to address the three great exceptions to the rules.”

“Well of course, there’s exception,” grumbled ‘Caller, “Damn gods always have to find a vay to one-up each other.”

“First, there is Faust, the Queen of the Heavens,” the academic said, ignoring her guest’s acerbic remark, “Creator of the World and Bringer of Harmony, then we have Grogar, the Corrupter, Faust’s eternal enemy and the Father of Horrors. Merely a myth to most ponies, these two divines both existed beyond reality as we understand it and only assumed a physical form when they wished to interact with the mortal Realm. They could also alter the Realm as they wished with but a thought, and what few tales I’ve found referring to Faust seem to imply that she spent most of her time trying to keep Grogar contained. Finally, there’s Discord, the Spirit of Chaos.”

“Ve’ve met,” 'Caller said, “A creature ruled by vhim and impulse, but lacking intentional malevolence of my demonic kindred and vith more self-control then few slaadi and proteans I’ve encountered. He also takes teatime very seriously,” she added.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “Slaadi? Proteans?”

“Native outsiders of Limbo, plane of pure Chaos,” ‘Caller explained, “A talk for another time, I think, you vere telling me about Discord?”

The librarian pouted at having tidbits of knowledge dangled in front of her and not being able to pursue them but complied with 'Caller's request, “Don’t take Discord lightly,” she warned, “He is vastly better now, but he used to be known as the ‘Mad God’ for a reason, and since he can warp reality as the fancy takes him, he’s on the same general power level as Faust and Grogar. He does have a permanent physical form, unlike them, however, and no pony really seems to know where he came from; Faust and Grogar are generally believed to have existed in the Elsewhere before Faust created the Realm and it’s associated planes, but Discord could have come from outside this reality for all we known about his origins … not even Celestia and Luna know for certain, and he just smirks if anypony asks him about it.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed slightly when the demon gave a derisive snort, “You don’t have any reverence for the divines, do you?”

“Caution, yes,” ‘Caller replied, “A few of gods are even vorthy of respect, but reverence? Never. Look, vhat supposedly separates gods from rest of us? Other than sheer brute power, of course,” she began to tick off on her fingers, “Creating new life and granting spells to those vho vorship them. That’s it. Everything else people claim for gods I can do, from raising dead to controlling veather to changing other people’s shapes to smiting unbelievers … and I’m really good at smiting. Even granting spells and creating life bit can be done by any of planar lords, and vhile they might enjoy being vorshipped, they sure don’t need it vay gods seem to. And if only difference between us is power and a few abilities, vhy should I vorship them?”

"You can raise the dead?!" exclaimed Twilight eagerly, "Only Grogar and Faust have ever meddled in a pony's death, not even Discord is willing to interfere with that," she took a deep breath and shook her head as she focused on the conversation at hand, “Anyway, back to what we were discussing, unlike your gods, our divines don’t demand worship in general. The Princesses usually seem embarrassed by it more than anything else, actually, but the High Astral Temple and the other churches do a lot of good for ponies, so the Princesses let them be.”

“Interesting ... but I fear it’s time for me to be getting back," 'Caller said, glancing at the clock on the mantle, "Trixie’s training von’t just take care of itself, and longer I leave Kragor vith Spike greater chance they’ll talk themselves into going off on some harebrained adventure,” she and Twilight shared the amused, long-suffering, grin known by most elder siblings, “Thank you for chat, ve’ll have to talk again.”

"I look forward to it," the librarian replied eagerly, before her smile took on a nervous cast, "... Kragor and Spike wouldn't really go off on their own, would they?"

'Caller stroked her chin, "They have been rather quiet ...."

Exchanging worried looks, the pair rushed for the stairway.