• Published 11th Jan 2020
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Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 10: The Crystal Empire Taken

Scarecrow and his thugs arrived at the Crystal Empire. The train slowly stopped at the station before it opened its doors to let the passengers exit the train. Once the villains saw them leave, they vacated the engine car through the broken windows and ran to the front gates of the empire. They gazed on the sight of the whole kingdom. This fictional world had its wonders and beauties it seemed to them. “Would you look at that?” Scarecrow said. “This kingdom has its wonderful crystalline structure. I wonder what treasures they have.”

“So this is supposed to be the Crystal Empire?” Steiss asked. “It is purely made out of crystals.”

“Huh...no wonder. King Sombra uses dark crystals as his main weaponry.” Zsasz said.

“So what are we supposed to do, doc?” Zach asked.

“Gentlemen, I believe that fear has its own unique way of terrorizing its foes. You all know how it goes.” Scarecrow chuckled. “First, we will infiltrate the palace, take out its guards, then attack the royals of the kingdom. The element of surprise is key. Don’t forget that.” His men nodded in understanding.

Afterwards, they hid behind the bushes that were not far from the empire’s gates. They also saw the guards stationed at the gates. The thugs took out their submachine guns, loaded them with ammunition, and aimed them at the guards. One by one, they shot at the guards while still out of their sight. Once they were down, they moved further towards the gates. They looked left and right to make sure nopony spotted them. Seeing that the area was clear, they preceded on the road while holding their weapons.

Suddenly, several crystal ponies were seen walking together. They immediately hid behind the houses to avoid being discovered. The ponies continued walking while having a conversation with each other without even noticing the humans behind them. As soon as they were out of sight, the criminals pressed forward toward their target. They did the same for every house they both passed by and hid behind to avoid detection from the ponies.

After successfully passing through the city, they finally reached the palace. However, they spotted more guards patrolling the perimeter. The thugs once more aimed their guns at the guards while hiding at the side of a house. “We should take those guys out too. They are blocking our only entrance to the palace.” Steiss suggested.

Scarecrow thought of a new tactic to take them down. “Actually, I have an alternative for that.” he said, smirking. He grabbed one of his smoke grenades, pulled the pin, and threw it right at the guards. Once it landed, it blew yellow smoke right in front of the guards—the fear toxin. They were coughing violently until their fears began to overwhelm them. Intoxicated by the hallucinogen, they saw King Sombra conquering the Crystal Empire and enslaving all the ponies like he did during his reign of terror years ago. Then they saw themselves surrounded by purple crystals which grew larger and larger until they formed together into a huge ravenous jaw and swallowed them whole.

The thugs saw the guards panting in terror and rolling on the ground helplessly. “You’ve had these before, boss?” Zach asked.

“Of course! It’s my secret weapon!” Scarecrow proudly replied.

“How come you never used them on those stinkin’ police and the Batman?” one thug asked.

“We shouldn’t be too indulgent on our accessories, now should we?” Scarecrow excused. “Come on, let’s go.”

They passed by the intoxicated guards and entered into the palace. After they closed the front doors, they walked through the hallway. They once again marveled at the sparkling texture of everything they passed by. The more they wondered, the more envious they felt since they were from the filthy streets of Gotham. They wished that Gotham had the beauty and splendor which the Crystal Empire possessed. Why should they live in Gotham or, even worse, be held in Blackgate Prison or Arkham Asylum if they could dwell within a beautiful kingdom such as this!

Once again, they were hindered by more guards; only this time, they were spotted by them. The sentinels confronted the human intruders and pointed their spears at them. “Halt, strange creatures! Do not move!” one of them ordered.

“Drop your weapons! Who are you?!” another one demanded.

Scarecrow and his thugs deviously smiled at each other as they thought of their same approach they had used on the engineer earlier. “We will gladly show you our real identity.” Scarecrow said.

Shining Armor and Cadence sat on their thrones peacefully together. After having to deal with civil matters from citizens all day, they were relieved to have time for themselves as a royal couple. “(Relaxed sigh) Finally, we get some leisure time.” Shining Armor said.

“I say the same, honey. But still, it’s always good to help ponies in whatever case they may be in. We are rulers after all.” Cadence said.

“I know. It just feels tiresome to spend the whole day giving wisdom and judgements on our citizens without some quality time for myself—well—with you mostly. You know what I mean?” Shining said.

“Of course, dear. You’ll always have me by your side. No matter what.” Cadence cooed before kissing her husband on the cheek. Both of them then nuzzled each other affectionately.

Suddenly, a loud commotion could be heard outside the throne room. The rulers looked toward the closed doors and wondered what was going on. Even the two bodyguards who were standing on either side of the throne below raised their spears in anticipation of a coming threat. “What’s going on out there?” Shining asked.

“I don’t know. Are the guards being attacked?” Cadence asked.

At that moment, the doors burst open with guards gasping and painting in fear. They fell on the floor before the bewildered royals and bodyguards. “Help! Help us! Save us!! Stop it Sombra! STOP!!” one of the guards shrieked.

“Sombra?! He’s back?!” Candace shouted.

“Not only that, but he’s got some helpers.” a strange sinister voice called out. Scarecrow revealed himself before Cadence and Shining Armor with his men behind him. The royals gasped in shock as they beheld strange bipedal creatures with odd objects on their grasp for the first time. The bodyguards rushed in front of them in battle stance. Unfortunately, they were shot down by the thugs before they could seize them.

“Who are you?” Cadence demanded.

“The name is Dr. Jonathan Crane, expert in psychology and hallucinogens which was flawlessly demonstrated before your highnesses.” he introduced himself. “But you can call me...the Scarecrow.” He put his Scarecrow mask back on as soon as he mentioned his alter-ego.

“Scarecrow, huh? So you work for King Sombra?” Shining demanded.

“Precisely.” Scarecrow said, oblivious to the eye rolls of Steiss and some of the other thugs.

“Where did you come from? I don’t think we’ve seen your species before.” Cadence asked, igniting her horn in battle stance.

“It doesn’t matter where we come from. What matters is our plan.” Scarecrow said. “Allow me to further demonstrate how our plan will succeed; because this is how King Sombra will rule this empire once again!”

Cadence fired her magic blast at the men. They jumped out of the way before it could hit them. They fired their shots at the royals, but Cadence shielded herself and Shining with her magic to deflect the bullets. Even though she never saw those type of weapons, she could tell that they were designed to shoot something harmful.

After the men were done firing, Cadence broke up her shield. But something was not right: Scarecrow was not seen with his men. “Where did he go?” Shining asked.

“Behind you.” Scarecrow said, spraying the toxin on them both. They were blinded at first until they saw him and his crew as walking purple crystals with red eyes and sharp teeth, laughing evilly. They fell on the floor screaming in terror until the corrupt doctor stood over them with a large smile on his face. “Hail King Sombra.” he said.