• Published 17th Mar 2020
  • 4,443 Views, 48 Comments

Never Break A Promise to Your Mom - redandready45

Cozy Glow can't stay out of trouble, much to her mom's chagrin.

  • ...

Seriously, Don't

The Villainous Trio looked with terror as Twilight Sparkle, soon-to-be ruler of Equestria, gave them another long-winded friendship speech. Such speeches usually meant their goosed was cooked, roasted, and smashed into the dirt.

"That's why they created the Elements of Harmony!" The pony princess rambled. "The Elements showed me and my friends how strong our friendship could-,"

"Yeah, yeah," Pinkie Pie said in exasperation, "we get it. LIGHT THEM UP, PONIES!!!" The non-ponies gave the pink pony a small glare. "And, um, other creatures."

"Since when is Yona 'other creature'?"Yona asked with some anger. Pinkie Pie gave the yak a sheepish smile.

"CAN WE JUST BLAST THOSE IDIOTS ALREADY!" Rainbow Dash yelled in annoyance. "I have a repair pony coming to fix my gutters and I need to be home by three."

"Sure," Twilight said tiredly. "Let's just get this over with." The pillars, the Young Six, and the Bearers began glowing and rising into the air, the magic of friendship filling them. Within moments, their energies would banish the darkness the Villainous Trio unleashed. The magic was being-


The three villains and the massive pan-Equestrian army paused in confusion at the furious roar.

"Was that the Royal Canterlot Voice?" Tempest Shadow said with confusion.

"No," Princess Luna said in a somewhat scared tone."This is...far more powerful," she finished, glancing downward. They saw some mare none of them had ever met before marching into the middle of the battlefield. To the casual observer, it looked like the typical Earth pony with a brown mane. But those nearby saw within the mare's eyes an uncompromising, unstoppable force that not even Discord, Nightmare Moon, and Celestia combined could, well, stop.

Cozy Glow in particular was shaking in fear.

"Young mare," the Earth pony mare said calmly but firmly to the young villainess.

"Mom," Cozy Glow said uneasily said with a sheepish smile. "How's it going?"

"After I gave you back your Sapphire Shores records, what did you promise me?" Sweet Roll asked her daughter sternly.

"I would not try and takeover Equestria for at least one whole year," Cozy Glow said sadly.

"And what did you do?"

"Hey, I waited six months," Cozy Glow argued. "That's...almost a year." Sweet Roll and everypony else narrowed their eyes in displeasure.

"You broke your promise to me!"

"Hey I kept the promise that I would make friends," Cozy said sheepishly, gesturing with her hooves to Tirek and Chrysalis. "See, I have two great friends."

"I've always considered us to be co-workers," Tirek said with some annoyance.

"We're more like colleagues with a semi-professional relationship," Chrysalis said with a roll of her eyes. Cozy looked at her two allies with dismay, before nervously turning her eyes back to her mother.

"Cozy Glow, there is a police station about a mile away," Sweet Roll said firmly. "You will fly there and think about what you did while I have a chat with your...friends."

"Yes ma'am," Cozy said.

"After that, we'll discuss your punishment," Sweet Roll finished ominously. The dread of her punishment present on her face, Cozy Glow flew away, her mom watching her all the way. When Cozy was no longer visible, Sweet Roll turned her attention back to the other villains with distaste

"And you two, how dare you turn my little filly evil!" Sweet Roll bellowed.

"She wanted to do this." Tirek threw back.

"She wanted to help us takeover Equestria-,"

"And you two were supposed to set a better example," Sweet Roll threw back. "Well she is not going to be taking over Equestria today. In fact none of you are going to be taking over Equestria today."

"How dare you!" Chrysalis yelled back.

"No mere mortal orders me around-," Tirek said.

"Colt, do not test me," Sweet Roll said firmly, trotting up to Tirek and getting in his face.

"Yes ma'am," Tirek whimpered in fear, shrinking back from Sweet Roll's brutal gaze. Sweet Roll turned her head to Chrysalis. The Changeling Queen also shrunk back from the mare.

"Please, stop looking at me like that," Chrysalis said, covering her eyes. "It is more painful than listening to those idiot ponies sing."

"Fine," Sweet Roll said quietly. "Just give back the magic you two stole, give back the bell and march yourselves to the station as well."

"Yes ma'am," Chrysalis said meekly. The two villains returned the magic still within them, with Tirek shrinking back to his usual gaunt self. After giving the bell to Sweet Roll, the two trotted in the direction where Cozy Glow flew. The former Queen so shaken by the angry mother's words, she forgot she could still fly.

"I can't believe it," Discord said in a quiet voice as he watched the two other villains stomp off in shame. "I actually feel sorry for them." A smug smile appeared on the Lord of Chaos' face. "It is a good thing I never had a mom." He marched up to Sweet Roll with a happy smile. "I'll have my magic back-"

"Clean this mess up," Sweet Roll said, giving Discord a broom and dustpan, "and then you get your magic back."


"You did cause this mess with your idiotic little scheme," Applejack said unhappily. Discord expectantly looked to Fluttershy, only for the yellow mare to look at him without much sympathy.

"If you make a mistake, you should fix it," Fluttershy said firmly, "it is only fair."

"But I-," Discord began, only for Sweet Roll to glare at him. With a scared sigh, Discord began sweeping the dirt, and muttering about the unfairness of life.

The three villains sat in a cell, pondering their fates, when Sweet Roll burst into the police station looking extremely annoyed.

"What am I gonna do with you three," Sweet Roll asked rhetorically in a disappointed tone.

"Let us off with a warning," Chrysalis asked. "I mean we are after all the true victims of society-,"

"SHUT UP CHRYSALIS!" Cozy Glow and Tirek yelled. Chrysalis ceased her excuse realizing that Sweet Roll was not at all impressed.

"Anyways," Sweet Roll said, looking directly at her daughter. "It appears you don't respect me at all."

"I do mom," Cozy Glow pleased.

"If you did, you wouldn't have worked with those two idiots and pulled another stunt," Sweet Roll said icily. "I've realized that nothing I say matters. So...I'm not going to punish you three." The three villains looked expectantly at Sweet Roll. "Instead, I'm gonna have somepony ELSE punish you."

"Who," Tirek asked, before his words died in his throat as he saw who entered the station.

Tempest Shadow trotted in, her eye icy blue eyes looking directly at the three villains without any ounce of pity. Serving the Storm King made the purple mare one of the most feared ponies in all of Equestria. Despite turning on the Storm King and joining the Royal Guard, Tempest was known to be as ruthless with the enemies of Harmony as she was with the enemies of the Storm King. The sight of the mare looking at them mercilessly made the other villains shiver in terror.

"If you'll excuse me," Sweet Roll said in falsely sweet voice, "I have errands to run. Tempest will be in charge until I get back." Tempest let a nasty grin form on her face. The other villains began quivering even more.

"Wait mom," Cozy said. "Please don't leave us with her." Sweet Roll silently walked out of the room, leaving them alone with the former mercenary.

"What are you gonna do with us," Chrysalis said.

"When I was a member of the Storm King's forces," Tempest began, her deep voice putting the Villainous Trio on edge," he was...not a very forgiving creature," she said. "If you were late once, he would...give you a written warning." The Trio gasped at that. "If you forget to punch in for work, he would...dock your pay." The Trio gasped again. "If you failed in any of your tasks he would...fire you without a reference." The Trio began shaking in terror. "But you three," she said, another vicious grin forming on her face, "you have earned his most...cruel punishment."

"Death?" Cozy Glow asked.

"The Moon?" Tirek asked.

"Being turned to stone?" Chrysalis asked.

"Worse," Tempest Shadow. "By the power vested in me by the Royal Guard I sentence you three to...polish the cabinets at Canterlot Castle for one hour." The three villains began crying in fear and panic.

"No, no please," Chrysalis said desperately.

"I beg you to have mercy on us," Tirek shrieked.

"Please stick me in Tartarus," Cozy Glow pleaded.

"Or perhaps you would like to make it...two hours," Tempest said ominously.


"Then cease your blubbering," Tempest said with cool indifference. The Villainous Trio stopped crying, looking fearfully at the purple unicorn. "You three will rest here until tomorrow, when the Royal Guards will arrange for you to be airlifted to Canterlot where you will do your work." She leaned into the cell, glaring. "If you even try to escape, I will catch you, and I will force you to read Spoiled Rich's self-serving autobiography." The imprisoned villains whimpered, the last bit of their drive dying away.

"Rest well," Tempest said as she walked out of the station. "You three will have a very busy day tomorrow."

"I will never even think about being evil again," Cozy said tiredly as she cleaned the top of one the cabinets in Celestia's room with a rag and wood polish.

"Me either," Tirek and Chrysalis said, as they struggled to clean the corners inside.

"Less talking, more polishing," Tempest said, standing over them. The three continued to work silently.

"Thank you Ms. Shadow ," Sweet Roll said happily. "For teaching those three that being evil is bad."

"It is the least I could do," Tempest Shadow said with a warm smile. Tempest had been saved from the darkness. It was only right that she should save others from their own darkness.

"So why don't you surgically remove that...thing," Sweet Roll said, looking at the broken horn on Tempest's head.

"It allows me to look intimidating and show others that not having a horn won't slow me down," Tempest said proudly.

"I think it looks tacky," Sweet Roll said with distaste. "You should have it removed before you take somepony's eye out."

"That's never going to happen," Tempest said as she trotted. "I'm always super-," Tempest heard a yelp and saw Chrysalis rubbing her eye.

"Ow," Chrysalis said, rubbing her eye with a hoof," my eye."

"Ok," Tempest said with a sigh, looking at the smug mare, "I'll get it removed."

"Can I lie down," Chrysalis whined. "I think my injuries have left me too weakened to-,"

"WORK!" Tempest bellowed. Chrysalis ceased her complaints and returned to furiously polishing the cabinet.

"Nothing gets past you," Sweet Roll said with a sly smile.

"Nope," Tempest said proudly.