• Published 16th Nov 2019
  • 3,849 Views, 253 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Twilight's Awakening - Equestrian Defender

When Equestria is destroyed, Twilight Sparkle discovers her Keyblade. Now she ventures through worlds to find her friends and restore her home, all while fighting against the sinister forces hiding in the shadows. But this is only the beginning...

  • ...

7: Disney Castle: Welcome To The Keyblade Club

-A Few Minutes Earlier-

"So, has she woken up yet," Goofy asked.

Donald shook his head. "Nope. Last I checked on her she was still-"

At that moment both of them could hear a scream that wouldn't sound out of place in a horror movie. Looking in the direction of the Medical Wing Goofy said "I'm guessin' she's up."

"I'm surprised we can hear her when she's all the way on the other end of the castle," Donald muttered. "We should probably go calm her down before she screams herself unconscious."

It took at last ten minutes to get Twilight to calm down enough that she'd stop screaming and actually listen to the two of them. Strangely enough, she wasn't shocked or surprised that she was talking to an anthropomorphic duck and dog, one of whom was wearing a traditional wizard's garb and another who was wearing armor and holding a metal shield. "Honestly, not the weirdest stuff I've seen in the past few days," she muttered, flexing her new "fingers" as they called them. Once she was done, she looked at them and asked "Who are you guys?"

Goofy was the first one to answer. "Well, my name's Goofy, and this 'ere's Donald."

"Hello," Donald said.

"Well, I'm Twilight," she cut in. "Twilight Sparkle. Could you please tell me where I am?"

"This is Disney Castle," Donald replied. "Captial of the Disney Kingdom."

"And, where in Equestria would that be?"

Both Donald and Goofy looked at each other, the two of them sharing the same thought. Donald finally asked "We've never heard of Equestria."

"Or ever seen a purple horsey turn into a human girl," Goofy added.

Twilight huffed. "First off, I am not a horse. I am a pony, a unicorn to be exact."

"That explains the horn you had," Donald stated.

"And second, are you sure you've never heard of the kingdom of Equestria?" Seeing them both shake their heads, she asked "What about Princess Celestia? Have you ever heard of her?"

"Nope," Goofy replied.

Shock evident on her face at the idea of somebody not knowing about one of the most well known ponies on the planet, Twilight decided to take a long shot. "What about Equus? Please tell me you've heard of that name."

Sadly, they both shook their heads, and the realization of what was going on hit her like a ton of bricks. Her face fell in her hands (which still felt weird instead of her hooves) and she muttered "Guess that confirms it."

"Confirms what," Goofy asked.

Twilight sighed and then explained what happened to her before she crashed landed in their garden. "I was honestly hoping I had been wrong. But then you guys haven't heard about my home kingdom, one of the most important ponies of the world, and the name of the planet itself. That pretty much means that my home was destroyed by those things, and I somehow ended up here."

"They're called the Heartless."

All three of them turned to the doorway to see another anthropomorphic creature, this one being a mouse with large circular ears dressed in strange traveling clothes.

The moment they saw him, Donald and Goofy both said "Good morning, your Majesty!"

Twilight's eyes widened at hearing that. "Wait, you're a King?"

The mouse nodded happily, before walking over to her and holding out his hand. "Yep. King Mickey, at your service!"

Slowly and gingerly taking his hand, fumbling a bit with her new fingers, she shook it and replied "Twilight Sparkle. Sorry, I'd get up and bow but... I'm not really used to walking on two legs."

Mickey chuckled. "It's okay. I'm not really one for formalities." He sighed and continued "Donald and Goofy gave me the lowdown on how you ended up at my castle. And then I overheard part of what you said." He looked at her sadly. "I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to your world."

She could feel the sincerity in his voice, but also something else. A strange sense of familiarity. Almost as if- "Has this happened before?"

All three of them nodded solemnly. "Never to our world," Donald said. "But we've had a few friends whose world was destroyed by the Heartless."

"And they weren't the only ones to lose their world," Goofy added.

"Um, not to sound rude, but could you maybe start at the beginning," Twilight asked. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around my world being destroyed and me being on another world."

They all looked at each other before Donald and Goofy zeroed on on Mickey. Mickey nodded, pulling up a chair. "Well then, here goes.

'It started a long, long time ago..."

Spike looked at the letter he had just finished writing. "Okay, that should be good."

"What should be good?"

Turning to see Flash walking into the Garage, as they started to call it, Spike replied "You remember how I said that Celestia used to send messages to Twilight through me using my magic fire?"

Flash nodded as he walked over to the closet. "Yeah. Kinda wondered why she didn't just teleport it straight to her instead of using you as a mailbox."[1]

Spike wanted to answer that it was somehow necessary... but he couldn't think of anything. "I... guess you have a point. I'll have to ask Twilight that when we find her." Putting the letter in the envelope he folded it up and said "Here's hoping it works."

He breathed out a small stream of fire on the envelope, half expecting it to just burn up into ashes.

But surprisingly it was transformed into shiny green dust and flew up towards the ceiling before disappearing. "Huh. It worked."

Watching the dust disappear, Flash asked "So what do we do now? Wait for her to reply?"

Spike nodded. "Not much else we can do at this point. I just hope wherever she is she'll be near a pen and some paper." Picking up his staff he said "But in the meantime, I got my first magic lesson with Merlin and Toriel."

"Think they'll teach you fire magic," Flash joked.

Rolling his eyes he replied "I'm a dragon, Flash. Fire's in my nature. I'd be surprised if I didn't have an affinity for Fire Magic."

As he walked out the door, he mentally said I hope Twilight got my letter. And that she's okay.

Though I have to wonder, where the heck did she end up?

"...and that's pretty much it," Mickey finished.

He had just spent what amounted to a half hour explaining to Twilight the story so far. Twilight had listened aptly, only interrupting to ask the occasional question when something confused her.

The story basically went that long ago all of the individual worlds were once joined together into a single world, one that had been full of light given to them by Kingdom Hearts, which was apparently the source of all light in the universe. The only way to access it was the original Keyblade, which they called the X-Blade to prevent it from being confused with the many other Keyblades in existence. It was also from the X-Blade that other people were able to access their own Keyblades if the person had a strong enough Heart. Whether it be a Heart full of Light, a Heart full of Darkness, or a Heart that was somewhere in between.

But as it was with most sources of near infinite power, there were people who wanted to use it for themselves and others who just wanted to protect it. Thus began what became known as the Keyblade War. The war ended up shattering the Great World into the individual worlds that were around today.

It also ended up shattering the X-Blade into 20 different parts: 13 of Darkness and 7 of Light. Without it, nobody can enter Kingdom Hearts.

Which was apparently what a dark Keyblade Master named Xehanort wanted. Though for what purpose they couldn't guess.

But what they did know was that Xehanort was arguably the most manipulative bastard in history. Through his manipulations some of the last few Keyblade wielders were missing or dead (Terra, Aqua, and Ventus for the missing category, and Master Eraqus for the dead category), several worlds had been destroyed and consumed by the darkness, and he was definitely not someone you'd want to invite to your birthday party.

Oh, and there was a mass outbreak of Heartless and the improved Emblem Heartless that scattered and spread throughout the worlds like a plague. What a dick.

After that, the home world of their friends Sora, Riku and Kairi was destroyed by the Heartless. Sora awakened his Keyblade, but just like Twilight's situation he couldn't stop his world's destruction. This lead to him meeting Donald and Goofy, bouncing around world's looking for Riku, Kairi and King Mickey. Along the way they battled villains led by an evil sorceress named Maleficent and sealed "Keyholes" to prevent the Heartless from getting to the Hearts of the Worlds they traveled to. They finally ending up fighting Xehanort's Heartless, who took the name of his former mentor Ansem, who was trying to access Kingdom Hearts. When Twilight asked how that was possible without the X-Blade, Mickey explains that Ansem had found a "Back Door" through the End of Worlds (which as Donald put it was basically a trashcan where all the worlds destroyed by the Heartless ended up before Kingdom Hearts restored it.) that he only managed to open TO Kingdom Hearts for roughly a second before shifting back to the Realm of Darkness since he didn't have the "13 Hearts of Darkness" (More on that later). They managed to close it before a massive wave of Heartless could be released on the worlds, but that ended up leaving King Mickey and Riku on the other side of the door with them and Sora separated from Kairi.

Things got a little complicated after that, because Sora, Donald and Goofy ended up... missing, for about a year. The best they could put it was that they went to sleep, and then they woke up a year later in a strange place.

Considering what happened next, they all assumed that Organization XIII was to blame.

Apparently back when Sora and his friends' world (the Destiny Islands) was attacked, Kairi's Heart had somehow left her body and hid inside of Sora's Heart (which led to Twilight making a lame joke about Sora and Kairi having a "Heart-To-Heart"[2]) right before the destruction. This was important as Kairi was one of the Seven Princesses of Heart, who Ansem believed were the way to get through his "Back Door" into Kingdom Hearts (which had failed, obviously.) Anyway, Sora used a Keyblade Ansem created on himself to give Kairi her Heart back, temporarily turning him into a Heartless (a small Shadow, which made sense since Sora pretty much had an almost pure Heart and had the bare minimum of darkness in his heart.)

But both Kairi and Sora had accidentally created two Nobodies, which were a separate species created as a byproduct of a person being turned into a Heartless. Basically if they had a strong will and ended up becoming a Heartless, their body would then become a whitish-grey monster called a Nobody. Though the ones with strongest wills still retained some form of their former... form.

Anyway, Xehanort's Nobody, Xemnas, wanted to use Sora to gather up the Hearts from the Emblem Heartless to create a new Kingdom Hearts. After another world hopping adventure ("Seriously, do you guys ever get a vacation?") they all reunited on an artificial world called The World That Never Was, and with help from the ACTUAL Ansem the Wise, blew up their new Kingdom Hearts and Sora and Riku beat Xemnas in a 2 on 1 fight that sadly the rest of them wasn't able to see. Though thanks to a spell by Yen Sid (King Mickey's mentor and a powerful sorcerer) they were able to see it through their memories, and it was pretty awesome. Twilight made a note to ask to see it later.

After that, Sora and Riku managed to get to Destiny Islands through the Realm of Darkness, and enjoyed a somewhat happy ending.

For a few months.

Because as King Mickey had just revealed, by destroying someone's Heartless and their Nobody, you end up restoring the original person. Which means Xehanort was probably going to be making a comeback sometime in the future, and thus they needed to prepare.

And as King Mickey had said earlier, that was pretty much it.[3]

Afterwards, Twilight had told them what had happened to her world; everything from her dream to her world's destruction, and then waking up as a "human."

Twilight looked at the Keyblade in her hand, then at the three in front of her. Finally she asked "So, was Xehanort behind my world getting destroyed?"

Mickey shook his head. "Not likely. Aside from the fact that we're pretty sure he hasn't completely reformed yet, all of the worlds he's messed with have been on established star charts and records. When these two told me that you used to be a unicorn pony before transforming into a human, I checked through all of the records for a world that you could've possibly come from."


He nodded. "Equestria or Equus didn't show up on any records or star charts, nor were there any worlds that had talking ponies as the dominant species. There have been worlds that have talking animals, but surprisingly not ponies. Since your world's uncharted, it would've more than likely escaped Xehanort's notice."

"So it was a random attack," Donald stated.

Some part of Twilight's mind was telling her it wasn't random, especially considering that her friends had found the secret entrance to the Tree of Harmony already opened. But since she couldn't really think of a culprit nor had any solid proof, she decided to keep it to herself for now.

Not that she really had time because in that moment there was a green flash and a letter appeared seemingly out of thin air before falling into Twilight's lap, much to the surprise of the other three. "What was that," Goofy asked.

Carefully picking up the envelope, Twilight recognized the mark on the back almost instantly. "It's a letter. From Spike."

"You mean the little dragon you adopted after you hatched him," Mickey asked.

Twilight nodded, smiling. "Yeah. Guess that magic mail spell works between worlds as well as cities. Which also means..."

"He's alive," Donald finished.

She nodded again, opening the envelope and pulling out the letter...

Dear Twilight,

I'm kinda taking a long shot here since I don't know if the spell works between worlds like it does between Canterlot and Ponyville, but I figured it was worth a try.

I'm fine. Kinda. I've been changed into something close to what the locals call a Human, and I've managed to find one other survivor. It's that Lieutenant we met before those monsters came, Flash Sentry. He's okay too.

I'd put more here, but I honestly don't know if this is even going to work, and I've got a lesson to get to. So if you do happen to get this, please write back and let me know that you're okay. Please.

Your Little Dragon Brother,


P.S. Also, if you're wondering, I landed on a world called The Radiant Garden. It's a pretty nice place. Hope you ended up on a nice world too.

Once she was finished, she looked at King Mickey and asked "May I borrow a pen and some paper? Please?"

A few minutes later they brought her the materials she asked for so she could write her reply to Spike.

And they immediately found out the first problem of Twilight's new body. "How do I-" she began, struggling to hold the pen with her fingers. "How do I use my... fingers?"

Mickey, Donald and Goofy looked at each other, before Donald said "Didn't see that coming."

"Well, we've always had hands and fingers," Goofy replied, twiddling his thumbs before pointing at the ends of Donald's wings. "Or in your case Donald, something close to it."

Before Donald could respond to that, Mickey picked up the pen (that Twilight dropped) and paper and asked "How about I write for you? At least until you get used to your new body?"

She nodded, a bit sheepish. When Mickey showed he was ready she said "Dear Spike..."

"So apparently she ended up in a castle, where the king is a talking mouse that walks on his hind legs. And his two best friends are a dog and a duck, one of which is the captain of the guard and the other is a sorcerer," Spike read from the letter he just received.

It was after his lesson and he had met up with Flash for lunch when the letter came through.

And after reading it, both of them looked at each other and then back at the letter in disbelief. Finally Flash asked "Um, they didn't put something in my salad, did they?"

"Our world was destroyed by living shadows and we ended up turned into humans when we landed here; and yet the idea that there is a kingdom on another world with an anthro-mouse as their king is too much for you to believe?"

"Point taken."

Spike nodded, pulling out a pen and another piece of paper. "Well, let's get each other up to speed."

For the next hour they swapped information, covering what had happened to the both of them in the time since Equestria was destroyed. Spike sent a letter detailing him waking up in the caves in his new form, him finding his magic staff and getting chased by the bug monster, which also lead to him using his first magic spell: Explode. After that he told her about his rescue by Toriel (who was now tutoring him in Fire Magic) running into Flash Sentry and how they were working jobs to get a spaceship fixed so that they could look for anyone else who might've survived Equestria's destruction.

This was a big shock for Twilight; not just because of Spike having a near-death experience (technically two since if he hadn't fallen to his death he would've been eaten by the enormous creepy crawly) but because apparently her Little Dragon Brother could use magic. Something that he'd never done before back home. In fact, now that she thought about it there'd never been any sign that dragons could use magic. (Well to be fair up until the Changelings invaded and showed their shapeshifting magic as well as Queen Chrysalis's Mind Control spells, most Equestrians believed only unicorns could use magic.) So for Spike to be able to use magic was kind of a big deal. She'd definitely have to run some of her own tests when she made it to Radiant Garden.

Twilight in turn told Spike about her dream/memory; and how with the Elements of Harmony and the Tree of Harmony they could restore Equestria.

She asked Spike about Sunset Shimmer, but he told her the name didn't ring any bells. But then again he was still a toddler when she was a filly, so maybe he was just too young to remember.

Which led to their current conversation.

Yeah, after the last big letter they basically started sending strips of paper with short messages on them. Much easier on Spike's throat and stomach. You really think this Tree of Harmony can bring back Equestria? And also bring everyone back?

It's not an exact science. From what King Mickey, Donald and Goofy are telling me, they've never had a case like this. So we're going to talk to King Mickey's teacher, a sorcerer named Yen Sid. He's an expert on this stuff so hopefully he can shed some light on the matter.

Alright then. I guess in the meantime I'll keep going to my lessons and help Flash get the ship fixed up. Any idea when you might be coming?

Twilight tapped the pen on her chin for a moment, before replying Not sure yet. When we were talking about Yen Sid, King Mickey said that he was a former Keyblade Master and was helping to train their friends Sora and Riku.
So I was thinking, maybe I should see about getting some lessons on using Spellstar.

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea, considering that if the Elements of Harmony are connected to our world's Heart, then the Heartless may come after them. Which also means we'll probably have to fight them. Plus, this'll give you time to get used to your new body. Don't think I didn't notice you're not the one writing the letters. :p

Twilight chuckled, before writing Got me. And yeah, that does make sense. I'll clear it up with Master Yen Sid and give you more details later.

Cool. I'll keep going with my lessons then. Any tips?

Listen to your teachers, read all the material they tell you to, and be sure you have someone take notes and/or record everything for me. You're the first dragon capable of using magic and I want to know EVERYTHING!

I figured as much.

Also, please for the love of Faust don't experiment with your magic without proper supervision.

Yeah, don't want a repeat of what happened in Magic Lab 15 on July 4th-

WE NEVER SPEAK OF THAT! But yes, we don't want anything like that happening.

Got it. No experiments without someone making sure I don't do something stupid. Oh, I gotta get going for my first job. Be safe. Love you, sis.

Love you too, little bro.

Once that last note was delivered, Twilight looked at them and asked "So, when do we meet Yen Sid?"

Mickey smiled and said "Actually we can leave right now if you want."

"Then let's get going," Twilight said, enthusiastically jumping out of her bed. "We don't have a moment to- AHH!" THUD

As the other three occupants of the room looked at the face-planted Twilight, they sweat-dropped. "Um, maybe me and Donald should help you get used to walking first," Goofy suggested.

A muffled "Please." from Twilight was his only response.

The job Spike had chosen was to help Toriel at the town library. After all, he helped Twilight at the Golden Oaks Library all the time, so it shouldn't be too hard.

He was immediately regretting that train of thought when he saw not only the size of the library, but also the amount of clutter there was. Stacks of books everywhere, the few that were on the bookshelves weren't even remotely in the right places, and don't even get him started on how dusty the place was. "Jeez. Looks like nobody's been here in years."

"They haven't," Toriel replied, putting on her reading glasses while looking at the cover of a book. "When Maleficent moved in and took over the castle, everyone had fled to escape her before she turned them into Heartless." Putting the book down she added "But from what I heard the person who had run this wasn't the most organized person in the first place. Books organized alphabetically by title, didn't even know the basics of the Dewey Decimal System, and don't even get me started on his complete failure to keep this place clean." She wiped her finger on the cover of one of the bookshelves, revealing a coating of dust that was almost a quarter of an inch thick.

Spike shook his head. "Twilight would go ballistic if she saw the state of this place. And the disorganization." Looking around he asked "So, where's the cleaning stuff?"

"There should be a janitor's closet somewhere by the nonfiction section." She pointed to the shelves on the left of the building, which were arguably some of the biggest shelves Spike had ever seen. The entire wing stretched for roughly ten to fifteen feet, with shelves that reached up to the ceiling (actually the bottom of the second floor) at twenty feet, with thick ladders made of hardened oak to reach the uppermost shelves. The bookshelves in the Canterlot Archives (and pretty much EVERY Canterlot library. Sweet Celestia, those ponies loved books) were pretty tall, but they were only about half as tall as these. (Plus they didn't have ladders, since most of the patrons were unicorns or pegasi. Not a lot of Earth Ponies lived in Canterlot, and even then most of the books that were on the higher shelves were spellbooks, so there was really no reason for them to want them.)

At one point in time, this section and the rest of the probably looked grand and amazing, a definite place where people would come to find books.

Now though? Most of the lights in the ceiling were busted, casting dark shadows between the shelves. Some of the shelves themselves were broken or decaying, along with the broken windows on the one wall, which had also scattered a lot of broken glass on the floor. He could already see a lot of water damage on those shelves, especially mold.

As he was walking through the place with his staff's light guiding him, he mentally said Jeez. Forget ballistic. If Twilight saw the sorry state of this place, she'd go nuclear. I'm going to have to pull out some of these shelves and replace them, get a lot of mold-killer, and don't even get me started on the smell. It's going to take months to- Huh?

He was heading towards a door that had the word JANITOR on it, when he noticed a book peeking out from underneath the door. Pulling it out, he took a closer look at it.

It was a large journal, roughly a couple hundred pages if he guessed, bound in green leather. There were several runes and inscriptions arranged in a circle on the front, with more writing inside of it. All of it was in a language he had never seen before...

...but somehow he was able to read it. "The Book of Monsters." Opening it to the first page, he found that everything was handwritten in the same language that was on the cover, clearly written by the author.

To those who can read this journal, a word of warning,

Throughout the many worlds that make up the cosmos, there are far worse monsters than the Heartless and the Nobodies.
Many of them cannot be slain by mortal means. As such, I have written a record of the ones I have encountered, as well as listed ways to either ward them off or destroy them.

I hope this journal aides you in your own travels.

It was then signed by someone calling themselves The Gray Wizard. [4]

Looking at the cover again he asked himself "What kind of monsters could be worse than the Heartless?"

Deciding to table that thought for later, he slipped the book in his bag and opened the door to the janitor's closet. "Well, let's get started. This library ain't gonna fix itself."

A few hours later, Twilight was standing (having gotten somewhat used to standing and walking on two legs, thanks to Donald and Goofy) in front of Mickey's mentor, Yen Sid.

He was dressed in dark blue robes with matching pointed hat with two gold stars and a gold crescent moon. He had a dark grey beard with grey eyes, and a very wizened look to him. He definitely looked the part of a sorcerer to Twilight.

After introductions were made and Twilight told Yen Sid everything that had happened, she was now waiting to hear what he had to say on the matter of the Tree of Harmony.

"It's a rare case," he eventually said. "Sometimes a Heart, in an effort to protect itself from the darkness, will place pieces of itself in objects closely related to it. If the Heart is connected to a tree, for example, it may place pieces of itself in the fruit."

"So if I return the Elements, which in this case are the fruit, to the Tree it should restore Equestria," she asked.

He nodded. "As I said, cases like this are rare. But they are not impossible. Frankly when it comes to Hearts and the Light and the Darkness, nothing is truly impossible. So yes, it is very likely returning the Elements to the Tree will restore your world."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, Master Yen Sid."

His tone then turned serious. "But I must warn you, this will not be easy. The shadows will be drawn to your light like moths to a flame, and you may find yourself facing darkness far deeper than anything you've ever experienced. If you plan to go down this road, you must be willing to give everything you have."

The room was silent for a moment, before Twilight grinned and summoned her Keyblade. "When do we start?"

A small smile actually appeared on Yen Sid's face. "We just did." Looking to Mickey he said "Mickey, send a message to Sora, Riku and Kairi. I believe they have a new training partner."

Mickey nodded. "At once."

Before he left he turned to Twilight, smiled and said "Welcome to the Keyblade Club, Twilight."

Author's Note:

[1] Seriously, can anybody answer that question? Cause considering how Spike got a stomachache in Season 2 from burping up all the past friendship reports of Season 1, I doubt this is healthy for him.
[2] Get it?
[3] Now while I'm confident I managed to get most of it right (though some of it is condensed or somewhat abridged) I'm not gonna be shocked if I got something wrong. Square Enix didn't exactly make the lore of this series easy to follow, so I've been looking at multiple summary videos on Youtube. But like I said, I SHOULD have gotten the majority of it right. I hope.
[4] This reference is kind of obscure (I hope, anyway.) but you may get an idea of who when we get to some specific monsters that SPOILER: will be showing up later. Trust me.

Okay, so I kind of planned to have Sora, Riku and Kairi meet Twilight at the end of this chapter. But I realized it was long enough as it was so... yeah I'll have that happen next chapter. Promise!

Other than that though, this chapter mainly served as an exposition dump, as well as to show what Twilight, Spike, and Flash will be doing for the majority of the next few chapters. There will be a brief Time-Skip of a few months soon, but eventually our Main 3 will meet up, establish the Party, and set off on their epic quest.

And maybe I'll have a brief chapter where we see what happens when Spike uses his flames at full power. ;)

Until Next Time, Equestrian Defender, Out!

Video Game Characters
Toriel: Undertale
Yen Sid: Kingdom Hearts (really not sure if he appeared in any Disney Movies or cartoons. Will check later and fix it if necessary.)

Comments ( 41 )

You repeated a paragraph in there, the paragraph over Twilight finding out about Spike and his magic.

Oh, and Yen Sid is from Fantasia. And his name is 'Disney' spelled backwards.

Also, I say you got most of the KH lore down there. There's a lot to the series, so I wouldn't worry if you missed a step or two.

Yen Sid is a Disney character. He was in at least one of the Fantasia movie with Mickey. Look up The Sorcerer's Apprentice and you'll see. Yen Sid wasn't named until Kingdom Hearts II though. It's Disney spelled backwards.

I think having Yen Sid as Mickelson Keyblade master is a nod to Yen Sides debut in Sorcerer's Apprentice. He certainly fits the role...

Is Undertale even Disney property. I don't know, I barely know the game.

Exposition dumps are always necessary for for certain stories like these with a lot of lore, but you manage to give it in an entertaining way that isn’t boring or forced.

Twilight is going to be a Keyblade Master by the time Yen Sid is done with her. I also look forward to learning more about this Gray Wizard character and the monsters he claims are worse than the Heartless and Nobodies.

No, it is not. But the description for this story mentions that a few non-Disney properties will appear in this story. We already got a sneak peek of two of them in the very first chapter, with cameos of Ruby Rose and Steven Universe.

You wrote a bunch of the same paragraphs twice.

[1] In quite a few fanfics I've read, the ability to send messages through fire seemed to be just a natural part of dragon biology or some natural property of dragon fire. If any one of those assumptions is correct, then maybe Celestia just decided to put it to use.
[4] I think Google might have possibly spoiled this part for me, but I could be wrong.

Okay, so, now, we know what our team is going to be doing for the next few months. I can't wait until we get to the epic quest portion of this story.

You repeated a paragraph, but abridging the KH lore is a good idea. Meta-wise, Twilight is the newcomer to the series while Mickey and co are the vets. I'm guessing this is parallel to KH 3?

It was then signed by someone calling themselves The Gray Wizard. [4]

Well if this doesn't scream Gandalf. Or would that be too obvious?

:twilightsheepish: Uhhhh... Nope! No idea what you're talking about. Nuh-uh.

I forgot, does this story parallel with KH III?
If so, I wonder if you will have a moment where Twilight's group fight at the Keyblade Graveyard.
Also, yeah that point [4]? That's Gandalf alright, I mean is there anyone else titled as The Gray Wizard?

awesome chapter i cant wait to see twilight trains with sora kairi and riku:twilightsmile:

I absolutely love your story! It's amazing! I know of a website that has pretty much everything about the Kingdom Hearts series; would you like a link?

But I wonder, if and when the other Elements of Harmony (or anyone else from Equestria who survived) show up in this story, what will they do to defend themselves? Are they going to learn to fight and what will they be fighting with?
Perhaps you could give them unique weapons and abilities that reflect their personalities?🤔

I love this story!


I forgot, does this story parallel with KH III?

If by parallel you mean it happens at the same time as KH III then no. Read all of the description, this story takes place at the same time as Dream Drop Distance, which admittedly takes place only slightly before the events of KH III but is still technically before it.

Saw that, fixed it.
And thanks for pointing that out. I never saw Fantasia myself. And I'm pretty sure everyone knows Yen Sid is Disney spelled backwards.
I'm not really worried. I just don't want a die-hard Kingdom Hearts fan to go "You got this wrong!" or "You forgot this-and-this!"
I'll have to check it out in my free time.
Also, that's kinda how he was described when he debuted in Kingdom Hearts 2 and I'm fairly certain he was described as such in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
Thank you.
Nope. Undertale was created by an indie developer named Toby Fox, who was also one of the publishers, as well as the Designer and composer for most of the music. This game when it first came out on Steam took the internet by storm, to the point where people still debate on forums to this day what the "True" Ending of Undertale is supposed to be. (Yeah, there's multiple endings based on the choices the player makes throughout the game.) I happen to like it because of its unique combat system, the old-school 8-Bit style, and the story. By Celestia, the story is so good! Plus, the characters are pretty good too.
Thank you.
And not a full-on Master, she won't be taking her Mark of Mastery exam in this story. Maybe the sequel or the one after, but not this one.
Problem is we never see it happen with the other dragons in the show, or in any other MLP media like the comics (Granted, the canonicity of those has always been questionable, but still.)
I can't wait to start writing the Epic Quest portion of the story. But I must. A good story cannot be rushed.
Dream Drop Distance, though the story starts a bit BEFORE that wheel starts turning.
I have no idea what you're talking about. ;)
Yes please.
And I'm not going to spoil anything about that, yet. I've got a majority of the story planned out and I've already figured out a way to address what you've said. Trust me, our Equestrian friends will be able to push back against the shadows even if they don't have Keyblades.
Thank you.

I'm a super die-hard KH fan, but...well, I try to not be toxic, so I won't yell at ya.

And you should totally watch Fantasia. Its a true classic, one of Disney's best.

If they did, I have several pair I think would be a good mentor.
Applejack with Tifa, RD with Sonic, Fluttershy with Yuna maybe, Rarity with Weiss, and Pinkie with Sheogorath perhaps

Good chapter overall. I think you did a good job condensing the KH backstory. Poor Spike having to send all those letters. And yeah, from that description Twilight would go nuts at the condition of the library. :p

Comment posted by Torielfan2019 deleted Jun 29th, 2020

Thanks. Trying to work on the next chapter but with the whole covid-19 thing going around it's kind of crazy out there. Plus the usual job searching and trying to make money where I can so... Yeah I'm a busy guy.

I get ya. We can wait for a chapter to come out. *smiles*

Comment posted by Torielfan2019 deleted Jul 11th, 2020
Comment posted by Torielfan2019 deleted Sep 30th, 2020

Interesting story. Pretty good so far. Yen Sid's name spelled backward is-

I hope you'll get back to this real soon because I'm curious to see what happens next! I'm also really looking forward to the next update in the near future. Keep doing your best! ^_^

Don't worry, I will get back to this eventually. Just working on another story right now, and doing some minor rewrites for my plans for THIS story. But rest assured, I will finish this.

Thank you.
And sorry to hear about your Playstation. It's always sad to see your favorite console die. I miss my Nintendo DS.

Will this story have original Heartless bosses in it?


Aw it was getting good.

Oh well I am in love with it.

Keep going… I LOVE IT!!!:ajsmug::yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::twilightsmile:

Very interesting. Will there be a sequel? If so, I look forward to continuing your work.

I've finally managed to read this at last.

Excited on what will happen next with Spike there and how he uses magic now(I do hope he gets a Keyblade too or at least linked to them).
Hope to see whats up with Princess Luna too.

I hope things are going well for you btw.

very nice, I'm looking forward to more!

Comment posted by RomaTsarenko deleted January 6th

Hello! Will be new chapter? I like that story!

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