• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday


Just a brony looking for good stories. And maybe write a few stories here and there.



This story is a sequel to A Love That Can Heal Your Pain

Pinkamiena Diane Pie, also known as Pinkie Pie, has always been someone that was special to you. Why wouldn’t she be? She was sweet, bubbly, funny, and cute as can be. So why in the world would her boyfriend just up and dump her out of nowhere? Especially when it seemed like they were great for each other. You decided to comfort your friend and get to the bottom of this. And maybe, just maybe, something else might come out of spending time with the beautiful party girl.

Cover Image by https://www.deviantart.com/the-butcher-x

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 49 )

A promising start! I await developments

Thanks! Hopefully I won’t disappoint. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Jordanwolfboy deleted Apr 22nd, 2020

Hopefully I won’t disappoint! Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Im not ussually a fan of Pinkie Pie but you paint her in a new light good job keep it up.

You walked inside since you weren't really afraid of barging in unannounced since you've been to Pinkies house many times over the years and her family members where used to you coming over.

You meant 'were' instead of 'where' right?
Sorry, I just had to, you know? I seem to have a Grammar Nazi living off of me inside my mind. He can be extremely compelling at times.
Enjoying your stories, including your first one tho! Keep up the good work!

Sorry for the confusion, it’s meant to be were. It’s fixed now. Thanks for the heads up and thank you for enjoying the story! :pinkiehappy:

Who are you going to do next?

This is nice. Thanks for your effort.

How's the progress coming along for the next one? I'm way to hyped for it!

I’m already in the middle of writing the first chapter of the next story, but I’m kind of struggling with what to do with it. I’ve also been busy with other things so it may or may not come out soon. I’ll get to it as soon as I can though, thanks for reading my story by the way! :pinkiehappy:

Well that was quite an enjoyable little tale. Also quite an improvement over the previous one in terms of writing and especially grammar. There's still a couple issues here and there with with repeated word usage/sentence structure, and sticking to a tense, but overall nothing bad enough to really pull me out of the story. Excited for the next one.

Thanks! Hopefully I won’t disappoint on the next story. :pinkiehappy:

I really enjoyed this story, it was really sweet. I especially like how you break this story into multiple parts rather then a one shot, to keep it from being too big to read. And the number of pages, and the overall length of the story, was perfect; Not too short that the emotion feels rushed, but at the same time not too long that it overstays its welcome.

This was a very lovely and heartfelt story for everyone’s favorite pink party girl, and I Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the others :twilightsmile::pinkiesmile:


Me irl: “WOOHOO!”
🎉:pinkiehappy: 🎊

Thank you very much! I’m really glad you like it! :pinkiehappy:

And this is why I'm glad you didn’t make Cheese Sandwich the Ex-Boyfriend, because this would have been OOC for him. And that would have made the story seem shallow. That was good judgement on your part. :pinkiehappy:

(Btw if/when you do Twilight’s story, idk if you will mention Timber Spruce or not, but i just wanted to let you know some trivia about him that you may/may not know: most people that i see do stories about him say that he’s like 25 or so, but in truth he is actually only a year-and-a-half older then Twilight, Just thought i’d bring it up)

I do have somewhat of an idea of what to do for Twilights story. If you want to know then pm me that is.

Another thing I wanna bring up is this; no, Cheese Sandwich is not going to be the ex-boyfriend in this. Cheese is too awesome for me to do that to him.

Plus if we want we can just pretend that this Anon is Cheese Sandwich.

(Yet for some reason I can only think of someone whoa mix between Rei Kiriyama from March Comes in Like A Lion, and Lie Ren from RWBY, idk why)

It was a bright and sunny day at the city of Canterlot

*swats you* first rule, no one cares about the weather in the intro. Honestly, you’re next paragraph made a better first to set up the story

literally the one and only thing I would have done differently is show how pinkie and Anon were just good buddies before she broke up with her boyfriend

“Okay Zephyr, I’m going to say this in a way that maybe you’ll understand, so listen closely. SHE’S. NOT. INTERESTED. IN. YOU!!!!”

Didn’t he already say that, and it didn’t work?

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but I think we should see other people.” Golden Shine said solemnly. You then heard what sounded like sobbing before the door burst open and you saw Pinkie with tears in her eyes and down her cheeks as she ran down the hallway while crying. You stood there baffled by what just transpired. Golden Shine just broke up with Pinkie? Why? That didn’t make sense at all. They seemed really happy with each other.

You looked inside and saw Golden Shine standing in the middle of the room looking down with his back turned to you as if he didn’t want to see the pain that he just put Pinkie through. You then contemplated whether you should scold him for dumping Pinkie or to go after her to see if you could comfort her in any way. You decided to be a good friend and ran after her.

I feel like there was a reason he broke up with her.

"Thank you Nonny. You're such a sweet boy you know that? Why can't all boys be like you?" You blushed a bit at her comment.

Words I wish I could hear.

"Can you make me a new promise then? Can you please leave me be until I'm ready to talk to you again? Can you Pinkie Promise me that?" She asked. You went wide eyed for a moment. Pinkie wanted you to NOT uphold the promise YOU MADE to her?! Pinkie was always very adamant about making sure that her promises, whether they were made by her or towards her, would always be fulfilled. She must have been really hurt by the breakup to go against something that she herself created. You sat there for a few more seconds before sighing and looking back to her.

Wait, if he makes a new promise, does that mean it cancels out the old one?

“Maybe it doesn’t have to be just one thing you guys. Maybe we can do a bunch of things for Pinkie. Kind of like how a movie’s done. We’ll start off small and then each thing we do will increase in quality and we’ll work our way towards the climax and then make it to conclusion. How about that?” You proposed rather enthusiastically.

How would that work?

You stared back at the front of the school hoping to catch a glimpse of hot pink anywhere. You looked around for a few moments before you saw a lone figure in the distance slowly making their way to CHS. You stared at them for a bit trying to make out their features. Pink skin, blue over shirt, purple bow at the hip, sky blue boots, it was her! It was Pinkie Pie!

I don’t ever remember her wearing that.

"I'm alright. Umm, do you want me to leave you alone?" You asked while still wondering if the promise was still in effect. She shook her head slightly.

"No, no, I wanna hang out with you again. I wanna hang out with the others again too. I can't just stay in my room and cry all the time now can I?" She reassured. A smile slowly made its way on your face.

It doesn’t sound like she does.

"Look girls, I know that you are all very eager to see Pinkie again, but we can't overwhelm her in anyway. So I'm sorry to say that group hugs for now are off the table." They all looked disappointed before you continued. "If we are to help her with healing from this, we need to take it slow with her. She's very sensitive right now, so when I bring her in you can all greet and hug her, but do it one by one. Okay?" They looked at each other for a moment before nodding and putting on understanding looks.

So, do the opposite of what pinkie does?

"Sure, what is it?" You asked. She walked up to you and gave you a light peck on the cheek. You blushed from the suddenness of it as she backed away from you while she also blushed a bit.

"That's for always being so sweet." She said before she walked up to her door, looked back at you for a few seconds, and then walked inside and closed the door. You stood there for a few seconds before you started making your way back home. Unbeknownst to you, Pinkie looked through her front window at you. She puts her hand on her heart and felt that it was slightly beating faster than normal.

Does that mean she’s already over her ex?

All of the girls and even some of the other students from CHS were here as well which included Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, Sandalwood, Micro Chips, Sunsets boyfriend, even Zephyr Breeze was here much to the dismay of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Oh yea, how he’s been doing?

You stood there in the doorway just utterly stupefied by what just happened before Rainbow came up and whispered to you.


“I’m just as stumped as you are right now. This should have been it, but I guess not. Some wounds take time to heal. Just like how my boyfriend had to go through so much healing in order to be able to live again for his friends. Maybe it’s the same way with Pinkie.” She surmised. You understood her logic somewhat, but you mostly couldn’t help but disagree with her.

How long ago did that happen?

“Hey Anon. This is a nice party you got here.” Flash complimented.

“YEAH!! It’s great!” Bulk added.

“Thanks, but listen guys. I need your help with something on Monday.” You said. They looked at each other before looking back at you.

“With what?” They said in unison.

I feel like this will go bad.

"I get it Anon. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have bothered you when you were clearly upset. We're still friends so no need to worry." He said while smiling. You smiled back at him before giving each other a fist bump. "So, I'm guessing your looking for Pinkies ex-boyfriend by any chance?"

"How do you know that?" You asked.

Because you said it?

"Alright, you really wanna know? You absolutely wanna know?" He asked to which you nodded to. He took a deep breath before blurting it out loudly. "SHE'S ANNOYING ALRIGHT?!"

Well, they wanted an answer.

I can't imagine my life without you. Pinkie Pie, I love you! I've always loved you ever since the day we met!" You finally concluded as you sat there waiting for her response.

Wait, I thought it was around after they became friends that he developed a crush on her.

"You . . . love me. You . . . love me. You . . . love me." She repeated over and over again silently to herself. This continued on until something started happening; something amazing! A smile slowly started to make it's way onto her face and her body started to regain it's color. Her smile continued to grow and grow until it was impossibly wide. And then . . . in a flash . . . her hair poofed back into it's normal bouncy self as she now had a huge grin and tears of joy in her eyes! SHE WAS BACK!!

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!" She screamed and immediately pounced on you and started peppering your face with kisses while saying 'I love you' between each and every kiss. You just let it happen as this was probably the happiest moment of your life right now. You pulled her into another romantic kiss as she wrapped her whole body around you to get as close as possible to you. After what seemed like hours of passion and romance, you two had finally settled down as you still held onto each other.

Huh, that easy.

Aww, it was nice of them to forgive him. Not easy to do.


Dude you didn't dissect this one but the others you did

Congratulations, you managed to melt my heart with this little story. Thank you very much, keep up the good work!

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