• Published 23rd Sep 2019
  • 8,632 Views, 562 Comments

Battlestations: Equestrian Seas - Shadow Quill

The greatest battleship of all time was sunk by an Allied task group, left to rust beneath the waves. Or so they thought. Join the sole survivor of the Bismarck's sinking as he rebuilds his nation's flagship in order to fight for his new home.

  • ...

12 - Aftermath

“Explain this to me, because I am having a hard time understanding the stupidity of your actions. Why would you do something so monumentally reckless when you are fully aware of the consequences.” Kepler could feel his fangs baring in frustration, the sight of which caused Gloria to flinch back from him as the incensed stallion moved forward until they were face to face. “Why did you desert your post and attempt to board my ship?”

Tears streamed from the corners of Gloria’s eyes as her beak opened and closed soundlessly, her gaze filled with fear and uncertainty yet unable to break away from Kepler’s gaze. Finally, she managed to force out a whispered reply, her voice cracking from raw emotion as she spoke. “Because I love you.”

Kepler already knew this thanks to Chrysalis’ gloating, but to hear those same words come from the source was another thing entirely. He found himself pausing as he took a mental step back to reevaluate what he was doing, his mouth closing and pressing into a hard line while his mind processed possible responses. What could he say or do that wouldn’t completely destroy the young hen before him, yet also not alienate the rest of the gryphons in the process?

Apparently, his reaction wasn’t what Gloria had been expecting, because her tears began anew and her head slammed against the wall behind her with a hard clang as her eyes clenched shut. Kepler moved back in shock upon seeing her fully break down, her head hanging low as sobs wracked her frame and her lower half curled up as close to her chest as possible.

For a moment, Kepler didn’t know what to do. He had never in his life been forced to deal with this type of situation and his inexperience was causing his mind to spin out of control. He jumped from solution to solution and just as quickly discarded them as unusable, trying to figure out what was the best way to move forward. Then, in a moment of clarity, he looked at Gloria, really looked at her, and realized something he had previously been oblivious to.

She loved him, that much he had known, but had he ever really stopped to think about what that meant? For the last year, he had been so focused on survival that he had never realized what else might be a possibility in this new and strange world. There was no going back to the life he once had on Earth, and the crushing weight of that realization left him feeling alone and afraid. He’d fallen in with the gryphons out of necessity, having been comforted by the similarities between his former kin and the avian hybrids. Yet until this moment, it had never really sunk in that he would have to live the rest of his life in this new world, and the thought of doing so by himself filled him with a terror he had never known was possible.

His gaze focused on Gloria again upon coming out of his introspection, truly seeing her for what she was and the sacrifice she had chosen to make for him. This wasn’t just a mythical creature from his old world’s legends, none of the beings in this world were. She was a person with feelings and hopes and dreams that were just as real as the body he found himself within. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized the horrible mistake he had made, even out of shock and desperation, and in an instant, everything fell into place. He couldn’t continue as he had been for the last year, the isolation he had created for himself would slowly eat away at him from the inside until there was nothing left. The changeling mare had said so when Gloria had first arrived on board, but he hadn’t truly realized it until now.

His body moved before his mind could catch up with his actions, his legs carrying him forward until he wrapped his forelegs around Gloria’s torso. She flinched from the contact, her sobs hitching in her throat as her body froze in place, yet once his head came to rest in her chest feathers she seemed to realize that he wasn’t going to hurt her.

Kepler watched as her eyes slowly opened, her gaze turning to meet his until the tip of her beak was resting against the end of his muzzle. He could feel the subtle shakes and stutters in her breathing as their breaths mingled in the tiny space between them, the rest of the world falling away until it was only them, together, in that moment.

Kepler debated on what to do next, now that he had captured Gloria’s full attention, yet his mind came up blank. He had acted on instinct doing what he had, and now that his brain had caught up with his body, he wasn’t sure what was the best course of action. Apparently, Gloria didn’t have that problem, because the next thing Kepler knew, his mouth was making contact with her beak, his eyes flying wide open as hers slowly closed.

The moment was there and gone in an instant, her smooth beak caressing his lips in ways he had never imagined before gently pulling away. Kepler’s mouth hung open in shock while his wings stood straight up from his back, his brain trying to categorize and organize all the new sensations and emotions he was experiencing. Gloria, for her part, seemed to realize her actions and blushed a bright crimson while averting her gaze from his, her eyes flickering between him and the floor next to her in uncertainty.

Finally, Kepler shook his head to clear it and filed the experience away for later review. Right now he had more important things to worry about. He used one hoof to turn Gloria’s head to face him, her eyes once again uncertain and afraid even as her cheeks glowed under her dark feathers. How her body could do that was a mystery to the stallion, but for the moment, he didn’t care. She opened her beak to say something but was cut off with a squeak when Kepler placed his hoof over it to silence her.

“I’m sorry,” Kepler sighed as her eyes widened. “I’m sorry for not realizing what was right in front of me and for forcing you to make such a dangerous choice. Had I known — no I did know, I just didn’t have the clarity to really appreciate what you were feeling. I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I never stopped to imagine that anyone could care for a freak like me other than for their own ends. So I ask if you can forgive me for my blind stupidity and for forcing you to make such a huge sacrifice.”

He pulled his hoof away and placed it upon her chest, her gaze following his movements before returning to his eyes. “Why would I need to forgive you? It was my choice to do what I did, no one forced me. I want to be with you, even if it costs me everything else.”

“But why would you do that?” Kepler asked as his wings slowly folded against his sides once more. “What could you possibly see in me when I’m not even a real pony, just an alien in a body that doesn’t even belong in this world.”

“Because I love you for who you are,” she countered, “not what you are or what you used to be. I connected with the person you are on the inside,” her blush grew darker as she averted her gaze again, “although your unique body does have its own appeal.”

Kepler smiled despite himself at the mumbled last part, his cheeks warming slightly at the compliment. “Then I guess we have some catching up to do.”

Gloria’s head snapped up at his words, her expression hopeful. “You mean…do you…I-I never believed…maybe in a dream – MPH!”

Kepler cut her off again, only this time he used his lips instead of his hoof. His senses were once more flooded with the unique sensations of her body, her beak being surprisingly flexible as she began reciprocating the kiss, moving against him and humming in the back of her throat. This one lasted far longer than the first but still stopped short before it could evolve into anything more, as much as Kepler wanted it to never end. He pulled away and smiled at the hen before him, his heart pounding in his chest for a completely different reason now. Gloria still had her eyes closed, although they opened upon his retreat, her beak curling into a smile of her own.

“Cheater.” The word made Kepler chuckle as he stepped back and released her body from his embrace. “I didn’t do it for that long.”

“Are you complaining?” Kepler retorted. “Was my reply to your confession not sufficient to alleviate your fears? Maybe I should give you another to make myself clear.”

Her head shook rapidly. “No thanks, I got the message loud and clear, although I wouldn’t mind doing that again later.”

Kepler nodded. “Indeed. Although this does present us with a bit of an issue, your desertion.”

Gloria’s expression fell at his words. “Right, that. I have a feeling you were already told what happens to those who desert their post?” Kepler nodded. “Then you know I have no rights as a citizen anymore. I can’t have land, I’ll be disowned by my family if they find out what happened, and I’ll be rendered flightless the instant we return to the Empire.”

“There may not be anything I can do about the first two,” Kepler’s voice hardened as he placed a hoof against his chest, “but I will not stand by and let you be deprived of something so sacred.”

“But what can you do?” Her voice cracked in her growing panic, “You’re just one pony. What could you possibly do if the king ordered you to stand aside?”

“I would politely tell him that if his people want any further information from me about my old world, then they can take that particular idea and shove it under their tails.” His hoof rang against the metal floor with finality. “I will not allow you to be mutilated in such a way. Even if it costs me my position, I will not allow anyone to harm you because of your actions.”

Before Gloria could reply, Kepler turned his head over his shoulder. “Feldgendarmerie, give me the keys to Fraulein Windcutter’s restraints.”

The tercel narrowed his eyes. “Sir, that isn’t something I can do. The deserter deserves nothing less than to be punished for her crime in every possible way.”

Kepler’s wings flared again as his fangs flashed in the lighting. “I gave you an order, Feldgendarmerie. I didn’t ask for your opinion and I don’t care. I take full responsibility for my actions and will deal with the consequences afterward. Now, give me the keys to her restraints.”

Their eyes remained locked for several tense moments, and Kepler was beginning to think the larger male would refuse. He wasn’t sure he could get the keys by force.

The Feldgendarmerie growled before tossing the keys at Kepler’s hooves. “Fine, but I will be making sure your actions are reported to His Highness as soon as possible.”

Kepler said nothing as the tercel marched away, keeping his expression flat until his escort was out of sight. He picked up the keys and walked back to Gloria, removing the shackles from her forelegs and helping her up.

Her gaze turned to where the Feldgendarmerie had disappeared. “You know that was a very bad idea, right?”

Kepler nodded. “Yes, but it was necessary. If I didn’t make my orders clear, I have a feeling that I would have had to take the keys by force. Probably wouldn’t have been a smart idea considering that guy is four times my weight in muscle.”

That got a giggle out of Gloria, her head turning aside as she rubbed the back of her head with her claws. “So, now what do we do?”

Kepler led her out of the cell and into the corridor beyond, her hesitant steps falling slightly out of synch because of a small limp in her hind leg. Kepler ignored it but made a mental note to have a serious talk with the Feldgendarmerie once he had time. They made their way back up to the deck and then astern, the other gryphon crew casting glares Gloria’s way as they passed. Kepler thought about reprimanding them, but decided against it, knowing it would only stop the behavior in his presence. Still, it hurt to see Gloria’s head hanging low and her gaze affixed to the deck in front of her, the good mood from before now thoroughly squashed by her fellow gryphons.

They came to a halt at the railing on the edge of the deck, the water reflecting the light of the sun in its gentle swells while an easy breeze blew across the waves. They sat side by side, but not quite touching, and let the calm of the ocean soothe their frazzled nerves. Manehattan was behind them, so the battle waging in the city failed to register in their minds, even though they both knew it was there. Kepler sighed and let his wings drop to the deck at his sides, the tension finally abating from his body, if only for a moment.

“I’ve always loved the ocean.” His words were almost carried away by the wind as they left his mouth. “So powerful, yet there are moments like this where I can just forget about the world and get lost in the calm and wonder that it can provide.”

“Maybe after this is over,” Gloria’s voice was barely louder than his, “we can get another ship, just for us. We could sail wherever we wanted, see what is out there.”

He chuckled at the idea, “Perhaps. Perhaps.”

They stayed there until the light of day bled into night, the crew moving about in the background even as the sky darkened and the stars came out. The moon began its slow traverse overhead as Kepler nudged the hen beside him, saying nothing while motioning for her to follow. They worked their way back through the ship until they reached Kepler’s quarters, the door closing behind them as their bodies moved on autopilot towards the bed. Kepler debated on how they would fit but quickly found himself being pulled against Gloria’s belly as her wing shifted to cover them both in its smooth warmth. Her hind legs curled up under his rump and a foreleg held him close while her chin came to rest between his ears. It was a new sensation for the stallion to act as the little spoon, yet as he felt Gloria’s heartbeat against his back and her slow breathing ruffling his mane, he decided that he rather enjoyed it.

The night carried on as the two slept, neither realizing just how much the ship’s attack and the subsequent invasion had impacted Equestria. While the crew watched and waited for any possible retaliation from land or sea, news of the sunken border patrol was just reaching Canterlot, with another messenger hot on the tail of the first from Manehattan. Both would be too exhausted to report that night, so the terrible news would be dropped on the royals’ heads just as dawn broke.

Princess Luna rested fitfully in her chambers while attempting to get some sleep after a long night of guarding the Dream Realm. There had been a surprising lack of dreams the night prior, and it made her uneasy not knowing why so many ponies were unable to sleep. Could it have been a festival? No, the only event where ponies willingly stayed up all night was to participate in her sister’s Summer Sun Celebration, at least as far as she understood the modern calendar.

Her eyes opened as a groan escaped her lips, knowing that with her mind going at such a rapid pace, sleep for herself was beyond possibility. Her horn ignited with her soft navy magic, enveloping her sheets before pulling them aside so she could roll over and onto the floor. Her body swayed slightly but she refused to answer the siren’s call of her cloud mattress, knowing that if she didn’t do something to slow down her errant thoughts she would never get any rest.

She pondered the possibility of getting a warm glass of milk from the castle kitchen, a suggestion from her sister that she had yet to try, but was interrupted by rapid pounding on her chamber doors. Luna jumped before taking the doorknob within her magic grip, opening it and watching with some confusion as a guardsmare from her sister’s division fell onto her face as her forehooves were pulled out from under her by the removal of the door. Luna’s first instinct was to help the poor thing up, but that need was rectified as the mare leaped to her hooves. A right forehoof clanged against the guard’s helmet as she snapped into a salute, the force of which made Luna wince upon seeing the mare’s helmet rotate slightly from the impact.

Luna was about to ask what was going on for the normally stoic Solar Guard to be acting in such a way, but her attention was redirected as the mare finally found her voice and yelled in much too loud a volume for such a small space, “Princess Luna! Princess Celestia requests your immediate presence in the throne room!”

“And what is so important that my sister feels the need to disturb my sleep?” Luna felt that leaving out her problems in that department would be prudent, given the state of the mare before her.

“Two messengers arrived late last night but were unable to report to the throne because of physical exhaustion.” That got Luna’s attention, her eyes widening as the guard continued, “They reported to Princess Celestia just after dawn and, well…”

Another sigh escaped Luna’s mouth as she did her best to stay patient. “Yes? What has happened?”

The mare swallowed thickly before replying, “Manehattan has been invaded.”

Whatever notions of sleep Luna had been clinging to before were forcefully ejected from her mind at those words, her horn powering up before flashing brightly with magic. There was a brief moment of discomfort from the spell, but she didn’t care as the throne room materialized around her. Her teleport had carried her to the base of the dais steps, and she turned to face the throne the instant her stomach stopped trying to turn itself inside out. Any pain she currently felt from her rushed casting was nothing in comparison to her fear, her gaze locking with her sister’s as Celestia’s head turned towards her.

“Thank you for coming, Luna,” Celestia stated. “I understand that you normally sleep at this hour but I wouldn’t have called for you if it wasn’t important.” The alabaster mare gestured towards the duo of guardsponies that were standing next to Luna, “Please inform my sister of what has happened.”

Luna noted that one of the stallions was devoid of his standard armor while the other had only a chest piece in place of the full plate she was used to seeing. Both appeared worse for wear but otherwise unharmed as they saluted in unison.

Both turned towards her and the stallion with the chest piece spoke first, “Two days ago, the frigate E.R.N. Tiderunner sent out a distress call when it encountered an unknown fleet traveling across the Sparkling Sea. Joint Base Mareweather responded to the distress call but was unable to provide support before communication with the Tiderunner was suddenly cut off. Given what was heard through the communication crystal and what the captain said was happening, we had no choice but to assume the ship had been sunk.”

“How is that possible?” Luna asked, “Even a fully-armed airship would take at least several minutes to sink a frigate. How do you know the ship was sunk?”

“Because the last thing the communication crystal transmitted was a huge explosion,” the stallion replied. “One so powerful it damaged the crystal on our end from the feedback.”

Luna glanced at her sister before turning her attention back to the guards. “So, our foes have weapons that are more powerful than what we have faced in the past. Please, inform me on the current situation. What has happened to Manehattan?”

The second stallion spoke this time, his eyes struggling to meet hers. “I arrived from Manehattan the night following the attack.” A shiver ran down the pony’s spine that ruffled his wings while his gaze focused on something Luna couldn’t see. “It was unlike anything anypony had ever seen. It destroyed the docks and most of the base along with every ship and airship in the port. I can still hear the sound of its cannons, like rolling thunder bringing death and destruction.”

“What attacked the city?” Luna pressed. “What could be so powerful as to level an entire port and its defenses?”

The stallion’s eyes focused upon turning towards her. “It was a ship, bigger than anything I’ve ever seen before. It was at least two or three hoofball fields in length, comprised entirely of metal, and accompanied by a fleet of transports. I saw it cut down hundreds of pegasi in mere seconds when they tried to board it, fire and lightning flying from its decks as it painted the sea with their blood. It withstood a direct hit from one of our spell cannons without a scratch and it was still floating offshore when the transports began unloading into the city.”

“Who is attacking us?” Luna asked. “Who would dare declare war against our nation?”

“The gryphons.” Celestia’s voice cut through the air like a blade, the temperature in the room rising as her mane and tail flickered and danced like flames. “They are the ones who attacked us. However, from what we know of the situation, there seems to be another piece to the puzzle we aren’t seeing.”

“Why is that?” Luna turned to face her sister while doing her best to control her own temper.

“They have new weapons,” Celestia clarified, “tools that are far too advanced to have been created within the Empire with what we know of their infrastructure. The gap between their previously known military capability and what we are seeing now is too wide for them to have done it by themselves, which leaves only one possibility.”

“Somepony is helping them and is teaching our foes how to make these new, more powerful weapons,” Luna finished. “Do we have any idea who it might be?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m afraid not. None of our agents in the Empire have seen anything, other than the construction of this new ship which now rests off our shores. I knew of it for a while but never imagined that it held this kind of power. We must find out who is helping the gryphons and stop them before they can pass on any further knowledge to our enemies. If we can cut out the source of these new weapons, or even get information for our own uses on how they are made, we will be much better able to defend ourselves and repel these invaders.”

“Agreed,” Luna nodded. “I will search the Dream Realm for anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps I will be able to succeed where traditional intelligence gathering has not.”

Celestia nodded in kind. “Please keep me informed if you discover anything.” She lifted her head to address the throne room. “Guards, gather the commanders of our forces and tell them that we are to meet in the castle war room. If the gryphons want to hurt us, we will show them that we are not so easily defeated.” Her wings flared wide as her mane and tail ignited into bright red flames. “Make haste, my little ponies, for every second we delay, the harder it will be to push our enemies back.”

“I will take my leave, sister,” Luna stated in the now empty throne room, noting the shift of her sister’s mane and tail back to their normal colors. “If there is need of me, please do not hesitate to disturb my search.”

“I will, sister,” Celestia replied. “Good luck.”

Luna nodded. “I will let you know the instant I find anything.”

With that, Luna’s horn lit up with another teleportation spell, carrying her back to her chambers where she immediately climbed into her bed and closed her eyes. For a moment there was a flicker of fear as she prepared to enter the Dream Realm, the scar in the center of her chest throbbing with phantom pain as the memory of the strange stallion and his weapon crossed her mind. She had been injured in her dream-walking before, but that was the only time she had ever feared for her life. Celestia still didn’t know how she had been hurt that night, partly because Luna didn’t understand it herself, but now the image of the stallion and the weapon he had used against her in the Dream Realm came back to the forefront of her thoughts.

“Could it be?” she whispered to herself while shoving her fear into a small little box in the back of her mind.

Magic flowed through her horn and her eyes flashed solid white under her lids as her mind and spirit shifted over the veil between Realms, her projection taking in the sights of the many star-like orbs that were the dreams of her subjects. Many were filled with the black smoke and dark energy of nightmares, but, for once, Luna didn’t have the time to help them. She had a new mission, one that would require her to put her own feelings aside and focus on the enemy instead of her little ponies. Her wings flared wide, even though it was unneeded to move about the Realm, and she flew between the dreams as her eyes searched for something that she hadn’t dared to touch in over a year. She had to find that stallion again, even at the risk of her own life. She had to know for sure, and that meant she had to face her fear and do what was needed for Equestria.

Little did she know, her search would not end the way she had planned. There were eyes watching for an opportunity, even within the Dream Realm, and they smiled in unified glee at the idea of capturing such an important enemy. They shadowed the Lunar Princess as she moved through the multitudes of dreams, her mind so focused on her own goals that she never noticed the followers she had picked up.

This would prove to be her undoing, even when she did find the answers she sought.

Author's Note:

Welcome back everypony!!! Bet you didn't expect to see me back again this soon did you? Well right of the moment I've been bitten by the Inspiration Bug and it hasn't let up for a while. So, I'm going to take advantage of the writing boost while it lasts. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few more out before this high wears out, so keep an ear to the ground for more updates soon.

Once again, a HUGE thank you to my editors Helping Hoof and Grau for all of the help they provide in making this book the wonder that has become. I know fully well that I wouldn't be anywhere near this popular if it weren't for their assistance fixing my abysmal grammar.

Remember, comments are author's food, we can't write new chapters on an empty stomach now can we? Let me know what you think in the towel section below and be sure to hit that like button if you haven't already. Thank you all so much for providing the support and input that has been flooding my Notifications tab as of late, it really makes me feel welcome and appreciated for the work I do when ponies (and other creatures) let me know they like what they are reading.

With that, I will pass on a fond farewell and I look forward to seeing you in the next installment of Battlestations: Equestrian Seas,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.