• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen February 11th



It is a time when, even with the merger of magic and machines, and despite the rise of social media and new ways to connect, ponies still find it difficult to find understanding and true friendship among the nets.

Life in Canterlot means having to deal with the MegaCorps. Maybe that means working for them. Maybe it means working against them. Maybe it means running a streaming channel and getting donations for flirting with viewers while you play video games.

Sunny Glow is the only one of her friends that has a real job. She probably should have asked those friends exactly what they do for a living, because they've gotten into a lot of trouble.

A commission for Ankaru. Sunny Glow is their character, used with their permission.

I probably could have gotten away with an E rating but I always err on the side of caution. I tried to make the cover art look a little like a sun-faded VHS cover, like I remember from my own youth.

Thank you to all my patreons and readers!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Man, that's some painfully 90s cover art.

By the name of everything holy we need more Shadowrunning ponies. Specially with a setup like this!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Excellent story and amazing dynamic between those three, please do as you tease in the author's note. I for one would LOVE to read it :twilightsmile:

...like the static left on an old monitor creeping over your whole body and washing everything out in white noise.

Nice. That's the sort of Gibsonian simile that should open any good cyberpunk story.

Just promise me you won’t try and sell a freaking pillow to your viewers.

As long as it isn't her bath water...

I do like the term "Celestia's Run" for "everypony lives."

Fluttershy as a streamer... Yeah, I can see it. It's not like she'd be able to see the audience.

I do quite like the idea of Tempest as a lore nerd. Sometimes escapism means better understanding the place you've escaped to.

I got into a fight as a filly. With an autonomous forklift. And it wasn’t a fight as much as it was an accident.

An Ursa model, I'm sure.

“I don’t usually tell ponies, but... I trust you girls,” Sunny said.

But do you trust all of Fleur's viewers?

Huh. Not sure if the augment designer is Rarity, but that would certainly be a fitting occupation for her.

One time I was on my webcam and trying to show off my legs and the next thing you know, I'm offline! I had to appeal to the site admins and tell them it wasn't stripping to remove your limbs on-camera.

:rainbowlaugh: That did not go where I expected it to.

“Oh right, we were about to start a boss fight,” Sunny said. “I almost forgot, what with you two admitting to being criminals.”

On stream, no less! Of course, most of Fleur's viewers probably have their hooves in some unsavory pies.

“...does anypony else not like the idea that we’ve been talking about crime while ponies are listening?” Tempest asked.

Good to see one of them is worried about that.

I've heard worse ways to make a Shadowrun party. Awesome blend of snark and action. Thank you for it. Here's looking forward to more in this setting.

What's the betting on the restaurant they meet at surviving?

It's a mashup of every cyberpunk thing at once all the time and should be stupid
But it's amazing
I want more

Never read anything like it.
And I like what I read.

Fluttershy as a streamer... Yeah, I can see it. It's not like she'd be able to see the audience.

You read that as Fluttershy? And not Fleur?

Well, Sunny's the one who isn't identifiable when she works, so that admission can't affect her in any way visibly being a kirin off the job isn't already doing. Dunno about the other two, though if Fleur has been actively soliciting work while streaming - and if she actually has chat logs from her other work accessible to her audience - apparently it is very difficult in this verse to legally connect online personas with each other or real world acts. ...Wait, I can see that. She makes the reference material public so that by the time she's referring to them half a dozen groups have already claimed responsibility and because they paid more attention to what happened than she did at the time, their stories are actually better than hers. Combine with somebody needing to pay to employ the services of the police to start and maintain the legal process, and the police thus having the incentives they don't have in real life to ensure investigation is painstakingly thorough and explores every possibility to its fullest extent (and in inverse order of probability), and the advertising value outweighs the risk most of the time.

'MothFlutter' could be a different persona of Fleur, admittedly, but it doesn't seem likely.

Okay I really liked this. I wanna see more of these three~

I have searched for this thing. I have hunted for every single time a kirin met Tempest Shadow, or a kirin was in sci-fi, and found nothing.

You didn't apply the kirin tag!

I've been wondering where this went for years. It was one of my first stories on the site, back before I had the place mapped out. Now that I've found it, I'll probably re-read it in a few months.

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