• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 5,823 Views, 217 Comments

The Engineer - TCRG101

After being freed from a stone prison, a girl joins the legion of doom seeking revenge.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Here comes the sun

"Please, just fifteen minutes!" Engineer said.

"No!" Chrysalis said "It's bad enough i had to wake up at two in morning for Cozys stupid plan-"

"My plans not stupid!" Cozy Glow protested.

"SHUT UP!" Tirek was not having a good morning, first he had to wake up way too early for Cozy Glows plan. Then once he, Cozy, and Chrysalis had assembled he had to listen to them argue about the plan which morphed into ranting about Engineer who had failed to turn up on time. Eventually Chrysalis led them to confront Engineer about her lateness, but instead of finding her in her room they found her in her workshop, not surprising as she had spent almost all her time there since they got back from the castle.

When they got there, there was yelling which got even louder after it was revealed that while the rest of them had gotten a good nights sleep in preparation for the plan, Engineer had been up all night working. She said that she was so close to finishing that she couldn't waste time on something as mundane as sleep. And now that she had finished, she wanted to show them the finished product, which Chrysalis tried to veto as they were running late already. Which brought Tirek to the present, with the three girls angrily staring at him for interrupting their argument.

"Listen" Tirek began, he had to choose his words carefully, as outnumbered as he was. "Arguing over this is just going to make us later than we already are, let's just give her fifteen minutes to show off and then we can go?"

Engineer smirked triumphantly, while Chrysalis stared daggers at him "Ten minutes" Chrysalis spat out "Then we're leaving."

"I'll be as quick as I can then." Engineer said as she directed the group over to four mounds of varying sizes covered by sheets. "I thought long and hard about what to make for you, and I decided against traditional weaponry seeing as you wouldn't have the experience to wield them. Instead I have crafted four sets of armor that will both protect and enhance you in battle, first up, Cozy Glow."

"That's my name." Cozy said "What you got for me?"

Engineer pulled the sheet off of the smallest mound revealing Cozys armor, at first glance it seemed quite lacking just a helmet and some plates to protect the fore-hooves and belly over what looked like a black skin tight suit with runes written onto it, but under closer inspection the suit was actually made up of tiny black metal scales that would protect the entire body, except for the exposed wings. The helmet had a transparent crystalline visor that would protect the eyes while still allowing Cozy to see.

"Now for you Cozy, I went light." Engineer said "But don't be fooled, those scales will protect you from almost anything, and those plates over it are honestly just overkill. What I'm most proud of is that while your armor has the standard protective runes, I've also included some that will allow you to fly faster."

"Cool!" Cozy said "Wearing this I could probably outfly Rainbow Dash and her Wonderdolts."

"Why would they call themselves the Wonderdolts?" Tirek asked.

"They don't, it's just a-" Cozy stopped and rubbed her chin with her hoof "Actually, as my first act as Empress of Equestria, the Wonderbolts will know be know as the Wonderdolts!"

"Empress?" Chrysalis laughed "You're not going to be the sole ruler, all four of us will be in charge."

"What does a kingdom ruled by four creatures called anyway, a Quadarchy?" Cozy asked.

"A Tetrarchy." Chrysalis corrected.

Engineer loudly cleared her throat, trying to get their attention back, "There'll be time for politics later, now are there any questions or can we move on?" Cozy raised a hoof "What?"

"Why is there a hole in the helmet?" Cozy asked "I'm not a unicorn, I'm a pegasus."

Engineer rubbed the back of her head "Yeah, about that, I originally planned to affix a device to allow you to use magic, kind of like a psudo-alicorn but I decided instead to devote more of the armors runic potential to protection, weight reduction, and flying enhancements. Speaking of which, you should avoid flying in confined spaces with it until you get used to the enhancements. Don't want to have to scrape you off a wall."

"Yeah, I need that like I need a hole in the helmet, oh wait." Cozy said.

"Your sarcasm is noted Cozy." Engineer said "Now on to Chrysalis." Engineer removed the sheet revealing the second set of armor. This one was made up of a series of interlocking plates that would be both flexible and protective, It was completed by an open faced helmet, with a similar crystalline visor to Cozys armor.

"That's it?" Chrysalis said, clearly unimpressed "It looks so, plain, not like the armor of a great queen like myself."

"I wasn't going to waste time making the armor ornate." Engineer said "My focus has always been on protection and utility. Not only will this armor protect you from anything that anyone could throw at it, it will also morph to fit your body when you transform, also it does this." Engineer tapped on a fore hoof of the armor, it shimmered green temporarily before disappearing from sight. "Invisibility!" Engineer said with pride.

"I suppose it is acceptable then." Chrysalis said "Although I wish it would be more regal, A queen needs to look the part."

"Speaking of regal." Tirek said "What exactly are you going to be queen of, seeing as you've given Thorax your hive."

"I might take the Crystal Empire." Chrysalis said "Princess Cadence rules it right now, and it would be quite satisfying to take it off of her."

"As satisfying as taking her husband?" Cozy asked with a smirk.

"Don't make me ground you." Chrysalis threatened, which Cozy responded to with a mischievous chuckle.

"Alright then." Tirek said, trying to bring the conversation back "it's my turn now, isn't it Engineer."

Engineer nodded "Your armor posed a unique challenge, seeing as you grow larger as you absorb magic. But I found a solution." Engineer revealed the third set of armor, made up entirely of chainmail. "The mail will protect you quite handily, and it has been reinforced by runic magic, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to compose a rune onto chainmail. What makes your armor unique is that those links will duplicate themselves as you grow larger, it does have the drawback that it will become less effective as it duplicates but by the time it becomes a problem you'll be so powerful that the armor would be superfluous."

"Great." Tirek said, "Good to know that I won't be crushed to death by my own armor."

"It will be a pain to get through doorways." Chrysalis said "And I'm not going to remodel my new castle, just so you can fit if you decide to visit."

"Well good news Chrysalis because I won't be staying." Tirek said "Once I get my strength up I'm going back home to take my fathers kingdom for myself."

"Aww, then we won't be one of those techarchy things." Cozy said. "But if you want to be King Tirek, more power to you."

"That technically makes him Prince Tirek right now." Chrysalis said.

"Hah, Prince Tirek!" Engineer said. "Those words together just sound weird."

"Anymore that Princess Engineer." Tirek retorted.

Cozy Glow let out a gleeful shout "Oh yeah! You are technically a princess, Engy."

"That is literally the last thing I want to be called, Cozy." Engineer replied.

"All hail Princess Engy, and her royal consort Prince Pharynx!" Cozy teased.

"Please stop." Engineer begged.

"Alright then, your royal highness." Cozy said, drawing an annoyed groan from Engineer.

Before Engineer could get back to her presentation, Chrysalises horn began to glow. "Times up." Chrysalis said. "You've had you ten minutes now we have to leave."

"But I was just going to show you mine." Engineer whined. "I couldn't get to it because you three kept interrupting!"

"Too bad." Chrysalis said. "Now are you coming or not?"

Engineer looked at the last set of armor, obscured by a sheet, before sighing and saying "Fine!"

Canterlot after dark was usually busy, all big cities have their nightlife, and the capital was no exception with the added activity of being the center of government with at least one Princess awake to send out decrees or messages. But tonight was different, tonight was the night of the Summer Sun Celebration, and as such the city was chaos. Ponies poured into the city either to contribute or enjoy the festivities.

But unknown to the partying ponies, a terrible threat had just manifested inside their city. Four powerful creatures that wanted nothing more than the complete subjugation of the world under their collected hooves, and feet.

"It's just so unfair." Engy said, as they teleported into a back alley of Canterlot.

"I said ten minutes, and I gave you ten minutes what's unfair about that?" Chrysalis asked.

"Enough alright guys." Tirek said "We've just stepped into the middle of enemy territory, a little bit of focus would be warranted." Tirek peaked past a pile of barrels that hid them from sight, he caught a glimpse of several ponies, rushing about in preparation for the celebration. "Why are so many ponies up in the middle of the night?"

"It's part of out silly sun holiday." Cozy explained "We all stay up to watch the sun being raised on the longest day of the year."

"How may holidays do you ponies have?" Chrysalis said. "No matter getting into the castle won't be a problem."

"Are you sure about that?" Tirek pointed up at the castle in the distance, what appeared to be giant fans were spinning, causing strong winds away from the castle. An unfortunate bird got caught up in a gust and was flung through the air, before crashing into Tireks hand, the bird shook its head before flying off, somewhat annoyed by the strange device.

"Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?" Engineer asked.

"Ponies are weird." Chrysalis answered. "But it won't be a problem." Chrysalis was engulfed in her green magic, after it dissipated an armored pegasus pony stepped out. "Wait here while I clear us a path." Chrysalis strode off, leaving the three of them to hide in the back alley.

"Its so weird that she can turn into other creatures like that." Engineer said.

"Well duh, she's a Changeling." Cozy said.

"I know that, it's just weird that it's possible." Engineer shot back.

"Every species has their quirks." Cozy said. "I can fly, Tirek can use and absorb magic, and you seem to always be wearing clothes."

"Huh?" Engineer said.

"You seem to always be wearing something, even when it's not cold." Cozy said. "I just find it weird, don't you Tirek?"

"I don't have an opinion." Tirek said, trying to distance himself from the conversation.

"It's not weird!" Engineer snapped. "I just find wearing clothes to be more comfortable, what's weird about that?"

Before the situation could get any more awkward, Chrysalis, thankfully, returned. "They've increased security around the castle. This is going to be more challenging than we thought." Chrysalis returned to her original form.

The distinctive sound of teleportation interrupted them, they quickly hid behind the barrels, peeking out from them they saw five ponies, a dragon and a strange amalgamation of creatures. Luckily the new arrivals didn't spot them as they were preoccupied with their own discussion. Engineer remembered seeing the ponies before, they were the ones who had blasted Sombra to pieces, although she still found it difficult to remember their names.

"Could you not go popping us all over the place, please?" Rainbow something said.

"Time is of the essence." The abomination said. "Let's go, team!"

"We need to know what we're doing before we go and do it." Said Fluttershy, Engineer remembered her name.

"Pinkie, you and I are givin' Braeburn and the Appleloosan ponies some adjustments to the menu." Said the one wearing a cowboy hat, her name had something to do with apples.

"Fluttershy-" got that one right "-and I are meeting the Pegasi from Cloudsdale to give them changes to the weather." The Rainbow one said.

"Spike." That's the Dragons name, good to know. "We're going to update the Flaming Sky Firework Unicorn Troupe with Twilight's new vision." The white unicorn is, Rarity, probably.

"And I'm supposed to." The weird creature read from a card that appeared out of nowhere "Make sure Discord doesn't do anything Discordy? Well, that's annoyingly specific." That must be Discord, he looked different to how she had pictured him, although his voice sounded strangely familiar.

They all headed off in different direction to deal with their respective tasks.

"Increased security on a crowded holiday with Twilight and her friends bumbling around?" Tirek said "This is impossible."

"Oh, no." Chrysalis said, a wicked smile on her face "This is perfect. We need a distraction, and those ridiculous ponies just gave it to us. Tirek, it would be a shame if that food turned out to make everyone sick, wouldn't it?"

"So sick that they feel so drained they can't even stand? It certainly would be terrible." Tirek said "It will have to be a temporary thing, if it's permanent it would be a bit too suspicious."

"Cozy, managing the weather must be a hard job?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh yes Chrysi." Cozy said "It requires absolute precision, if the plans were off even slightly, a calm day could be so easily turned into a storm."

"Okay enough of this talking in riddles." Engineer said "What are you and I doing Chrysalis?"

"I'm going to see if I can mess up those fireworks, an injury to the right egos might do the trick." Chrysalis said "As for you, you're going to stay here."

"What? Why don't I get to do anything?" Engineer protested.

"Because you stayed up all night, I'm surprised you haven't collapsed of exhaustion already." Chrysalis said.

"Oh come on, If you all get to do stuff I should to right guys?" Engineer turned to Cozy and Tirek, but neither of them jumped to her defense.

"Sorry Engy" Cozy said "But the last thing we need is for some random pony to find you napping on a park bench."

"After I went to the effort of making you your armor, you're gonna just leave me here?" Engineer said.

"Don't think of it that way." Tirek said. "While we're off risking capture you get to stay here, and rest, out of sight."

Before Engineer could protest any further the group scattered leaving her alone in the alley way. "What a load of crap." She said to herself. "It's not like I can't stay awake if I want to."

Engineer sat herself on top of one of the barrels and did the only thing she could do, wait. As she sat their moping, a strange looking cat started walking up the alleyway, its coat was normal, brown with a bit of black running up its spine, but in its yellow eyes were bright red pupils that seemed to create light by themselves. She watched as the cat jumped onto a the barrel opposite of her, sit itself down and stared at her.

"What do you want?" Engineer asked, predictably the cat didn't reply. "You've probably never seen a creature like me right?" The cat blinked lazily, but other wise didn't react. "Well you're in luck, because I'm one of a kind." Engineer sighed "Yup, the only Engineer in the world. What am I doing here? If you must know, my companions left me here, said they were worried that I'd get caught."

Engineer lied back against the wall. "You know that big castle up there? That's where the Princesses live, and a thousand years ago they turned me to stone." The cat let out a meow, Engineer chuckled "Yeah, let me tell you something, being turned to stone, not fun. luckily, I was let out, Unluckily the guy who let me out is a prick." The cat made a weird chirping sound in response, "He didn't just find me, he got these three others as well, I thought they were pricks at first too, but they've kind'a grown on me." Engineer smiled "They've given me something to look forward to in life.

The cat let out a low purr, Engineer was starting to become suspicious, for some reason this cat seemed familiar "Do you, understand me?" She asked, she stared into the cats eyes, could there be some intelligence in this cat? The cat lifted its hind leg and begun to lick itself. Engineer rolled her eyes "Of course, Idiot, It's a cat." Engineer looked for something to distract her from the cats rather aggressive cleaning of its groin, and elected to look up at the sky instead.

As she sat their stargazing, the stars seemed to have begun to dim and blur, and the next thing she knew she fallen off of the barrel and landed painfully on her elbow. "Damn It!" She shouted, a shooting pain running up her forearm as she rubbed it. She kicked the barrel that had fallen over under her, causing the top of it to come off. As she grimaced in pain she looked over at the cat which had stopped mid-lick to stare at her. "Yeah laugh it up, you furry bastard."

"What that say?" A deep voice came echoing down the alley, followed by heavy hoofsteps. Engineer franticly hid herself in the barrel that she had knocked over, grabbing its cap and putting it back in place with her inside, hopefully concealing her from whoever was coming down the alley way.

"Who called Yak, furry bastard! PRICE RUTHERFORD WILL SMASH ANYONE WHO CALL YAK BASTARD!" From what Engineer could tell, she'd messed up.

"By the shores, what's gotten into you?" Engineer heard another, aristocratic sounding, voice join the first.

"I think we heard what's gotten into him Seaspray." A third voice joined in, this one sounding much less refined.

"Ambassador Garble, I would prefer if you would address me as General Seaspray." Seaspray said. "As the commander of Queen Novo's navy I think I deserve it."

"Sure thing, General, could you also call me wing commander of Subterranean armies." Garble said "And Gilda, the Admiral of the sky?"

"Admiral of the sky does sound cool." A female voice, presumably this Gilda said. "What should we call-"

"Enough talk!" Rutherford shouted. "Some creature insult Yak."

"Uh, theirs no one here except us five, maybe you misheard." Gilda said.

"Maybe, they're hiding in one of these barrels." Garble said. "You should smash them open to see."

"Ambassador Garble, are you trying to cause a diplomatic incident?!" Seaspray cried in alarm.

"Yeah." Garble said.

"And those are big barrels too, some creature could definitely hide in there." Gilda added.

"Whoever hiding in barrel, you come out now or I smash barrel!" Rutherford said. "You have three seconds. One, two, thr-"

"You smash my barrel, I smash your skull!" Engineer shouted from inside the barrel. It was silent for a moment, just long enough for her to regret what she had said. But the silence was broken by the Yak starting to laugh.

"That great, ponies usually don't have the guts to make threats like that, well done pony." Rutherford said "But I do expect apology for calling me bastard."

"First off I'm not a pony, and I didn't call you a bastard, It was this stupid cat that was staring at me." Engineer said.

"What cat?" Gilda asked.

"Maybe she's talking about you." Garble said.

"Whatever you overgrown lizard." Gilda shot back.

"Enough childish bickering, you two." Seaspray said "Prince Rutherford, the insult wasn't directed at you, now can we go?"

"Not yet, you say you are not pony." Rutherford said "What creature are you?"

"Oh, uh. I'm um, a talking barrel, yup, very common in Canterlot." Engineer said with a wince, that was the best she could come up with?

"Now that sounds very suspicious." Seaspray said, Engineer reacted by mouthing a few expletives.

"Hear that Garble?" Gilda asked. "Seaspray smells something fishy."

"Not this again." Seaspray muttered.

"Watch out Gilda, he seems a bit salty." Garble added.

"Oh I get it, because he's fish." Rutherford chuckled.

"I swear, if I knew that this diplomatic mission would involve being around the four most annoying creatures in Equestria, I would have sawn my wings off instead!" Seaspray shouted.

"Wait I'm confused." Engineer said. "Am I included in the four most annoying creatures?"

"No barrel creature, that title belongs to our fifth member who is being suspiciously quiet right now." Seaspray answered.

"He can't talk." Garble said "We made a bet, he lost, now he doesn't get to talk for about twenty more minutes."

"Small blessings." Seaspray muttered.

"What exactly is a diplomatic mission, doing in a random Canterlot alleyway?" Engineer asked.

"Other than chasing enraged Yaks?" Gilda said. "We're invited to Canterlot to see the Summer Sun Celebration, but that invitation didn't include accommodation, so now we're prowling around trying to find a place to stay on the busiest night of the year in Canterlot, lucky us."

"Typical." Engineer sneered.

"What do you mean, barrel creature?" Rutherford asked.

"These ponies, they always treat other creatures like crap, they think their so great, they get to control the sun and moon, they get to name the world Equestria, and when diplomats from other lands come they don't even give them rooms in their precious castle." Engineer scoffed "Do you know that the Diamond Dogs once were a great nation, ruled by powerful kings. At least they were until the Ponies decided they didn't like having any competition around and beat them into submission. If I were you I'd go up to that castle and give those pony princesses a piece of my mind."

"You know you're right, come on guys, let's go and haul those princesses over the coals." Gilda said.

"Figuratively or literally? Because I'd be up for either." Garble said.

"Obviously figuratively, I'm only coming along to mediate. By the shores, I'm sent to attend a simple event and now I'm going to involved in a diplomatic incident." Seaspray said.

"Less talking more smashing!" Rutherford yelled, Engineer hear him thunder off down the alleyway, followed by the steps of the rest of the group. Engineer was quite proud of herself, not only had she evaded detection, admittedly just barely, but she had given the ponies another headache to distract them. However that wasn't going to last, as she heard the voice of a certain dragon.

"Whats wrong, a little filly fall down a well?" Garble said to someone that Engineer couldn't see "Calm down I'm just joking, I get it, when you gotta go you gotta go, meet ya at the castle."

Engineer listened intently as she heard hoofsteps from the mystery diplomat approach her. The hoofsteps came to a stop just next to her, she waited with her fists clenched, if he was going to do what she thought he was going to do, he would regret it.

Engineer saw the top of the barrel being lifted off, this nosey idiot was about to get hit in the face! Engineer sprung up, her fist reared back and a snarl on her face as she got face to face with a pair of purple eyes "PHARYNX!? What are you doing here!?"

"I think I should be the one asking that." He said with a cute smile, "I didn't realise it was my birthday." He glanced down at the barrel that she was currently standing in.

"Oh, right." She said as she climbed out, with some help from Pharynx. "We're here to steal a book from the Canterlot library."

"We?" He asked.

"The others are off causing some trouble." Engineer said "While the ponies are distracted we'll slip in steal it and get out."

"What do you need a book for?" Pharynx asked.

"You know that prick Grogar I told you about?" Pharynx nodded "Using the book we're going to find out how this bell of his works and then we're gonna use his it against him!"

"Nice! It's good to hear that you guys won't have to worry about him." Pharynx said "Once he's gone you guys can just live your lives."

"Right." Engineer said as she rubbed the back of her head, she hadn't told him what came after Grogar. There was something else that was bothering her. "Hey Pharynx, are we still, um, a thing?"

She saw the happiness drain from his eyes "Oh." He said softly "I thought we were, but if you don-"

"No! I mean yes I-" Engineer took a breath to compose herself "I still want to be a thing, I was just worried you didn't."

"Are you kidding, who wouldn't, you're smart, beautiful, fierce, and you don't take crap from anyone." Pharynx said causing Engineer to blush "But you also have a sensitive side, and a good sense of humor."

"What do you mean a sensitive side?" Engineer asked.

"That little filly that follows you around everywhere? From what I saw you're like a big sister to her." Pharynx said.

"Cozys something alright." Engineer said with a laugh.

"So once you're done stealing magical artefacts and defeating ancient evils, maybe you'd like to go on a date sometime?" He asked.

"I'd like that." She answered. "It might be a bit awkward as your mom is the one who knows where you live, and because the only way I've left my place is by teleporting she also is the only one who knows where I live."

"I don't know how she'd react to us going out." Pharynx said with a wince.

"I already told her." She said.

"And?" He asked.

"Grandkids got brought up." She replied.

"Not what I expected." Pharynx said, somehow blushing through his dark green chitin. They stood awkwardly for a few seconds before Pharynx said "Anyways, I've gotta go, the rest of the diplomatic corps probably threatening war already, nice job there, its gonna make a great distraction."

"Thanks." Engineer replied, staring at her feet.

"Oh I almost forgot." Engineer looked up to see Pharynx hovering right in front of her, he came in close and their lips collided. She closed her eyes as she just enjoyed the moment, but after a few seconds he pulled away and flew off into the night. She rubbed her lips, feeling the ghost of his kiss on her lips, as a grin formed on her face, which refused to leave her face even when the rest of her gang had returned.

"What are you so happy about Engy?" Cozy asked.

"Let's just say I caused a major headache for a certain princesses." She replied.

"Since you're still here at least nothing too terrible happened." Chrysalis said. "Now lets steal ourselves a book."

The gang snuck off towards the castle as chaos reigned in the streets. And a certain cat watched them leave, it looked quite dignified, at least until it started the telltale convolutions of a hairball.

The security in the castle was honestly insulting, other than a few geese that Engineer needed to be talked out of stealing for lunch, and a quick search for the book which was protected by the worlds weakest lock, there was nothing stopping them from just walking in and taking it. In order to cheer them up from this disappointment, they decided to revel in the chaos they had caused outside the castle.

And so they had placed themselves on a nearby hill that overlooked the festival, it was quite some distance away so they were using a telescope that they had, well, stolen, to get a better view. But they were horrified to see everything going right.

"What do you mean the weathers cleared up?!" Cozy complained. "It should have been wrecked beyond repair."

"See for yourself Cozy, the sky's completely clear." Engineer said as she looked through the telescope.

"They may have a clear sky, but due to my influence there won't be any of their stupid fireworks." Chrysalis said.

"You mean those fireworks that they're setting up now?" Engineer asked.

"What? Let me see that." Chrysalis took over looking through the telescope, her teeth gritting as she saw those unicorns that she had whipped into a frenzy, happily setting up their little light show. "Damn those infuriating ponies. They're even eating the food!"

"I knew I should have kept their magic." Tirek said

"If you did then the ponies may have figured out what happened." Engineer said. "Face it guys, all you thought that I was the one who was gonna mess it up, but it turns out that I was the only one who did any permanent damage."

"Hey Engy, you want to see your permeant damage?" Cozy asked, offering the telescope to Engineer who looked through it excitedly. "At the pavilion, look at the front row, left side."

Engineers smile disappeared as she saw four members of the diplomatic corp sitting their quite calmly, like they had just had a wonderful meeting where everything had been resolved. "Damn it!"

"Don't take it too hard Engy, all our schemes got countered too." Cozy said.

"Yeah, best not to dwell on it. Once we beat Grogar we can come back here and get our revenge." Tirek said.

Engineer said nothing for a moment, a thought had been gnawing at the back of her head for weeks, and the events of today had brought it out full force to the point that she couldn't contain it any longer. "What if we lose?"

"Against Grogar? that pathetic goat couldn't stand up to all four of us." Chrysalis said.

"No, not Grogar, the ponies!" Engineer said "They always seem to win, no matter how close we get, they always seem to pull something out, and if we lose now who knows what could happen to us."

"Well what else are we gonna do, we've gotta beat them so that we can get our revenge!" Cozy said.

"I need to be powerful so I can return home and take my kingdom back." Tirek added.

"These ponies took everything from us, we've got nothing to lose." Chrysalis spat.

"I know, when I was brought back, the only thing I had was anger and pain. But now we have a home, we have our freedom, and we have what power we've got now, I don't want to lose that." Engineer took a deep breath "But most of all, I don't want to lose all you. When we first met we hated each others guts, but now look at us, we all had something like this before, and I don't want to lose it."

"Is that really what you want Engy?" Cozy asked.

"Yeah." Engineer nodded.

"Then I agree with Engy." Cozy declared.

"What!?" Tirek yelled. "You're gonna just give up that easily?"

"Yep." Cozy said with a smile "Come on Tirek, remember how scrawny you were? You're swole enough as it is anyway."

Tirek lifted a bicep, after a moment inspection he put it back down. "Fine, how about you Chrysalis you've been oddly quiet."

Chrysalis was looking into the distance, her eyes locked onto the stage where the princesses were going to have their little ceremony. "Theirs an old saying, the best revenge is to live well." A soft smile came onto her face "Screw the Princesses, they've ruled my mind for too long."

"Yeah screw them." Tirek lifted his hand and raised his middle finger "It's an insulting gesture from where I'm from." Engineer chose to match the gesture with her own hand.

"Take that Princesses, you cheap sacks of shit!" Cozy yelled.

"Now all we have to do is go home, figure out how that bell works, and beat the crap out of Grogar." Engineer said.

"Want some help with that?" They turned around to see an unexpected guest joining them.

"Pharynx! I thought you'd be down at the celebration?" Engineer said, before turning back to the group "I ran into him earlier. Could I maybe get a few minutes alone with him?"

Tirek and Chrysalis looked at each other before turning back and giving a nod and turning to leave. Cozy however stood still, a wide grin on her face, until she was physically dragged away by Chrysalises magic.

"Sorry about that." Engineer said.

"It's fine." Pharynx said with a chuckle "Turns out that a stay at the castle was implied in the invitation, they apologised for being unclear, we apologised for Prince Rutherford smashing a five hundred year old table, it was no big deal. Sorry that you didn't get your diplomatic incident, but maybe my absence could cause something or other."

"Well it all worked out, we got our book. Um, what else did you overhear?" Engineer asked.

"You were originally planing on conquering Equestria, but you've decided against it." Pharynx answered.

"Sorry I didn't tell you." Engineer said, it was rather embarrassing to have not told your boyfriend that world conquest was a goal of yours.

"It's alright, I used to want to conquer Equestria too." Pharynx said. "So do you want some help dealing with that Grogar guy?"

"It's alright, getting the bell to work is just overkill, he's just been so annoying that we really want to rub it in his face." Engineer said.

"Cool." Pharynx looked down at his hooves, "You know the sun is about to rise, do you wanna watch it together?"

"I'd like that." Engineer and Pharynx sat down on the hill and waited for the ceremony to start. As the fireworks begun, Engineer rested her head on Pharynxes shoulders. As the sun crested the horizon, Engineer felt her eyes grow heavy, and couldn't help but close them.

As the celebration finished as the sun climbed higher into the sky, Cozy, Chrysalis, and Tirek returned to find Engineer fast asleep on Pharynx.

"Oh, it's so cute!" Cozy said.

Pharynx gently shook Engineer awake, who after getting her bearing mumbled "Oh, it was a sunrise, not a sunset." As she yawned and sleepily got to her feet

"Sorry Pharynx but we've gotta head back, don't want to push our luck any further." Chrysalis said.

"That's fine, but would it be alright if I came by some time?" Pharynx asked, Chrysalis responded by handing him a pre-prepared map to find their place. "Alright then, see you later Engineer."

"See ya, Pharynx." Engineer waved as he flew off back to the castle. She took a deep breath, she might have been half asleep, but she felt better than she ever had before. "Chrysalis, bring us home."