• Published 13th Oct 2020
  • 1,027 Views, 25 Comments

The Hunters of Secrets - Arkantos

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Fight of the Present part five

As the Umbrum jumped out of the black portal, the Princess of the Sun immediately decided she didn't like where this was going. The Umbrum was holding a sword that reeked of dark magic with green and purple flames coming from it. His pure black armor was worse; it had smoke coming out of it. The armor was making her feel weak and worthless, and it probably was right.

Thankfully, something else caught her attention just then. She heard, "Don't you think we could come up with a better way to travel besides your way?" a black Pegasus said as he flew out of the shadow portal. Celestia got a better look at the black Pegasus as he landed behind the Umbrum. He looked familiar with his yellow mane and tail. But he looked a bit different in red leather armor with the white words Blazing Glory emblazoned across his chest. On his back, a heavy sword was buzzing with electricity as if it wanted to be used right then and there. In his hoof, two daggers were glowing green with poison. Mowgli walked over to Arkantos's right.

"Listen, Mom, for the millionth time, I told you I'm hanging out with friends, so could you please stop nagging me about getting a job. I don't want one. My life is video games." He made a small box in his magic disappear.

Celestia's jaw dropped as she stared at an Alicorn that she and her captain didn't recognize. However, she did recall what happened after Twilight completed Star Swirl the Bearded’s spell; somehow that book disappeared and a magical wave spread throughout Equestria. Anypony who happened to be friends with three kinds of ponies would cause a magical feedback which would target them and transform that pony into an Alicorn.

As Celestia regained her cool, she looked at the stallion with the knowledge that he had no title to his name. His coat color was red with puddles of white. His mane and tail were a mixture of black, dark blue, and dark green. He was also wearing armor which appeared to be silver with orange glowing runes on it. It looked like it was light and easy to move around in, but it was hard to see all of it since he was wearing a cloak over the armor. He had a staff in one hoof and a big saddle bag on his back, which contained two large books. Only Alicorn knew. what was written inside them and how many spells they contained. His eyes were yellow. As he moved to the left, he asked in a young voice, "Could you possibly find a better way for us to travel besides your shadow portal jump? Because for a second I thought that we would end up on the other side of Equestria."

The Umbrum looked annoyed as he glanced at the Alicorn beside him and replied, "I told you. It's fast and efficient. So stop complaining, Henri, and enjoy the fact that we are right here in the middle of a battlefield. Please just enjoy yourself."

The Pegasus of the group said, "I'm with our friend here, because remember that one time when you were supposed to bring us to the tropical isles of Equestria but you-," Mowgli pointed his hoof at Arkantos, "miscalculated, and we ended up in the Hippogriff mountains!"

Arkantos turned around and said, "Can we talk about this later, when we're not in the presence of royalty?"

Mowgil replied, "Sure, but we will talk about this later, right?" He then looked at the Alicorn next to him.

"Well, I'm going back to my house when we're done here, so fine." The Alicorn flipped his wings and powered up his horn, then flew into the battlefield.

"Thank you!" Arkantos called. Then he turned around and apologized to Celestia, "Sorry about that. We have done this several times, but there are still a few mistakes."

"A few mistakes? How about several mistakes?" the black Pegasus muttered.

The Umbrum replied, "Oh, c’mon! Let's not bicker about this, ok?"

Captain Trail, lost for words, said, "Um, what?"

Celestia said, "I recognize you! I saw you two at the stadium before… Um, before…"

Mowgli answered, "Before all hell broke loose."

"Well, when you put it like that, yeah," the Alicorn of the Sun said.

Arkantos spoke again, "Anyway, the reason why we are here is because we're planning to help by getting that bird brain over there," the Umbrum pointed his hoof at Blaze Trail, "to your throne room. But since we have very little time, we can't waste it here."

Using his shadow magic, Arkantos created a second shadow portal, then levitated and tossed Captain Trail into it. The Umbrum jumped in next, followed by Mowgli.

A few hours had passed since her Captain was teleported to the castle; at least, that was what the Alicorn thought. But now wasn't the time to think about it. Celestia used a beam of fire with the burning rage of the sun to kill more Wereponies, who quickly disintegrated into nothing. Celestia pondered for a moment before she yelled in her magically amplified Canterlot voice, "Citizens of Canterlot! Hear me! The City is Lost, so I Decree That You Save Yourselves! And Abandon The City. For Any Solar Guards Left, Your Primary Mission is to Protect Civilians And Kill Any Monster That Gets in Your Way!"

As the last word resounded, two Wereponys decided to attack her together, but she simply decapitated them with her golden pike. They quickly disintegrated. "You call that an attack!?” she yelled. “Ha, please! I got way more impressive attempts of killing me from that tyrant King Sombra.

Several Solar guards took off into the air to look for anypony that needed their help. However, half of them became occupied by the flying Wereponies.

Then something unexpected happened; a white bullet zipped through the air. Before they knew it, almost every Pegasus that took off into the air was now on the ground with their wings torn off. After seeing the brutal attack from an unknown white thing, Celestia decided to follow the lethal flying object, which was waiting for her at the front gate of the capital city.

The Monsters continued butchering and destroying Canterlot. Amidst the terror, on one of Canterlot's towers in the area of the common section, a shadow portal opened up and Captain Trail, Arkantos, and Mowgli came out of it. The Captain felt like he had just trailed through a blizzard with no snow gear on. It was the worst experience he had ever had, and he decided it would be the last time he would travel that way.

As Captain Trail shivered and rubbed his fur to get some warmth back, Arkantos said, "I still don't see what the big deal is. It's just a small breeze. You can easily regain your body temperature by utilizing that yellow orb in the sky you call a sun."

Blaze Trail shivered and asked, "Please, tell me we're at the castle?"

The Umbrum replied, "Hm, I didn't think Celestia would be so humble that her castle is just a single tower."

Mowgli said, "Bro I don't think we're at her castle."

"You sure? Because I think she can be very humble and maybe she distributed all of her treasury to her ponies. That's probably why so many of them live happily in her land."

Mowgli pointed his hoof at the actual castle which was several miles away. "Because I think that castle over there is hers, the one with a giant symbol of the sun."

"Oh. Whoops," Arkantos said.

Captain Trail face-hoofed and mumbled, "You gotta be kidding me."

Arkantos replied, "Oh, well, guess we're going back into the shadow realm."

Before he could summon another portal, Captain Trail tackled the Umbrum and said, "No! We're not doing that because I don't like going through a blizzard again. We're going to fly there whether you like it or not. Understand!"

As the Solar Captain got off of the Umbrum, Mowgli said, "I agree with him, because you always find the wrong place to jump out. So, no more shadow portals from now on."

Arkantos narrowed his eyes and with frustration, cleared his throat and said, "Very well, if you wish to unleash the storm, then unleash the storm we will." With that, Arkantos's form became smoky and cloudy; his dark blue coat evaporated into smoke and his green eyes and his horn became bigger. Part of the cloud, the massive cloud, started to generate green and purple lightning that zapped from one part of the cloud to the other. The massive cloud that was Arkanto's head said very loudly, "Well, what are you waiting for, an invitation?" The massive cloud drifted closer to Canterlot.

Mowgli looked at Captain Trail and grinned. "You should see the look on your face." With that, he flew upward. Blaze Trail shook his head, drew his sword and flew into the morning sky to catch up to the Umbrum and the Pegasus.

The team flew over the Barracks. If the Solar Guard had looked up, they would have seen them flying over and tried to get their attention.

Several hours went by as Summer and the other Solar guards searched the Barracks from corner to corner, looking for any breach in the building itself. Summer and two other Unicorns use their horns to scan each room. One of them walked into and scanned the living quarters. Another went down into the basement and Summer entered the main building of the Barracks to scan it. Though a Unicorn’s magic could confirm that there were no breaches, it didn't mean that breaches didn't physically exist.

Crystal Breeze flew all over the Barracks and the only breach that she saw was in the form of a series of holes in the roof. And the Earth pony, upon going up in the tower to get a higher point of view, saw that the wall was a little chipped at the top. It was still in good condition, though. All that was needed was a little bit of reinforcing. He easily made his way back down the stairs and out of the tower to the wall."All clear. No breaches detected so far."

A Unicorn galloped up the stairs that led to the basement and ran into the main building, and a white Unicorn named Winter Bolt made his way to Summer Spell, saying, "I have found a magical breach. It's a two-way portal to an area that seems to be underground, but I’m not exactly sure where."

Summer Spell asked, "How do you know that?" Quickly, she realized how he knew and immediately face-hoofed. She continued. "Did you do something careless again?"

Winter scratched the back of his head before replying. "Well, I did poke my head through, and I saw caverns and-"

He was interrupted when Summer got into his personal space, a terrifying look on her face, and said ferociously, "You do realize that this was careless behavior, and the last thing I need is careless behavior?"

Winter pushed Summer back and said, "Fine! Fair enough! But before you take drastic measures, the portal kind of feels like Luna's magic at work."

Summer backed up and sat down on one of the stone thrones, looking at Winter Bolt’s light blue mane. "You're saying that the only breach here is a two-way portal?" she said.

Winter pondered for a moment before answering, "Well, yes, but it's an easy fix. We just have to seal off the basement."

It wasn't long before Crystal Breeze entered the main building and Summer said, "You," she pointed at the light blue Pegasus. "Give the all clear to the group."

Crystal quickly acknowledged her by saluting and answering, "Yes, Ma'am," before flying out of the barracks through the large double doors.

It took them several hours to successfully seal the basement off. Most of the Ponies were in the Barracks. When they went into the main building, several of them wanted to help defend the area.

Summer Spell asked, "So, let me get this straight. You lot are volunteering for this?" All of the Ponies confirmed that they were.

Summer continued, "Ok, first off, have any of you ever fought for your life?"

Before any pony could answer that question, a pink stallion replied, "Well, it's no secret that we’ve never fought for our lives. But we can learn pretty quickly."

"Well, no offense, but these things will kill you if they are given the chance. And what's the best you can do? Form into a giant mob and try trampling the Beasts over?"

Several ponies started talking amongst themselves. Some developed little fear in their eyes, but that quickly changed when somepony said, "We may fear for the worst, but we also know courage and community. Trust me, you'd be surprised at what a small group can do with the right tools."

The ponies stepped aside to reveal the stallion who was speaking. "Even you!” he continued, “the one who wisely led us here in this chaos, you even feared for the worst and that didn’t stop you."

A few seconds went by, filled with nothing but silence. Then Sugar continued, "No! You made sure we all made it to this place."

Summer Spell glared at Sugar Mist and said, "Tread carefully. You're walking dangerously close to the edge."

Sugar turned around and pointed to a random pony and a Solar guard, saying, "We're all ponies. We all have our own lives." He turned back to Summer. "So, Summer Spell, you better think twice before dismissing us as useless."

Sugar Mist's words did get through to the Solar Unicorn then, and she said, "Fine. Crystal Breeze! Instruct these civilians in the most basic forms of combat!"