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Urban Planner, TV Tropes contributer, and writer on the side.



Jacob Klein, a science teacher from Connecticut, never expected to witness the arrival of extraterrestrial intelligence in his lifetime, let alone see it trying to eat his wife's flowers. Nor did he expect the being in question to be something out of his twin daughters' cartoons, preaching about friendship and eager to learn about human science.

After choosing to go to the government, Jacob went from being an Average Joe to an international celebrity. Within days, his picture appeared in papers around the world, he met numerous politicians, and numerous news stations have asked him for interviews.

As a teacher, Klein enjoys the company of a creature who loves science.

He doesn't enjoy his newfound fame, however. He is a somewhat cynical man who dreads becoming a pawn to the powers that be, and fears the changes both to his own world and his life.

However, when his new pony friend discovers a dark chapter in human history, Klein must become humanity's defender, arguing that humanity and ponykind aren't doomed to kill each other.

A difficult task, especially since his own family's history is marred by that dark chapter.

This fic is a slight AU. The Equestria Girls world doesn't exist.

Rated teen for slight language and discussions of World War II.

Featured on August 1, 2019

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 358 )

"Try explaining Hitler to a kid."

I can't remember which comedian I'm quoting, but it's one of them, and it's the first thing I thought of upon seeing this fic's premise. That said, the premise of the joke is somewhat flawed because adults aren't that much better equipped to comprehend the scale of what Dolfy did. That's why Holocaust deniers can still exist despite being literally outlawed in the country that has the most to gain from Holocaust denial. (I have a similar line of thinking when it comes to the moon landing; Russia would have noticed any true discrepancies, and grilled them mercilessly over it)

Interesting premise for a first contact story. I'm assuming we can hand-wave language with magical inter-dimensional shenanigans.

Trying to explain human nature and morality to an alien lifeforms is one of those big first contact questions. Looking forward to the read.

You write that in 75 anniversaly of Warsaw uprising.
Yea I'm from Poland and in this picture is Auschwic concentration camp.

"Twilight," I asked in a quiet tone. "Are you OK?" She didn't respond. "What happened?" She didn't say a word, but she gestured to an open book on nightstand. I opened it, and saw why she had been upset.

It was a picture of Hitler, his toothbrush moustache and all. My pony friend had just read about the Holocaust.

(Oh boy)
-And now comes my favorite part of history! The lecture, and time period! (Not because I'm a neo Nazi, but because in six years we made two atomic bombs, brought down one of the most evil men in recorded history (well more like four but we still did it), and managed to cooperate with non democratic powers. Along with the ingeniously impractical inventions constructed.) (Also how can someone open an already open book?)

Oh boy, can't wait to read the rest of this, I quite like the concept. Wonder how this'll all go down?

Hitler is small potatoes, try explaining somebody like Stalin or Mao who operated on a scale of death so vast that it completely defeats any attempt to humanise the victims and leaves them as a bunch of (very) big numbers in a textbook that nobody can possibly begin to actually comprehend. Bonus points for Stalin also being depicted as a great guy standing up to nasty old Adolf with the rest of the gang at the time.

Best way to explain would be to argue that everyone has the capacity for good and evil. Just as Hitler was evil, many of the people in Europe during that time were amazing, helping the Jewish and others who were being hunted by the Nazis. It's a dark subject, to be sure, but so long as sentient life exists, it will commit atrocities. It just so happens that humanity is the only thing we can compare ponies to in the universe of this story, and ponies are (debatably, looking at you miss "Eternal night so that half the world freezes while the other half burns.) less genocidal than us.


"Try explaining Hitler to a kid."

I can't remember which comedian I'm quoting, but it's one of them, and it's the first thing I thought of upon seeing this fic's premise. That said, the premise of the joke is somewhat flawed because adults aren't that much better equipped to comprehend the scale of what Dolfy did. That's why Holocaust deniers can still exist despite being literally outlawed in the country that has the most to gain from Holocaust denial. (I have a similar line of thinking when it comes to the moon landing; Russia would have noticed any true discrepancies, and grilled them mercilessly over it)

It was George Carlin who said that.

Yeah, Jake is going to be walking on eggshells having to explain this horror to a Princess of Friendship, with his own family history added to the mix.

Yeah, most conspiracy theories can be explained away by pointing how so many lesser conspiracies have been easily foiled. The USSR's horrible crimes against humanity couldn't be suppressed, not even during the Stalin years when censorship was at its height.


Interesting premise for a first contact story. I'm assuming we can hand-wave language with magical inter-dimensional shenanigans.

The mechanics of interdimensional travel wasn't really the focus of my story.

Trying to explain human nature and morality to an alien lifeforms is one of those big first contact questions. Looking forward to the read.

To me, the most fascinating idea of first contact is how one species might perceive the moral character and behavior of another. Twilight is struggling to comprehend how being technologically advanced does not equal moral progress or high ground.


You write that in 75 anniversaly of Warsaw uprising.

I didn't realize I published it on that day. Perhaps it was an unconscious desire, or perhaps it was a coincidence? As a history major, I feel Poland's contribution to World War II is largely ignored.


Hitler is small potatoes, try explaining somebody like Stalin or Mao who operated on a scale of death so vast that it completely defeats any attempt to humanise the victims and leaves them as a bunch of (very) big numbers in a textbook that nobody can possibly begin to actually comprehend. Bonus points for Stalin also being depicted as a great guy standing up to nasty old Adolf with the rest of the gang at the time.

In some ways, Mao and Stalin were more vile then Hitler. Stalin especially was not only awful, but incredibly self-destructive toward his own cause. In many respects, he can be blamed for Hitler getting as far as he did.

But Hitler's evil comes from both his willingness to not merely oppress, but outright eradicate whole populations of people in a highly industrialized way.

Pogroms, as terrible as they are, are a community wide version of crimes of passion.

The Holocaust, by contrast, was an institutionalized form of pre-meditated murder.


-And now comes my favorite part of history! The lecture, and time period! (Not because I'm a neo Nazi, but because in six years we made two atomic bombs, brought down one of the most evil men in recorded history (well more like four but we still did it), and managed to cooperate with non democratic powers. Along with the ingeniously impractical inventions constructed.) (Also how can someone open an already open book?


Will make the correction.


Best way to explain would be to argue that everyone has the capacity for good and evil. Just as Hitler was evil, many of the people in Europe during that time were amazing, helping the Jewish and others who were being hunted by the Nazis. It's a dark subject, to be sure, but so long as sentient life exists, it will commit atrocities. It just so happens that humanity is the only thing we can compare ponies to in the universe of this story, and ponies are (debatably, looking at you miss "Eternal night so that half the world freezes while the other half burns.) less genocidal than us.

Twilight understands that both good and evil exist. Equestria maybe an OK place, but there ARE numerous threats to ponykind that Twilight must battle. And there have been awful tyrants, like the Storm King and King Sombra.

But, as you'll find out in the next chapter, Twilight's concerns go well beyond merely learning of these evils.

6 million is more than big enough for that already. Stuff like Anne Frank get all the attention specifically because of the problem you state; the only real way to humanize a group is to pick a specific human in it and get their story.

Remember Hitler committed suicide. He realized that his ideology would never be accepted, and obligingly buggered off to parts unknown. (I respect that in much the same way as the original Puritans who responded to being unwanted by going somewhere else. If only the more modern groups that get called "puritanical" could do the same... and also have healthier views on sex and sexuality, which shouldn't be very hard given that even the aforementioned Actual Puritan Sect managed it)

Oh, also, that ideology was the logical endpoint of belief in eugenics, and therefore the Holocaust or something like it would need to happen in order to prevent an even worse future than the one we're living in. (Also, if you wanted to prevent the Holocaust, don't kill Hitler as a baby. Kill the dudes responsible for the Elders of Zion hoax. The way World War 1 ended had ensured there would be a World War 2, so the best you can hope for is removing Adolf's antisemitism in this manner)

You can also try ramming the idiots into each other; Randall Munroe gave the specific example of "sure, maybe jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but what about the chemtrail tanks? Who even knows what are in those?" A lot of conspiracy theories are mutually exclusive like that, so aiming the theorists at the throats of their own is probably both easier and more effective than trying to reason with the unreasonable.

Shit. like and favorite

don't let us down

thats not what I meant I dont mean an answer to the question I just mean "yes" as in I like the story

He also helped Mary and I

At dinner, gushed about his wife and two kids, showing Mary and I

He looked at Mary and I

and me
because: he helped/looked at/etc. "us" not "we"


Despite my insistence, the President revealed Mary and I's involvement,

and my

I like this so far. A lot of potential.

Humans are not innately evil. HOWEVER, we have a capacity for tremendous good (Ghandi, MLK, Buddha, Jesus, etc) and tremendous evil (Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc). And many of our worst were actually a particular form of neurodivergent - they were incapable of any form of empathy.

Also, quite a few of the evil humans believed that they were actually doing a good thing or that the situation required sacrifices to be made or everything would be even worse (for example, sending soldiers to war - if you don't do it, your country will be conquered).

Good job so far, I really appreciate how you avoided falling into the "Evil government conspiracy at the first sign of trouble" trap, adds a lot of believability to the story. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!

The best literary villains often are heroes in their own eyes. Sadly, some of the most terrifying real-world villains are, too, like Reverend Jim Jones as yet another example.

If we were truly evil we would have gone extinct a long time ago.
For every one rapist, murderer and pedophile there are thousand who arent and even opposit it vehemently. It is all alot more grey than simple black and white.

I think the best villains aren't exactly the ones who think they're good, but rather the ones who feel like they need to be evil, or are justified to an extent like Kessler from Infamous. Kessler forged a hero to save the world. Then there's the villains you love because of their bullshit powers like Madara from Naruto. Others whether because of their motives or just for being badasses include Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts, Ardyn from FFXV, Dracula from Castlevania, Orochi from the Warriors franchise, the list could go on.


The Joker from Batman. :rainbowwild:


not sure about whole "Stalin being evil" thing.


May you tell to Russian guy about Stalin crimes ?:) Who's grand dad was in gulag and ... that wasn't that bad.

Thing about that is Hitler had a nasty habit of extending one hand in peace so he could more easily stab you with the other. Well, I say habit, but you can only do that a couple times at most before that tactic is useless.

We saw some lavender...horse thing lying on the ground. Its mane was purple with a magenta stripe, it was the size of a small foal, and it had big purple eyes. I noticed it had some... horn growing out of its mane, and wings on its back. Despite its small muzzle, it had an unusually human, and gaunt, face. The face was looking at us with unmistakable terror.

Oh Celestia, Twilight, what happened to you?!

Anyway, this first chapter was an interesting read. I look forward to the debate on humanity! :twilightsmile:

This seems like it's going to be a really interesting fic, and I'm looking forward to seeing more. As far as the question of whether humans are evil, I don't really think that it's something that can be answered simply. With something like the Holocaust, assigning blame is difficult, as it's a myth that just the SS were involved. I visited Oświęcim with some friends last October, where Birkenau is. Our guide brought up an interesting point, that after the war when the signalling station staff for the tracks leading into the camp were questioned, they denied that they played a part in the genocide, stating that all they did was direct the trains. To me, I viewed this as people having an ability to rationalise and overlook evil things happening around them if there's a way to assign blame to someone else. I don't think that humans are evil as a whole, but I do think that a lot of people have the capacity to be complacent with evil things happening around them, and even rationalise their part in it by isolating the role they played.

"We as humans, have the greatest capacity for death, destruction and harm, that is not just a fact, but as a rule.

But we have an even BIGGER capacity for love, care, compassion, creativity and potential than any amount of negativity can hope to undermine. Just needs a bit of a nudge..."

Im sure future chapters would make us either agree or disagree with this guy sometimes

I honestly just read the title and tags before reading the first chapter.

I am hooked. This is a pretty real take on this type of encounter so far. Bravo, I haven't gotten hooked on an idea right out the gate like this in quite some time :3


They've re-done the Milgram Experiment multiple times with much the same results as the original. Many humans are evil bastards. Far more are just gutless, unquestioning tagalongs.


The story looks interesting, and I'd answer the question in the title in this way: yes and no. Depends on the human. But anyone - and I mean that - can be the most genociadal maniac in the history of humanity, but anyone can also bring the most good. It depends on a lot of things. Though, I'd add that a lot of people are complacent with evil, and therefore, can be considered evil as well. I can't exactly say where the majority of humans fall in, but personally, I am both good and evil in a sense that I can and sometimes want to do horrible acts for certain causes, which can be considered evil by some. After all, morality is ever-changing.

I wouldn't list Jesus under it, considering that he, as a real, historical figure, didn't exist. There are no sources from that time even hinting at his existence. As far as history is concerned, there was a man named Joshua, who was a great preacher somewhere in that area. However, there is nothing supporting the existence of Biblical Jesus.

All I'm asking is not coming up with fictional characters as examples of human good. All it does is invalidate your point.

True, Jesus is a contentious example. There was a man who fit all the criteria, and would have been called Jesus by the Romans transliterating yeshushua, but whether he did what the bible says he did is unknowable.


Not unknowable. Simply false. if someone, anyone, made miracles like Jesus, they'd be noted in a lot of writing of that exact period. Yet, there is nothing from different sources. No mention whatsoever. I'd rather not mention religious figures at all, for their very existence is questionable at best, false at worst. Ghandi, MLK, however, are good examples, and more relatable considering their much more recent history.

This has real potential.

Yeah, dude? I was saying unknowable to be diplomatic. Outright saying "World religions are false" in a comments section is being rather confrontational where it's not needed.


So, you'd rather lie and invalidate your point for the sake of not offending someone? Do you think there aren't enough well-known good people to list whose existence is undeniable and proven?

Tell me, what is more offensive – lying or stating facts people don't like?

There's a place and time for everything. And bringing the subject up in here is a BAD idea. Let us consider this discussion over with, PLEASE, or I will just assume you are TRYING to start an argument and acting like the worst kind of atheist, the one who assumes he is superior because he doesn't pray to a 'magic sky wizard'.


I simply pointed out a factual error in your message. I'd do the same regardless of the topic. Just because this topic is related to religion, doesn't mean it cannot be questioned. It was never an argument for or against religion but merely correction of your error, and I linked to what I'm basing my correction on. If you think you are correct and my correction is false, then link something of your own that supports your statement. Otherwise, you're invalidating the whole point you're trying to make with your first message, and I explained exactly why.

Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question? Because the latter being more offensive is the basis of both white lies and tact. As 9762452 is saying, you're not wrong but you're being a jerk about it.

Hah. Just mention changelings. Most of Equestria shards have them be parasites/conquerors. Having them as your neighbours sets a perfect mindset for a war of extermination. This is trivial.

And no, the ponies and humans aren't 'destined' to kill each other. Their cooperation is simply too mutually beneficial. It's a practical matter, which in the end trumps 'morals' and 'destiny' any day o the week.

What ?
He ordered the army to hold the country at all costs possible, even when they were basically at his doorstep he refused to surrender like the narcissist he was, he did not "vanish" because he realized that he was wrong, he "vanished" because he could hear the gunfire by then and figured that no miracle was happening. He "vanished" because he was rightfully afraid of control loss, of what people he had no control over would do to him.

Hitler and his Allies were a public lesson on why you don't play with fire, figuratively speaking.
In a climate poisoned by existential fear he stepped in and promised easy solutions by presenting one single thing that would be to blame, he then found some political allies and the rest is history,
A frightened enough animal will accept loosing a limb to escape this situation, even if it means that it eventually succumbs to the fatality of the injury. Humans are not that different, and other humans are actively exploiting it to this day in an attempt to gain power.
After all, Humans are just smarter herd animals and our primitive instincts can still be triggered.
For quite a while Hitler served as a warning on why people should not give in to right wing fearmonger xenophobia, unfortunate this warning seems to have faded enough by now that people like Hitler can lead our countries again if they just offer to fix everything that they proclaim as bad, no matter the cost.


All I ever stated was fact backed up by sources. If you want to perceive it as me being a jerk, then there's nothing I can do, considering that I never insulted anyone or said "God isn't real" or a number of other things that don't relate to the topic. Good day to you.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Aug 2nd, 2019





This is just a personal theory: I think the reason we have such a problem with Hitler and not, say, Stalion or Mao is because this particular mass murder had no actual meaning. He just wanted to create misery and chaos for an empty personal philosophy.

Stalin and Mao... now there were men with vision, purpose, those wonderful mensch who answered the call to The Greater Good.

I once watched a documentary talking about a social worker who worked Germany in the 1930, and she spoke of how they talked of Social Justice. What is old is new again, as they say, and whats a few more millions dead on the road to Utopia. :ajbemused:

Honestly, I don't really know much about WWII history other than some of the big things and a bunch of other random tidbits. All that I can say with certainty is that Churchill vehemently distrusted Hitler from the beginning and a prime minister in the years leading up to that had "trust Hitler" on his list of things that didn't pan out very well.

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