• Published 7th Jun 2019
  • 6,215 Views, 268 Comments

MLP: Rebirth of the Queen - The Bricklayer

Long ago, the Father of all Monsters gave birth to many creatures. Some monstrous, others wonderous. And now one has been located. Long live the Queen.

  • ...

7: Terror on the Pass


Needless to say, Honolulu getting trashed by two giant insects did not go over particularly well with the nobles of Canterlot. Serizawa wasn’t that surprised really, and neither was Twilight. She was amazed she had been able to hold them off for this long.

“I’m sorry, I’m so very sorry,” Twilight said in a whispered tone as she and Serizawa walked to what used to be the hall where Celestia and Luna held their own debates with the nobility. “I only recently just got a dragon flame message from Smoulder. I am so truly terribly sorry Professor, I was hoping to keep them off your back until we managed to put a stop to this.”

“It is fine,” Serizawa said in reply. “Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation. The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

“...Somehow I doubt giant Titans were on the mind of whoever created that one,” Twilight muttered to herself. “You get that from a fortune cookie or something?”

“No, but if I did it would have to have been a really big fortune cookie…” Serizawa said in reply and Twilight chuckled. “Listen, do not worry about me. All you should worry about is helping Mosura overcome the MUTOs and protecting your subjects. Let me deal with these idiotic nobles.”

“...I… I just worry about you Serizawa, that’s all…” Twilight murmured to herself. “It’s like you’ve been on edge ever since the Male broke free. Of course, what am I saying? Of course, you’d be on edge. Equestria’s on the verge of being destroyed by one big ass bug and Monarch’s failed to keep the existence of the Titans under wraps. Oh, goddesses, I’m amazed I haven’t gone into a nervous breakdown. Do I look like I’m going into a nervous breakdown?”

Serizawa was polite enough not to provide an answer to that one. Instead, he said: “Breath, Twilight. Breathe. As I said, your sole concern should be on the MUTO and the safety of your subjects. Not on anything related to me or Monarch. As an old Guoxia proverb goes: “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor pony perfected without trials.” This is your trial. Mine is facing with the nobles of Canterlot and all the absolute detarame that comes with them.”

“If you say so…” Twilight murmured to herself before kissing her old friend on the cheek. “Just be safe okay? You’re one of the best lines of defense Equestria has against these Titans.”

If only he could believe that, Serizawa mused to himself. He had created something, and although he had destroyed the notes on his devilish creation he knew the knowledge was out there now. Stellar Flare had seen the notes on his creation and although she had said she would not say anything on it he didn’t trust her completely. Nor would he blame her if she went ahead and re-created it. They had two very different approaches to solving problems with the Titans. Serizawa wanted to trust in the Queen and Gojira but Stellar was more realistically minded. They were, after all, animals even if they were very intelligent ones, and left destruction in their wake like any other Titan.

Serizawa shuddered to think on what would happen if Gojira ever made landfall. He was ancient beyond measure, and may not have cared for those who now populated the planet. Gojira’s sole function was to keep these creatures in check and restore the balance when necessary. He protected the planet, yes, but that did not mean he protected those who lived on it.

Serizawa adjusted his tie as he stepped into the makeshift courtroom. Stellar Flare was by his side. He felt the stares of the nobles, some seemingly judging him. Duke Fancy Pants was at the head of the trial. Serizawa sighed in relief. Unlike most Nobles who just pulled stuff out of their hat, he was a reasonable enough sort and a friend. However, that didn’t mean he was completely tolerant of Monarch’s activities. Even he had his limits.

“Well, glad you finally could join us,” Stellar said. “Been sweating bullets here…”

“We have a… problem,” Fancy said and his horn lit up with a soft golden glow. A magical crystal in the corner of the room began displaying imagery. A massive multi-limbed creature, with ridges on its back tearing its way through the heart of Las Pegasus. “This just came in from King Thorax, he and the changelings are coordinating with rescue efforts now but that thing is moving. And I don’t think you need to hazard a guess on who it's moving towards.”

“It's almost 300 hooves tall. It's much bigger than the other one,” Stellar whispered. “This one doesn't have any wings. A different sex maybe?”

“...A female,” Serizawa realized. “This is who he’s been talking to. Now they're seeking magical energy... to reproduce!” he whispered his eyes widening in horror.

“And the Male is bringing those crystals right towards her…” Stellar whispered. “Dear Goddess in Heaven.”

Serizawa held no illusions on what would happen if the two met. They would begin to spawn and judging by the fast growth rate of the male the MUTOs would very quickly overrun the planet. They would take back what once belonged to them. And the ponies would be powerless to stop them. And it seemed the case that Mosura may have been in the same boat as well, as she just barely held back the male in Honolulu. He could see it now, massive creatures like the MUTOs flying and walking all over the planet, with ponies and other creatures just barely managing to hide and survive in the caverns below as the parasites swarmed above them. Truly it would be an age of monsters.

“...I see you’ve come to the same conclusion we have,” Fancy said with a sad sigh adjusting his monocle. “We are on the edge of critical disaster and these MUTOs as you call them are only the tip of the iceberg. Observe,” he said lighting up his horn once more and the crystal displayed a series of images. One showed the King of Monsters facing down a massive leonine creature in Zebrica and the next showed him facing off with a giant serpent creature offshore, the draconic beast tangling Gojira in his coils.

“Say the MUTOs are stopped by some means,” Prince Blueblood said and Stellar groaned to herself. This was not going the way she had hoped. Serizawa rested a paw on her supportively. “What’s to stop other creatures like these?”

Then Serizawa made his play. He knew it was foolish perhaps, but he couldn’t just let these ponies do whatever they wanted without considering alternatives.

“If I may?”

“Monarch’s failed, you failed so you can take your comments and shove them up your-” Blueblood started before Fancy sent him a pointed glare.

“No, let him speak,” Fancy said kindly. “If anyone knows anything about these creatures, it is him. Professor Serizawa?”

“What we are witnessing here is the return of ancient and forgotten superspecies, Gojira, the MUTOs, Mosura. We or at least I believe that these Titans, and others like them, provide an essential balance to our world. And while some may pose a threat, Monarch is here to determine which of these Titans are here to threaten us, and which of these Titans are here to protect us.”

“Thank you for your theories, Professor,” Blueblood said. “But we still haven’t heard one good reason why Monarch shouldn’t fall under military jurisdiction, or why these creatures shouldn’t be exterminated. Monarch was tasked with finding and destroying these ancient monsters. Needless to say, you’ve failed at that, catastrophically I might add! These creatures are the children of Grogar, so why should we believe any of them are on our side?”

“I agree with Blueblood!” Jet Set shouted. “You either can’t or won’t tell us how many there are, or why they’re showing up. So, maybe it’s time for the Royal Guard to step in to put them down.”

“And that will work how?” Fancy asked. “We barely even annoyed the male from all reports, and from what we can see the female is much, much larger and more heavily armored. Writer’s Quill only knows what it can do ability-wise.”

“We awoke these Titans, if only by mistake. The MUTOs from strip mining and seismic surveys. Gojira and Mosura in response to their awakening. But these are not monsters, they are animals rising to reclaim a world that was once theirs,” Serizawa stated before he realized how that might have sounded. “...I apologize, I am not admiring them in any way. I am just stating the facts.”

“So, you’d want to make Cozzilla our pet?” Blueblood laughed with others soon to follow before Stellar gave him a pointed glare.

“It’s Godzilla, and he would not be our pet. If anything, we would be his. These creatures were here before us, and if we’re not careful they’ll be here after us. We’re going to have to adjust to new threats that we can’t imagine. We’ve entered a new era. Welcome to the Age of the Monsters,” Stellar said sadly. “Something must be done, I agree, and Monarch is working on a plan. I am working on a plan to stop them.”

“Well, let’s hear it then,” Fancy said. “I hate to exterminate creatures like these, but I want what’s best for Equestria. I want to protect everyone in the country from these creatures. These are just the latest images from Honolulu…”

He said this even as he showed images. Miles of destroyed cityscape and shoreline, the city now practically uninhabitable. Infirmaries filled to bursting with the wounded. It was a truly heartbreaking sight when even children were bleeding and bandaged from the aftermath of the battle. Serizawa had to force himself to look away.

“...And that’s not even getting into what would happen if someone got their hands on one of these creatures. Weapons of war? Maybe. I’d hope for pharmaceuticals or food but we know that isn’t likely,” Fancy said. “There will always be those who seek to misuse powers that they do not understand.”

“Do we have any idea of the direction in which the MUTOs are heading?” Twilight asked as she stepped inside the courtroom. Serizawa looked at her. She was supposed to have been evacuating citizens from Canterlot and other cities! “I’m sorry Professor, but I couldn’t leave you to face this alone. And besides, I cannot evacuate a city unless I know what city I have to send the orders to.”

“A true Princess as always Madam Twilight,” Fancy appraised. “All projections have the MUTOs making landfall and meeting up in the Manehatten city center to breed. Mothra as you call her is following after them. I’d like to believe she is on our side after she came to Honolulu’s aid for lack of a better term but she still is leaving destruction in her wake.”

“That is inevitable with a creature of her size and power,” Twilight admitted with a shake of her head. “But I truly believe she is on our side. An alpha predator, seeking to restore the balance that has been broken.”

“You sure you haven’t been hanging out with Serizawa too much?” Blueblood sneered and he was soundly shut up with a venomous glare from Twilight.

“Whether or not I have been spending time with Serizawa is irrelevant. I am just making observations based on everything I have seen and heard. I was there when Mothra hatched. She did not go out of her way to harm anyone and from all appearances when she arrived in Honolulu she simply tried to talk the MUTO Male down before going on the offensive. She has been doing that ever since she hatched. Yes, I know this sounds crazy but I soundly believe Mothra is on our side. So please, have a bit of faith…”

“Well, whatever the others believe, I have faith in you Princess. But that still means we have two other monsters to deal with,” Fancy said with a nod. “Stellar, your plan?”

Whispering a quick: “I’m sorry…” to Serizawa she then lit up the screen with her own magic showing the Oxygen Destroyer. “This is the Oxygen Destroyer. If detonated, it would destroy all life for two miles around. I plan to lure the MUTOs to an evacuated city of Manehatten, and then detonate it.”

“This is rash, Stellar!” Serizawa shouted. “This is destruction on an unimaginable scale! You’re opening a Pandora's Box! Ask yourself, what if other nations less friendly to Equestria get their hands on this? You would have single-handedly changed the face of war!”

“Then what would you have me do?” Stellar asked as more images of the devastation of Honolulu were shown. “Sit back and allow our cities to be destroyed, lives to be lost as Mothra and the MUTOs battle for dominance? No more, Serizawa! No more!”

She turned to the screen where Honolulu natives were singing a prayer for Equestria and their city, hoping for a peaceful tomorrow. Hoping that they would live to see it.

“Oh peace, oh light
Hasten back to us
May we live without destruction
May we look to tomorrow with hope...

“May peace and light return to us
Our hearts are filled with prayer
This we pray...

“Hear our song
And have pity on us
May we live without destruction
May we look to tomorrow with hope…”

Serizawa couldn’t find it in himself to look at the sight. Fighting back tears, he finally replied: “Fine, do as you will. But allow me this. I must detonate it. I created this monster, and therefore I must destroy it.”

“Serizawa, no!” Twilight shouted grabbing the griffon by the shoulders. She sounded close to tears herself. “Do you even know what you’re saying? What you are planning to do?”

“Yes, and I must be the one to do it. I must be the one to stop and take a stand. I unleashed this power on the world, and I must be the one to close the box before it gets opened any further,” Serizawa said. “It is my duty as a citizen of Equestria, no as a member of the world to do exactly this. Do you understand me Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight nodded before she started to cry. In Manehatten, while looking at a report on the FeMUTO’s area of effect Captain Celeano found herself realizing where the creature was heading as evacuation orders came. And she knew the good ponies of Manehatten would not be able to get out in time before the Titans arrived. At least… not without help. She knew what she had to do.

“Mullet!” Celeano shouted going for her hat and placing it atop her head. “Find me a ship, and ready it! I’ve got a job to do and I intend to see it through to the very end! Manehatten needs my help, and Captain Celeano must answer the call!”

And so it began, with the now complete Oxygen Destroyer settled on a train bound for Manehatten, the route it would take cutting through the forests of Equestria and mountain passes hopefully out of the public eye. Goodness knows what they would have thought if they heard a weapon of mass destruction in all but name was being transported and was going to be used. A warning had been sent out, alerting Equestrian citizens to the Female MUTO’s sphere of influence. Like the male of the species it had access to anti mana pulses and more than likely knew how to use them. Add all of this on top of the Female MUTO’s truly massive size and Twilight was a very nervous Princess indeed.

Not helping the matter was who she had been placed with as her Royal Guard. She would have liked it to be Fizzlepop and company but they were already hard at work trying to get everyone out of Manehatten. So instead she had been landed with Captain Hardsteel and his men, who Twilight remembered Star Hunter warning her about. He’d said he’d looked into the eyes of the abyss and when the abyss looked back at him… he blinked.

“...citizens within 200 miles of the creature's current sphere of influence are being urged to please find shelter…” a pony said over the radio as Twilight found herself loading the thing onto the train. She shuddered just looking at it. Here was a weapon that could change the whole game as everyone knew it and it was going to be deployed within a populated area. May Faust have mercy on all of them, Twilight thought to herself as she looked at it once more. Luckily for them, the Female MUTO seemed to be a lot slower than the male, a disadvantage of having just legs she supposed. Time was on their side for what it was worth.

“Please don’t do this…” Twilight said to Stellar one last time. “Please, don’t make us do this.”

For a moment, just a brief one Stellar looked guilty before her face hardened once more. “I understand your concerns, Princess. But every moment we waste lives were sacrificed just to try and steer one of these creatures away from any major population centers. And now there are three of them. This ends tonight. All of it. Now I’m sorry, but Mothra, the MUTOs, they all have to go.”

“...Do what you must, and I will do what I can…” Twilight whispered before Stellar looked at her.

“Mothra, you really believe in her that much?” Stellar asked. “Because if you’re wrong, and by Celestia, I hope you’re not then…”

“I'll always believe in the Queen. How is… How is he? Serizawa I mean?” Twilight asked.

“As good as can be expected, I suppose,” Stellar said before taking a deep shuddering breath. “But… but does he really have to do this? Look, I was the one who created this weapon, I was the one who betrayed his trust. I used his notes to create this… thing. Ponies are far more frightening monsters, it seems, than any one MUTO…” she whispered. Then the train whistle blew. It was time to move out.

Twilight rested her head near a window, her eyes watching the trees go by as the train picked up speed. Her mind briefly began to drift away to a more peaceful time; one in which the threat of a creature she once only imagined could live in a nightmarish book. Soon, the only sound she could make out was the chugging of the train as it reached its normal speed. Many a tree went by as she contemplated what would happen if, by the unholy graces of the powers that be, the Oxygen Destroyer failed them.

Within the confines of her mind, Twilight saw a world devoid of life and joy; around her a wasteland of dust, dirt, and the skeletons of animals. They ranged from the smallest of puppies to the largest of lions. Was this how that Wasteland timeline she saw in her duel with Starlight came to be? And was she a part of causing it?

The thought was short lived however as off in the distance, she could make out the shadow of a monstrous being—the MUTO marching off in the distance. Twilight’s eyes widened. It was here already? Then explosions came, vast squads of unicorns firing spells at the massive parasite. Twilight knew it wouldn’t be enough.

“Hardsteel, get ready. It’s coming…” she whispered looking back to the stallion who gestured for his men to ready their surge rifles. Twilight’s horn glowed and she flared her wings in a threat display. “Protect the Destroyer at all costs!”

The humming of rifles was heard, and then another sound cut through the forest. Creaking like a wooden door opening. The MUTO’s distinctive calls. And then they stopped just like the spellfire. All went silent.

“...Did we drive it off?” one of the guards asked. “Surely it couldn’t have been that easy…”

“No, it’s still there,” Hardsteel noted his blue fur standing on end clutching his flamethrower tightly. “It’s out there, lurking in the darkness.”

Twilight nervously stepped forwards, her horn glowing with a soft purple light. Two soldiers were right behind her. “Check ahead!” Hardsteel ordered and Twilight whirled on him.

“Excuse me?” she nearly snarled. “You want to send your men up ahead, where we know the MUTO is just on a bout of curiosity?”

Hardsteel turned his head to face Twilight. Furrowing his brow, he pressed his muzzle against hers. “Listen, I don’t care what sort of rank you hold politically. We’re in my world and as such, you will abide by whatever it is I order. You understand?”

“That may be so,” Twilight responded, “But I’d like it if you weren’t sending your men on a suicide mission for nothing more than the minuscule chance that they will succeed!”

Hardsteel withdrew his muzzle and scoffed, his eyes rolling. “I see that you miraculously know better than I do at the concept of military tactics,” he sneered. “Alright, genius. What’s your plan? How do you propose we protect the Oxygen Destroyer and also minimize casualties? Should we invite the MUTO in for a cup of tea while we superglue the Destroyer to its ass? Or should we try to teach it the ways of friendship so everyone can go home and the world is all sunshine and butterflies with peaches and cream on their doorstep every day of the week? Bitch please, let’s get realistic here!”

“Yes, but I’d also rather your men not throw their lives away. Going up against that thing? It’s suicide!” Twilight hissed. “My brother was and still is actually a Captain himself. He did teach me a few things for the record. Like, say… common sense? Going out into known dangerous territory is anything but!”

The soldiers for their part were watching this exchange like a tennis match.

Hardsteel stared back before taking a deep breath. His expression turned to one of near empathy, a faint smile etching itself onto his face. He glanced over at the battlefield and gave a faint sigh. “Alright, fine,” he said. “I’ll compromise, Twilight. We’ll send a scout out to observe it from a distance. When they report back, we can decide for certain as to what we should do.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said in reply. “I’ll go. As the Princess of Friendship, I cannot allow anyone to take unneeded risks on my watch.”

“And that includes yourself?” Hardsteel questioned. “Hell no, I’m coming along.”

Twilight put a hoof on Hardsteel’s chest plating. “No.” Her voice as firm—firmer than even Hardsteel’s. Which was quite the accomplishment to say the least. “I’ll do this myself. I cannot let you do that. These are your men—you yourself just stated that. They need you as their commander. I’ll do this on my own accord.”

Truth be told, Twilight didn’t want anyone else dying on her watch. On the mission to find Mothra in the first place, so many of Celeano's crew were killed either by Battra or the island’s other wildlife. To her, this was her mindset. I could've done this myself and I didn't speak up. They died because I didn't do so.

She had to do this. Survivor’s guilt? Maybe. Maybe not. Could have just been taking responsibility for her own actions and failures. Seemed to have been a lot of that going around lately, she mused with a bitter chuckle. First, it was Professor Serizawa, then Stellar, and now her.

“Listen… Princess,” Hardsteel said his voice taking a softer tone. “I don’t know what you did that made you like this, but I can’t let you go off alone. It’s my responsibility as your guard to protect you. Goddess knows Fizzlepop would be pissed if I got you killed, and by Celestia’s withers that is not something I’d see…”

Twilight gave a soft smile. To hear Hardsteel speak with such a soft tone was something she couldn’t believe, but it made her happy in a bizarre way. “Understandable,” she chuckled. “I know all too well what Fizzlepop would do if you had to report such news to her.”

Hardsteel tilted his head. “You do?”

“Yes.” Twilight turned to face Hardsteel. “And let me just say: you’ve got nothing like that mare if she were scorned.”

“So I’ve heard…” Hardsteel agreed with a shudder as they took a careful step out of the train and began to slowly advance onto the wooden trestle bridge beyond. They kept their eyes peeled for even the slightest hint of movement. “You two dating or something?”

Twilight said nothing on the matter except a: “That is not even remotely important right now.”

Hardsteel let out a fake laugh. “Oh come on,” he replied. “Surely you can try to make small talk.”

“Not at a time like this,” Twilight deadpanned. “Can you just shut up for a moment and keep your eyes peeled? I’d rather not be surprised.”

“A-alright.” Hardsteel took a deep breath and blinked. Confidently, he walked forward, walking no further than Twilight, but making sure to not be an inch behind her. His eyes were glued ahead of them. The world ahead was as normal as it could feasibly be. Although the signs of chaos were evident, there wasn’t a single hint of life present. Not a bush or leaf moved. The air was still—aggressively so. A pin hitting the ground would shatter the silence in such a way that it could be perceived as deafening.

Twilight did a small hop on the bridge, checking its strength. She nodded at her companion before they took a few more trepidatious steps forwards. Twilight’s hair on the back of her neck stood up. She stopped dead in her tracks, Hardsteel stopping next to her. The distinct feeling of being watched washed over her like a tsunami. Anxiety coursed through her veins. She turned around, her eyes darting back and forth, but the world was as empty as it had been when they passed it; the tunnel nothing more than a void that devoured any and all light that went into it.

“What’s wrong?” Hardsteel whispered.

“N-nothing,” Twilight shakily replied. “Just nerves.”

Needless to say, Hardsteel didn’t believe her. Not even for a second. His eyes flashed with concern.

Hardsteel rested a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “You sure?”

Twilight nodded and turned back around. “Yes,” she said. “Now let’s go.”

Then they heard it, the sound of the train whistle blowing and they turned eyes widening in horror as they saw what was coming.

The train. An unstoppable 72 foot long, 400,000-pound inferno of steel and fury. And it was coming right at them.

“Watch out!” Hardsteel called as he broke into a gallop before...


Twilight was thrown off her hooves and fell to the ground as a thunderous force rammed into them with the fury of a thousand tonnes of TNT. Anything that was unlucky enough to be below them was obliterated as the train exploded upon impact. Twilight and Hardsteel were thrown clear of the bridge and Twilight reacted fast enough to throw up a bubble of magic around them to slow their descent. After all, it wasn’t the fall that killed you, but the landing.

And then they saw something truly horrifying.

The female MUTO towered over Twilight. Her fiery orange eyes bored their way into her soul with a bizarre mix of malice and curiosity. Beneath it all however, she got this unusual sense of motherly love—something she’d never felt from a creature of her stature. Twilight blinked, only for her to see that the MUTO had lowered her head down to look directly at her. The creature’s face was now mere inches from her own. She could see her reflection in the eyes with the same clarity she’d get if they were two floating ponds on a clear summer day.

Taking a step back, Twilight watched as the MUTO’s head rose a few feet. Taking another step, the MUTO’s head rose again. For each step taken, Twilight watched as the massive creature’s head rose more and more.

An anti mana pulse generated from one of the creature’s forelimbs and both her and Hardsteel were thrown backward into the bushes.

Spellfire lit up the night as the surviving Royal Guards fired their surge rifles at the kaiju with several flamethrowers joining in for good measure.

Hardsteel sighed in relief, so they were still alive.

The MUTO screeched out in rage, parts of its carapace boiling from the fire. It thrashed in the night, sending several of the guards flying. Bones crunched on impact and the MUTO’s head darted down briefly before picking up one guard and tossing him skywards before the MUTO swallowed him whole.

When all the chaos was over, Hardsteel shouted for names. He needed to know if anyone was still alive. He needed to know. He took several frantic breaths, had history repeated itself?

The MUTO then began moving towards the ruins of the train, as it had fallen right off the bridge and was now laying in a heap of smoking steel and metal. It went for the Destroyer, sensing the pure raw magic in it and it picked it up before marching off into the forest.

Twilight then looked at Hardsteel and saw an undying hatred in his eyes. Star Hunter had been right. He had looked into the abyss, and once again he’d blinked. And then came the explosion. “You stupid bitch! If you'd just let me do as I originally wanted, those men would still be alive! Their families wouldn't be missing a loved one! Sons and daughters wouldn't be missing a father when they graduate; wives wouldn't be sleeping alone! All because you were too self-absorbed to let me do my damn job! This is on you…” he growled. “This is all on you…” he said before Twilight finally let unconsciousness take her.

When she awoke, she found Fizzlepop and Daring standing over her.

“You awake Princess?” Fizzlepop asked in a concerned tone an airship hovering behind them. Daring was bandaging wounds. “We’ve got a very big problem...”

Author's Note:

So, all Hell has just broken loose. Hardsteel's finally gone off his rocker, the Oxygen Destroyer is now in play, and the MUTOs are meeting. Scared yet?

Now huge thank you to Vertigo for the second half of this chapter, the real meat of it. The set-piece if you will. Now, he gave me a few massive pointers on Hardsteel and how to do him and others like him right. Here's what he had to say.

Alright. But lemme give you a few serious pointers. This'll help with any crazed/deranged character.
Do not immediately go all-out on the crazy. That's not true to any sociopath or psychopath. Even Jack the Ripper, for as animalistic as he was with his killings, is believed to have been—to some degree—someone who blended in with the people of Whitechapel.
If you EVER have to write someone who's crazy, you need to have something that sets off their craziness. Whatever they absolutely hate; what causes the crazy. So with to display his insanity, have someone mention or praise what it is that he absolutely despises in a way that he cannot stand. Always have a tick for crazy; don't make it "just there".

Comes with learning about how unstable people cope with situations. Trust me, as dark and weird as it may seem to read a lot about serial killers, there's a lot you can learn about how they treat situations like that.
Hollywood and TV don't portray them accurately. Nobody snaps 1-2-3. It's a slow burn caused by many different factors.
But they project their failures onto those they hate or see as responsible. Hardsteel would no doubt see Twilight as responsible for the deaths even though it was inevitable due to the MUTOs nature. His reaction is understandable, but the normal man would grieve, apologize, and move on.

Hardsteel will likely never let go and grow progressively more angry. If you want to add flavor to him, have him become more aggressive when he speaks to people. But have him grow more affectionate to one or two characters. Perhaps he sees something in them that he misses in a character he died (if there was a named one who had dialogue/character). Or the fact they survived makes him see them as "better" than Twilight.
Most killers see themselves as better than everyone, but they can develop peculiar bonds with people. It's very unusual. You can do a lot of creative psychological things with Hardsteel, and add a number of interesting details that develop as the story progresses. Especially if he ever fully snaps and tries to kill someone.

Next time, showdown in Manehatten!