• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams


Rarity notices Spike spending less and less time with her and spending more and more time on his own, she was fine at first, but his frantic behavior begins to tip her off that he's not off on his own, he's off with somepony special, She Follows him around ponyville to discover just who is stealing his attention from her, The answer surprises her.

Vinyl Scratch notices her Octavia slowly playing less and less attention to her and spending more and more time out on her own, She was cool with it at the beginning, but her behavior and general anxiousness to leave at certain times tips her off that she's not off on he own, she's with somepony Special, she follows her around ponyville to discover who it is, the answer surprises her.

(was originally gonna post on Valentine's day but was delayed) (until 2 Valentine's day later it seems,)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

This was short and sweet.

I loved this cute and sweet story.

"Oh, I knew he'd get over our little game eventually," she whined "But I thought I'd have a few more years of his attention," Rarity sighed as she tried to imagine not having the little dragon around to fawn over her and help her when she needed him, Rarity lay on the chair for a few minutes before making her decision, "Alright, some creature has gained his affection, that I can live with, But I must discover the identity of this creature and make sure that Spikey-Wikey is in Good Hands, or claws, or Hooves," Rarity Jumped to her feet and Ran up to her room, passing Sweetie on the stairs.

Wow, so she was just playing games with spike. I’m not surprised at all.

"Oh, I have tons of Information about Spike!" Pinkie responded happily before listing things with no particular order in mind "He's a Dragon, he hates Angel Bunny, His favorite Cupcake is any with gems added to them, He's currently Da-"

Who doesn’t hate angel bunny?

"whoa déjà vu," She muttered before shaking her head "But anyway I have ton's of information on Octavia, she plays the Cello, she dislikes your music, she has 13 bow ties that all look the same, She's currently Da-"

Wow, that’s a waste of money.

"I already knew that," She muttered, "She thinks I'm the one using up all the hot water, what I want to know is if you have any idea where she's sneaking off to all the time," Pinkie popped back up with a grin.

I wonder is she’s gonna find out that spike was the one that used all the hot water?

cortito, simple y divertido... ambas si que son impacientes XD XD... ojala que octavia no descubra del agua caliente XD XD... pensé que rarity planearia un "plan" para recuperar a spike a igual que vinyl XD XD...
short, simple and fun... both are impatient XD XD... I hope that Octavia doesn't find out about the hot water XD XD... I thought that rarity would plan a "plan" to get Spike back just like vinyl XD XD. ..

Well I'm happy you like it, when I originally started writing the story it was supposed to be longer, with Rarity and vinyl sceaming up a storm. But I was never able to find a good way to end it and in the end chooses to make it short and sweet

eso hubiera estado genial, pero entiendo por que no lo has puesto...
that would have been great, but I understand why you haven't put it...

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