• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


A journal was found. Old and weathered with years untold. The first entry was dated yesterday:

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and for the last 33 days I've been stuck in a time-loop, repeating the 23rd of March, 2 A.R. It is still unknown how the loop started, nor how I can end it. All I can say with any amount of certainty is that time for the rest of the world resets every night, and every morning I wake up it is the morning of the 23rd.

Now with a reading by ObabScribbler. Link!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 61 )

Nicely dark time loop story. Good job! :twilightsmile:

Impressively dark. I wonder if she could get a permanent solution by holding herself outside time, or if that was a method she tried at the end.

pretty good my dude, though i feel a sequel is in order with that open ending.

Holy... holy shit, dude.

The slow, passive deterioration of Twilight's sanity. The mental image of her just murdering her friends. That she'd just offed herself an unknowable amount of times. All of that because she wanted out. To be free of that unforgiving infinity.

It almost makes me scared for if she ever does manage to escape. Surely, she won't be the same mare that got stuck there. Especially after all of those events that which took place.

Fucking loved this. All of it.

Out standing!
A work that is one of my favorites and holds so much in so little.
Maybe she becomes a new Discord from this. Maybe she hops into the pocket dimension and finds a way out or spends eternity looping like Groundhogs Day until she learns to care for others across the nation.

The possibilities are endless and you can seriously write a chapter for each alt in an anthology that never ends or works her way out, insanities included!
A neurosis of clocks, phobias of ticking sounds. Fear of beds.

Okay, I'm rambling, but this story is so inspirational!

I'm really showing my age. I read this imagining it as an episode of the old Twilight Zone, complete with the opening music and narration by Rod Serling.

Kudos for bringing back good memories of that show.

The thought occurs to me with that plant just flat out vanishing in that pocket dimension that living things that are too complex don't disappear but instead cease to exist. I wonder, if Twilight stole a sapling from Applejack, tossed it in the pocket dimension and let it cease to exist, would Applejack recognize it's gone or simply act like the sapling never existed in the first place?

For that matter, if Twilight threw, say, Applejack in the pocket dimension, would people recognize she was gone? Would she even be gone from the time loop? Would everything forget that she existed? And for that matter, would that shatter the history of life since the Element of Honesty never existed to prevent Nightmare Moon, Discord, etc.?

Would that then shatter the time loop? Sacrificing one of the Elements?

And yet she didn't try moving herself into the pocket dimension -- she only killed herself in a manner that she knew she would come back from. This means she is not ready to die yet.

That or the last entry in the book is the last day before she realized that she could jump in the pocket dimension.

Hard to read this without looking at hard reset, this time loop shenanigans are sure very convenient to play on the fear of immortality going wrong.
Dark, depressing, revolting, this story did it all, it means it's good.
Well done.

Glad you enjoyed!

There might, might, be a sequel. If I do it would be a proper, long-form story if I decide to explore the various possible outcomes of this. Depends if the right inspiration hits.

Thanks! Honestly I think I'm proudest of the slow decay of her mental state in this story. I'd have liked to make the descent longer but I was running out of ideas for filler entries, and I wanted the breaks between to become longer and longer to give an accelerated feeling. As mentioned above, I am entertaining a sequel, for which this would be the mere tip of the iceberg. But time will tell.

So many possibilities indeed. Honestly, my headcanon for this is she eventually does slip outside of time, and just vanishes similar to the sapling. That's one of the reasons the description makes no note of Twilight, just that "a journal was found". Perhaps if I expand this we'll have some answers though.

Totally one of my inspirations for writing this. Or at the least the style in which I did so. No answers, no rhyme or reason. Just the tale of something unexplainable happening. Glad I managed to pull it off.

Actually, I had initially planned on a something similar happening; my idea was to have Twilight use one of Fluttershy's animals to experiment, and when they disappeared Fluttershy would have no recollection of them at all. I cut it, as that opened a new can of worms that I didn't feel like getting into, but the idea may be explored if I do a sequel.

That is absolutely one way to interpret it. And here I thought it was just a plot hole! Nah, actually I did have an idea in mind for why she doesn't, but... well, in case I do a sequel I'll keep it to myself.

I agree, that story is just amazing though and I feel like every time loop story is compared to Hard Reset.

Its like dark alternate version of Groundhog Day. I like it.

Groundhog day he killed himself multiple times too it just wasn't the end. Eventually suicide would get boring and she'd continue looking for a solution

But we can infer that she is stuck forever. At least the guy in Groundhog Day he broke the cycle. Now living the same day over and over without anyway out (as far as we know), that will suck. But in my opinion, I can see this with a sequel.

Yes but he was stuck for 10 years officially (8 according to fan calculations) and in the original script he was going to be stuck for 10000 years.
Twilight isn't even close to that so once she's over the killing herself part she might still find an out.

The Uncertainty Principle is a dead-end angle. While I now have a much stronger grasp of quantum mechanics, there is no answers to be found in the field, practical or theoretical. They have nothing but ideas and formulas and theories. Nothing actionable. While the phenomena I’m experience experiencing is similar, a way around it cannot be found in physics. That leaves only the continually failing attempts at suspended animation. The closest I’ve come is successfully rendering lab rats unconscious. While this did reduce the approximate variance in their time streams, is was still much too large; both test subjects are deceased. I dread to think what would happen to me.

Yea we can only find out in the sequel
*fades to black*

*deep voice* Coming this summer

*epic music starts to play* from the author who brought you Diary of a Time Looper, now brings you

*everything goes tensely quiet*

*EXPLOSION* Diary of a Time Looper: A Way Out

Will Twilight find a way to break the curse? Or will she be forever trapped inside her own living hell? Living the same day over and over, losing her sanity bit by bit. Come find out in Diary of a Time Looper: A Way Out. Tickets sold on Bronycons near you

Definitely want to read that.


Yeah. Eventually, killing yourself or everyone else would get boring. Basically going crazy until you find yourself back at sanity because being crazy was boring. Then you accept that that is your life and do the things you've always wanted to learn.
Point is. Groundhog day nailed it. Even though they didn't show the darker aspects of it or him going on a city wide killing spree, we all know that he did.

Also, I want to see the sequel to this. I love these types of stories because it allows you to explore things about a character or yourself that you never would have known otherwise. When none of your actions have any consequences, it's allows you to explore everything about yourself. It brings all your dark and depraved thought to the front of your mind so that you can honestly analyze them and forgive yourself and work to be the best you that you can be. It's honestly beautiful in a way. It's let's you know who you really are. Most people never figure out who they actually are or their full potential which is the sad part.

day 800,

i woke up,

day 1000, i woke up,

day 30.000...... i woke up,

day 90.000 i woke up,

day 10.000.000,

wakey wakey~...........


Depressing, and yet, I want more.

Ikr, hard reset is really good though.

I loved this! How in gods name does this story not have a sequel?!?

Is there still a chance for a sequel?

Yeah, I have no words to say. I'm just gonna close the and hope nobody hears me crying.

I wonder wat will happen when she runs out of pages

i think she'll go so mental she'll murder everyone for the next 100 days,

So I wonder if she created over 600 alternate timelines. Including one where pinkie and one where spike are dead.

Also I had a thought. If she could preserve the journal perhaps she could show it to the princesses. Or perhaps , if she can preserve a journal she could also preserve voice recordings or memories? Maybe not memories. But if she could do that then she could in a sense preserve Celestia and Luna's memories of them talking to her about being stuck in a time loop. But showing them both months upon months of entries aught to convince them that Twilight is telling the truth.

Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Thank you so much! I was wondering why I had dozens of notifications on this story out of nowhere. You did such an amazing job voicing Twilight, adding a layer to her decline I would have never been able to convey through text.

You mean it only took 2 years to break her? Weak! Weak pony! Bill Murray made it at least a decade before he tried to kill himself...probably. That movie was bad at showing how many loops there were.

i dont know why she never consulted discord on this issue im sure he would be perfectly able to get twilight out of this time loop

To be fair, Phil Conners was already a selfish person, so he could be allowed to indulge in a number of activities such as drunk driving on the railroad tracks, going to a movie theater, stealing money from an armored bank truck, etc. So he managed to keep sane with the Loops he was in. Afterwards, Phil went about trying to better himself by learning how to ice sculpt, play the piano, to speak French among other things.

Similarly, Twilight Sparkle herself faced a similar dilemma in Hard Reset, but mostly because she was suffering the stresses of the Resets on a much closer scale due to Chrysalis' impending attack on Canterlot and the Elements of Harmony detonating because the Bearers weren't there to solve the problem soon enough. That Twilight went a bit nuts herself but in a more entertaining way such as eating donuts to test toxicity on a mare of her size, stealing from a store and going ham on the Changelings wearing a black cocktail dress, fabulous amethyst earrings and wielding a baseball bat... and in a later loop upping the ante with a chainsaw, having a tea party with Chrysalis, and heading home to tell her parents that she was actually a filly-fooler; and learn that her parents already knew it and had accepted it wholeheartedly, learning how to make homemade explosives, etc.

That sounds about right, yes. And of course, we should never forget that Twilight has lost it before. She's not entirely stable sometimes, so it wouldn't take as much to drive her over the edge.

What part of this story makes you think that she couldn't just make another journal?

That was great, the slow build into madness. Masterfully written. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for that sequel, hopefully it'll happen.

i dunno, it just feels like it's a Time-loop that won't allow Extra things added, given she tired almost every possible thing to escape it, even klling herself from day 733 tto 740, you know?

But we aren't talking about an escape. We're talking about a journal. If she can get one, there's no reason she couldn't get a second

we can only hope, can't we?

I liked this. Amazing work! :twilightsmile:

I would go to Discord, see what he knows.

plus the fact that unlike previously-mentioned examples, Twilight in this story didn't have to endure a crisis from an outside threat that could be solved theoretically, and that she isn't a pony that has a measure of self-indulgence or is one that truly could use the chance to experiment not on spells to get her out of the loop, but a chance to see what she can learn or pick up in the day she spends in the loop.

As mentioned before, Phil Connors in his loop learned how to speak French, to play the Piano, to perform CPR, and Ice Sculpt. the Hard Reset Twilight learned how to fight in a melee with a baseball bat, how to make homemade explosives, and that her parents knew she was gay all this time and accepted her for it. Twilight in this story could have done a number of things besides wasting time trying to escape, it would still be there when she wakes up the next day (literally), and she could use a distraction to conduct less scientific or magical experiments. She could have expanded her connections with the other ponies in town outside of those close with her friends; such as taking a tour of Berry Punchs' family trade if she and her family does operate a vineyard and learn how the bottling or grape-crushing process is conducted, or take some cello or viola lessons from Octavia, maybe even find out what other threats or treasures might be inside of either the Everfree Forest or buried in the treasure within Reginalds' Cave (the green dragon from Owl's Well That Ends Well), see if that contains a time artifact to get you out wiht. Perhaps she could experiment on ways of trying to understand more about her friends private interests and how to woo and romance any one of them like what Phil did in trying to seduce Rita.

Twilights' singular drive and OCD is largely unhealthy and I know it is a flaw to her character, but she could have experimented and experienced a bit more of the town around her before she went into the suicide phase. Not knocking your talent or writing, moreso a gripe about Twilight in-particular and her compulsive self-destructive drive to please Princess Celestia.

For all we know, this is a story set before Twilight becoming a Princess or before Season 2 since there's no mention of her having the Elements of Harmony on her or in her possession to solve this spell in the first place. Considering to have a chat with Discord is completely off the books for her to consider doing.

Man. That time the save file becomes broken for no apparent reason.

Only in this case it's rather... an accidentally triggered autosave feature... With no way out...

Plot twist: she was saved and brought to a hospital; then time flowed right again. Yeah, I wish :ajsleepy:...

She should have tried reshaping reality. Like one certain flower...

Hum, I wonder, what, if the reset occurred spontaneously... After a day... After two days... Curious...

Another plot twist: the universe couldn't cram all her memories into her head at the load time, so when Twilight woke up the next (more like yet another) day, she realised she'd been comatose that whole time and had missed a lot... Well, at least the loop was ended... Or was it?..

This story can certainly keep one on edge!

This appears to be the hundredth story of those I have yet to create special bookshelves for. Yay, the hundredth visitor :yay:!

Wow... just wow, words cant explane how amazing this is... just... wow

I know that not all stories have a happy ending, but this is one of those damnation stories that leave no hope, and no love for the author. Tree of of Harmony was able to fight through plundervines AND inert elements, and manifest a table when Starlight changed time. I would have thought that somewhere in a year or two the Tree would manage to break through the time loop, and save Twilight, the bearer of Magic. If that is not possible... When is the story takes place? Have they fought Discord yet? If Discord is unavailable I would ask, repeatedly for all kingom's might of research. Celestia and Luna must be able to do SOMETHING, to THINK of another ANGLE. I'm reminded of Doctor Who. He managed to escape an unescapable prison by beating a substance, that is harder than diamond by FISTS. He died, again and again, but in the end - he escaped.

Huk #50 · May 1st, 2022 · · 1 ·

That was surprisingly refreshing... and scary :twilightoops:. Well done :twilightsmile:.

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