• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 3,897 Views, 150 Comments

Dearest of Desires - twience

Twilight Sparkle goes to a party, where she unfortunately spots her ex. Quickly, she stupidly decides to pretend to be dating the nearest person she could find. Who fortunately for her, happens to be very attractive. Well, she got her number. Right!?

  • ...

9. Friends

Dearest of Desires, Chapter 9
By, Serenityx

"Haha! He he..."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Twilight?" Rarity sat in a lounge chair, trying to paint her nails a turquoise color.

After a few more giggles, "Sorry," Twilight halfly apologized.

Rarity shook her head and smiled. "It's nice to see you so happy."

Twilight laid on the couch on her stomach, legs up in the air, and feet swinging back and forth. Exactly like that, she had her phone in her hands. Typing away, she said, "Thanks."

Rarity blew the tips of her left hand. "What are you two talking about that's got you so giddy?"

"Nothing in particular," Twilight answered. Rarity then gave her a 'I'm not stupid' look which Twilight realized her answer might be wrong. "She's just funny."

"Whatever you say." Rarity placed the nail brush in her left and started on her right hand.

Three days ago, the night they hung out, Twilight got her first goodnight text from Sunset Shimmer. So, when they each got the chance, they talked to one another through text.

It was Wednesday afternoon, and both Rarity and Twilight were relaxing after school. They both had finished their homework an hour ago, so they were each doing their own things in the living space.

About ten minutes later, Rarity began to apply the clear top coat to her nail polish. Twilight started to get uncomfortable laying on her stomach, so she sat up so she could turn over on her back. She was just about to lay down, but her phone went off again.


Rarity finished her thumb before she said, "Oh, what?"

"Sunset just invited me to her apartment on Friday," Twilight told her, looking down at her phone screen.

"Wow! I mean, already? D-Did you two even kiss yet?"

Twilight released her phone which made it hit the couch and her face turned bright red. She quickly waved her hands at Rarity as she denied. "No! We hung out once. Once! A-Are you serious? No, just no!"

Rarity snickered and put a hand to her cheek as she acted all innocent. "My bad, darling. Of course, that's not what you meant."

Twilight could notice the high-pitch change in Rarity's voice. "Oh ha ha ha. Very funny, Rare."

Rarity whistled. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Twilight rolled her eyes and picked up her phone again. "Anyways, Sunset told me how she just got a tub of the cheesecake ice cream she ordered at the parlor on Saturday."

"I do enjoy some ice cream myself. But what does that have to do with inviting you over on Friday? She wants to share it with you?" Rarity asked giggling.

Twilight shook her head but then carried on to explain. "No. At the parlor, we talked about ourselves, and she told me she has a gaming channel—"

"Which you already knew about."

"—and then I asked her if she could teach me how to play," Twilight said. "She just brought it up and asked if I was free on Friday."

Rarity finished applying her top coats to her nails. "That's wonderful, Twilight! You're gonna go right?"

"Well, yeah. I think so..." Twilight looked at her phone again. "I didn't give her an answer y—"

"Well say yes!" Rarity practically yelled at her.

"Okay, okay!" Twilight yelled back and began typing a reply.

Sure, that sounds fun. I'm free after school. What time should I come over?

Cool! Is 3:30 okay for you?

Sunset smiled as she typed her reply. That had been surprisingly easy. Of course, she had no exact plan for teaching Twilight. Usually for video games... you kind of just... played. She hoped everything would work out if she just winged it.

Yep. So, uh... where do you live?

Sunset chuckled and began to send Twilight her address. It was going to be fun. However, she still had to get through two full days of school.

"Shimmer, let's go!"

Sunset blinked and looked behind her. There standing with a hand on her hip, a skateboard in her left hand, and a helmet on her head, was Rainbow Dash.

"Uh... hi Dash?" Sunset greeted confused.

"Up up up! We got filming to do," Rainbow ordered her.

"What? Rainbow, it's Wednesday," Sunset said.

Rainbow sighed. "I know we usually film on Thursday's, but I think it's gonna rain."

"You think it's gonna rain?" Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Did you check the weather app? It says clear skies."

"Those things aren't always right. It's definitely gonna rain tomorrow," Rainbow told her again.

"...And you know this because...?" Sunset wasn't buying it at all.

"I-I had a feeling, alright?" Rainbow confessed.

Sunset stared at her oddly before bursting out into laughter.

"Hey! It's not funny. I'm serious!" Rainbow yelled annoyed. "Stop laughing!"

A few more giggles until, "Sorry but, your usually not one to make things up."

"I'm not making things up. I'm going with my gut. And I do a lot of that," Rainbow reminded. "I'm like, one of those people who start to get back pain when it's about to storm. Except, minus the pain and more of the hunch."

"I thought it was Pinkie who usually got the hunches around here."

"Well, yeah," Rainbow agreed. She couldn't think of anything to add though, so she just huffed. "Ugh, just grab your camera and let's go!"

"Alright, fine. We'll go," Sunset finally agreed.

Rainbow softly smiled at her. But when Sunset didn't move, "Well? Go put your shoes on."

"Right. Was totally gonna go do that," Sunset replied sheepishly, got up off the couch, and walked towards her room.

Sunset put on her usual boots and grabbed her camera from her nightstand. She put it around her neck and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. Settled, she joined Rainbow back in the living room and they both headed out the door.

Rainbow led Sunset to the skate park they usually filmed at. There was another one, but that one was newer and had more people. The one where she went to film was a bit old, the paint was faded, and there was hardly anyone there most of the time. Yet, it was still ninety five percent safe. Luckily, because it was Wednesday, no one was around.

When they arrived, Rainbow started to put on her elbow and knee pads along with her helmet. Sunset meanwhile, turned on her video camera and adjusted the settings for action shots.

"What is Rain Xtreme Dash going to perform this time?" Sunset asked Rainbow when she was done.

Rainbow just smirked, and walked off to behind one of the tall ramps. Sunset gained a confused look on her face as Rainbow disappeared behind the ramp. When Rainbow returned, she was dragging a large round blue inflatable pool.

Sunset blinked. "You've got to be kidding."

Rainbow moved it next to one of the small ramps where she was going to finish off her routine from. The pool jump was going to be the grand finale.

"Uh... Rainbow?"

Rainbow perfectly angled the pool and released it. She slapped her hands together. "All set." Rainbow looked at Sunset who was giving her a look of disbelief. "Hey! Be glad I left out the piranhas!" Rainbow reached down into the pool and grabbed a hose. "Now, hook this up would ya?"

Sunset let the camera fall onto her chest again and rolled her eyes. She walked over to Rainbow and took the hose from her. She walked over to the nearby water faucet and mumbled to herself as she plugged it in.

This is going to be a long afternoon.

"Ready?" She called over to Rainbow who was setting the hose into the pool.


Sunset twisted the faucet to turn on the hose. The water should of been running through the hose and into the pool. Except, it wasn't.

"It's not working," Rainbow scratched her head.

Sunset looked at the faucet. "It's on." Sunset could see water dripping from the connecter piece the hose was on.

Rainbow took the hose from the pool. She tapped the sides and looked inside of it. Sunset didn't know what was wrong. There was no hole in the hose, and the faucet was turned on.

Is water suppose to be dripping from the connecter?

Curious, Sunset twisted the hose's connecter piece. Then, she could see a burst of water running through the hose.

"Ah ha! Fixed it!" she called out to Rainbow.

"Huh?" Rainbow didn't catch her sentence in time, and before she could put the hose back in the pool, it splashed her with a ton of water. "Gah!" The water got in her face and she couldn't see for a moment. The hose was flying in her arms and it ended up turning backwards and spraying Sunset who was a few feet away from her.

"Hey! Watch it!"

Rainbow held the hose with her left hand as she wiped her face with her right. Her vision cleared, and she saw Sunset getting sprayed. Rainbow then tried to regain control of the hose. "I'm t-trying!" But it just kept squirming in her arms.

Rainbow finally gave up and threw the hose into the pool. Thankfully, it made it inside and the pool started to fill with water. Rainbow sighed with relief, and looked over at her friend. Sunset was glaring at Rainbow as her hair was damp and her clothes were completely soaked.


"Rainbow Dash!"

Friday afternoon, Twilight was driving over to Sunset's house. Or condo, or apartment, or loft. Twilight didn't know, but she sure was having fun imagining it.

I wonder what it's like? Does she having a whole gaming room she films in?

Twilight couldn't help but snicker as she followed the GPS.

Probably not.

The one thing Twilight didn't stalk, was Sunset's address. I mean, that's just creepy. Not that everything else she did wasn't creepy...

At least she has someplace. Meanwhile, I'm living in a two person dorm.

Twilight loved Rarity, of course. Yet, she couldn't help but envy the kids her own age that had their own place.

She must make a fortune. An overstatement, but what did Twilight know?

Twilight glanced at her phone. A mile left, it read.

Well... not necessarily a fortune.

Twilight thought back to the comment Rarity made Wednesday, and the looks Rarity gave her before she left. Twilight began to blush a little. Sunset and her alone in her house. That was something she couldn't believe. Though, Sunset wouldn't try anything obviously. They were just going to play some video games.


Come on, Twi. Get it together. Sunset isn't like that.

...Was she?

No. Stop being stupid, brain.

Twilight gulped. Maybe she should've brought something. Flowers, donuts, wine, anything. Well, scratch that last one, they were still under drinking age.

That last mile was then over when Twilight found herself pulling into Sunset's— er, the buildings driveway.

Totally an apartment. She didn't mind. Made more sense, actually.

Twilight parked the car and turned it off. She grabbed her purse and placed her keys inside. Once she braced herself, she got out of the car and made her way up the walkway. Her phone then vibrated, and she pulled it out to see another text from Sunset.

3B, by the way.

Twilight smiled and put her phone back. She entered the building and went on the elevator to the second floor. A quick ride up later, she walked to the left until she found apartment 3B.

"Should I text, or just knock..." Twilight whispered to herself.

Twilight shrugged and knocked three times on the door. Seconds later, she could hear footsteps approaching, and then a door knob unlocking. The door opened and she was greeted with... rainbow hair?

Ah shoot.

The rainbow haired girl looked Twilight up and down not saying a word. Twilight didn't say anything either. She must've had the wrong building. Or maybe Sunset texted her the wrong room number. Before she knew it, the girl with rainbow hair closed the door shut.

Twilight blinked. "Rude..."

She was about to retreat and call Sunset, but the door opened again. Only this time, she was met with pink poofy hair. Unlike the rainbow haired girl, the pink haired girl gasped loudly. But like the rainbow haired girl, she slammed the door but faster.

"...Uh," Twilight mumbled.

Twilight couldn't deal with whatever that was. She had to find Sunset's apartment. Yet, she couldn't help but stay when she heard shouting inside.

"The heck, Pinks?"

"What I do?"

"Someone's outside!"

"You shut the door first, ya know."

"What's going on?"

"A girls outside."

"And she had navy, purple, and pink hair!"


Twilight felt offended. Was something wrong with her hair color? Just then, the door flew open.

"Twilight! Oh sweet faust, come in!"

Twilight breathed with relief. Finally, Sunset. She was glad she stayed a while. "Thanks, Sunset."

Once Twilight was inside, Sunset closed and locked the door. "You're welcome. I'm so sorry about that. I swear those two act like children sometimes."

Twilight giggled at Sunset's comment.

Though, Sunset was glaring at her two friends who were standing next to each other across the room. She pointed to each of them as she talked. "That's Rainbow Dash, and that's Pinkie Pie." Sunset pointed to Twilight next. "Girls, this is Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight gave a weak smile as she waved at both of them. "Hey..."

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Pinkie ran over to Twilight and squeezed in her a tight hug. "It is so nice to meet Sunset's girlfriend! I bet we're gonna be the bestest of friends! I mean, Rainbow is cool and all, but her attitude is getting kinda old."

"I'm right here you know!" Rainbow growled.

Twilight's face was red. It was because of the fact that Pinkie called Twilight, Sunset's girlfriend. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because Pinkie was squeezing all the oxygen out of Twilight's body.

"O-Okay, first... your t-too tight," Twilight tried to say.

Pinkie automatically released Twilight from her big hug. "Oopsie."

"Second, it's nice to meet you too, Pinkie Pie."

"Just call me, Pinkie," she gleamed.

Twilight nodded. "And third..."

"Twilight's not my girlfriend, Pinkie. I've told you... this..." Sunset said through her teeth, looking embarrassed.

Pinkie Pie slowly blinked, but then shrugged. "Oki doki loki."

Rainbow then walked up to Twilight for her introduction next. She quickly held her hand out. "You can call me Rainbow. Or Dash. Up to you."

Twilight grabbed hold of Rainbow Dash's hand. To her surprise, Rainbow had a strong grip when she shook it. "Well, Rainbow. It's nice to meet you as well."

Rainbow smiled and let go of Twilight's hand.

"Great! We all know each other," Sunset blurted. Twilight looked at Sunset confused, but all Sunset gave her was an anxious smile.

Twilight broke the eye contact first, as she took a look back at Rainbow and Pinkie. Pinkie was rocking back and forth on her toes, while Rainbow looked elsewhere with a hand on her hip. When Rainbow's gaze finally made it back over to Twilight and Sunset, she could see Sunset giving her narrowed eyes. That's when Rainbow got the memo and nudged Pinkie Pie.

"We're leaving, Pinks," Rainbow told her after the nudge.

Pinkie faced Rainbow and raised her eyebrow. She took out her phone and opened the calendar app. "Nope. We have nowhere we need to be today."

"...Don't we need to do some shopping?"

"Nuh uh. We don't need another load of groceries until next week."

"...When was the last time we went to the gym?"


"...No last minute cake orders?"

"Not today."

Rainbow threw her arms up in the air. "Jesus freaking christ. Guess what? We're going skating!"

Pinkie eyes were saucers, and she squealed with joy. "Yes yes yes!" With that, she ran to her room to get ready.

Rainbow looked at Sunset Shimmer. Sunset mouthed a 'thank you,' which she accepted with a smile. A few minutes later, Pinkie skipped back into the living room dressed for the cavalier with a pair of white skates, blue laces, and pink wheels in her hand.

Rainbow groaned. But sucked it up for Sunset as she grabbed her wallet off the side table. Her and Pinkie said goodbye to Sunset and their new friend, Twilight, before heading out the door.

Sunset locked the door behind them, then faced Twilight. "Want something to drink?"

"Some water is fine, if that's okay," Twilight accepted the offer.

Sunset smiled. "Gotcha. One glass of ice water coming up," she said in a singing tone before going to the kitchen.

Twilight giggled at her. Ten seconds alone, and it was already going well.

I didn't know Sunset had roommates. They seem nice and sort of remind me of my own friends.

Twilight was about to follow Sunset in the kitchen, but stopped when she noticed the instruments planted on the wall by the TV. Two rhythm guitars; one royal blue, and one cyan.

Yeah, I'm definitely asking her about those later.

Author's Note:

Behind The Scenes: This originally was supposed to be one chapter, but then I scrolled down to look at the word count and realized it was already long. Then to add to the fact, school just started.

Alternate Chapter Title: Texting, Water, and Hugs.

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