• Member Since 17th Apr, 2019
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Past Sins AU. What would happen if Nyx was found by some-pony other than Twilight Sparkle? Some-pony who did not have her best interests at heart-- like a certain Changeling Queen? Inspired by Glimpses, by Pen Stroke.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 167 )

Well, I'm interested,

Cool so far! Though dark and scary as well.


Well now, this looks to be an intriguing divergence...kind of worried about how poor Nyx will develop,,,

And we desire more

gave it a like, but it doesn't want to register it

Not bad at all, tracking.

Don't you dare stop

I shan't! Thanks for reading!

You're killin' me with this waiting period. What's the progress?

I’m halfway finished with Chapter 2. I write it when I can, while also working a job. I have not abandoned it. In fact, I have the chapter sketched out, so I know how it is going to go.

lol I get that. As a matter of fact, I'll be uploading my Nyx story on the 10th of August. I've got about 9 chapters finished so I'm halfway done and I'm working on chapter 10 right now.

I can send a link to it when I put it up if you want

Интересует. С нетерпением жду продолжения!
Interested in. I look forward to continuing!

More than anything, she wanted to rescue the filly. She might be Nightmare Moon re-born, and a flesh-eater at that, but she still just a child in a very bad environment.

So Celestia hates carnivores and omnivores, everything that eats meat?

A new chapter AND a date today?! I am now in a good mood

I was so happy to see it updated again.
Keep up the great work!

Луна сияла. «Я знал, что ты поймешь, сестра! Не бойся! Я думал о том, что ты сказал ранее, и я верю, что ты прав. Кризалис - такое нетерпеливое существо; Я не сомневаюсь, что она скоро совершит ошибку. Если нам повезет, возможно, мы сможем использовать эту ошибку, чтобы спасти этого ребенка из ее мерзких лап! »

for starters, princess Luna could try reconnaissance in a Nyx dream

Luna can't go in to Nyx's dreams, because the Nullifier Throne disrupts Luna's dream-walker ability. I thought I had included dialogue clarifying that, but it looks like I edited it out by mistake! I will have to clarify this in another chapter. Thanks for pointing that out!

No, but meat-eating is really disgustful to ponies, at least in this interpretation of Equestria. She was okay with Thorax after all, and was used to the idea of Changelings as predators. What disturbs Celestia is that a pony is eating a diet of mostly meat and isn't suffering any negative effects from it.

What about bat ponies/thestrals?

They're fruit bat ponies!!!

In all seriousness, I haven't seen a bat-pony with fangs, so I think they're just ponies with bat features. Perhaps an offshoot of Pegasus ponies? But no, they don't eat meat in this story.


Also on another topic
Doesn't meat have nutritions inside that feeds/evolves the brain that made monkey evolution into humans possible?
Nyx is an omnivore, right?

Nyx lineage, children, etc will be superior to ponies and evolve? 👩‍⚕️👨‍🔬
I won't mind if that's true 🦇

Actually, the throne may mistake luna for nightmare and therefore allow the dream walking.
Another possibility is that the queen may take nightmare out for 2 nights and 1 day.

Sunlight Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer reforming.” She glanced at Princess Luna. “The Tantabus Incident.”

forgot her former student name,well done celly :flutterrage:

“He tried learning to read,” said Thorax. “The Queen does not like it when her subjects read. It is not allowed.” His voice sounded dull and empty.

call the hive idiot,then BAN reading.....

:facehoof: I thought there was something off about the name, but couldn’t place it! I should have proof-read this chapter one more time...

I was able to fix a different mistake: for some reason, I called Sunburst “Starburst.” :twilightblush:

I’m still working on 3. I hope to have that up as soon as possible.

Great work! Any info on when the next chapter is coming out?

Hopefully, by the end of this month. Maybe April. I can say that chapter 3 will be 10,000+ words. I have also written scenes and snippets for other parts of the fic that also amount to nearly that many words.

Wow, that's a lot! Can't wait to read it all. Keep up the amazing work and have fun writing!


Can't wait I love it so far

I have completed the main working draft of Chapter 3. Now I come to the editing/ revision part of the process, where I work to find as many errors as possible while also improving the prose. The Word manuscript is 15,560 words long and extends 37 pages! So please bare with me a while longer. Thanks!

The waiting periods are REALLY long, so I hope it will be worth it, but I have trust in you. Just don't forget to give a sign of live every once in a while. Can't wait to finally find out what will happen to Nyx (or well, Nmm). Nyx = best pony


The Word manuscript is 15,560 words long and extends 37 pages!

This is amazing, can't wait to get my hands on it!

nice work, I hope we are going to see more to Chrysalis, and if it is possible to have her "reformed" I am sick of the storys that uses her as a cartoon villain with no motives or backstory


He spotted the javelin Twilight had taken from Nyx and grinned. “And if she doesn’t, I know some-pony who will! O, she’s real royalty, sure enough: I’ve seen what she can do! Those ponies don’t know what they’ve got! Heh heh heh!”

I hope there won't be reforming bullshit for Nyx
Like "oh Chrysalis was bad, I see it now, I want you Twilight to be my mommy" crap

Thorax should be later executed when Nyx will be back in control as queen
Sure Chrysalis did bad things but these were the only options
Celestia is only now nice because she has a puppet.


Two bright flashes of light burst out from two guard drones as they levitated into the air. The flashing pulsated for a moment, and then the two guards descended. The light faded away, and there now stood two beautiful Reformed Changelings. One had turned lime-green, while the other had become turquoise, with magenta eyes and wings.

At that moment Pharanx should have killed the traitors behind him

I like see her holes and horn healed instead of those coloR-barf new forms. My opinion because I like the old forms better. Also is Onyx really traumatized by Chrysalis or the ponies who got rid of her.

same here. About Nyx, I am more to the opinion that she is traumatized by the ponies

Oh yes! Going to read it in the evening. My day is saved

So, now an actual comment:

1) Great work, thank you. Good luck writing the next chapter. Hopefully we won't have to suffer for 3 and a half eternities till it comes out.

2) Pharynx - best!

3) These damned ponies! They just decided for Nightmare Moon to be taken away from home and just be renamed without asking her whether she wanted either and even without a real explanation to her! Imagine if someone would do this to you. This is just ripping out a part of someones identity and actually traumatising. Such *******! I agree to the comment below (10263674). Please no reforming! We want to see an evil NMM, very evil NMM, who will make these ponies pay.


“You do realize that she’s supposed to be in command now, right?”

Twilight blinked. Nyx was supposed to be in charge?

“Well, she isn’t old enough to rule any-pony right now,” countered Thorax. “She’s only a nymph—sorry, I mean filly. And since I have made this transformation, and learned to share love, it has been decided that I shall lead the Changelings from now on.”

You never heard of something like a regency or is it something else, Thorax? I higly suspect the latter. NMM has a claim on the throne --> is a problem. He can't just keep her around, but isn't tough enough to kill her and the princesses also want him as essentially an independent puppet, so he just wants to hoove her out and thinks: "Out of sight, out of mind!".
Once again agreeing to the comment below (10263674). I am also waiting for the scene where Nightmare Moon is going to expose this changeling's insides to environmental effects.

5)Nyx should eat Spike or Angel

I wonder if this story is going to involve The Ending Of The End, with a grown-up NMM and her cult having joined the Legion of Doom.

Interesting idea! But all I’ll say is not to get too attached to canon here. I intend to parallel it in some parts, but I also wish to explore some of the ways Nyx’s presence would alter canon.


I agree with 1-4. But with Number 5??? WTF!!!!!! Why the Heck would you want Nyx to do that to Spike?! And do you want to Piss Off Fluttershy if Angel Died?

Grande! Complimenti! Ottimo!

But it was a photograph in a simple black wooden frame that caught her attention. In the forefront stood Nyx, beaming brightly at the camera, her fangs plainly visible in her wide grin. There was a mare standing behind her. She was a tall, desiccated-looking mare, who may have been reckoned beautiful were she not so gaunt. She had a teal oily mane and wore a four-pronged crown with round nodules. Her horn was crooked, and her gossamer wings were torn. She had serpentine eyes like Nyx, but they were green instead of cyan. And while Queen Chrysalis did not smile as broadly as Nyx, something in her regal bearing came across as proud. She rested a hoof across Nyx’s left wither.

Nyx reached out and felt her wither, the very one Chrysalis had her hoof on in the picture. Her eyes watered. She held the frame close to her, embracing it as tears ran down her cheeks.


Nyx wasn’t abuse by Chrysalis, she was loved by her and Thorax is on her chopping block.

yes, I agree with that. Also, Nyx doesn't have to wait long for her mommy to save her, and I hope that Thorax get what he deserved, for take a child from her mother

So glad to see a new chapter, even if it is a bit shorter. I love Nyx fanfics in general and this one has the perfect idea in my opinion, so keep it up!
1) Discord feels just like... well, Discord. I think you capture his behavior 100% accurate.
2) It's cool to see how Starlight starts getting thoughts while Twilight is all like "aww the poor little Nyx!". It also works very well with her character. I'm just a bit worried that you might overdo it a little, so that it will make Twilight actually look a bit stupid when compared to Starlight, but I don't think it will happen.
3) Now that she's not under the influence of Chrysalis's throne, I wonder what Luna will see in NMM's dreams, since she is worried she'd surely check. My guess would be hunting.
4) Speaking of the night, we did say that NMM is a night pony, right? That means she'll be walking around the palace at night. (Ha, just like me, just I don't have a palace)

Want Changelings Can't read but how bo they get info?

While they aren’t able to read, the Changelings do have an effective communications system. I believe I demonstrated this fairly early in the story, when Chrysalis brought Nyx to the Hive. Between landing at the Hive and their arrival at the Atrium, the entire Hive knew about Nyx before Chrysalis even had a chance to introduce her. They’re a lot smarter than Chrysalis gives them credit for.

Thanks for the favorite!

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