• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 910 Views, 9 Comments

I just stay Home - Dark Wish

Nope. I am staying in my house. I don't want any creature disturbing me.

  • ...

Where the Hell am I?

It was a lazy Sunday morning in Australia. My ideal way to spend my weekends is to laze around a browse through the internet. However, somebody kept bothering me about crap I don't care about.
"Ben, aren't you going to the game with us?", my friend called me over about the game for the 5th time since I woke up.
"Buddy," I answered him with the same statement I have given him, "I don't like sports. I don't watch people playing sports. Why should I care about this?"
"Because I only see you either at school, part-time job or you taking the public transportation."
"Maybe next time think an event I like to attend. You know me throughout High School that I hated sports. Good day sir," I hang up the phone and turned it off so I wouldn't be disturbed by the pestering ringing noise.
Good, now I have the whole day with myself. Just me, the house to myself and the internet. There is nothing that could bother me on this lovely day.

Some time later.
"Bloody weather," a nasty storm came. It was a hailstorm with strong winds that could easily blow away any untied furniture in your yard.
Luckily, I don't leave anything untied out in my yard. The only thing I have to worry about is my neighbours' stuff that would blow into my home. I looked in my phone to see the news about the unexpected storm. It said the usual stuff about storm safety like stay away from fallen power lines and be aware about losing power.
"I hope my friends' trip is not ruined," I talked to myself as I watch the hailstones laying all over my yard.
Out of nowhere a loud thunder came out of nowhere and short-circuited the electricity in my house. I was swallowed into the darkness despite that it was in the middle of the day, so I put my phone's flashlight on.
"This weather is just getting ridiculous," as soon as try to find the fuse box, there was a loud rumble on the ground like a mini-earthquake. I was knocked onto my ass as I wan't prepared, "What the heck happen?"
The rumble become rougher and rougher and the small ornaments and books were flying off the shelf.
"Help, what is going on here?!" I pulled my phone out to find out any information, "No services!"
The hail become louder, the wind become stronger and the earthquake become rougher.
"Is this the Apocalypse?" I screamed to myself before I was knocked unconscious by a fallen heavy book.

The noise have died down and the place is once again at peace. I found myself on the ground, surrounded by random junks. I picked myself up and limped myself to a chair.
"At least the worst is over," I rubbed the sore spot on my head, "What hit me?"
I looked around the mess and pick up the book that would likely cause me the knockout, "Welcome to the New World by I Don't Have a Name."
"Very funny guys," I said sarcastically. I put the book down on the table next to me as I went to find the fuse box, "I would beat him up next time I see him. He's lucky that I wasn't dead."
I walked out through the front door, not bothering to look at my surroundings. I walked to my fuse box that is outside my house and flicked the power back on. I saw the light turned back on through the window.
"Perfect, now to see the property dama......", I turned around and found myself in the middle of a field with few trees around me, "What happen to my neighbours? Where the hell am I?!"

I rushed inside to turn the TV and phone on, "Come on phone. Turn on faster!" I was shaking my phone, "Hurry up. What's happening here?"
"BREAKING NEWS," the TV broke my tantrum, "The house at [my home address] have been mysteriously missing along with the owner after the unexpected storm."
The news show live footage of the my property become a giant hole in the ground. The neighbours are being interviewed about the weird occurrence and my friends are trying to contact me with their devices.

I just stood there not knowing what to do. Am I dead? Am I still alive? Is this limbo? Is this heaven or is this hell? Where the hell am I?

I was in a middle of a mental breakdown as the room around me was spinning and breathing become extremely difficult. I would have likely collapse if it wasn't for my phone ringing in my hand. The ringing tone shook me out of my daze. I answered the phone as I slumped over the dining table. I put the phone on speaker so I don't have to keep holding it in my ear.

"Hello. This is Benjamin speaking from who-knows-where-and-how. How may I help you?" I mumbled. I was still trying to comprehend what is happening to me, "If you God, please forgive my sins."

"BEN! BEN! BEN!" my friend who called me earlier was relief to hear my voice, "Thank God you are alive! I was trying to call you since the storm landed in your area."

"Don't you have a game to watch?" I was not thinking clearly as I just trying to make light of the situation.

"Forget the game. You and your house is completely gone!" my friend sound clearly unamused with my response, "This is all over the news. Australia, America, China, Russia, England, countries that I have not even heard of are interested with your situation. A whole freaking house with the owner just vanished without a trace. There isn't any debris from your house."

"Yeah, I'm TV famous!" my friend was about to said something but I cut him off, "Phil, what is happening to me?"

My friend calm me down before he can collect as much information as possible, "First, check what working or not working in the house. Second, do not leave the house and just look out the window and describe as much detail as possible. Lastly, avoid having contact with other people if you can. You do not know if they are friendly or carrying some kind of dangerous disease."

I walked everywhere in my house and found something odd about it. I still can connect to the internet. The power is still running and there is still running water in my house. This would be unbelievable as my house was just yanked out of the ground and ended up somewhere else. The cables and pipes would be broken if that happen.

Next, I described the surroundings. Any rich fellow would want to buy this piece of land I was standing on. My house was on a grassy field with some tall thick trees and close by to it was a beach with untouched white sand. However, there wasn't any nearby structures or roads. What I find the most unusual I found was some kind of tall black pillars (maybe about 3 stories tall) made of obsidian. There were even some pillars sticking out from the ocean. The pillars formed a circle as my house was the centre of it. I estimated it is like a 1 kilometre distance from the house to one of the pillars.

What most eerie about this place was there wasn't animals nearby. No birds, insects, mammals or reptiles. The only sound I can only hear is the nearby trees' leaves being blown by the wind. I thought this would be a perfect place of animals to graze around.

"Okay. From my understanding, it is most likely you are not on Earth anymore," Phil concluded, "Sit down, this is going to be a wild ride."

He gave me some scenarios, "One, you have been kidnapped from some kind of evil government or organisation for some testing purposes. Second, you are dead and in some kind of purgatory. Third, you are taken by aliens. Don't get probe. Fourth, you are in another world like all those anime and manga that you watch and read."

I laid flat out on the ground while groaning from a major headache, "What should I do?"

He told me just to just hold on and he would run to get his other friends. As I was waiting for his return, there was a major alarm. I was panicking as I do not know what the alarm suppose to mean. The loud blaring noise was coming from the book that hit my head earlier. That darn stupid book. First knocked me unconscious, now a really effective alarm clock. I was extremely pissed at this point. I slammed the book open to ripped out any devices hidden inside it. A light flashed out of the book which temporary blinded me. As I waited for my vision to return, I turned back and found something shocking. A fully detailed, 3D coloured map of my home and the surrounding area floating above the book. There were blinking red lights on the map which is nearby one of the pillars. I tapped on one of the red spots and show another window of the supposedly trespasser. The only thing that come out of my mouth after witnessing it was "What the f..."

"feathers," a royal guard unicorn scouted around the area, "The black structures are acting as a force field to the new comer."

"Tell me about it," a royal guard pegasus approach him, "I couldn't get in from above. The force field is the dome to the middle structure."

"Princess Celestia, what should we do?" the royal guards asked to their magnificent leader, "This place could be a great ally or a great threat to us."

"Keep this place on watch," Princess Celestia commanded, "Let no citizens get close to it and continue watching our new visitor."