• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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An Asian-American brony who is a fan of Spike, Discord, and Jackie Chan.


A revival of Lauren Faust's scrapped project for Sony Pictures Animation and inspired by WubcakeVA.

Cover art linked to Facebook page of Sony Pictures Animation.

There's more to the story than what's on the page, just as there's beauty within the beast.

One day, while going on an archeologist expedition with Maud Pie, the girls encountered a creature of Greek Mythology. A creature called a gorgon – by the name Medusa. But Medusa is far from what the stories say she is.

Together, the Equestria Girls, Spike, and their new friend all work together on finding a way to rid her curse, while helping her learn that what makes you different is, in fact, what makes you strong.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 284 )

VERY good work on the foreshadowing in this first chapter. Brilliant use of one of Lauren Faust's scrapped projects for inspiration. The exchange between the Rainbooms and Maud on the way to the site and AT the site is very certainly well done. And, yeah, Twi, as Pinkie pointed out, by now, you have seen so much fantastic stuff that the words "no such thing as" shouldn't even be in your vocabulary anymore. So, yeah, gorgons are real, but NOT ALL gorgons are bad.

But, yeah, I'll very certainly be looking forward to more of this.

Oof, wow. That hit me right in the Realzies

This feels like I'm reading a real script for EQG.... I like it. A lot.

Well, I look forward to seeing how you carry this out

I remember way back that Lauren Faust was working on this, why was it scrapped?

Because she and the staffs ran into conflicts on the creative direction they wanted the project to go, so Lauren Faust left Sony Pictures animation. That was about four years ago.

Please hurry with next chapter!

I like Gorgons, and this is looking very good. I‘m interested :raritywink:

I do wonder what languages the Gorgon speaks. If nothing works maybe Fluttershy can talk to her in Snake-hissing :fluttershyouch:


maybe Fluttershy can talk to her in Snake-hissing

You mean like parseltongue from Harry Potter?

Good start. This look very interesting.
And I LOVE the legends. :heart:
Good luck! :scootangel:

I am feeling pretty sorry for Spike here. Applejack and Rainbow should have gone for the firewood instead of him (since the former's super-strength can allow her to carry a lot more firewood and the latter's super-speed would allow her to carry it back to the campsite much faster even if she had to make multiple trips). But the point remains that being alone in the middle of some scary forest is definitely rough on the nerves. I just hope the little fellow will be all right. Still, great job on the exchanges, characterizations, humor and future chapter set-up in this chapter. I especially liked the reaction to Rarity's large tent, Rainbow's recap of the Medusa story (which, I'm sure, in THIS particular story, is only HALF true) and the Mythology Gag concerning one of the most classic scenes from "Griffon the Brush-Off".

Yeah, I will very certainly be looking forward to the next chapter.

Looking forward to more of this story, keep up the good work!

Jinks, so much jinks, sssoooooo much frickin jinks!

Oh, No! I'm a statue!!…
Mmm… No, I'm okay, haha :twilightblush:

Can somebody please tell me more about Lauren Faust's scrapped project?

For starters, it wasn't intended to be another MLP, let alone, Equestria Girls movie.

Start at 7:30.

Great work on this chapter.

REALLY good job on the first meeting interaction between the girls and Medusa, especially with Spike vouching for the latter. Yeah, I LOVED how Sunset got the entire story and the reactions to not just the legends as well as Twilight and Fluttershy's reactions to Medusa's snakes AND Medusa's modern culture confusion (which makes sense as she has spent two thousand plus years in self-imposed exile).

Anyway, splendid job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places.

I love what you've written so far. I believe this will be a great story!

Poor Medusa, how can anyone not sympathize with her after all she's been through?

Good job with the chapter.
But I think is missed something…. Maybe the girls could see more statues while they were looking for Spike, and that scared them. The statues description.
I don't know. It's just my opinion. :applejackunsure:
But I like it. Continue :pinkiesmile:

That lady needs hugs something fierce... GET HER PINKIE! :pinkiehappy:

Lookin good, got me hooked on the story. Makes me wonder if she's cold blooded or not.

Amazing work on this chapter, shedding liquid sadness.

So I was passing through the site looking for something to pass the time, when I stumbled upon this project. I had heard that Lauren Faust once proposed a 'Medusa' feature for Sony, given it would've been a break from the MLP stuff she's been known for (Well she did do 'DC Super Hero Girls' recently, but that's besides the point). But if you ask me, I think Sony really missed out on this opportunity because of the potential it had of telling the story of Medusa in a different light (They are lucky 'Into the Spiderverse' was ultimately the company's saving grace after some of their... Mishaps). Anyways on to the matter at hand...

Since it was obvious that Medusa would not be on screen, the best that could be done was to take the story we were expecting and incorporating the elements of 'Equestria Girls'. The set-up is pretty basic: The girls are called in to explore the site of some old ruins, even though Rainbow Dash (As usual) would prefer adventure with booby traps and black magic. It is here there is some hints as to how the famous Gorgon will play a role in this story, with mention of the possibility as to why there are statues of terrified citizens all over the abandoned site (Apart from the excavation team of course). And interesting to note how we compare a Gorgon to that of a Cockatrice, both creatures capable of turning anything into stone just by looking at them. I look forward to how the remainder of the project turns out.

As someone who saw 'Clash of the Titans' (The original, didn't care for the remake) that's pretty much how I know the story about Perseus and Medusa. Course in the feature, it sticks with the story that he killed Medusa, slicing off her head while using the shield to keep her gaze from turning him to stone, and using it to fight the Kraken. But if this story implies that this is not 'entirely' true and there's more to it than what the ancients have let on, I would imagine the girls would be in for quite a surprise. And considering that Spike has found himself in a tight spot knowing that he's about to run into the infamous beastie herself, I don't know at this point if she's more than what she seems, Spike may be in big trouble. This story definitely foreshadows more than just Medusa's arrival and I'm anxious to see where it goes from here.

Props to Mrs. Wubcake for the artwork, I think this would've been awesome storyboard art for the movie.

At some point, we were bound to ask ourselves: Is everything we know about 'Medusa' just as the storytellers say or is there more to it? After all, fictional or not, most of us weren't even around that period when the story was set so in this universe no one would know for certain if everything was entirely accurate. What we've seen through Sunset's ability to look into her memories is that she seemed unfairly cursed, treated cruelly by the folks who saw her as a monster and not a victim-of-circumstance. It's no wonder why she's hesitant to embrace the idea of friendship with the girls, even though they were initially scared of her, but then again having been alone for hundreds of years she thought it be best to keep her presence in the dark. Still, deep down she has a caring personality or else she wouldn't have thought to help Spike when he was scared for his life. No doubt the girls will want to know more about her story, but this Medusa doesn't seem the type to give 'everything' away willingly.

It'll take time and patience, but I'm certain they're bound to learn a few things from each other.

Need any help? :unsuresweetie:
Well, the girls need to find Medusa...
Is she hide in a cave? Or in a hidden temple :ajsmug:
Well, I hope read you soon.

It's how they can get her off the island unnoticed. That's the trick.

Maybe in the night, when everyone is sleeping :applejackunsure:

It's one thing if they can do the old 'Hat, Coat and Sunglasses' disguise to keep her 'hair' hidden and prevent her eyes from causing those around her to turn them into stone. It be like how Cyclops was given this visor that prevents his lasers from shooting out uncontrollably and on that note offering control usually with a push of a button or an eye motion that releases the lens. Also the typical trench-coat should keep most of her scales unseen unless it's a typically hot day where they are and it be difficult. If the issue is also that the remainder of her body... Mostly her lower half, that's going to be tricky. It's not like the girls would know of any spells that can 'temporarily' give her legs much like that sequence in 'Magic Island' (An old movie that Disney used to air).

Awesome job. And I like the second option. For her lower half she should wear a long skirt or something

really great so far cant wait for more !

I personally like the third option, but it’s up to you. And may I just say you’re doing an amazing job and I LOVE this story! I especially love how you incorporate hissing into Medida’s speech.

You kinda jump between past and present tense. Like, a lot. It'd probably be better to pick one and stick with it.

Between one and three, I think maybe three.

I'm thinking option 1 or 3

Again, excellent job on this latest chapter. LOVE the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I especially liked the details of Medusa's conflicting emotions following her meeting with the Rainbooms and Sunset's nightmares following her picking up Medusa's memories.

And, yeah, I think the third option works best with Pinkie leaving Maud a note. Of course, you could still work in elements of the second option by having the Rainbooms provide Medusa with a disguise once they get her on the ship to prepare her for the mainland (including, as already mentioned, a large hat and sunglasses, a trenchcoat and a dress with a long skirt to cover her legs).

I'm voting the second. Let's face it, in the show anyone wearing the trenchcoat getup with some sunglasses are ignored completely.

On the other hand, why not just have her get on the boat as she is? Besides the archeologist team Maud knows the stuff those girls get into. "Hey, we found this Medusa cosplayer around here and are taking her back to shore so we'll be back in a bit. Rather not contaminate the dig site." Anyone asks about her tail it's just she's reeeeeally good with her costume.

Option 3, and why not just tell Maud? Maud is cool, she will understand. Still get her some shades, its saver.

P.S.: Something bittersweet this story reminded me of.

Another good chapter! I liked that Applejack played the bass and Medusa like it.
And good song.. I love it!! It's now one of my favorites song.
And I know that I give you one idea. But now I can't decide, because I saw a problem with the options:
1) What do you mean with "catch the boat off"? Will they will escape? And how strong will the archeologist team allow the girls to play their music? Because their job is sensitive. About where Medusa can stay?.. Maybe in the machine room. I don't know. :applejackunsure:
2) It's another good idea, and like you said: will work when they get in mainland. But in the island, how are they going to explain that they met someone there, when the place is supposed to be uninhabited? :rainbowhuh:
3) Well, yeah. They can just escape in the night. But just like that? Without any explanation?
Those are my views. I hope I'm not bothering anyone. :twilightsheepish:
Read you in the next chapter.
And well, I vote to 1 or 3 :moustache:

It was worth the wait to see this new chapter come up and I am pleased to see that Medusa is slowly warming up to the Rainbooms. She may still be hesitant about wanting to leave the safety of her island, knowing folks around her will get turned to stone if she looks at them with that one eye and yet it cannot be denied she's been lonely for far too long. Course, the world has changed in the time she spent hiding away and regardless what she thinks once these Rainbooms had set their minds on showing her a new lease on life they stick with it. Who knows how they are going to help her, given the possibilities are near endless. If I were to choose from any of the options, I'd stick with Options 1 or 3.

Excellent work on this chapter. I think you should you a combination of 2 and 3.

That was a ..... cuteward ending. (cute/akward) More please.

Great work on this chapter.

After awhile on getting settled fully, the friends all started up the boat, and were on their way to begin an exciting adventure.

One "three hour tour" later....

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