• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
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About 14 cupcakes short of a baker's dozen. Also occasionally goes by Stormy Seas.


Sludge might not have been Spike’s real father, but it turns out that there was more truth to his story than fiction. After an angry purple alicorn princess forces a confession out of him, Sludge reveals to Twilight that Spike’s parents really have been locked up by the Scale Collectors. After learning that his real parents are prisoners, Spike and his friends hatch a plan to find them and secure their release.

However, the Scale Collectors answer to nobody but themselves in their campaign against dragons and dragon society. Not even the Princesses are able to exercise authority over them. With no other choice but to take matters into his own claws, Spike has to find his parents and bust them out of there. Or else he may risk losing them forever.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 52 )

Well, you're off to a good start. I look forward to seeing where this goes!

EDIT: I can't believe it took me this long to realize that this is related to your other fic The Substitute Teacher.

I will do my best to make it worth your time. And I’m thrilled you caught that little reference.

Really loving this first chapter of Spike's parent rescue story, looking forward to see what happens next! :twilightsmile:

EDIT : Just realized this is a companion piece to The Substitute Teacher story, which makes this one even more awesome! :moustache:

You did it! You took that interesting, yet un-seen, subplot from The Substitute Teacher and turned it into a full-fledged story! YES!

And a very good story so far! Everyone is in-character, and the story is engaging.

Though, even with the suspicion of the scale collectors being real, I do wonder how the ponies came to the conclusion that they have Spike's parents, since they weren't specifically mentioned?

Looking forward to more chapters!

(Alternative scene) Twilight: "Hey Spike, I know that you've been a little down since that Sludge dragon tried to take advantage of you, and that you've also been missing Pee-wee some lately, so I thought it was about time that you got a new pet to take care of." Twilight levitates a small terrarium over.

Spike: "Oh wow, a chameleon!" Spike looks excitedly at the yellow and purple lizard as it bangs feebly against the glass enclosure, pleading to be released, its small voice unable to convey its pleas for mercy or shouts of apologies for trying to deceive Spike. "Aw! He's so happy to see me! Thanks Twi!"

Twilight: "Just make sure he doesn't escape. It's a big world out there and we'd hate to have somepony accidentally squash him under their hooves." She turns and glares threateningly at the small lizard "Wouldn't we?" The lizard cowers back and shakes its head "no" vigorously. "Good. Now it can live out its life as a pampered pet, just like I'm sure it always wanted to." Twilight grins slyly while the chameleon shudders and Spike reaches in to poke at it.

Comment posted by Equestrian Defender deleted Jun 24th, 2019

Plot twist! When they get there, spike’s parents are already dead,

Oh man, even I felt the sting of that poison contraption! :fluttercry:

At least the plan seems to be working though, here's hoping the gang can turn the tables hard on these creeps in the next few chapters! :flutterrage:

Crafty AJ. Telling the truth but phrasing it in such a way that it's not obvious that it is the real truth.

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

"Get looking for that dragon," she snarled. "And find me a green dragonfire message bottle. It's time to spread the good word about our latest guests."

That’s just sick... imprisoning dragons and using their abilities against them...

I knew things wouldn't go so well & I already hate this Bloom jerk, gotta wonder what she meant when they were talking about Spike there though. :moustache:

Can't wait for the next chapter, looking forward to see Spike turn the tables on these creeps! :flutterrage:

I'm surprised that other dragons can use message fire. I thought it was just Spike...and possibly Ember, whom he may have taught it too.

Still, this is good story so far. Everyone is in character, the original characters are interesting (a bit cliched, but so are most of the villains in the actual show), there's good attention to detail (especially in the settings and landscape descriptions), and good dialogue.

Hope to see more soon!

That's not something I had considered when I was jotting down notes about them. When I read something, I tend to assign characters whatever voice first comes to mind. I'd like to think that other people do the same, and I wouldn't want to dictate to them what their own imagination could create. That does help me improve, though. I can start adding some basic thoughts about tones, accents, and pitch.

Thanks to everyone for the comments. They're a big boost to the motivation factor when I'm looking at stacks of handwritten edits in need of entering into the Docs page.

"The Princesses will come for us. Equestria would never help you even if you threatened us," Twilight spat, unable to muster the strength to pull away from the other unicorn's grasp.

"The Princess of Friendship and her friends in exchange for also never having to fear dragons again? I think you underestimate your value to your subjects, as well as most pony's feelings on the dragon threat."

And who's to say Equestria even needs to be involved? Knowing Dragon Lord Ember, the second she hears about this, she'll likely come to them to try and break them all out herself. And I actually almost want to see her try. I don't think she'd ultimately succeed, but Ember's still a force to be reckoned with so I'd like to think she'd still give them a run for their money.

Pretty emotional encounter between Spike & his parents, like *Sparkle Seven* it's not a good idea to underestimate the little dragon. :raritywink::moustache:

"But what about my parents? They--"

"Would want you to do the same," Applejack added. "Trust me."

I get the feeling Applejack is going off of personal experience...

Nice chapter—especially the reunion. Given the little tidbits mentioned in The Substitute Teacher, something tells me the next couple of chapters are going to be very fun...

Inside it, the Collectors were said to have stored all the profits they made from selling shed scales as well as the growth potions they used to encourage faster shedding.

You know, it's things like that which make me think these Collectors have long lost sight of what they were originally doing. That goal isn't totally lost, surely (not that improves anything), but I suspect the Collectors, or at least the higher-ups in charge, are a little more in it for the money these days.

All you crud buckets better leave the hecking dragons alone, or somepony is gonna disappear in the night with naught but a red trail! :pinkiecrazy:

Nuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Why is there not more chapter!? :fluttercry:

Another good chapter. Again, good dialogue, nice interactions, and good scene set-ups.

I do wonder why Spike hasn't sent Celestia a scroll with an update or request for assistance, though.

Oh yeah, go get them Spikey!!!!!! :moustache:

“Help us, Spike. You’re our only hope.”

“Ever since I can remember, everyone’s always been there to look out for me.”

For some reason this got me to thinking of this song:

Good song and a great band.

Swallowing down an urge to snack on a few of the gems,...

Actually, might as well. Help build up your strength while also depriving these nutters of that same amount of their riches and effectively thumb your nose at them all in one go. :trollestia:

Of course, growing super large and smashing the whole place up works too. Just be sure to get in the first hits, or they'll nail you with a whole lot of those darts pretty quick, and I'm pretty sure they won't be any less effective while you're big than while small, especially if they use more than one.

Now that was awesome, way to go Spikey!!!! :moustache:

Ardent Bloom lashed out. "Never!" She gestured grandly at the demolished base. "You think this was all the Scale Collectors had at our disposal? Fool." She gestured grandly. "This was just one of many holding pens for our...less important guests. There are more of us. There will always be more of us. I won't--" Furred paws appeared and clapped itself over Bloom's mouth and horn, stifling any further comment.

Figures this witch would still be defiant, good riddance! :rainbowwild:

"I am Spike the Dragon, of Equestria. You kidnapped my parents. Prepare to fry."

Ohhhhhhkay, Spike, how long did it take you to come up with that line? :rainbowlaugh:

It was apparent these particular Scale Collectors had never before dared to tangle with a mature, and very angry, dragon.

Heh, kinda wanna see them tangle with Torch (and fail epically) then. :trollestia:

"Oh, you know," she coyly mocked. "The part about your life where we took your egg from your parents and handed it over to Princess Celestia. We wanted to know if a dragon, raised by ponies, would still act like a dragon. Nature versus nurture." "When the bets were called, I came down on the side of nurture." Then her expression changed as she looked Spike up and down to one of dismay and disappointment. "I guess we all lost."

I don't know if buy this, it's too opportunistic. There's something else about all this that she's not saying here, isn't there? Or at least, some other motivation to her personally that this serves as a good excuse for her to continue...whatever it is she plans.

...she still has that letter, after all. I mean, circumstances obviously have changed, but...

If nothing else, though, I know Bloom doesn't truly believe what she's saying right here. She's too invested in eliminating the dragons for that.

natural, fun-sized proportions

Heh. :pinkiehappy:

An excellent chapter, with a moral worthy of the show and an excellent take/twist on the backstory of Spike's egg! I like the backstory because of the conundrum it sets; if Spike doesn't hurt the ponies then it proves the ponies were right in that he was more "civilized" being raised by ponies, but, if he did hurt them, then that would prove that dragons are brutes Neither is an ideal choice for Spike but with the help of his family (both of his families) and friends, he comes up with the ideal solution of just being himself and embracing both aspects of his heritage.

Well done!

I’m sorry, the like button appears to be broken. I can only like once!

Missed a great opportunity to throw the book at them.

Glad Spike's back to fun size, wouldn't have minded if he kept a couple extra inches though.

Really loved this tale, thanks for sharing! :heart:

Too bad Spike didn't meet Smolder after this epic adventure was over, but other than that great work with my fave purple dragon! :moustache:

Boy, does Dragon Lord Ember sure have some surprises in store for Spike's parents :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for telling your story - I enjoyed it quite a lot! Hopefully, we'll cross paths again someday.

You can’t judge an entire group by the actions of just a few.

True words to live by, and in my experience, applicable to basically all instances, both in and out of real life. :raritywink:

Personally, there's a few points I would've addressed in some manner before wrapping up like this. But! All in all, still a satisfactory read. :twilightsmile:

An excellent conclusion to a good, well-rounded story.

She passed the scroll to Starlight, who took one look at the addressee and blanched. “I think I know somepony who would be a great substitute teacher while I’m away.”

Looks like Daddy is coming for a visit. :ajsmug:

"I don't rightly know y' all well enough to answer that, but I can tell you that I'm as worked up as a wood-starved beaver in an orchard about this whole dragon thing. I don't like what I've been hearing or what's been going on one dang bit, and I came out here to try and help set things straight. If I can do something to make all this right, I will. And that's the honest truth."

Technically not a lie.

Well, that could have been worst. :twilightoops:

The question now is "Where is home?".

Aww, so the history teacher wasn't Starlight's daddy? :pinkiesad2:

Oh, I'm not clever enough to build in a plot twist of that sort. I needed an event to clear them out of the school for Substitute, and couldn't let the chance pass by to tell this story and link the two together. I :heart: story connections. :pinkiehappy:

I'm a little biased but I love the writing as always!

I am a very, very bad wife that it took me this long to read. But it's a great read and i very thoroughly enjoyed it!

This was a fantastic read! There's not words enough to describe how much I hate Sludge and what he did to Spike, I really wished we had gotten to actually see more development with his family. You filled that niche perfectly with this story

Thank you very much! I completely agree with wanting to have seen more development out of that episode. It was a nice message about family being those you choose and those who are a part of your life, but there was great potential that was wasted.

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