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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"


It’s not uncommon for young stallions or mares to come to Cadance to request blessings in their love lives or some other such thing. It’s all part of being the Princess of Love, really. This latest request, however, is altogether new. Granting it could start a political firestorm, but a powerful part of her says she should do it anyway. Filled with indecision, she decides to get advice from the pony she trusts most.

Born from a minor thought experiment based on the theory of Equestria having a female supermajority population and the potential cultural impacts of such a society.

Generously preread by Wanderer D.

Cover art by vintage-kiddo (formerly known as JadedMelody613).

Rated teen for topical discussion of sex (just playing it safe).

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 82 )

This was a interesting story and I really like how you handled Shinning in this. Even if he doesn't see the draw of it or even support it he didn't stand in his wife's way of doing what she thought was right and was willing to stand by her no matter what.

And you lost an upvote. I can't like something that has Equestria being a homophobic nation. Of any sort.

Yes Cadance was smarter in the end. But it is disgusting that Equestria would ever be like this at all.

Neece #3 · Jan 23rd, 2019 · · 1 ·

Hmm stallions playing around outside marriage effectively act the same as artificial insemination, and mare-only families would be extremely common. So indeed it'd be a purely cultural matter. Interesting thought exercise, well worth the read :twilightsmile:

Winston #4 · Jan 23rd, 2019 · · 1 ·

Not to say you can't interpret or vote on the story how you want, but I don't think it's fair to judge this story in terms of IRL western-world cultural sensibilities about the political correctness of approval or disapproval of male homosexuality. Per the author's intent, the situation for the ponies in their world is very different from the situation in ours, and they've accordingly shaped differently as a society. Disapproving of people for responding to their circumstances because you're judging them by our circumstances doesn't really seem like a fair lens to view anyone through.

Fanfiction is based on the fiction's universe, not our own.

I have to agree with you. This is fascinating. As for me I believe in a smaller ratio, more of 1-3. This is what I like to see in a fantasy world, a place with a different world view. And as for Cadance. I agree with her choice.

To the author, really in terms of child rearing, and to avoid to inbreeding, mating would have to be recorded. Another problem would be if one stallion and mare choose to have a truly closed marriage.

you know I'd love to see what happens afterwords. The ripples this creates and possibly seeing how Lion and his Fiance handle all the stuff that happens.


And homophobia has never been shown in Equestria. Of any kind. That's the problem I'm seeing. Maybe it's not common for stallions.

But that shouldn't mean its looked down on like this.

Practically, 1:7 shouldn’t really be problematic at all when it comes to maintaining birth rates. Especially if stallions in relationships are expected to stand at stud for outside mares on a regular basis. I mean, modern cattle herds generally have one prize bull covering thousands of cows. These ladies are spoiled for choice. There’s no practical reason for this to be an ‘all hands on deck’ sort of situation.

then dropped into a low bow. “Y-you’re majesty.”


Very different

That said, if I were you I’d ignore all the comments for this story. This obviously isn’t a fully thought out idea but people will either react to it like it is or treat it like a gay story when it obviously isn’t.


In the end, all fiction says something about our universe.

Canon... not canon...

This story was sweet as hell!

It's a really interesting thought experiment - something I'm glad to have read.

A different take this is for sure... But I feel that your ratio is to great... 1:3 is more like it... and that was only in the first few season for lack of assets of the animators... it evened out in the last seasons... Another thing is that what the show never hinted at any kind of promiscuity... but the opposite... And what would be a nice touch is the notion the more somepony is influential or wealthy they can have a monogamous relation ship... They are several stories on this site that incorporate this theme of gender ratio very well in the background of the main story.

A new offering from you? I must read.

It says that people still like triumphing over rickety homophobic structures, judging by green to red ratio.

You can't lose what you were not going to get anyway.

I don't buy it. If their culture had adapted in such a manner as to view m/m as disgusting because it interferes with maintaining a stable birth rate, then ponies should find monogamy downright vile. In terms of facilitating the desire to produce offspring, "encouraging promiscuity" is absolute peanuts in comparison to encouraging a stallion to bond with multiple mares.

I think the concept would have been a lot more interesting and thought-proviking if it had to challenge the expectations of forming a herd filled with mares, and if it didn't have a clear-cut "happy ending", instead needing to reach a compromise that would set a realistically tenable precedent.


What "should" be and what "is" are two very different things. You're viewing this culture with a robotic "this is how it should be" mentality, when culture is a byproduct of society and vice versa. Unlike our world, Equestria is socially sophisticated, incredibly so. Harems are, on average, dispassionate and rife with the potential to bring about emotional turmoil. This is not something Equestria would encourage; so it makes sense that being "promiscuous" in mating with close friends breeds an interesting angle for special bonds, and frees them from the possibility of becoming a utilitarian society.

Well, with the duty to produce drilled into every pony since birth, not just males, I would think having foals was a given, even for two males in a relationship. In fact, the ratio would make it more an imperative and not just a suggestion. What if a herd grows beyond the limits a single male can handle? The logical move would be to bring in a second male. I think the ability of free will goes beyond the physical bodies we are in, and true love, spiritual love, moves beyond what a society teaches in survival of a species.

With as much craziness, chaos and hatred in the world, I think we need as much love going around as we can get. :twilightsmile:

I disagree. I think all fiction says something about its author.

I would really like to see a continuation of this. I can't say that I have ever read a fic about any sort of civil rights movement. As much as I want to see more, I can understand avoiding doing so, as it may offend people. Still, fantastic work!

Also, Whenever I see the title, all I can think of is A Modest Proposal, and start laughing.

If it is a male, it should be fiancé, with just one E.

Bravo! Well Done.

An interesting concept, but given the expected promiscuity of all stallions, it seems like marriage would carry a different meaning in this setting. Expectations of exclusivity clearly aren't there for the stallion, and may not be for the mare either, though that isn't clear. The division between romantic love and necessary perpetuation of the species seems distinct enough that this shouldn't really be an issue.

Again, this one's thought-provoking, but I don't see the double standard developing in this way without the concept of infidelity as we understand it. When sleeping around isn't just tolerated but expected, ponies could get married to completely different species without an impact on their own survival.

Of course, that's coming from someone who wasn't raised in that culture looking at it from a rational rather than emotional perspective.


You're viewing 'harems' in an our-world light even though you're quick to bring up differences in culture and planet, but you seem to have forgone mentioning 'species'. Equines are herd creatures by nature, and typically matriarchal.

Bruh how you only gonna do 1 chapter and Mark it as complete, this ain't a one-shot theres so much stuff left to expand on

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Consider the alternate possibility that, given that 7:1 in favor of females could be potentially catastrophic, would marriage be allowed for stallions at all? Would they be allowed to work in construction, or serve as soldiers, or fill any other dangerous occupation?

In our world, the ratio is almost 1:1, and for a long time, we were gun shy about letting females work dangerous jobs (we still kind of are), and a host of other things that may pertain to the perceived expendability of males (I am not smart or educated enough to seriously philosophize on this point). Given that, I would think that 7:1 would mean this story takes place in Mad Max.

Comment posted by banjo2E deleted Jan 23rd, 2019

Is it... wrong of me that I want to watch this version of Equestria slowly fall apart?

Please make more if this! I would love to see the conversation/argument between Cadence and the other princesses!


I guess I just don't understand why there came to be such an onus on stallion-stallion relations as long as those stallions are still participating in their society's values, namely stallion participation in conception. The only problem I could see is if the marriage license allowed the stallions to be exclusive to each other, which would fly in the face things.

But I do realise I'm looking at things through strict logic (stallion-stallion relationship doesn't hinder their obligations, so there's no problem), but societal values aren't necessarily based on strict logic (such as United States' extreme aversion to nudity, but comparative casualness about graphic violence). And changing such strong responses is neither easy, nor quick, regardless of whether such a change is beneficial. Tradition has power.


Authors are part of this universe.

Love the story. Though my head canon has been the use of mind altering drugs, magic, and barbaric behavior realignment therapy to ensure all staillons are straight and happy in the utopian matriarchal society of Equestria.

Personally I think shining Armor doth protest too much, but maybe that's just me.

All other things aside, I'd say this story needs an AU tag. The foundation of the story clashes heavily with what I believe most of us readers see as canon Equestrian rules and habits. Thus, "claiming" the story to be canon by not having an AU tag evokes negative criticism. OTOH, with an AU tag it becomes a completely valid story with an interesting premise.


and a host of other things that may pertain to the perceived expendability of males

Simply put, a dude can screw as many juniors and junettes up as many chicks as he wants, but a chick can squirt out so many of the little imps. In short, a female provides a needed, and finite, resource

For a moment, all that discussion about how the other princesses would respond made me think this was a prologue to a civil war between the Crystal Empire and Equestria. Then I saw the 'complete' mark and got disappointed.

Good story though!

I'm with FoME here. What exactly does "marriage" mean in this setup?
I'll also throw in with the chorus asking for more, if only to see some interesting dialogues between princesses.

...and the public outcry and political cartoons, of course.

A fair answer, but so is literally everything else in existence. If an argument can be applied to literally anything...

If it's socially acceptable for one stallion to bed several mares, I'm not seeing a problem.


My argument is that all fiction is ultimately about us, about humans, no matter how apparently weird or different the setting. In some way it reflects on our fears and desires.

You might say that stories about ponies are stories about people. :raritywink:

Something like that.

I suspect that was likely part of Cadence’s decision. I also suspect that she will have more support from her fellow monarchs than she expects. This sounds more like a law born from fear-based tradition than the other way around.

Contrariwise, it could also be that this Equestria skipped the human stage of viewing marriage as a matter of exclusivity for procreational and property-control purposes, and went straight to marriage being an acknowledgement of devotion and a recognition of the marrieds as family members. :moustache:

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