• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Undome Tinwe

Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you/Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.

Comments ( 7 )

That's really good. And I was just talking earlier today about how I really like people writing Dash in the military. Works for either of them. That she's also still a superhero is a nice touch.

I know it doesn't matter for the purposes of the story, but did you have something in particular in mind for Scootaloo's condition?

I have literally just read the title for the story and the Chapter.... not even opened it.. and am already on the love side.. (Maybe because I play to much CIV 6 :P ) Or because I felt like the song fits with Scoots so well ever since I heard it.

Huh. I was part of the same conversation 9406378 mentioned. It is peculiar to see another example of military Dash so soon after reflecting on how woefully little there is.

In any case, nice stuff indeed. It does make sense that a country would make use of any superhumans that fall in its proverbial lap. Scootaloo's going to have a rough time as the Bucky to Dash's Captain America, but neither hard work nor her congenital ambiguitis are going to stop her. All told, a great character piece. Thank you for it.


Yes, it does make sense for the military to recruit superheroes.

Did they actually have a choice in the matter and how many horrific experiments were performed on them to try and replicate their special abilities?

Given that they represent an unparalleled diplomatic resource as well as a strategic one, I would think they'd be handled very carefully indeed. Especially given the whole "let's not make an enemy of the universe that actually knows what it's doing with this stuff" factor.

Plus, destructive experiments are rarely a good idea when supplies are limited and irreplaceable.

Yeah...everything else aside, no one wants to find out how much trouble Star Swirl can cause ON PURPOSE should he be given cause.

Yo! We talked about this story on the Discord server a while back and I read it and then forgot to leave a comment!
First- excellent choice of title. Just reading it can get that song playing in my head.
As for the story itself, I enjoyed it!
It wasn't until about halfway I realized that this was EQG (I missed that tag), and it's sad and fitting that Scootaloo has a disability in both worlds preventing her from flying.
My favorite part might have been Soarin and Spits talking in the beginning, but I like her whole talk with Scoots.
Plus, the ending was a great turn!

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