• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 8,349 Views, 220 Comments

Don't Wake Up - Grizzly Nation

I enter these horses dreams whenever I sleep. I don't know why, all I do know is the horse on the moon is not good. Why can't I just wake up?

  • ...

The Voice In My Head


“So, let me get this straight,” I began as I walked through the halls of my school, “You are a Powerful Queen who has the ability to move the moon.”

“That is correct,” Nightmare replied.

“And you've been trapped inside that blue pony, waiting for...me?” I asked as I tried to keep my sanity.

“Yes, we've been waiting for you,” she responded.

“I'm sorry, but i'm finding this pretty hard to believe,” I said.

“Tis true. Believe it or not, we are together now,” she replied.

I let that conversation end and collected my thoughts on the bus ride home.

I rolled over in my bed, I felt like an object to her. Like I didn't have any choice in the matter, “Well, can I ask a question?”

“Of course. Thou can ask us anything you desire.”

I shifted in my bed. “What am I? I mean in the dreams.”

“What thou are is the first thing thy mind came to when thou were brought to the Dream Realm,” she began. “But, thou is a Tantabus above all.”

“Yeah that's it, but what is a Tantabus?” I questioned.

“Tantabus is the name Luna gave to a piece of me.”

My stomach clenched slightly at the mention of that pony.

“Thou must know, the Tantabus and I are one.”

“So, if i’m a Tantabus, does that mean you're part of me,” I said before I gestured to myself.

“And thou is a part of us,” she added.

“Okay, now that introductions are out of the way, what now?” I was bored out of mind, and wasn't gonna spend the whole day talking to a horse in my head.

“Methinks we'll teach thee to use thy magic efficiently.”

“Ugh, can you stop talking like that?” I asked, annoyed.

“Is there a problem with how we speak?” she asked, kind of offended.

“I mean it's out of date, and kind of hard to understand,” I admitted.

Fine, w-I will try to speak…favorably,” she replied as she tried rethink her word choice.

“Cool-so wait, are you the Tantabus or Nightmare Moon?” I asked, trying to piece a conversation together.

“How many times must we repeat ourselves, the Tantabus is us and we are it!” she burst out before she calmed down, “Though w-I will admit, that much more of me is still in Luna...so...yes.”

“It's nothing to be ashamed of, but I'm just trying to get to know you,” I explained, seemingly easing her. “Look, you can ask me anything you want,” I suggested.

“We already know everything, Adam, your mind's weak defenses are no match for us,” she replied coldly.

That was kinda creepy, but i'll ignore that for now.

I rolled off my bed and sat on my desk chair.

I picked up a black controller and waited for the system to boot up as I pushed a button on the TV.

“What are you doing?”

“I'm about to play a game, can't waste all of my weekend,” I simply stated.

“No, w-I must train to face, Luna,” she commanded.

“Yeesh mom, I have to be asleep first and that's not going to happen for a while, so just chill,” I said with a smirk.

“Fine, I shall remain patient,” she replied in an almost pouty voice.


We had won, and quite easily too. It nearly violated the Element of Kindness, though after seeing that creature in person, I felt kind of scared too.

I don't know why I'm not celebrating. I just defeated the creature that has been terrorizing the Dream Realm for days. But, the only way to know for sure is to check and watch every night.

After leaving the Dream Realm, I felt empty. I suppose that was the beast's magic feeding on my fear. The only thing I can do is hope that the creature doesn't return.

I almost stumbled out of my room. The morning rays blinded me as I left the darkness of my room. I staggered with each step I took through the colourful hallways.

“Iz too brite,” I mumbled as I made my way to dining hall.

A familiar white pony was already seated and had been sipping from a tea cup.

I took my seat at the other side of the table and levitated the waiting cup of coffee sitting on the table up to my lips. I took a large swig, downing most of the hot liquid.

I sighed in relief. “Sister, I see that you're already up,” I said. Celestia was naturally a morning pony.

“Hello Luna. I heard from Twilight that you had a mission in the Dream Realm,” she said, before she took another sip from her cup.

“Yes sister, and I believe I was successful,” I replied, quickly refilling my cup.

She raised an eyebrow, “You believe? Didn't you stop it?”

I paused, “Well, yes...but I'm not certain if it's truly gone for good.” I squirmed a bit in my seat.

“That is...troubling, but as long as it's in your hooves then I have no doubts that this creature will be dealt with.” She turned her attention back to her tea.

I froze, what if I couldn't do it? What if...I let her down, my own sister…I can't let that happen.

I stood up. “I apologise sister, but I must excuse myself.” I left the table and almost sprinted back to my room.

I was determined now through that short exchange. I knew I had to destroy this monster completely.


As always my vision clicked on, but this time I wasn't surrounded by life.

I was just floating in a black void, I didn't really feel anything at all.

And then almost out of nowhere I dropped onto a transparent floor. I didn't know what to make of this place, it was literally nothing.

“Worry not, I have merely placed you somewhere we cannot be interrupted,” A familiar voice called out.

Like a cloudy wisp, a tiny galaxy formed in front of me. It reminded me of the hair of that Princess. The galaxy cloud swirled and grew bigger as if in response.

I stared, mesmerized, as I watched a long black limb gracefully stick out and land on the floor. Another limb quickly followed and then a whole head came through.

A jet black snout came first and then a massive horn. The rest of the head came next, blue slitted eyes stared back at me as the rest of the body came out.

This horse was huge, like the size of a regular horse. Like the Princess, she had wings and a horn too. Her wings were really big and looked less fluffy and more sharp in a way. Her rump had a purple splotch that held a bluish crescent moon in the center.

I stood there astounded: I had just watched a pony come from a cloud.

“Are you finished staring,” she deadpanned.

I quickly collected myself, “Uh yeah. Sorry.”

“It is quite alright,” she said before speaking in a much more sultry voice, “Most mortals find our form quite alluring,” she finished, fluttering her long eyelashes.

I shuddered at her last words.

Suddenly, the empty void transformed into a grassy plain.

I felt the cool grass against my feet and fell over, almost rolling through the grass. “It has been too long since i've done this.”

“You certainly have your duties in order,” Nightmare joked.

I sat up quickly. “Oh right, dream stuff.”

She sighed and crossed her front hooves as she laid down. “From what i've observed you know the basics of dream magic.”

I listened and paid full attention to the pony in front of me as I was eager to learn.

“However,” she began, “Thou lacks focus. You haven't used your magic efficiently.”

I wanted to frown. I thought I had been doing pretty good.

“But thou wasn't born with magic, so I shall help thee use your magic instinctively,” she stated.

“Oh, cool,” I responded.

She slightly glared at me, “The only way to effectively use your magic is to understand your magic.”

“Makes sense,” I added.

She took a deep breath before she continued, “Most ponies can't control dream magic under normal circumstances. Some nights they can't even generate dream magic.”

In the sky above, purple images phased into existence. It was like watching someone narrate the beginning of a movie.

The first image was of a pony sleeping, and a cartoonish cloud lingered above their head as they slept. Slowly wisps of gas seeped into the dreams, but the gas's source was somewhere deep inside the pony.

“Dream magic is the very foundation of all dreams. It is harmless in a dream, but–” she smiled and small pair of fangs stuck out, “If somepony could use that magic outside of a dream, they would be a god.”

That word hit me. I had the potential to become a literal deity. Many people would jump at this opportunity. but I kinda didn't want to be a god. Many men acted like gods and ended up being awful people.

I interrupted, “But if nobody can generate that outside of a dream then what's the point of learning all of this?” I asked, almost afraid.

“You can, does thou not know?!” She replied angrily.

I shrunk, I just wanted to disappear, “...no…”

Her scornful look turned into a more thoughtful one and she sighed. “We apologise for our outburst.”

An awkward silence loomed across the fields. I could tell she was still angry, but I didn't want to speak up.

This horse is scary, I definitely don't want to know what those fangs feel like. Heh or maybe I do...

Nightmare spoke up, “You generate dream magic by consuming fear and converting it into dream magic.”

“Oh...okay.” I didn't really have an input because I didn't know what was going on.

“Dream magic is quite simple to use, as long as thou has an understanding. I'm almost certain thou has tried to use it.”

“Yeah, i've tested it a bit,” I replied.

“Great, so you have had a taste of dream magic,” she said eagerly, “So, let us begin.”

She walked around me, looking me over. “Dream magic is almost limitless, but it is only powerful when the user is focused.”

I felt uncomfortable. She had been sizing me up like a predator, but nonetheless I stayed strong.

“Perhaps you should try something...simple...like a weapon, perhaps a sword?” she sounded like she was making this up as she went.

“Yeah sure.” I closed my eyes and thought about about a simple sword. The long blade, the pommel, the handle, all things a sword would have.

I felt a weight in my hand and opened my eyes. The same sword I had been focusing on was there.

“Decent, but not good,” she said plainly, “The sword is there but there is no detail. Even the blade is dull,” she explained as she ran her hoof across the sword.

I had to admit the sword did look a bit fat compared to regular skinny swords.

I dropped the sword, letting it hit the ground.

“No, do not waste magic, we only have a limited amount,” she said, kicking the sword slightly toward me.

“Well, how do I not waste magic?” I questioned as I picked up the sword.

She facepalmed...well hoofed. “I'm sorry, I keep forgetting thou doesn't have magic of your own.”

She glanced at the sword. “Close your eyes,” she commanded.

I obliged and promptly shut my eyes.

“Now think about the sword. Think about every single material and component that went into that sword.” her voice was so soothing, I could have fallen asleep again. “Now think of all those materials dissolving into power, like ice melting into water.”

I felt my grip on the sword loosen as a warm liquid ran down my arm.

“Now feel yourself absorb that power!” she exclaimed, getting significantly louder.

The liquid I felt disappeared and had been replaced with a feeling of strength. I felt good, like how I helped out some ponies.

I opened my eyes and released my grip. I had been grabbing air; the sword was gone. I looked at my empty hand in astonishment. I had done it. I successfully recycled magic.

“Good job. However, methinks thou should recreate the sword with a bit more detail this time.” she said as she smiled.

My victory ended as quickly as it had started. I went back to closing my eyes and focusing on an imaginary sword.

I started thinking about the basics as before: the handle, blade, and such. I kept focusing, adding more detail. I made the blade skinnier and sharp, the handle a little longer and leathery. Simple, but a functional sword.

I opened my eyes. Nightmare had been giving me that same stare, but the sword was there.

I took a practice swing and the thing was light as a feather. It arked through the air with ease and was a generally better sword.

Nightmare nodded, “An acceptable sword. Now you can make the basic items.” She paused looking me over again. “But you must be able to do them without your eyes closed.”

I mentally sighed.

Author's Note:

Yo, Sorry for the wait, and the unediting but you guys have waited long enough. I don't exactly feel too confident about this chapter, but the next one will be a little more interesting.

Hopefully you like this!