• Member Since 26th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Charles Farrow

I’ve always wanted to tell stories, I’ve always struggled to do so. I wish and hope that I will be able to one day.


Celestia receives a lot of letters and mail from various places around Equestria.
Some are updates on research and finds from different schools of science, magic and exploration. Some are political or business oriented. But her favourites are the ones she gets from her friends, acquaintances, fans and her dear student.

It's been a long time since she got a letter of this variety though.

Artwork is from the talented TheDracoJayProduct, go check em out. https://www.deviantart.com/thedracojayproduct

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Good start, but I wonder why the Crown doesn't have somepony screening the incoming royal mail

I imagine they do have ponies screening the mail in general, but that mail like business inquiries, personal letters and political messages would go straight to Celestia or Luna after a rudimentary checkup. Make sure it's not a malicious hex or a packet of poison with a scan and then straight to the bosses.

Though I imagine mail of lesser priority would go through a further screening and filing according to it's priority, and then be sent to either somepony in a position to deal with it or one of the princesses.

Basically a system that filters out more mundane things like, rudimentary requests for the Crown, questions and other stuff like that for officials to handle if they can, or send to the princesses if they can't. And to keep more personal or political messages untempered with, so that no one's meddling in affairs that aren't their business.

I felt like that'd be a bit of a ramble to include. Hope it sated your curiosity though ^^.

A good dose of sleeping powder and some ninja ponies who switched out with the guards should make a perfect gift that makes any princess happy.

I do warn that sometimes the ninjas don't dress in black when doing their job which can dampen the mood and depending on when the sleeping powder is sent it might be more of an itching powder. You know. Just in case.

...fixing the punctuation, grammar, and formatting will make this much better. But it still got a laugh

I'll work to improve it. I know that I'm particularly mediocre at commas and probably "." stop's too, if i'm being honest.

If you ever find any grammar particularly distasteful to your pallet, let me know and I'll fix it in a jiffy!

There weren’t too many of them, but I did notice a few sentences starting with a lowercase letter. Just put the chapter in google docs/Microsoft word and it’ll find most of the mistakes. Good luck!

Hmm, yes I suppose that would make for a pretty good gift basket!
The biggest challenge would probably be to fit all the ninjas in the basket, or finding a basket big enough to fit the ninjas I suppose.

I should probably also find a way to separate the sleeping powder from the ninjas, otherwise it'd probably be a pretty ineffective surprise attack party.

A most excellent Idea, I'll do that in the future!
Thank you very much, at this rate I'll improve faster than you can say :"he FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding"

Separate baskets that can fit them. Oh and at least one mare amongst them. They're always the most lethal hilarious for the party.

A most devilish splendid idea, I'll be sure to do that.
As for the mare, I hear Pinkamena Pinkie pie does some killer eliminations parties, perhaps I can employ her to "help" with the "fun".

Though of course Celestia can't know that Pinkamena Pinkie is one of her assassins partiers.

I want to leavce a good comment

farto drunk atm, good story.:heart:

Honestly your best bet to kill Celestia is to take away their magic and knife them in the damn jugular.

Ways to kill Celestia:

Not a problem. I hear that the Pink one is a master of disguise, surely nothing will be left standing in her wake when she's done can go wrong.

Thank you very much kind stranger, I'll cherish it always and forever.

That would be a most efficient method in comparison to what will most likely happen.

And if the plan goes awry some kind of oopsie happens? I suppose Pinkie's gonna need better allies better party supplies.

Actually killing Celestia is too unpractical , gentlemen , since she is still an "immortal" goddess.
But , since the actual point of killing her is removing her from power , we don't even need to do that.
What I propose is that we send her a delicious , irresistible and ever replenishing cake that pop back to new any time any of it is eaten.
Let her gorge herself as much as she wants , wallowing in her gluttonous addiction to confectionary goods , killing her drive to rule and to do anything other than to eat that delicious cake , thus killing herself as a ruling Princess in a fit of karmic comeuppance.
Then , once she is unfit , figuratively and literally , we seize the throne from it's bloated , figuratively and literally , administration and put a properly fit rulership in it's stead .
Foolproof plan.

Well the story is amazing so far, love the Dying Drunk Princess. I think the way you wrote it does come off as confusing for a little while, jaring would be the best word, but I have a feeling that it was intentional. Regardless I hope to read more from this story.

The occasional its and it's confusion too.

Still a fun story, tho!

Ah yes the eternal it's and its dilemma, I know it well. I'll keep my eye on it.
Glad you found some fun in it!

uhm intoxicated Celestia fun to read... and now after reading this i'm imagining Luna swearing in old Ponish as she as to lower the sun for her sister before raising her moon... LOL

A crab with a knife. It worked against Solid Snake.

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