• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


At her worst, Vignette Valencia cared nothing about reality, seeing it as little more than her personal plaything.

There are many ways to make someone care about the world around them. Destroying their phone is one, but suppose the Rainbooms took an alternate approach...

Rated Teen for brief violence, mild innuendo, and abbreviated profanity. An ineligible entry in my Villain Exchange Program contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

I was trying to both smile and scowl simultaneously while reading this, because there were definitely bits that fell squarely into the "Wish I'd thought of that" bucket.

Super happy to see more Vignette, though, especially if it's wrapped up with a neat little bow of Applejack being a bit of a bitch :pinkiehappy:

This is uber awesome! We get a look-see into how Earth Pony magic works, a potential taste of future variations of such, AND Vignette gets the punch she so righteously needed :pinkiehappy:

Wanderer D

That was pretty fun :) well done!

This was pretty enjoyable :)

I laughed harder than I should have.

Magnifique as always. I can't tell if Applejack's megaton punch is more reminiscent of Saitama or Goku, but I LOVE IT.

One question though: did Vignette develop earth pony magic as a result of her phone getting infected, or was her magical internet dependency solely a property of her pony form? Or does every human have magic regardless?

Huh. If human Applejack can punch someone into an alternate dimension does that mean there might be apples that got the same treatment when pony Applejack was still learning proper bucking control?

Huh, I didn't expect that method of travelling between universes, but it sure is cool!

I guess the magic circuits are partially due to having her magic smartphone, and also the Earth Pony transformation...

Wonder if there's a Pony!Vignette Valencia... Hmm...


Also, interesting how Vignette sums up what she's learned through this experience!

While I haven't had the opportunity to see the special with Princess Clickbait, this should prove a treat.

The story was great, but what is Vignette's cutie mark in the cover image?

Nice cover art. I'm not surprised you made Vignette an earth pony given how earth magic operates in the Oversaturated world (even though this story seems like it's not part of that continuity).

If anyone in EG could punch someone into another plane of existence, it'd be Applejack. And I laughed out loud when no one cared that Vignette was gone. I suppose that in and of itself might get Vignette to realize that she needs to change her ways.

I really like the idea of Net Ponies.

This was both wonderfully karmic (I grinned so much to see Vignette get punched through dimensions) and also quite intelligent too. I really like the idea about Vignette as a pony; the idea of this kind of specialization of earth pony magic makes a lot of sense... even if it may not fully explain Pinkie ;-)

Btw, I couldn't help but think of the Munchkins celebrating when the employees of Equestria Land cheered. :rainbowlaugh:

With the snap of her fingers...I mean, with the single punch of her fist, Vignette's world fades away...too bad she's too worried about her followers to realize--hey! I'm in a magical world filled with magical ponies, and can pretty much do anything that's not possible for me in the real world! Siiigh, this reminds me of some of my friends. I fear for us :rainbowlaugh:

Great work, enjoyed that!

Yeah, that can be a frustrating bucket to encounter. I've been on the other end of this experience often enough to know that. You're welcome/I'm sorry. :derpytongue2:

And if any manner of bitchiness can be called justified, I'd say bitchiness towards Vignette qualifies.

My goal with most of my stories. :raritywink:

Either example of the great punchers of fiction works. Personally, I think was leaning somewhere between Goku and Captain Falcon.

All humans have at least a trace amount of magic, even on Pedestria. It's just not usually enough to do anything practical. (Some have much more than a trace, even when discounting foreign horse magic. :pinkiehappy:) They have much more magic in Equestria as a consequence of their new bodies. Valencia's personal magical affinity was influenced by forces not yet present in Equestria, resulting in a dependency that it could not yet fulfill.

Probably. Let's just hope there aren't any eldritch horrors out there capable of tracing the source of their unexpected servings of applesauce...

Heh. "Magic circuits." I didn't mean for this to be a Fate series crossover, but there we are. :derpytongue2:

I doubt Vignette has a pony analogue. If she does, the mare would probably be unrecognizable to those who only know the woman.

The whole thing's on Hasbro's YouTube channel if you're interested. It's pretty good, especially if you like Rarijack fluff.

Not sure myself. "Earth pony Vignette" isn't exactly a large part of the corpus of pony fanart, so I worked with what I had available.

It's not associated with the Oversaturated World, but as Namepending Castle demonstrates, some concepts have a tendency to bleed between my stories.

And yeah, Vignette's in for a pretty rude awakening. #vignetterrible will be trending by the time she's able to check on all of her accounts. (Or something like it. I never claimed to be a master of coining hashtags.)

I have you to thank for the initial inspiration. I derived the Homebody Phenomenon from your musings on Rock Ponies. (In fact, I should really provide a few more links in the author's note. Sorry about that. :twilightblush:)

I'm not sure if anything can fully explain Pinkie Pie.

And yes, there was definitely something of the Lollipop Guild in the former underlings' celebration.

At least Vignette had the excuse not being able to remain both unplugged and conscious for very long. But yeah, I'm not sure how well I'd be able to handle being stranded in a pre-digital society myself.

I was thinking more along the lines of Arc Gurren Lagann, because of the hole in existence.


But yeah, I'm not sure how well I'd be able to handle being stranded in a pre-digital society myself.

Reinvent MTG, profit? That's what I'd do.


Probably. Let's just hope there aren't any eldritch horrors out there capable of tracing the source of their unexpected servings of applesauce...

Let's hope. But there's also the possibility that Applejack is unknowingly seeding the multiverse with the idea of apples, that some recipients of her favors have taken to worshiping her as the fruitmother, and that transdimensional apples sometimes inspire those around them to gain greater insight into the physical nature of the cosmos.

Vignette definitely did some stuff in her episode which wasn't nice, like how openly she banished others to who-knows-where, or pushed around those who worked for her.

But spending lots of time on her phone? Preferring online to real life? That seems a weird thing to hate someone for, especially in an online community.

So I think she was the most reasonable character in the story, and having Applejack use her fists just made me think even less of her. If Vignette would rather have followers than friends, isn't that her decision? The thought of anyone having to adhere to living the way Applejack wants them to is enough to make me shudder. Especially when the implied threat is more violence as an alternative.

That said, the walking wi-fi hotspot was a good image, as was the internalised circuit boards. The internal narration was on point, and I liked the idea of her assuming Twilight's castle was the Equestria Land gift shop.

As you noted, it would be horribly hypocritical of me to condemn someone for favoring the Internet to real life, and that wasn't my intent. I condemn Vignette for failing to recognize that other people have value or needs beyond increasing her follower count and obeying her every whim. Having some sense literally beaten into her was intended more as absurd physical comedy (and, to a minor degree, authorial catharsis) than coercion through pain. And I'm definitely not saying that Applejack's way of life is or should be for everyone.

That said, I can see how you came to those conclusions... though I have to question the reasonableness of a woman whose reaction to encountering a magical kingdom of mythical creatures and complete bodily transformation is "I need to get online as quickly as possible to defame someone."

9202912 Thanks, I pretty much agree. With others having value or needs, I'd say it depends on what those others are expecting - from everything we hear of SnapGab, it's quite likely each of the three million followers is just as preoccupied with narcissism as her. Also there's nothing in the episode to say Vignette wasn't always like that, or has ever pretended otherwise, so I'd say she's mostly delivering on what they followed her for.

I think the punch itself came across as absurd physical comedy, that was ok (though still didn't really do Applejack any favours). But the follow-up mentions when talking with Sunset gave it more of an abusive feel.

Ah, I was actually talking about her being a bitch to Twilight, what with her solution to Vignette being a hassle involving making her someone else's problem. Seemed awfully inconsiderate of her, really, which was nice :pinkiehappy:

True. Aaaaand a little guilty on my part as well, admittedly :twilightsheepish:

No, that's more like ripping a hole in time and space to punch someone, rather than punching someone so hard you rip a hole in time and space. Subtle distinction, though awesome either way.

Will admit though, that came to my mind too.

Thank you for writing this. Made me happy.

I think the saying goes: 'Computers are rocks that we've tricked into thinking with lightning.'

So would future earth ponies be the most tech savvy? What are circuits if not inlays in metal? I think Kris played around with this idea in Changeling Space Program :)

I did giggle at Valencia's totally inappropriate concerns and the wail that provoked deja vu in sympathetic Twilight.

Applejack's method of world transition was amusing too. If any would pull the renegade trigger it would be no-nonsense Jackie.

I did note one moment of awkwardness:

She had gotten to twice as many feet as usual, and also hooves were involved?


Thankfully, her window to the world sat at the foot of the hill,

I think it is missing a line of her floundering around and searching in-between the internal thought and the 'thankfully'

In anycase, best of luck with the judging. Hope you win first plac- Oh...wait.


Well best of luck with the judging :derpytongue2:

Maybe I'm just unreasonably hostile towards the selfie culture, but her means of banishment was intensely cathartic.


Personally I prefer Vignette being a comically vapid designated monkey that no one can stand

Really interesting, and the Homebody Effect is great. I hadn't seen that blog before, I really like it.

The future of equinity is right. Internet Ponies, and eventually even Space Ponies adapted for microgravity and vacuum resistance. They can also hibernate. Ponies really have much less need for traditional transequinism through cybernetics and genetic engineering, since their magic does it automatically. Earth Ponies especially.

Though now I'm imagining pegasus variants of the same, their magic adapted for interfacing with and enhancing planes and spacecraft and breathing crazy atmospheres. If anyone could colonize a gas giant... And if you wondered how starfighters etc would have such physics defying motion, well here it is.

I wonder if Pegasi are/will be more likely to be math prodigies, even more than unicorns, because it's such a vital skill for navigation.

The trick is getting pegasi to perform those sorts of calculations consciously. Accurately predicting the trajectory of a projectile requires an understanding of kinematics, fluid dynamics, and calculus, but that doesn't keep six-year-olds from catching frisbees.

Though practical applications may provide a shortcut. Who knows? Rainbow Dash might be able to plot starship trajectories in her sleep.

Good point, Dash does her best work unconsciously.

Meanwhile, I came up with two separate ways to get the Quarians from Mass Effect using the Homebody Effect.

First, Meteor Ponies. Their magic is focused almost entirely on protecting them from vacuum, radiation, and similar hazards of space. Given the wide and varied nature of the threats, there's a lot of warding needed. Since there's only so much magic to go around their immune system isn't buffered, and magic is so integral to pony biology that it often collapses entirely. The genetic repair magic works on viruses at least, but bacteria and such they're out of luck.

Second, it's not hard to imagine an Earth Pony variant whose magic turns to symbiosis instead. This is pretty much like the original Quarians. The Quarian's problem is their bodies are designed to be symbiotic with the native bacteria and, with non-native bugs, trying to assimilate them has bad results. Similarly, 'algal ponies' or 'mote ponies' (don't call them Scum Ponies if you value your life) have their growth magic focused on the microscopic. You can see the ways this can go wrong outside of their original context.

Rarity shook her head as she got back to her feet. "That's a very... Oof... A very nice thought, darling, but this isn't Haylander. Defeating Vignette doesn't mean we claim her Internet fanbase for our own."

Youtube would be much more interesting if this was a thing...

And so, just as Vignette was bringing her camera to bear, Applejack came surging down and punched the woman so hard, she broke through space and time.


Twilight shrugged her wings. "Um, possibly? You'd know better than I would. She's certainly giving off a lot of radiation. I had to put her on a geoƦther drip."

Damn! :pinkiegasp:

"So it seems." Twilight sighed. "I wish I could study her for longer. We're getting a glimpse into the future evolution of equinity! But even without the awkward questions on your side of the portal, the long-term health effects of her staying in this world could be devastating for her."

And also something she wouldn't want. :ajbemused:

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