• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 8,742 Views, 60 Comments

Let the music lift you (Anon-a-miss) - Xenont

Sunset's friends apologise to her for hurting her over the winter holidays

  • ...

A little talk - Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking such a long time to update, I have no idea where on earth this story is going and had hardly had ideas on how to continue, so just roll with it.

Thanks for reading!

Twilight sat down. "how do I start...."

"With this, perhaps." Celestia said as she used her magic, removing a journal from Twilight's bag. "I never thought that Sunset would ever use this again, I never thought that she would even keep it...."

"She did, and before anything happens, I just want to say that Sunset is really sorry for what happened between the both of you, here! You can read it..."

"Yes, I know..." Celestia interrupted. "I know Sunset has changed."

"So you want to help her?" Twilight asked.

"I do, but...."

"Yes?" Twilight pressed. It seemed that Celestia would always tense up and try to change the subject whenever Sunset was mentioned. "Why not?"

"You see..." Celestia started, sitting back down. "Sunset and I used to be really close, like you and me. She lived in a more...how to say, unvisited part of Equestria. She had many siblings, too many that her parents could no longer support her."

"But she was talented indeed, much like you." Celestia pointed to the journal. "She used to be shy, disliked talking. So I gave her that, for her to write instead of talking."

"You did?" Twilight asked.

"Yup. But with time, Sunset became more confident in front of me and the royal guards." Celestia said. "She then quickly picked up many magic abilities even I found was difficult, and that you are yet to master."

"What?!" Twilight practically screamed.

"She was one gifted unicorn she was, but she was much like you, distancing herself from other ponies. She grew power hungry and only thought of herself. One day, when she came across a book...she...."

"Realised that there was another dimension, one that she could easily access, one that she would be able to gain power in?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Celestia said. "She wanted to learn more about it, but being foolish as I am, I disagreed, causing her to find out on her own and...."

"I wasn't your fault." Twilight said.

"But it was, I let her go."

"And look what good came out of it!" Twilight said. "She made friends! She learned friendship. Just like how you taught me, by letting me go. Sure there were some bumps and twists in Sunset's road, but she made it in the end!" Twilight smiled. "And it is all because you let her go and find out herself."

"Thank you Twilight." Celestia said, smiling slightly. "Now, why does she need to return?"

"Given what Sunset told me, you might not be very pleased with her new-found friends at all..." Twilight said. "Sunset told me, that shortly after the battle with the sirens, the one I told you about a few days ago? Her friends and schoolmates were finally accepting her for who she was inside and that she has changed."

"So they each had slumber parties, the six of them, given that Sunset had left all her family behind. But after each party, the secrets that they all held to themselves and embarrassing moments that only they knew of, were all posted online." Twilight explained.


"Erm, let's just say that...I accidentally caused Spike to send letters to you about information that other ponies want to keep private, but instead of sending them all to you, I send them to the whole of Equestria, so all other ponies everywhere know secrets about each other." Twilight said.

"Ah. I see."

"So this user, called 'Anon-a-miss' posted all sorts of secrets that only Sunset and her friends knew about each other, such as pictures. The user also made everyone think that Sunset was the culprit by placing their profile following Sunset's hair colours and body shape. All the students assumed it was her, bullying her and hurting her from that day on." Twilight said. "But that was not all..."

"Sunset's friends, my friends were the ones that really hurt her. They stopped talking to her entirely. And when she tried to explain, they ignored her, even going to the extent of physical harm on her."

"What?!" Celestia said. "How could they?"

"I know, Sunset couldn't take it anymore either. She was damaged." Twilight said. "So she decided to return here. But shortly after her decision, the culprits were exposed."

"Who was it?" Celsita asked. "Anyone familiar?"

"Yes, actually..." Twilight answered.


"3 students, who you may know here, as the CMCs" Twilight said.

"Them?" Celestia said.

"Yes, the reason behind it was that they felt left out, their sisters partying with Sunset and all and they sorta....kinda...stole Sunset's phone to access the pictures...?" Twilight said. "They then posted it for everyone to see..."

"So Sunset's was...framed?" Celestia asked.

"Yes she was." Twilight said. "And she was hoping that you would agree to let her stay and forgive her."

"Of course."

Comments ( 20 )

Keep it rolling.

CSC #2 · Jan 3rd, 2019 · · ·

Let’s see how this unfolds.

Yup?! the Princess Said YUP...No it should be yes not Yup.

I prefer Sunset to return home...but not for good, but a few months, this will really hurt the Rainbooms and drive in to their heads how badly they hurt her.
Also when we see the cMC get punished big time?

I hope Sunset won't forgive Rainbooms and will return to Equestria for good.

Please let her stay in Equestria for good! I don't want her to forgive the Rainbooms!


What's the basis for giving the CMC anything worse than the six months detention they got? It's at least as much punishment as Sunset got for her much longer list of wrongs (including the same cyberbullying).

Next chapter please?

the difference is in regards to severity and visual proof. in actuality all they can pin on sunset shimmer from what she did is severe vandalism.

... the CMC have broken the law and confessed too it, not small stuff either, identity theft being actually on there list of charges but no one seems to consider that.

And Sunset impersonating the Humane 5, stealing their emails and such, to brak their friendship doesn't count? And we know Sunset's got away with years worth of bullying.

It's not what they can prosecute, it's how it's fair that the CMC be more prosecuted than Sunset was (if we go by what's seen, Sunset received zero detention for, because it looked like rebuilding the school front was forgotten after the gag, as there's no way she could have finished it as soon as she did without professionals doing the work) for what added up to at least as bad even if we as audiences don't directly see it?

If we add in the demon part, then reality is so far out the window how is it even fair to apply realistic consequences?

because then we have to think about the morality behind everything done. sunset was a horrible person yes and she did alot of things to maintain power. still all things considered from what we saw in movie one she kept the school in a relative form of order, she also form what visual evidence we had was happy just to use enough force to make someone back off until twilight came.

the CMC the supposedly 'good people' set out to destroy someones life and in the process destroyed the lives of countless others. we persecute the CMC more because it is worse when the good do horrible deeds for petty reasons then the evil to do the same horrible deeds to further some grander scheme.

the CMC were acting as a force for rampant chaos and had things not cut off when they did it's not unarguable that things could have gotten much worse in canterlot high resulting in possible violence and death.

How is it "worse when the good do horrible deeds for petty reasons then the evil to do the same horrible deeds to further some grander scheme" when both result in the same amount of potential evil?

Sunset's motives and endgame for ruling the school was just as selfish (eliminating rivals for the attention and respect they thought they deserved). She didn't do as much at any time but that was out of pragmatism (anything else would hurt her plans), but she would't have cared morally. And Sunset was just as willing to ruin others friendships when it came down to it.

Sunset being smarter (and Leather Pants-able) about doing evil doesn't make her the more moral, if anything it makes her worse since it subverts her possible morality and proves she's fully aware of the consequences of her actions.

I'm not saying the CMC are 'good people', I'm saying it's unfair to treat them any worse than Sunset.

I love where this is going, that said Celestia's dialog feels .... stiff, curt, I don't have a name for it but basically, it sounds more like the bare minimum to have her say and not an emotion more, Sorry to criticize but I feel that there is more that can be done in this scene to make her feel more, Celestia-y.

it almost 2020 and no update

When will the story be finished

When will the story be finished

When will the story be finished

When is this getting updated?

I love running into comments like yours. People are so biased towards sunset that they will forgive and forget everything she did, but the second someone does something bad to her all hell breaks lose. I honestly dream of a fanfic that calls sunset, twilight, and both celestias out on their hypocrisy.

Dude, are you seriously trying to say that the CMC did worse than Sunset?

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