• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago


"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


Warning: spoilers for the episode Father Knows Beast. Having apparently been reunited with his long lost dad, Spike is about to celebrate! Twilight isn't quite so certain though, and decides that's there's only one way to be absolutely sure...

Clue: It involves the 'magic' of science.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

So how much of this is an au? Season8 is a f**in waste of a season to me, so I'm not keeping up.

And thus, Twilight was mercifully spared seeing more of Sludge than she ever wanted (or needed) to.

Also thought Sludge was a dead ringer for Garble's dad, but the episode didn't confirm that one way or another.

From about a third of the episode in, let's say.

Imagine if this turned out to be the case. WHAT A TWIST :rainbowwild:

That's unfortunate, because I think it's the best season yet.

Only partially. The DNA test never happens in the show and it's still unknown who his parents are. Though it's never actually stated or not if ANY of Sludge's tale is actually true or all fabricated 100%. I mean the design for the mom could still be accurate and just a random dragon that Sludge met and not know personally who could actually be the mother.

And that Scale Collector place could actually exist, there's a lot we don't know of their world and before the movie Klugtown wasn't ever thought to be a concept. Whether Sludge was captured is debatable at Best and could've been shoehorned in as an excuse for why he lost Spike when he never had the egg to begin with. You know to gather sympathy while twisting facts.

We also don't know if he really is a father or not so Garble or any other dragon really, doesn't show up besides Smolder who will help expose the guy in someway.

In the end you'll have to see it for yourself to see what's all different. Check online for streaming sites that have updated recently if you don't have any other way to see it early.

9148687 I was iffy on Season 6 and Season 7 was a chore to get through. I think by this time the show felt repetitive and I was bored. The Friendship School injected new blood into the series and I've definitely liked Season 8.

I adored both seasons, and season 8 has been blowing them out of the water in terms of overall quality.

It actually wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that the entire story, with the obvious exception of who the father really was, turned out to be true.

How can this be a Maury reference without someone dancing on stage?

Maybe I'll include that in a post credits scene... :moustache:

Yeah that's also a possibility.

I think I know the references the Jeremy klye show.

"It means it's time for... a DNA TEST!!"

At this moment Sludge decided that he doesn´t like science.

"And the result from the laboratory was... NEGATIVE!!"

There is only one possible explanation for this:
Spikes mother was infidel.

"Fine, live out the rest of your miserable life as a sheltered, spoiled pet to these pathetic ponies then! I'm going back home, to a nice barren cave filled with hard rocks and leaking lava!"

Good riddance!
And don´t come back.

"T-This is a list of everything I was gonna do with my Dad..." The disconsolate baby dragon confessed to his close-knit group of supporters. "B-But now I guess that's not going to happen. I-I might as well just use it as a snotty tissue now, seeing as I'm never actually going to find my r-real p-parents..."

Maybe one day....

"No, silly... time for a group hug!" Pinkie tittered with glee, before she and the other ponies enveloped Spike in the most comfortable blanket he'd ever been snuggled up in. With Twilight taking the lead, of course.

The family that Spike deserves.

"Ooh kid, I think I just strained my wing upon reentry..." The new arrival winced in exaggerated pain, cradling his leathery appendage as he did so."Looks like I'm gonna need your help to get back on my feet again. So, where do I sleep? What can I eat? And if things work out well enough, I might have a little surprise to tell you regarding your heritage..."

And that was the last time Sludge was ever seen.

This was a good alternate ending.

Now the question is, who really is Spike's father?

A spoiler warning in the description doesn't help as much as you might think when the very next sentence and the cover art are both uncovered spoilers in and of themselves :applejackunsure:

There's not much I can do about that. I have to put in an image from the episode, and a description to tell the reader what the story is about. The fact that you see Sludge in the episode isn't much of a spoiler, as he appears in the first few minutes anyway. I also haven't revealed much about how the episode develops in the intro itself. But thank you for your comment.

Posting a story with spoilers for an episode that doesn't even have a fimfic news discussion thread yet, complete with a screenshot as cover art?

Shame on you.

Well, I'm not the only one at it. Here's another one. The new episodes are being show internationally far quicker than in America, even before the mod of this site has had chance to post discussion threads for them. If we had to wait for those to appear, we'd probably be waiting for weeks to write stories for episodes that most people here have already seen. But thank you for your opinion, though I stand by my decision to publish this fan fiction.

9149553 'I'm not the only one, so I'm only half as guilty, yay!' ...Or maybe you're both bad?

Maybe you could just wait, and then publish the story, and let it stand on its own merits, rather than needing to be the first one out of the gate to have yours noticed?

Knighty has been online within the last three hours, and he works on the site as his full-time job. It's not that he hasn't had time to make discussion threads, it's that he's decided not to, because this episode isn't even listed on wikipedia yet. And so setting it up now would legitimise people like you writing stories that spoil it, long before most others have seen it.

9149531 There is plenty you can do about it. Stop treating your publishing of the story like an inevitability which you had no control over. You could have held off for as long as necessary. You could have gone without a cover image, or used one of just Twilight and Spike, or any number of other options. You chose to do this, and the consequences are your responsibility.

I have nothing further to add. You have your view and I have mine. I am not going to get into an argument over something so trivial, and I'll leave it up to the readers to decide whether there are 'consequences' for me publishing this now, or whether indeed it is 'shame on me'. Thank you, and goodbye.

9149582 Right. A kids' show is too trivial for people to expect to enjoy unspoiled, but not trivial enough to put you off writing 91 stories about it.

I appreciate you want to keep this going, but there really is no point. And I'm saying what we're talking about is 'trivial' compared to the rest of the world's problems, I'm not referring to the show itself. Incidentally, thank you for looking at my profile. If you like the look of any of my stories, please feel free to have a read of them. The same goes for your friend rethewa too. :scootangel:

9149618 Except it isn't trivial in these parts, is it? No one is suggesting that objectively My Little Pony is more important than starving children in Africa or whatever other world problem you want to suggest. But we come to this site because Friendship Is Magic matters to us. You haven't written that many stories about world problem subjects most people would consider academically important, I'm guessing, but you have about ponies, That's what you choose to spend a lot of your free time writing about instead, because that's what you care about enough to write stories for.

And I don't think you can with a straight face say that it takes more care to want to watch each new episode of the show unspoiled than it does to want to write that many stories about it.

If you are this closed to the idea of debate, on a subject where you might be wrong and upsetting or irritating others, how can you ever hope to learn from your mistakes?

Maybe we will find out one day.

Well, I can only go by the amount of people complaining about my 'mistake', which so far consists of... you two. I have had over 500 users read this story, and you and rethewa are the only ones who have mentioned this supposed huge spoiler I've revealed. Either the others don't care as much as you suggest they do, or they haven't bothered to write a comment about it... which if they felt as strongly as you suggest they should about the situation, I'm sure they would take that opportunity.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but were you informed by your friend about this story? I only ask because I had a nosy of their profile (as you did mine) and apparently you're the only one they follow. So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that this is how you heard about this fic, so really your dual objections to it being published is like a two for one deal, basically. If anyone else feels the same way though, please feel free to have your say. I don't bite, I don't delete comments and am happy to debate anyone, without resorting to bad language or insults. Okay, maybe a bit of sarcasm, but c'mon... look at the username. It's to be expected, right? :raritywink:

9149720 Public consensus isn't a great indicator in that respect, because of the idea of the silent majority. I saw the story when it first appeared in the new stories column, as with the FamousLastWords one. But saying anything about it requires exposing myself to potentially more spoilers, and the chances of an author being receptive enough to change their mind or admit a mistake in this context aren't great. So it took a while to decide whether it was worth bringing the issue up in the comments. You're welcome to speak to The Bricklayer, for example, who did a similar thing a week or two ago, if you think spoilers are something I haven't taken issue with before.

You don't bite, but you do outright state that nothing will change, rendering saying anything fairly pointless. Why would anyone bother pointing out they think you're in the wrong? They just accept it as inevitable that someone will spoil things, because that's what people do. I'm just slightly more willing than most to let trying to point out things others have misjudged outweigh the effort of fighting a losing battle from time to time.

Also, you know it says how many stories you've written along the top bar, right? I don't need to investigate your profile to see that.


Well, what do you think I should do, in this instance? Select another picture for the cover? Delete the story? Or am I already tarred forever, based on your definition of the rules? I can see this is a subject you feel very strongly about, as per your volume of comments here. You seem like a reasonable person, and I like to think I am too, we just have very different opinions regarding whether what I've done constitutes a mistake or not. If Knighty or any of the moderators agreed with you, wouldn't they delete the fic themselves?

The fact that so many people have read this fic proves that a sizeable amount have seen the episode already, and all things considered I am prepared to take the risk of isolating a minority who haven't if it means getting it out as quickly as possible. Spoilers are everywhere now, so I don't feel too bad that I may have inadvertently revealed the existence of Spike's parent to a few when most probably knew this already. Timing is everything, and all that.

We not see eye to eye on this, but I hope this doesn't make you think too badly of me. I really am a nice guy, once you get past the (very rough) exterior. :moustache:

9149819 What we have here is a perfect example of why someone might object to what you're doing, but not engage with you enough to let you know.

I managed to look away after seeing the cover picture and the first line of the description, giving away the episode title, but managed to escape seeing the bit about Spike's parentage. If I hadn't responded, that's all I would have had spoiled. Instead, your last reply highlighted that (you weren't to know I managed to avoid reading the whole description, I don't blame you for assuming I did, but I hope this helpfully showcases the problem saying anything about it).

I've been watching the show for years, I've read millions of words of fan fiction, and Spike has had nothing said in canon about his parents the whole time. That it comes up now, after eight seasons, for one of the main cast, is huge. That's much bigger than him having wings, or Twilight opening a school. It's probably the most important thing in that respect since The Perfect Pear. And I could have experienced the full weight of that revelation just as it was intended to be experienced, unspoiled in the episode. Instead it will now be lacklustre, because I'll know it's coming, and that is entirely and wholeheartedly because of you.

So you win, because there's absolutely nothing I can say to ruin things for you as much as that did for me.

Your story won't be taken down because it isn't against site rules. During season six there was a banner message warning people not to publish stories relating to episodes which were leaked, but I suspect that as these were aired in foreign territories rather than leaked illegally that won't happen this time. Like signing up to a tax avoidance scheme, what you're doing here isn't against the rules, it's just enormously immoral.

As for what you should do - change the cover art, keep the spoiler warning in the description but refer to the episode by number rather than name, and remove anything written there which is a spoiler. Better still, take the story down and put it back up after at least the official US air date. This story was released as a response to what was then the most recent episode. It was released over a month after the air date, and has, as you can see, quite a favourable number of upvotes. Holding off on publishing a story won't hurt your story if it's a story worth telling. I can only assume, since you appear to rush these stories out each week to follow hot on the tail of the latest episode, that yours being the first story on the site based on the episode is a key marketing ploy for you.

Spend more time on your stories, working to make them stories worth telling, and you shouldn't need a gimmick like that to sell them.

I'm out.

Fair enough! If that's how you feel, that's how you feel. I've let you know that I'm bothered by what you did here, which was all I meant to do, so, uh, up to you what to make of all this, I guess?

To clarify, though, my preference is to watch the episodes one at a time as they're aired, going in as blind as I possibly can, because that's how I get the most enjoyment and emotional intensity out of stuff. Between the description, the artwork and the title, this story's pretty definitively stopped me from doing that for one episode, and I'm a little confused as to why you bothered putting that "spoiler warning" bit in the description when you were spoiling so much elsewhere anyway. And, at the end of the day, I'd much rather not have to be wary of the Featured Box and New Stories column while new episodes are coming out for fear of being spoiled, which is why seeing this annoyed me.

I think it's been made pretty clear that we disagree on this topic, though, and while I can't exactly unsee this, you've been polite enough about it that I don't want to make much of a fuss. So while I will quietly hope you don't do this again, I'll do my best to not hold any ill will towards you and steer clear of your stories unless it's between seasons.

Anypony else notice that the episode this is based on seems to support the idea that Twilight and Spikes relationship is a mother-child one.

I know that's what we've been imagining all along, but the show always seemed to purposely avoid confirming it.

damn these salty paragraphs in the comments are glorious, someone should do a dramatic reading of them

it's not that deep bruv chill


I would have liked to see more development on Twilight and Spike's relationship.

This is genuinely really hilarious.
Great work mate! Looking forward to seeing whatever you publish next! :raritywink:

You know what, I'm done with being self-effacing... I thought so too. :moustache:

The fact that at LEAST two downvotes came from people who didn't even read it and just had a tantrum over being 'spoiled' at the reveal of Spike's fake father on the front cover (when you actually see him a minute into the episode, natch) may have smashed my modesty-o-meter into smithereens, but I can be a pretty funny author, can't I? :pinkiehappy:

As for what's next, well a clue can usually be found on my profile page these days. Go and check it out, if you so wish. :scootangel:

People should avoid complaining of spoilers when it comes to fanfic. It’s an inherent risk given that inspiration for stories can come from any point in the subject.

Great work on this chapter!

he wasn't his dad anyway m8 guess you flipped out for nothing

For some reason no one has made one of what Ember does to him when she finds out.

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