• Published 7th Aug 2018
  • 9,851 Views, 2,068 Comments

The Bug In The Basement - Skijarama

A changeling egg is left in the human world by its mother in a last-ditch effort to save it.

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Chapter 60: Family Reunion

Eventide spent the next several minutes just trying to get familiar with his new body. He was now a pony like Sunset had said, and his proportions were startlingly close to what he was used to seeing on Beebee. His mane was more or less the same as his usual hair, although it went down the back of his neck more than he was used to. Of course, he just had more neck then he was used to as well, so that didn’t help matters at all.

He didn’t have a horn as Sunset did, or any wings like Beebee, so that was one less oddity to juggle. Sadly, his tail made up for that by being really hard to try and figure out. It was shorter than Sunset’s by a fair amount, but it was still long enough to brush along his completely exposed flanks and hind legs.

Also, he was naked. That had been embarrassing until Sunset informed him that ponies didn’t typically wear clothes. That assurance had allowed him to focus more on his legs. And oh boy were those a nightmare. As in, he had no idea how to walk with them.

He had been able to push himself up onto all fours, but that was as far as he had gotten so far. So, to distract himself from his newfound physical difficulties, he took a moment to just look around and study his surroundings.

Now that he actually bothered to look, his mind was blown by what he was seeing. His eyes went wide, and his jaw fell open. The room he stood in was made up of blue crystals of varying hues. The ceiling was a solid twenty-five or thirty feet above him and was made of translucent, reinforced pale green glass to let in some sunlight. In the walls were various recesses were numerous archaic books of all shapes could be seen, neatly stacked and arranged.

Slowly turning around, taking his time with each movement to ensure he didn’t fall down, Eventide saw a mirror waiting for him. Its pastel purple frame was ornate and shaped vaguely like an elongated horseshoe. Oddly, the mirror was hooked up to all kinds of funky mechanical gizmos and machines. And, laying right in front of the mirror with a gaping jaw and wide, awestruck eyes, was Beebee.


Eventide’s first instinct was to run to his son, memories of the two being hurled away from each other on the way over returning to his mind. However, the second he tried to take a step, he pitched forward and crashed muzzle first into the crystal floor.

“Dang these stupid legs!”

The thud generated by the impact finally drew Beebee’s attention. He looked at Eventide, then giggled in amusement. “Heh. Dad? Is that you?” he asked before picking himself up. He wobbled on his hooves for a second, then trotted up to Eventide’s side.

“I want my feet back,” Eventide grumbled into the floor. “I liked my feet. They took me places and didn’t suck.”

Beebee pouted and looked at his hooves. “Are you saying my hooves suck?”

“Not yours,” Eventide corrected himself. “Yours are cute.”

Off to one side, Sunset laughed in amusement. “Well, glad to see the trip didn’t damage that wit of yours that Fluttershy likes so much,” she stated.

Eventide rotated his head to glare at her. “Har Har. Laugh it up, Sunshine.”

“Sunset,” Beebee quietly corrected him before looking up and around at the room again. “So… what is this place? It’s so cool…”

Sunset looked up and smiled fondly at the crystalline structure. “You’re standing in the castle of the Princess of Friendship, and my good friend, Twilight Sparkle. She’ll probably be wanting to know you’re here. I’ll go find her.”

“No need!” a new voice exclaimed before the set of double doors against the wall suddenly went flying open. On the other side, a pony with a horn and a big pair of feathery wings could be seen. She had lavender colored fur, a dark blue mane and tail, and a starburst symbol on her flanks. She had a wide-eyed and eager look on her face. “I heard the shouting when you all came through!”

“Twilight!” Sunset greeted, her face exploding into a big grin. She galloped forwards (Eventide was so jealous she could do that) and wrapped the other mare up in a tight hug. “It’s good to see you!”

“You too, Sunset!” The mare, Twilight, returned the gesture with a few happy flaps of her wings. She broke away from the hug after a moment and looked past Sunset to stare at the new arrivals. She then cleared her throat and approached the two with her head held high. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship here in Equestria. You must be Eventide and Beebee.”

“Er, yeah,” Eventide nodded from his position on the floor. “I, uh, I’d bow to you, your highness, but I kinda don’t know how to stand up.”

Twilight giggled an easy and frankly adorable sound. “Oh, don't worry, I’m not judging you. I know what it’s like. I will never get used to hands.”

“You’re a princess?” Beebee asked in a low voice, his eyes wide. “Is your dad the king?”

Twilight shook her head, her smile never fading. “Equestria doesn’t have a king, so no. I’m not even in charge right now. That honor goes to Princesses Celestia and Luna.”

“I’ve been here for ten minutes, and I’m already confused,” Eventide huffed before trying to stand. He flopped around like a fish for a few seconds before he finally got it right and pushed himself up into a stable standing position. “Ugh, hooves. Anyways, uh, Twilight. We came here because we’re supposed to meet Beebee’s birth parents.”

At the reminder of their mission, Beebee perked up. “Oh, right! Miss Twilight, where are they? Can we go see them?”

Twilight smiled and nodded her head. “Of course. They’re waiting for you a little deeper inside. They had a long trip to get here, so they’re resting in a lounge. I can take you to them-”

Eventide tried to take a step and promptly fell over like a fainting goat.

“...Just as soon as Eventide learns how to walk.”

He groaned.

It took the better part of thirty minutes and a lot of failed attempts, but Eventide was eventually able to figure out a simple pattern to walking, with Beebee and Twilight’s help. He was still a little unstable on his newfound hooves, so when it came time for them to make their way for the lounge, they moved slowly. This gave Beebee the chance to fly all over the place and look at every little thing with wonder and delight.

Eventide watched his adopted son losing himself in excitement, and despite his difficulties staying upright, he couldn’t help but smile, charmed by the sight. The smile only grew brighter when a certain thought occurred to him.

“This world is where Beebee came from. This is his home…”

It was a heartwarming thought. But there was an extra implication that just then started to nag at him, one that he didn’t want to think about. If Beebee was home, now, then… would he come back to Earth with Eventide?

He must have felt stronger about that question then he realized because Beebee suddenly looked right at him and came to a landing as he flew by. “Dad? Is something wrong?” he asked, and all eyes turned to look at him.

Eventide paused mid-step. He briefly looked sideways at the two ponies accompanying him, then shook his head. “No, Beebee. I’m fine. Just a little annoyed by these legs, that’s all,” he lied, hoping Beebee would buy it.

The skeptical look on the bug’s face told him otherwise, but to Eventide’s relief, he didn’t press the matter. He did stop flying around, however, instead choosing to fall into step beside Eventide, keeping close.

After a few more minutes of strolling through the halls, princess Twilight trotted ahead of them and came to a stop by a door that was like all the others. She gestured at it and offered Eventide and Beebee a small smile. “They’re right through here,” she said in a soft whisper. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Eventide came to a stop, his eyes studying the door in excruciating detail. This was it. After a month of preparing and waiting, after almost six years of wondering, they were about to finally meet Beebee’s real parents. Right through those doors, his adopted son’s origins were waiting to greet them with open arms.

He looked down at Beebee to find that he had a similarly apprehensive look on his face. He looked up at Eventide as if for permission. So, Eventide gave it. He slowly nodded his head, then looked up at Twilight. “...I think we’re as ready as we’re gonna be.”

Twilight nodded her head. Her horn suddenly lit up with a fuchsia-colored light, not unlike how Beebee’s would glow with green. That same glow enveloped the doors and pushed them open with a soft creak. She poked her head through once the gap was wide enough, looking at somebody that Eventide couldn’t see from here.

“They’re here,” she said before pulling her head back and stepping aside. She nodded at the two before gesturing for the door. “Head on in. We’ll leave you be, but don’t be afraid to call out if you need anything. You’re my guests here, after all.”

“Right… thank you,” Eventide said to her in a quiet voice before looking down at Beebee one more time. Then, as one, they trotted forwards and passed through the doors and into the lounge.

It was spacious, that was for sure. A low-lying wooden round table sat in the center of the room with four pink cushions set up around it. A collection of chairs, couches, loveseats, and general cushions were set up all around the edges of the room, accompanied by end tables and a few wooden bookcases loaded with more of those old tomes.

But none of that mattered to Eventide and Beebee as they entered the room. No, what they looked at were the two adult Changelings that suddenly stood up from a loveseat on the opposite end of the room from them.

They looked different than Eventide had been expecting. For one thing, they were both surprisingly colorful, and neither of them had the holes in their legs or the tatters in their wings that Beebee had.

The first one had chitin that was a soft shade of blue, reminding Eventide of the sky in the summertime. She had violet eyes that matched the color of her shell and the rounded fin that ran down the back of her neck.

Next to her was a taller Changeling with a broader build. His chitin was a light brown color, while his eyes were the same striking dark blue that Beebee so loved to default to whenever he shapeshifted. His fin, tail, and shell were a darker shade of brown that reminded Eventide a little of rich, fertile soil.

They simply stared at each other for a long while, neither side sure of what to say or do. The doors closed shut without a word from the ponies outside, leaving the family on their own.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of silence, Beebee mustered his courage and timidly stepped forward. His eyes were wide, and his jaw was open. His wings wavered on his back as he drew closer. Finally, perhaps ten feet away, he came to a stop and lowered himself to his haunches.

Finally, someone spoke. “H… H-Hello…” the blue one whispered, her voice so quiet that it was almost inaudible, even in the total silence of the room. She inched closer to Beebee before slowly lowering herself onto her belly. “...What’s your name?”

Beebee scuffed the floor with his hoof anxiously. “Uh… hi. My name’s Beebee,” he said softly before finally meeting her gaze.

“Beebee…” she whispered back at him, her eyes going wide. The brown one came forth to sit down beside her, giving Beebee a small smile.

“Hello, Beebee. My name is Lancea,” he introduced himself, placing a hoof on his chest. He then reached over and patted his partner on the back. “And this is my mate, Clypeus.”

Beebee looked back and forth between them for a few moments, his jaw opening and closing as he fished for words. In the end, he settled for two. “Mom? Dad?”

The look on Clypeus’ face when she heard those was beyond anything Eventide could describe. Tears began to well up in her eyes, and her lip began to tremble. “I… I…” she tried to speak, but the words would not come. So, instead, she lifted one of her hooves out to Beebee, as if beckoning him forward.

He hesitated for a second, looking unsure of himself. He swallowed heavily and took one small step. Then another. And then, all of a sudden, he lunged forwards, wrapping his hooves around Clypeus’ neck in a tight hug, one which she instantly returned. She sat upright, holding Beebee as close as possible and shielding him from the world with her hooves. It was as if she were afraid he might disappear if she didn’t. Lancea joined in the embrace, wrapping his forelegs around the both of them as tightly as he could and completely obscuring Beebee from view.

Eventide smiled at the sight, his heart going warm. A few instincts in his gut told him to run over and join them, but he held himself back. Clypeus and Lancea had waited to meet their son for five years, now. Eventide could wait his turn.

Or, at least, that was what he told himself. It seemed the family of joyfully weeping changelings had other plans, though.

Lancea suddenly looked up at him from the cuddle pile, making direct eye contact. “Why are you just standing there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Get over here.”

Eventide perked up slightly, looking left and right with a sheepish look on his face. “Oh, uh, I don’t want to intrude- WOAH!” he was cut off when he was suddenly encased in a purple glow and dragged across the room. He looked up to see that Clypeus’ horn had lit up, and she was now hauling him over in her magic.

Eventide could do nothing but grunt when he impacted the side of the tangled mess of limbs and tears. Lancea draped a foreleg over him, as did Clypeus, both of them pulling him in close with them and Beebee, who looked more than overjoyed at the group hug.

After taking a moment to adjust, Eventide got his bearings and looked up right into Clypeus’ eyes. She was still sobbing, tears rolling down her cheeks and her face split with the most overjoyed smile that Eventide had ever seen.

“Thank you,” she whispered between her sobs. “Thank you s-so m-much… I just… I… Y-you… Thank you.”

Eventide was at a loss for words. He stared back at her for several long moments before giving a shaky nod and his best smile. When he answered her, he settled with what he always had with Beebee.

The truth.

“You’re welcome. It’s my honor.”

Author's Note:

60 Chapters.
Five years.
At long last, the family is reunited.

Fun Fact: I got misty-eyed writing the last part of this chapter.

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