• Member Since 15th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Saturday


I love anime. Hahaha. No real point in sharing anything else.


Rainbow Dash was a different kind of mare. This was something that Rainbow Dash has been aware of all her life. For a long time, she didn't care what other ponies thought of her. Recently, however, it has come to her attention that there are ponies that don't see her for what she is... A MARE.


I would like to throw this out there right now. I wrote this fic for pure entertainment. I am in no way judging females or claim to know exactly how females act. I apologize if I offended anybody.

Editor: PanzerBrony Metallicom Thank you for your hard work!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 120 )

title and description made me remember an OLD fic where AJ and dash have.. bad days and try to Girly/Fancy up. AJ.. triend and failed to make a sale or something to snob client... and dash..
Dash got mistaken for a guy and got an offer into a.. collage or something.

It's funny because one or two of the synopsis incorrectly referred to Rainbow Dash with male pronouns. I also heard someone complain about Rainbow Dash in 28 Pranks Later saying "he has become the Bart Simpson of MLP". Also Commander Hurricane is a stallion (despite Fluttershy's use of female pronouns because she's probably thinking about Rainbow Dash first), though so is Clover the Clever.

Despite her major tomboyishness I still have an easier time seeing her as female than seeing Frieza as male.

*Without reading a chapter* Of course I do Rainbow, now go on and kiss Fluttershy. :derpytongue2:

I know right! How the hell is that thing male :rainbowhuh:

When I first started watching the show I thought she was male:rainbowderp:

Well it's easy to tell when he's in his second form. But his first form and even his fourth to a degree are easy to mistake for female.

Though with Rainbow Dash, I admit when I saw my first episode I wasn't 100% sure. I did lean more towards female, and confirmed it soon after when I used a female pronoun for her and my friend who introduced me to MLP didn't correct me. But now it's pretty easy to tell, and I have a hard time mistaking her for male.

To be quite fair, it took me years to find out Friza was male. Granted, my only interaction with Dragonball was Video Games on the Gameboy, but still...

Strangely never had that problem with RB, but that could be because of the fact that I knew she was female beforehand... on second thought, yeah probably that. :raritywink:

Wut? You mean the hottest, fuckable-in-the-ass-est stallion in ponyville is a mare?:applejackconfused:

So wait. That means the Mane Six aren't Rainbow's herd of mares either? My headcanon is shattered.

It's quite easy to tell in the Kai remake or the Ressuraction F movie, but in the original dub...well, there was a lot of confusion going on. Seriously, that Frieza voice sounded like an old lady.

It took me almost whole first season to realize that she is in fact "she" and not "he". AJ was tomboyish, but RD could as well have been a typical boy. At least if you ignore the implications of 5-to-1 herd in the context of generally scarce male population…

Yeah, a man did his voice in Kai and Resurrection F, though he seemed to base it off the Pauline Newstone voice

this is gonna be good

actually it close to equine population proportion. 3-5 mares per stallion.
Of course, i doubt that show was going so far as to base characters on biological profile of species, but equines are among those species where *female* is stronger and competitive. Essentially they could have inverted social roles if compare them to humans.

:rainbowdetermined2: I'm a mare...right?
:moustache: Well duh. :twilightsmile: easy peasy
:rainbowhuh: are you sure Spike?
:moustache: From where I stand most the time.....I'm positive! Oh....Oops!
:ajbemused: Spike!
:pinkiegasp: he saw my who haw too?!
:raritystarry: All this time? My Spikey would...would...Oh dear!
:flutterrage: Angel Bunny how could you!
:rainbowlaugh: Spike got all the mares!
:facehoof: now he has wings. . .what else will he see...
:moustache: pony ear wax???:derpytongue2:

Oh what the heck, I'll follow it. this should be a good laugh.

To author: I agree , behaviour is uncharacteristic to Dash. I suppose would take problem cooly and consider it being a challenge. Her insecurity and annoyance here is plausible though as result of missed sleep. :rainbowwild:

"I'll show them that I'm the awesome-st mare!" That's what I expect. Next stop is in spa...

And there we meet her in show as she is trying to get her pampered muscle massage.

:rainbowdetermined2: Flutershy, my oldest friend. Please tell these obviously-blind ponies what my gender is.
:flutterrage: Shame on you all for even asking!
:rainbowkiss: Yeah, you tell'em Fluttershy! It's so mind-bendingly obvious that I'm a-
:fluttershyouch: Rainbow is whatever gender s/he chooses to identify as.
:rainbowhuh: ...

I thought she was male for a long time too when I was first introduced to the show. Her voice made me think of the typical male protagonist in a lot of cartoons like Ash Ketchum from Pokémon, Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents, and Omi from Xiaolin Showdown. All of whom have somewhat scratchy voices. Ironically, those last two were voiced by Tara Strong.

:rainbowlaugh:I don't frankly know why so many people are confused about her gender, Rainbow Dash is obviously a Male, no duh:derpytongue2:


Before I watched the show I always thought she was a male. Probably cuz I payed close to zero attention to it. But when I figured out she was a she, I couldn't stop laughing at myself.

:twilightsmile:I think why people think she's a male is because is because of how Female actresses playing male characters use a similar scratchy voice and the writers use Masculine characteristics like with Bart. But in this case, those characteristics used for a female threw people off:pinkiehappy:

:rainbowlaugh: All I could think about while reading this was this!

I'll be honest. When I was a kid, if I had short hair, I would totally be confused for a boy. I grew out of "girly" stuff almost entirely when I was twelve, though I hadn't yet hit puberty. I liked to do a lot of the "boy" stuff: running around, playing games, video games, getting dirty, maybe a sport or three. I remember asking my dad what it meant to be a girl who liked all those things. He then simply told me, "Well, you like both still, right? And you know you are a girl, too, right? Then you are a Tomboy: a girl who likes boy stuff." I tell you what, it made me happy to no end. This story seems to stick Rainbow in a world where there isn't much inbetween. You are either a mare or a stallion and you can like either, or, or both. Trust me, I get the whole "but that's not how a lady is supposed to act." My favorite retort to that is, "Who the hell said I was a lady?"

Plot twist: Rainbow doesn't know which sex has ding-dongs or hoo-hahs. Guess which one she has. :rainbowderp:

It's like Patrick Stewart's disagreement with his wife on whether or not he was circumcised.


You Know I'm a Mare Right?

YEAH, you are! And a fine one at that. Let me treat you to dinner, if you’re up for it. :moustache:

Ran into a similar problem once, had someone in a class that if they talked I legitimately could not tell if it was a man or a woman. It was the most androgynous voice I have ever heard. Fortunately I was able to avoid any embarrassment or awkwardness with my go to solution of avoiding physical interaction like a plague.

Definitely a fun SoL concept. However, your grammer is a little bit off and the flow a bit clunky:

With great force, Rainbow Dash pushed herself through the cloud; Followed by her signature rainbow trail.

Like here you didn't need to put an adverb phrase at the start, I have no idea what the semicolon is doing there - and you don't put a capital after a semicolon as it is. :P Also the timing seems weird for me as you are still describing how she's left the cloud and in the same sentence (technically) her trail has already started. It needs to progress.

If I was trying to convey the same concept I'd write it something like:

Rainbow forced herself through the cloud and dove towards the orange dot below, trailing her signature chromatic streak.

It's still a bit clunky and I wouldn't use it in a piece, but you get the idea xD

You could do with pruning and rearranging a couple of bits, and the plot seems a bit "happenstancy", but that's a different matter entirely.
I'd recommend an editor. There are a few wandering around fimfiction these days, so they can't be that hard to find :P

OK, still very confused, but my brain was very close to completely restoring to factory settings getting too confused for my own good...

I had the same issues when I first started watching. My first exposure was "Return to Harmony", but I didn't really think that much about Rainbow then. But when I started going from Episode 1, I didn't figure her out until something like middle of Season 2, and that was only because of "May The Best Pet Win" where the other characters referred to RD as female.

So you went to school with Pat? :rainbowderp:

TBH, I first thought that Rainbow Dash was a Stallion at first when I first saw her image; this was before I actually started watching the show and reading MLP stories.

I thought it would have been good to have at least one Male character in the Mane 6 group to offset the amount of female lead roles and have another guy that Spike could hang with.


Thank you!

Unfortunately, the way I write is kind of fast-paced. XP I am always afraid that if I wrote stories in too strong detail, I lose the reader's interest. It is a writing habit that I constantly try to work on. Kind of like with another story I am currently writing, "A Changeling's Heart."

As for the semicolon and such, I am still "teaching" myself. As I write these stories I hope to expand my vocabulary.

There is a particular reason why I don't work with editors. Although I had an editor in the past, I still had people criticize the grammar and it caused a stir between the reader and editor. So I thought it was best for me to learn from others and gain the experience.

It is comments like yours that help me become a better writer as I hope to be and I thank you for taking the time to tell me. :twilightsmile:

I am hoping that in the future you enjoy future chapters!

Did you just assume RAINBOW Dash's gender, and on the Pride week too!?

This reminds me a bit about a Big Mac / RD fic where they were hanging out in a bar an somepony called RD a cute dude, which triggered RD. Everyone thought it was the gender, butt she didn't mind being called a dude, but calling her CUTE instead of, say, awesome? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :rainbowwild:

9008752 Well at least thanks to that we got the Spike/BM/Discord rpg group! :twistnerd:

I want to see where this will go!

That's kinda funny.

A lot of the time I call Rainbow Dash cute and then say she'd probably take offense to that. She'd probably be like Takato and say "Cool, not cute". But she is. Second only to Fluttershy, even though she's cool at the same time. Who says she can't be both? And you know it means something if she's not consciously trying to be cute, but it seemed like she was when she was dancing around in Testing Testing 1 2 3, that's the second most adorable face I've seen a pony make next to Fluttershy in the song at the beginning of Filli Vanilli. Also her fangirl moments in Daring Don't.

I admit to needing a few extra moments watching the show to realize Dash was a mare.

Close to, but they actually looked more like the love interest from the Pat movie.

I'd call RD "sweet" because that can mean BOTH cool and cute, though I'd do it from the cuteness perspective too. :rainbowkiss: RD is one of the characters that probably shows her emotions outwardly the most along with Pinkie, but RD also has insecurities and is very vulnerable under her bravado, which is why I really like her character. That and I personally value loyalty above other traits in people, so RD being the Element of that fits perfectly.


Heh, truth be told, for the first two seasons, I thought that both Dash and Scootaloot were males :twilightblush:

I can totally understand the confusion :unsuresweetie:

If it makes you feel better Dash, I always knew you were a mare from the get go.

RD: "Rarity...Make me into a mare."

R: "Ooh, darling I've been waiting years for you to ask!" *pulls out various test sketches and a few dresses*

RD: "...you've put way too much thought into this..."

R: "You should see the line I set up for Applejack..."

That is the perfect adjective for her, isn't it?

This was pretty funny. Liked and followed!

You know, the first time I ever saw the show, when I didn't know the names of any of the characters or anything, I actually thought Rainbow was male for a little while, just because her voice sounds more masculine.

I'm offended by your apology at giving offense.

This could be interesting. Tracking just in case. A few grammatical errors, but nothing egregious.

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