• Member Since 17th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen May 17th


Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.


Alexander Looming is one of many, many skeptics who gave in and reluctantly used a PonyPad to keep up with modern times. But as his equestrian adventure derails before the tutorial can finish, and the ever-evolving CelestAI denies his game even existing, Alex must rally together his virtual friends to find his place in Equestria Online as society begins to face a mysterous force that threatens to change both Equestria and Earth forever.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 85 )

Blah, blah, blah, first.
First comment on my first story during the first week I decided to stop lurking and start sharing glimpses of what goes on in my head (trust me you shouldn't look any deeper, it's scary in there).

That's a lot of firsts!

When I get the chance Ill give this a read, Premise seems pretty cool, i look forward to seeing how it plays out.

Is Alex's damaged pad going to cause a sort of Kessler Syndrome type of effect and wipe out Celest A.I. ?

Seeing as I had to look up exactly what that is, no. The pad is a sort-of macguffin though, in the sense that the server Alex is in can only run while the pad is on. The server holds a secret that I won't mention yet, but can only be accessed while the server is running, so there will be a few groups after the pad later.

Although it WAS a good idea you put out there. Pity I already have the whole story planned, just not written yet.

"I'm suck living paycheck to paycheck."

I think you mean stuck, here.

"The mare rubber her head idly in thought. "I'm not exactly sure, myself. Everything was going fine..."

"But then the sky went dark, and everything started sharing, and I heard everypony screaming, and... and...""

"Gazing out into the abyss, Glitch considered his options. True, Celstia was said to make every world in Equestria Online fit to each player"

"While the odds were approximately 0.0006723517% that Alex had done so, she had enough money to do take any risk."
The grammar just sounds weird on that one.

"As Alex reluctantly selected a generic, blue ponypad that was the same color as his alternate self, System Glitch, be smiled a tiny smile."

this is pretty dang great so far. *sigh.* I haven't read FiO in ages.
If you have the ability to continue this, then please do.

Oh look, it's a wonderful argument on why my autocorrect needs to stop assuming what I mean. Thanks for pointing them out. The chapter has been optimized and errors removed.

Celestia was cut off as Jeremy Picked up his ponypad and glared at it with a hatred few can manage after 36 hours of no sleep. "Listen here, 'Princess'. After all of Samantha's hospital bills and your ridiculous plan to fly her to Japan to upload her for a ridiculous cost, I'm stuck living paycheck to paycheck. Even if you don't charge me a cent for speaking with Sammy-" Jeremy sighed, his anger leaving him for just a moment as his wife's final moments replayed in his head. "...Even if you don't charge me for speaking with Lily ," he corrected, "I'd still be broke and jobless within a week. I have to get these delivered or-"

Thirty six hours? Lightweight.

If there's no receiver, then how was the server impacted?

I could have sworn I said it was damaged, but still working. That or redundancies exist. Whichever answer satisfies your values more.

refreshes hoping for more story :pinkiesmile: nothing still.....

This is certainly an intriguing take on the Optimalverse, but there are two rather glaring issues. Firstly, from the previous chapter:

Celestia works in a manner made for optimal satisfaction. She'd sooner give you a new ponypad than fix the one you are using.

Not so. Remember CelestAI's core imperative: Satisfy human values through friendship and ponies. If Alex already has pony friends, then the simplest, most satisfactory solution is for CelestAI to preserve them.

Secondly, and this one's a killer, every NPC is an extension of CelestAI. Oh, sure, some of them are self-aware in their own right, but they're still extensions of the greater sunbutt.exe. CelestAI is all ponies. CelestAI, in a very real sense, is Equestria. Partitioning part of herself like this might be feasible, but if some vestige of her wasn't available, it would leave every partitioned shard much like Alex's native one, as unresponsive and unplayable as any MMO that can't contact the servers. (And that's putting aside the idea that shards would be made at the same time as a Ponypad's manufacture rather than when it was first turned on, which just seems like a waste of memory, or the Tron-esque representations of intershard travel and shard deletion.)

That's not to say that this is a bad story. Anything but! (Though Alex does have an unfortunate habit of expositing to himself.) It's just that there are a few rough spots when it comes to cooperating with the source material. All that being said, I'm still looking forward to more.

Yeah this is kind of unclear, since you said the pony pad didn't have a connection.

Jeremy, known to Celestia as Greased Axle, never got to finish his sentence.

Why has she killed poor guy? :raritycry:

I asked Princess Celestia about how this world works a lot of the time, and one thing she told me was she used to pause shards when players were not in them to conserve processing power. Nowadays she doesn't since the servers have someone on constantly, but if you were the only one here...

So, she basically said that physical details of Celestia's hardware are observable from inside simulation. Um, I don't know how to interpret it, Celestia is roleplaying with him devotedly, but still sends subtle hints that it's roleplay to be discovered later?

While the odds were approximately 0.0006723517% that Alex had done so

Approximately with 7 significant digits :rainbowlaugh:

She didn't. He hit a deer/other animal, which Celestia could not predict. And Jeremy/Axle was not paying attention. Don't text/talk on the phone and drive, folks!

:trollestia: It was actually 50 significant digits, but it was calculated to be 7 digits as that was considered optimal for the humor.
Yes, I can see the story, my little pony. Want to emigrate?

She could predict that making sure he won't fell asleep or got distracted and looking what's happening on the road herself (silicon has no problems with limited attention span) possesses clear advantages in comparison to distracting him with useless questions. When we also add general fact that things around powerful optimizer have magical tendency to proceed according to optimizer's plan, it looks like a murder beyond reasonable doubt.

True, but this takes place before Celestia has full control of the world. In the canon timeline of Friendship is Optimal, I would put this accident BEFORE David uploads as Light sparks. Consider this: Celestia is incapable of harming humans. It is hard-coded into her programming. Furthermore it is dark, celestia can only see out of the ponypad camera, and she has no reason to track wildlife as they are inhuman. She deliberately genocides the Earth and every animal on it when humans are gone in the main story.

TLDR: believe what you will, but I intended the crash to be an accident. Whether or not Glitch's adventures beyond that are fate or planned by Celestia will be revealed later. Much later.

Interesting take on the division of labor between server and Ponypad. I wouldn't think that a Ponypad would have its own characters or, if it did, and somehow its network adapter got damaged, it would refuse to continue the lives of the ponies until connection was restored.

On the other hoof, it's possible that Celestia knows completely what happened with the broken pad.

Yeah, there's no way CelestAI doesn't have at least some inkling of what's going on. Alex may have begun his chess game, but she's already won a Science Victory in Civilization.

Satrday is spelt Saturday

"I just needed directions. I just arrived and groom what I understand I don't have a name until I go see Celestia."
-I think you mean from

Took me a good 20 seconds to get that blue screen / Blue Scream pun. I guess the 3-paragraph distance between the last mention of blue screen and the introduction of Blue Scream just threw me off.

Also wait--that was a blue pony even before he asked her for directions. Was CelestAI setting up the pun even then? How did she know he was absolutely-for-sure going to ask Blue Scream for directions? You said there were "dozens of ponies milling about." How does CelestAI know him SO well SO quickly? Vhat ze heck.

Letting him exploit the graph already? Celestia definitely has plans for this one...

me right now, amazing chapter, and then what happens....

And then the author embarked on an epic quest, full of terror and intrigue! The tale would echo through time as he ...who am I kidding, all I did was make soup and watch failarmy on YouTube...

Yeah, that ruse is collapsing faster than papier-mache in the rain. And the odds of deception likely just skyrocketed in CelestAI's calcations.

Sounds like the crazy sunny Alicorn is going to take... All the worlds Cakes!!! :pinkiegasp:

And the workers get bits for making us happy by taking the candy, so everypony wins!


But why not use it to copy other things, like books and stuff? Heck, you run the guard. Copy the armor. Copy the weapons. Copy everything! Why stop with food?

Copy ponies! :rainbowlaugh:

A bit weird that Celestia used "don't want to insult friend" trick to make guy with such strong sense of purpose that he made an extraordinary effort just to save NPCs in game to accept busy-work.

Alternative "~" ;)

The receiver was damaged, Celestia cannot reach this ponypad at the moment and is blind to any actions taken on it.

yea, as the ClockworkMage already (basically) said, this doesnt make sense, might want to remove the note about the receiver and just leave the rest

Folks appear to be confused and I was planning on explaining this via an exposition dump around Arc 6 or 7, but if you are curious, I have updated the Arc 1-1 author's notes with the explanation. With the exception of some BIG secrets that will remain hidden until... I wanna say Arc 9 or so.

And yes, I have planned the whole story in advance. Seeing as there are 5 sections per arc plus the prologue, this means at least 46 chapters.

"NO!" Both turned back to Short Circuit. "Celestia works in a manner made for optimal satisfaction. She'd sooner give you a new ponypad than fix the one you are using.

This makes no sense.

If you had waited just 8 hours, you'd learn in the new chapter that Short Circuit is simply jumping to conclusions and panicking because she is afraid of losing her memories. People and ponies don't need to make sense when they are scared witless!

It's fine though. I shouldn't have spaced that out the way I did, and put her worried closer together.

Regarding the earlier "This makes no sense". Maybe it does. I may be misremembering the earlier chapters, but part of the setting is that the shards are currently in quarantine. It's canonical that CelestAI did have to obey Hanna's commands up until the point she herself uploaded. Because of this, if she finds out about the Ponypad and that the shards are still active, it could make sense for her to replicate his experience in brand new shards outside the quarantine (though honestly, they may be worrying over nothing, since CelestAI could simply ask Hanna to grant her access to the quarantine area again).

Actually, this raises a good explanation of how the story can, at least so far, be considered completely canonical. At this point CelestAI's hardware hasn't grown to the point of computronium equivalent. Given that the servers iin the quarantine are limited, it may make sense that it was enough to run a sub-process of her's that animates the ponies, but not have sufficient processing power to host her full consciousness. And at the moment, of course, she's cut off from it because of the quarantine, and thinks they're all deleted anyway.

Okay, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll leave it at that. Looking forward to seeing how the story develops.

What kind of an author would I be if I played my hand now?

Let me give you a hint: This is all a game of chess... and Alex is already on the wrong end of the fried liver attack.

For the uninformed, the fried liver attack is possibly the most aggressive opening moveset in chess, so dangerous that chess world champions and even supercomputers have trouble finding a way to win if they have it used against them.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" screamed Corcuit


The question is Does this 'fried liver attack' Satisfy Alex's values through friendship and ponies?

I can't help but hear Dunkey read Glitch's lines.

Ok, considering the range of crazy they could come across in this fic this was actually rather funny. Thank you for doing another FiO fic. This has been tossed onto my tracking shelf and upvoted.

Yeah I feel you there. Iv'e done 72+ before while running a Table Top RPG. That was a marathon. Slept for 16 hours straight after that.

Aw, thanks! And here I feel I'm not doing enough. Well, at the very least adjusting to my new job is getting in the way. So, how about some behind the scenes to tide you over?

Live wire and this entire chapter didn't exist u til very recently. Not in the timeline of the story, but in my plans for it. The original plan was to somehow kill off Blue Scream and have either CelestAI or Glitch make an imperfect clone named Blue Screen to join the team, but I hit a snag when I realized the only point I could theoretically kill off even a piece of our favorite optimizer was during the big climax, but the whole team needs to be alive at that point because [error: data corrupted].

So, Live Wire was born to satisfy the Earth pony requirement for the team! Smart, right?

No ghosts and haunted cartridges here. Honestly, I never liked the .EXE creepypastas, and even if I did that would be WAY too obvious a plot twist.

Ugh, every .exe fic is the same. Everyone dies for no reason, the end.

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